.TH ANSIBLE.FIREBALL 5 "2012-10-02" "0.8" "ANSIBLE MODULES" ." generated from library/fireball .SH NAME fireball \- Enable fireball mode on remote node ." ------ DESCRIPTION .SH DESCRIPTION .PP This modules launches an ephemeral \fIfireball\fR ZeroMQ message bus daemon on the remote node which Ansible can to communicate with nodes at high speed. .PP The daemon listens on a configurable port for a configurable amount of time. .PP Starting a new fireball as a given user terminates any existing user fireballs. .PP Fireball mode is AES encrypted ." ------ OPTIONS ." ." .SH OPTIONS .IP minutes The \fIfireball\fR listener daemon is started on nodes and will stay around for this number of minutes before turning itself off. (default: 30) .IP port TCP port for ZeroMQ (default: 5099)." ." ." ------ NOTES .SH NOTES .PP See the advanced playbooks chapter for more about using fireball mode. ." ." ." ------ EXAMPLES .SH EXAMPLES .PP .nf - hosts: devservers gather_facts: false connection: ssh sudo: yes tasks: - action: fireball - hosts: devservers connection: fireball tasks: - action: command /usr/bin/anything .fi ." ------- AUTHOR .SH AUTHOR Michael DeHaan .SH SEE ALSO .IR ansible (1), .I http://ansible.github.com/modules.html#fireball