.TH ANSIBLE.PIP 5 "2012-10-02" "0.8" "ANSIBLE MODULES" ." generated from library/pip .SH NAME pip \- Manages Python library dependencies. ." ------ DESCRIPTION .SH DESCRIPTION .PP Manage Python library dependencies. ." ------ OPTIONS ." ." .SH OPTIONS .IP virtualenv An optional path to a virtualenv directory to install into .IP state The state of module .IR Choices : present,absent,latest. (default: present) .IP version The version number to install of the Python library specified in the 'name' parameter .IP requirements The path to a pip requirements file .IP name The name of a Python library to install(required)." ." ." ------ NOTES .SH NOTES .PP Please note that \fIhttp://www.virtualenv.org/, virtualenv\fR must be installed on the remote host if the virtualenv parameter is specified. ." ." ." ------ EXAMPLES .SH EXAMPLES .PP .nf pip name=flask .fi .PP .nf pip name=flask version=0.8 .fi .PP .nf pip name=flask virtualenv=/srv/webapps/my_app/venv .fi .PP .nf pip requirements=/srv/webapps/my_app/src/requirements.txt .fi .PP .nf pip requirements=/srv/webapps/my_app/src/requirements.txt virtualenv=/srv/webapps/my_app/venv .fi ." ------- AUTHOR .SH AUTHOR Matt Wright .SH SEE ALSO .IR ansible (1), .I http://ansible.github.com/modules.html#pip