.TH ANSIBLE.NAGIOS 5 "2012-10-02" "0.8" "ANSIBLE MODULES" ." generated from library/nagios .SH NAME nagios \- Perform common tasks in Nagios related to downtime and notifications. ." ------ DESCRIPTION .SH DESCRIPTION .PP The \fInagios\fR module has two basic functions: scheduling downtime and toggling alerts for services or hosts. .PP All actions require the \fChost\fR parameter to be given explicitly. In playbooks you can use the \fC$inventory_hostname\fR variable to refer to the host the playbook is currently running on. .PP You can specify multiple services at once by separating them with commas, .e.g., \fCservices=httpd,nfs,puppet\fR. .PP When specifying what service to handle there is a special service value, \fIhost\fR, which will handle alerts/downtime for the \fIhost itself\fR, e.g., \fCservice=host\fR. This keyword may not be given with other services at the same time. \fISetting alerts/downtime for a host does not affect alerts/downtime for any of the services running on it.\fR .PP When using the \fInagios\fR module you will need to specify your nagios server using the \fCdelegate_to\fR parameter. ." ------ OPTIONS ." ." .SH OPTIONS .IP action Action to take. .IR Choices : downtime,enable_alerts,disable_alerts,silence,unsilence.(required) .IP host Host to operate on in Nagios.(required) .IP author Author to leave downtime comments as. - Only useable with the \fCdowntime\fR action. (default: Ansible) .IP services What to manage downtime/alerts for. Separate multiple services with commas.\fCservice\fR is an alias for \fCservices\fR.\fBRequired\fR option when using the \fCdowntime\fR, \fCenable_alerts\fR, and \fCdisable_alerts\fR actions.(required) .IP minutes Minutes to schedule downtime for.Only useable with the \fCdowntime\fR action. (default: 30) .IP cmdfile Path to the nagios \fIcommand file\fR (FIFO pipe).Only required if auto-detection fails. (default: auto-detected)." ." ." ------ NOTES ." ." ." ------ EXAMPLES .SH EXAMPLES .PP .nf nagios action=downtime minutes=30 service=httpd host=$inventory_hostname .fi .PP .nf nagios action=downtime minutes=60 service=host host=$inventory_hostname .fi .PP .nf nagios action=downtime services=frob,foobar,qeuz host=$inventory_hostname .fi .PP .nf nagios action=enable_alerts service=smart host=$inventory_hostname .fi .PP .nf nagios action=disable_alerts service=httpd,nfs host=$inventory_hostname .fi .PP .nf nagios action=disable_alerts service=host host=$inventory_hostname .fi .PP .nf nagios action=silence host=$inventory_hostname .fi .PP .nf nagios action=unsilence host=$inventory_hostname .fi ." ------- AUTHOR .SH AUTHOR Tim Bielawa .SH SEE ALSO .IR ansible (1), .I http://ansible.github.com/modules.html#nagios