"""Sanity test to check integration test aliases.""" from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function) __metaclass__ = type import textwrap import re import os from .. import types as t from ..sanity import ( SanityVersionNeutral, SanityMessage, SanityFailure, SanitySuccess, SanityTargets, ) from ..config import ( SanityConfig, ) from ..target import ( filter_targets, walk_posix_integration_targets, walk_windows_integration_targets, walk_integration_targets, walk_module_targets, ) from ..cloud import ( get_cloud_platforms, ) from ..io import ( read_text_file, ) from ..util import ( display, ) from ..util_common import ( write_json_test_results, ResultType, ) class IntegrationAliasesTest(SanityVersionNeutral): """Sanity test to evaluate integration test aliases.""" SHIPPABLE_YML = 'shippable.yml' DISABLED = 'disabled/' UNSTABLE = 'unstable/' UNSUPPORTED = 'unsupported/' EXPLAIN_URL = 'https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/devel/dev_guide/testing/sanity/integration-aliases.html' TEMPLATE_DISABLED = """ The following integration tests are **disabled** [[explain]({explain_url}#disabled)]: {tests} Consider fixing the integration tests before or alongside changes. """ TEMPLATE_UNSTABLE = """ The following integration tests are **unstable** [[explain]({explain_url}#unstable)]: {tests} Tests may need to be restarted due to failures unrelated to changes. """ TEMPLATE_UNSUPPORTED = """ The following integration tests are **unsupported** [[explain]({explain_url}#unsupported)]: {tests} Consider running the tests manually or extending test infrastructure to add support. """ TEMPLATE_UNTESTED = """ The following modules have **no integration tests** [[explain]({explain_url}#untested)]: {tests} Consider adding integration tests before or alongside changes. """ ansible_only = True def __init__(self): super(IntegrationAliasesTest, self).__init__() self._shippable_yml_lines = [] # type: t.List[str] self._shippable_test_groups = {} # type: t.Dict[str, t.Set[int]] @property def can_ignore(self): # type: () -> bool """True if the test supports ignore entries.""" return False @property def no_targets(self): # type: () -> bool """True if the test does not use test targets. Mutually exclusive with all_targets.""" return True @property def shippable_yml_lines(self): """ :rtype: list[str] """ if not self._shippable_yml_lines: self._shippable_yml_lines = read_text_file(self.SHIPPABLE_YML).splitlines() return self._shippable_yml_lines @property def shippable_test_groups(self): """ :rtype: dict[str, set[int]] """ if not self._shippable_test_groups: matches = [re.search(r'^[ #]+- env: T=(?P[^/]+)/(?P.+)/(?P[1-9][0-9]?)$', line) for line in self.shippable_yml_lines] entries = [(match.group('group'), int(match.group('number'))) for match in matches if match] for key, value in entries: if key not in self._shippable_test_groups: self._shippable_test_groups[key] = set() self._shippable_test_groups[key].add(value) return self._shippable_test_groups def format_shippable_group_alias(self, name, fallback=''): """ :type name: str :type fallback: str :rtype: str """ group_numbers = self.shippable_test_groups.get(name, None) if group_numbers: if min(group_numbers) != 1: display.warning('Min test group "%s" in shippable.yml is %d instead of 1.' % (name, min(group_numbers)), unique=True) if max(group_numbers) != len(group_numbers): display.warning('Max test group "%s" in shippable.yml is %d instead of %d.' % (name, max(group_numbers), len(group_numbers)), unique=True) if max(group_numbers) > 9: alias = 'shippable/%s/group(%s)/' % (name, '|'.join(str(i) for i in range(min(group_numbers), max(group_numbers) + 1))) elif len(group_numbers) > 1: alias = 'shippable/%s/group[%d-%d]/' % (name, min(group_numbers), max(group_numbers)) else: alias = 'shippable/%s/group%d/' % (name, min(group_numbers)) elif fallback: alias = 'shippable/%s/group%d/' % (fallback, 1) else: raise Exception('cannot find test group "%s" in shippable.yml' % name) return alias def test(self, args, targets): """ :type args: SanityConfig :type targets: SanityTargets :rtype: TestResult """ if args.explain: return SanitySuccess(self.name) if not os.path.isfile(self.SHIPPABLE_YML): return SanityFailure(self.name, messages=[SanityMessage( message='file missing', path=self.SHIPPABLE_YML, )]) results = dict( comments=[], labels={}, ) self.check_changes(args, results) write_json_test_results(ResultType.BOT, 'data-sanity-ci.json', results) messages = [] messages += self.check_posix_targets(args) messages += self.check_windows_targets() if messages: return SanityFailure(self.name, messages=messages) return SanitySuccess(self.name) def check_posix_targets(self, args): """ :type args: SanityConfig :rtype: list[SanityMessage] """ posix_targets = tuple(walk_posix_integration_targets()) clouds = get_cloud_platforms(args, posix_targets) cloud_targets = ['cloud/%s/' % cloud for cloud in clouds] all_cloud_targets = tuple(filter_targets(posix_targets, ['cloud/'], include=True, directories=False, errors=False)) invalid_cloud_targets = tuple(filter_targets(all_cloud_targets, cloud_targets, include=False, directories=False, errors=False)) messages = [] for target in invalid_cloud_targets: for alias in target.aliases: if alias.startswith('cloud/') and alias != 'cloud/': if any(alias.startswith(cloud_target) for cloud_target in cloud_targets): continue messages.append(SanityMessage('invalid alias `%s`' % alias, '%s/aliases' % target.path)) messages += self.check_ci_group( targets=tuple(filter_targets(posix_targets, ['cloud/', 'shippable/generic/'], include=False, directories=False, errors=False)), find=self.format_shippable_group_alias('linux').replace('linux', 'posix'), find_incidental=['shippable/posix/incidental/'], ) messages += self.check_ci_group( targets=tuple(filter_targets(posix_targets, ['shippable/generic/'], include=True, directories=False, errors=False)), find=self.format_shippable_group_alias('generic'), ) for cloud in clouds: messages += self.check_ci_group( targets=tuple(filter_targets(posix_targets, ['cloud/%s/' % cloud], include=True, directories=False, errors=False)), find=self.format_shippable_group_alias(cloud, 'cloud'), find_incidental=['shippable/%s/incidental/' % cloud, 'shippable/cloud/incidental/'], ) return messages def check_windows_targets(self): """ :rtype: list[SanityMessage] """ windows_targets = tuple(walk_windows_integration_targets()) messages = [] messages += self.check_ci_group( targets=windows_targets, find=self.format_shippable_group_alias('windows'), find_incidental=['shippable/windows/incidental/'], ) return messages def check_ci_group(self, targets, find, find_incidental=None): """ :type targets: tuple[CompletionTarget] :type find: str :type find_incidental: list[str] | None :rtype: list[SanityMessage] """ all_paths = set(target.path for target in targets) supported_paths = set(target.path for target in filter_targets(targets, [find], include=True, directories=False, errors=False)) unsupported_paths = set(target.path for target in filter_targets(targets, [self.UNSUPPORTED], include=True, directories=False, errors=False)) if find_incidental: incidental_paths = set(target.path for target in filter_targets(targets, find_incidental, include=True, directories=False, errors=False)) else: incidental_paths = set() unassigned_paths = all_paths - supported_paths - unsupported_paths - incidental_paths conflicting_paths = supported_paths & unsupported_paths unassigned_message = 'missing alias `%s` or `%s`' % (find.strip('/'), self.UNSUPPORTED.strip('/')) conflicting_message = 'conflicting alias `%s` and `%s`' % (find.strip('/'), self.UNSUPPORTED.strip('/')) messages = [] for path in unassigned_paths: messages.append(SanityMessage(unassigned_message, '%s/aliases' % path)) for path in conflicting_paths: messages.append(SanityMessage(conflicting_message, '%s/aliases' % path)) return messages def check_changes(self, args, results): """ :type args: SanityConfig :type results: dict[str, any] """ integration_targets = list(walk_integration_targets()) module_targets = list(walk_module_targets()) integration_targets_by_name = dict((target.name, target) for target in integration_targets) module_names_by_path = dict((target.path, target.module) for target in module_targets) disabled_targets = [] unstable_targets = [] unsupported_targets = [] for command in [command for command in args.metadata.change_description.focused_command_targets if 'integration' in command]: for target in args.metadata.change_description.focused_command_targets[command]: if self.DISABLED in integration_targets_by_name[target].aliases: disabled_targets.append(target) elif self.UNSTABLE in integration_targets_by_name[target].aliases: unstable_targets.append(target) elif self.UNSUPPORTED in integration_targets_by_name[target].aliases: unsupported_targets.append(target) untested_modules = [] for path in args.metadata.change_description.no_integration_paths: module = module_names_by_path.get(path) if module: untested_modules.append(module) comments = [ self.format_comment(self.TEMPLATE_DISABLED, disabled_targets), self.format_comment(self.TEMPLATE_UNSTABLE, unstable_targets), self.format_comment(self.TEMPLATE_UNSUPPORTED, unsupported_targets), self.format_comment(self.TEMPLATE_UNTESTED, untested_modules), ] comments = [comment for comment in comments if comment] labels = dict( needs_tests=bool(untested_modules), disabled_tests=bool(disabled_targets), unstable_tests=bool(unstable_targets), unsupported_tests=bool(unsupported_targets), ) results['comments'] += comments results['labels'].update(labels) def format_comment(self, template, targets): """ :type template: str :type targets: list[str] :rtype: str | None """ if not targets: return None tests = '\n'.join('- %s' % target for target in targets) data = dict( explain_url=self.EXPLAIN_URL, tests=tests, ) message = textwrap.dedent(template).strip().format(**data) return message