# test code for the script module when using winrm connection # (c) 2014, Chris Church <chris@ninemoreminutes.com> # This file is part of Ansible # # Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Ansible. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. - name: get tempdir path raw: $env:TEMP register: tempdir - name: set script path dynamically set_fact: test_win_script_filename: "{{ tempdir.stdout_lines[0] }}/testing_win_script.txt" - name: run simple test script script: test_script.ps1 register: test_script_result - name: check that script ran assert: that: - "test_script_result.rc == 0" - "test_script_result.stdout" - "'Woohoo' in test_script_result.stdout" - "not test_script_result.stderr" - "test_script_result is not failed" - "test_script_result is changed" - name: run test script that takes arguments including a unicode char script: test_script_with_args.ps1 /this /that /Ӧther register: test_script_with_args_result - name: check that script ran and received arguments and returned unicode assert: that: - "test_script_with_args_result.rc == 0" - "test_script_with_args_result.stdout" - "test_script_with_args_result.stdout_lines[0] == '/this'" - "test_script_with_args_result.stdout_lines[1] == '/that'" - "test_script_with_args_result.stdout_lines[2] == '/Ӧther'" - "not test_script_with_args_result.stderr" - "test_script_with_args_result is not failed" - "test_script_with_args_result is changed" # Bug: https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/32850 - name: set fact of long string set_fact: long_string: "{{ lookup('pipe', 'printf \"a%.0s\" {1..1000}') }}" - name: run test script with args that exceed the stdin buffer script: test_script_with_args.ps1 {{ long_string }} register: test_script_with_large_args_result - name: check that script ran and received arguments correctly assert: that: - test_script_with_large_args_result.rc == 0 - test_script_with_large_args_result.stdout == long_string + "\r\n" - not test_script_with_large_args_result.stderr - test_script_with_large_args_result is not failed - test_script_with_large_args_result is changed - name: run test script that takes parameters passed via splatting script: test_script_with_splatting.ps1 @{ This = 'this'; That = '{{ test_win_script_value }}'; Other = 'other'} register: test_script_with_splatting_result - name: check that script ran and received parameters via splatting assert: that: - "test_script_with_splatting_result.rc == 0" - "test_script_with_splatting_result.stdout" - "test_script_with_splatting_result.stdout_lines[0] == 'this'" - "test_script_with_splatting_result.stdout_lines[1] == test_win_script_value" - "test_script_with_splatting_result.stdout_lines[2] == 'other'" - "not test_script_with_splatting_result.stderr" - "test_script_with_splatting_result is not failed" - "test_script_with_splatting_result is changed" - name: run test script that takes splatted parameters from a variable script: test_script_with_splatting.ps1 {{ test_win_script_splat }} register: test_script_with_splatting2_result - name: check that script ran and received parameters via splatting from a variable assert: that: - "test_script_with_splatting2_result.rc == 0" - "test_script_with_splatting2_result.stdout" - "test_script_with_splatting2_result.stdout_lines[0] == 'THIS'" - "test_script_with_splatting2_result.stdout_lines[1] == 'THAT'" - "test_script_with_splatting2_result.stdout_lines[2] == 'OTHER'" - "not test_script_with_splatting2_result.stderr" - "test_script_with_splatting2_result is not failed" - "test_script_with_splatting2_result is changed" - name: run test script that has errors script: test_script_with_errors.ps1 register: test_script_with_errors_result ignore_errors: true - name: check that script ran but failed with errors assert: that: - "test_script_with_errors_result.rc != 0" - "not test_script_with_errors_result.stdout" - "test_script_with_errors_result.stderr" - "test_script_with_errors_result is failed" - "test_script_with_errors_result is changed" - name: cleanup test file if it exists raw: Remove-Item "{{ test_win_script_filename }}" -Force ignore_errors: true - name: run test script that creates a file script: test_script_creates_file.ps1 {{ test_win_script_filename }} args: creates: "{{ test_win_script_filename }}" register: test_script_creates_file_result - name: check that script ran and indicated a change assert: that: - "test_script_creates_file_result.rc == 0" - "not test_script_creates_file_result.stdout" - "not test_script_creates_file_result.stderr" - "test_script_creates_file_result is not failed" - "test_script_creates_file_result is changed" - name: run test script that creates a file again script: test_script_creates_file.ps1 {{ test_win_script_filename }} args: creates: "{{ test_win_script_filename }}" register: test_script_creates_file_again_result - name: check that the script did not run since the remote file exists assert: that: - "test_script_creates_file_again_result is not failed" - "test_script_creates_file_again_result is not changed" - "test_script_creates_file_again_result is skipped" - name: run test script that removes a file script: test_script_removes_file.ps1 {{ test_win_script_filename }} args: removes: "{{ test_win_script_filename }}" register: test_script_removes_file_result - name: check that the script ran since the remote file exists assert: that: - "test_script_removes_file_result.rc == 0" - "not test_script_removes_file_result.stdout" - "not test_script_removes_file_result.stderr" - "test_script_removes_file_result is not failed" - "test_script_removes_file_result is changed" - name: run test script that removes a file again script: test_script_removes_file.ps1 {{ test_win_script_filename }} args: removes: "{{ test_win_script_filename }}" register: test_script_removes_file_again_result - name: check that the script did not run since the remote file does not exist assert: that: - "test_script_removes_file_again_result is not failed" - "test_script_removes_file_again_result is not changed" - "test_script_removes_file_again_result is skipped" # TODO: these tests fail on 2008 (not even R2) with no output. It's related to the default codepage being UTF8- if we force it back to 437, it works fine. # Need to figure out a sane place to do that under the new exec wrapper. #- name: run simple batch file # script: test_script.bat # register: test_batch_result # #- name: check that batch file ran # assert: # that: # - "test_batch_result.rc == 0" # - "test_batch_result.stdout" # - "'batch' in test_batch_result.stdout" # - "not test_batch_result.stderr" # - "test_batch_result is not failed" # - "test_batch_result is changed" #- name: run simple batch file with .cmd extension # script: test_script.cmd # register: test_cmd_result # #- name: check that batch file with .cmd extension ran # assert: # that: # - "test_cmd_result.rc == 0" # - "test_cmd_result.stdout" # - "'cmd extension' in test_cmd_result.stdout" # - "not test_cmd_result.stderr" # - "test_cmd_result is not failed" # - "test_cmd_result is changed" - name: run test script that takes a boolean parameter script: test_script_bool.ps1 $false # use false as that can pick up more errors register: test_script_bool_result - name: check that the script ran and the parameter was treated as a boolean assert: that: - test_script_bool_result.stdout_lines[0] == 'System.Boolean' - test_script_bool_result.stdout_lines[1] == 'False' - name: run test script that uses envvars script: test_script_with_env.ps1 environment: taskenv: task register: test_script_env_result - name: ensure that script ran and that environment var was passed assert: that: - test_script_env_result is successful - test_script_env_result.stdout_lines[0] == 'task' # check mode - name: Run test script that creates a file in check mode script: test_script_creates_file.ps1 {{ test_win_script_filename }} args: creates: "{{ test_win_script_filename }}" check_mode: yes register: test_script_creates_file_check_mode - name: Get state of file created by script win_stat: path: "{{ test_win_script_filename }}" register: create_file_stat - name: Assert that a change was reported but the script did not make changes assert: that: - test_script_creates_file_check_mode is changed - not create_file_stat.stat.exists - name: Run test script that creates a file script: test_script_creates_file.ps1 {{ test_win_script_filename }} args: creates: "{{ test_win_script_filename }}" - name: Run test script that removes a file in check mode script: test_script_removes_file.ps1 {{ test_win_script_filename }} args: removes: "{{ test_win_script_filename }}" check_mode: yes register: test_script_removes_file_check_mode - name: Get state of file removed by script win_stat: path: "{{ test_win_script_filename }}" register: remove_file_stat - name: Assert that a change was reported but the script did not make changes assert: that: - test_script_removes_file_check_mode is changed - remove_file_stat.stat.exists - name: run test script with become that outputs 2 lines script: test_script_whoami.ps1 register: test_script_result_become become: yes become_user: SYSTEM become_method: runas - name: check that the script ran and we get both outputs on new lines assert: that: - test_script_result_become.stdout_lines[0]|lower == 'nt authority\\system' - test_script_result_become.stdout_lines[1] == 'finished'