- module_defaults: group/aws: aws_secret_key: "{{ aws_secret_key }}" aws_access_key: "{{ aws_access_key }}" security_token: "{{ security_token|default(omit) }}" region: "{{ aws_region }}" block: # This should exist, but there's no expectation that the test user should be able to # create/update this role, merely validate that it's there. # Use ansible -m iam_role -a 'name=ansible_lambda_role # assume_role_policy_document={{ lookup("file", "test/integration/targets/sns_topic/files/lambda-trust-policy.json", convert_data=False) }} # ' -vvv localhost # to create this through more privileged credentials before running this test suite. - name: create minimal lambda role iam_role: name: ansible_lambda_role assume_role_policy_document: "{{ lookup('file', 'lambda-trust-policy.json', convert_data=False) }}" create_instance_profile: no register: iam_role - name: pause if role was created pause: seconds: 10 when: iam_role is changed - name: ensure lambda role policy exists iam_policy: policy_name: "ansible_lambda_role_policy" iam_name: ansible_lambda_role iam_type: role policy_json: "{{ lookup('file', 'lambda-policy.json') }}" state: present register: iam_policy - name: pause if policy was created pause: seconds: 10 when: iam_policy is changed - name: create topic sns_topic: name: "{{ sns_topic_topic_name }}" display_name: "My topic name" register: sns_topic_create - name: assert that creation worked assert: that: - sns_topic_create.changed - name: set sns_arn fact set_fact: sns_arn: "{{ sns_topic_create.sns_arn }}" - name: create topic again (expect changed=False) sns_topic: name: "{{ sns_topic_topic_name }}" display_name: "My topic name" register: sns_topic_no_change - name: assert that recreation had no effect assert: that: - not sns_topic_no_change.changed - sns_topic_no_change.sns_arn == sns_topic_create.sns_arn - name: update display name sns_topic: name: "{{ sns_topic_topic_name }}" display_name: "My new topic name" register: sns_topic_update_name - name: assert that updating name worked assert: that: - sns_topic_update_name.changed - 'sns_topic_update_name.sns_topic.display_name == "My new topic name"' - name: add policy sns_topic: name: "{{ sns_topic_topic_name }}" display_name: "My new topic name" policy: "{{ lookup('template', 'initial-policy.json') }}" register: sns_topic_add_policy - name: assert that adding policy worked assert: that: - sns_topic_add_policy.changed - name: rerun same policy sns_topic: name: "{{ sns_topic_topic_name }}" display_name: "My new topic name" policy: "{{ lookup('template', 'initial-policy.json') }}" register: sns_topic_rerun_policy - name: assert that rerunning policy had no effect assert: that: - not sns_topic_rerun_policy.changed - name: update policy sns_topic: name: "{{ sns_topic_topic_name }}" display_name: "My new topic name" policy: "{{ lookup('template', 'updated-policy.json') }}" register: sns_topic_update_policy - name: assert that updating policy worked assert: that: - sns_topic_update_policy.changed - name: add delivery policy sns_topic: name: "{{ sns_topic_topic_name }}" display_name: "My new topic name" delivery_policy: http: defaultHealthyRetryPolicy: minDelayTarget: 20 maxDelayTarget: 20 numRetries: 3 numMaxDelayRetries: 0 numNoDelayRetries: 0 numMinDelayRetries: 0 backoffFunction: 'linear' register: sns_topic_add_delivery_policy - name: assert that adding delivery policy worked vars: delivery_policy: '{{ sns_topic_add_delivery_policy.sns_topic.delivery_policy | from_json }}' assert: that: - sns_topic_add_delivery_policy.changed - delivery_policy.http.defaultHealthyRetryPolicy.minDelayTarget == 20 - delivery_policy.http.defaultHealthyRetryPolicy.maxDelayTarget == 20 - delivery_policy.http.defaultHealthyRetryPolicy.numRetries == 3 - name: rerun same delivery policy sns_topic: name: "{{ sns_topic_topic_name }}" display_name: "My new topic name" delivery_policy: http: defaultHealthyRetryPolicy: minDelayTarget: 20 maxDelayTarget: 20 numRetries: 3 numMaxDelayRetries: 0 numNoDelayRetries: 0 numMinDelayRetries: 0 backoffFunction: 'linear' register: sns_topic_rerun_delivery_policy - name: assert that rerunning delivery_policy had no effect vars: delivery_policy: '{{ sns_topic_rerun_delivery_policy.sns_topic.delivery_policy | from_json }}' assert: that: - not sns_topic_rerun_delivery_policy.changed - delivery_policy.http.defaultHealthyRetryPolicy.minDelayTarget == 20 - delivery_policy.http.defaultHealthyRetryPolicy.maxDelayTarget == 20 - delivery_policy.http.defaultHealthyRetryPolicy.numRetries == 3 - name: rerun a slightly different delivery policy sns_topic: name: "{{ sns_topic_topic_name }}" display_name: "My new topic name" delivery_policy: http: defaultHealthyRetryPolicy: minDelayTarget: 40 maxDelayTarget: 40 numRetries: 6 numMaxDelayRetries: 0 numNoDelayRetries: 0 numMinDelayRetries: 0 backoffFunction: 'linear' register: sns_topic_rerun_delivery_policy - name: assert that rerunning delivery_policy worked vars: delivery_policy: '{{ sns_topic_rerun_delivery_policy.sns_topic.delivery_policy | from_json }}' assert: that: - sns_topic_rerun_delivery_policy.changed - delivery_policy.http.defaultHealthyRetryPolicy.minDelayTarget == 40 - delivery_policy.http.defaultHealthyRetryPolicy.maxDelayTarget == 40 - delivery_policy.http.defaultHealthyRetryPolicy.numRetries == 6 - name: create temp dir tempfile: state: directory register: tempdir - name: ensure zip file exists archive: path: "{{ lookup('first_found', sns_topic_lambda_function) }}" dest: "{{ tempdir.path }}/{{ sns_topic_lambda_function }}.zip" format: zip - name: create lambda for subscribing (only auto-subscribing target available) lambda: name: '{{ sns_topic_lambda_name }}' state: present zip_file: '{{ tempdir.path }}/{{ sns_topic_lambda_function }}.zip' runtime: 'python2.7' role: ansible_lambda_role handler: '{{ sns_topic_lambda_function }}.handler' register: lambda_result - set_fact: sns_topic_subscriber_arn: "{{ lambda_result.configuration.function_arn }}" - name: subscribe to topic sns_topic: name: "{{ sns_topic_topic_name }}" display_name: "My new topic name" purge_subscriptions: no subscriptions: "{{ sns_topic_subscriptions }}" register: sns_topic_subscribe - name: assert that subscribing worked assert: that: - sns_topic_subscribe.changed - sns_topic_subscribe.sns_topic.subscriptions|length == 1 - name: run again with purge_subscriptions set to false sns_topic: name: "{{ sns_topic_topic_name }}" display_name: "My new topic name" purge_subscriptions: no register: sns_topic_no_purge - name: assert that not purging subscriptions had no effect assert: that: - not sns_topic_no_purge.changed - sns_topic_no_purge.sns_topic.subscriptions|length == 1 - name: run again with purge_subscriptions set to true sns_topic: name: "{{ sns_topic_topic_name }}" display_name: "My new topic name" purge_subscriptions: yes register: sns_topic_purge - name: assert that purging subscriptions worked assert: that: - sns_topic_purge.changed - sns_topic_purge.sns_topic.subscriptions|length == 0 - name: delete topic sns_topic: name: "{{ sns_topic_topic_name }}" state: absent - name: no-op with third party topic (effectively get existing subscriptions) sns_topic: name: "{{ sns_topic_third_party_topic_arn }}" region: "{{ sns_topic_third_party_region }}" register: third_party_topic - name: subscribe to third party topic sns_topic: name: "{{ sns_topic_third_party_topic_arn }}" subscriptions: "{{ sns_topic_subscriptions }}" region: "{{ sns_topic_third_party_region }}" register: third_party_topic_subscribe - name: assert that subscribing worked assert: that: - third_party_topic_subscribe is changed - (third_party_topic_subscribe.sns_topic.subscriptions|length) - (third_party_topic.sns_topic.subscriptions|length) == 1 - name: attempt to change name of third party topic sns_topic: name: "{{ sns_topic_third_party_topic_arn }}" display_name: "This should not work" subscriptions: "{{ sns_topic_subscriptions }}" region: "{{ sns_topic_third_party_region }}" ignore_errors: yes register: third_party_name_change - name: assert that attempting to change display name does not work assert: that: - third_party_name_change is failed - name: unsubscribe from third party topic (purge_subscription defaults to true) sns_topic: name: "{{ sns_topic_third_party_topic_arn }}" subscriptions: "{{ third_party_topic.sns_topic.subscriptions }}" region: "{{ sns_topic_third_party_region }}" register: third_party_unsubscribe - name: assert that unsubscribing from third party topic works assert: that: - third_party_unsubscribe.changed - third_party_topic.sns_topic.subscriptions|length == third_party_unsubscribe.sns_topic.subscriptions|length - name: attempt to delete third party topic sns_topic: name: "{{ sns_topic_third_party_topic_arn }}" state: absent subscriptions: "{{ subscriptions }}" region: "{{ sns_topic_third_party_region }}" ignore_errors: yes register: third_party_deletion - name: no-op after third party deletion sns_topic: name: "{{ sns_topic_third_party_topic_arn }}" region: "{{ sns_topic_third_party_region }}" register: third_party_deletion_facts - name: assert that attempting to delete third party topic does not work and preser assert: that: - third_party_deletion is failed - third_party_topic.sns_topic.subscriptions|length == third_party_deletion_facts.sns_topic.subscriptions|length always: - name: announce teardown start debug: msg: "************** TEARDOWN STARTS HERE *******************" - name: remove topic sns_topic: name: "{{ sns_topic_topic_name }}" state: absent ignore_errors: yes - name: unsubscribe from third party topic sns_topic: name: "{{ sns_topic_third_party_topic_arn }}" subscriptions: [] purge_subscriptions: yes region: "{{ sns_topic_third_party_region }}" ignore_errors: yes - name: remove lambda lambda: name: '{{ sns_topic_lambda_name }}' state: absent ignore_errors: yes - name: remove tempdir file: path: "{{ tempdir.path }}" state: absent when: tempdir is defined ignore_errors: yes