.TH ANSIBLE.MYSQL_DB 5 "2012-10-02" "0.8" "ANSIBLE MODULES" ." generated from library/mysql_db .SH NAME mysql_db \- Add or remove MySQL databases from a remote host. ." ------ DESCRIPTION .SH DESCRIPTION .PP Add or remove MySQL databases from a remote host. ." ------ OPTIONS ." ." .SH OPTIONS .IP state The database state .IR Choices : present,absent. (default: present) .IP name name of the database to add or remove(required) .IP encoding Encoding mode .IP collation Collation mode .IP login_user The username used to authenticate with .IP login_host Host running the database (default: localhost) .IP login_password The password used to authenticate with." ." ." ------ NOTES .SH NOTES .PP Requires the MySQLdb Python package on the remote host. For Ubuntu, this is as easy as apt-get install python-mysqldb. .PP Both \fClogin_password\fR and \fClogin_username\fR are required when you are passing credentials. If none are present, the module will attempt to read the credentials from \fC~/.my.cnf\fR, and finally fall back to using the MySQL default login of 'root' with no password. ." ." ." ------ EXAMPLES .SH EXAMPLES .PP .nf mysql_db db=bobdata state=present .fi ." ------- AUTHOR .SH AUTHOR Mark Theunissen .SH SEE ALSO .IR ansible (1), .I http://ansible.github.com/modules.html#mysql-db