#!/usr/bin/env python ''' Packet.net external inventory script ================================= Generates inventory that Ansible can understand by making API request to Packet.net using the Packet library. NOTE: This script assumes Ansible is being executed where the environment variable needed for Packet API Token already been set: export PACKET_API_TOKEN=Bfse9F24SFtfs423Gsd3ifGsd43sSdfs This script also assumes there is a packet_net.ini file alongside it. To specify a different path to packet_net.ini, define the PACKET_NET_INI_PATH environment variable: export PACKET_NET_INI_PATH=/path/to/my_packet_net.ini ''' # (c) 2016, Peter Sankauskas # (c) 2017, Tomas Karasek # # This file is part of Ansible, # # Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Ansible. If not, see . ###################################################################### import sys import os import argparse import re from time import time from ansible.module_utils import six from ansible.module_utils.six.moves import configparser try: import packet except ImportError as e: sys.exit("failed=True msg='`packet-python` library required for this script'") import traceback import json ini_section = 'packet' class PacketInventory(object): def _empty_inventory(self): return {"_meta": {"hostvars": {}}} def __init__(self): ''' Main execution path ''' # Inventory grouped by device IDs, tags, security groups, regions, # and availability zones self.inventory = self._empty_inventory() # Index of hostname (address) to device ID self.index = {} # Read settings and parse CLI arguments self.parse_cli_args() self.read_settings() # Cache if self.args.refresh_cache: self.do_api_calls_update_cache() elif not self.is_cache_valid(): self.do_api_calls_update_cache() # Data to print if self.args.host: data_to_print = self.get_host_info() elif self.args.list: # Display list of devices for inventory if self.inventory == self._empty_inventory(): data_to_print = self.get_inventory_from_cache() else: data_to_print = self.json_format_dict(self.inventory, True) print(data_to_print) def is_cache_valid(self): ''' Determines if the cache files have expired, or if it is still valid ''' if os.path.isfile(self.cache_path_cache): mod_time = os.path.getmtime(self.cache_path_cache) current_time = time() if (mod_time + self.cache_max_age) > current_time: if os.path.isfile(self.cache_path_index): return True return False def read_settings(self): ''' Reads the settings from the packet_net.ini file ''' if six.PY3: config = configparser.ConfigParser() else: config = configparser.SafeConfigParser() _ini_path_raw = os.environ.get('PACKET_NET_INI_PATH') if _ini_path_raw: packet_ini_path = os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars(_ini_path_raw)) else: packet_ini_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), 'packet_net.ini') config.read(packet_ini_path) # items per page self.items_per_page = 999 if config.has_option(ini_section, 'items_per_page'): config.get(ini_section, 'items_per_page') # Instance states to be gathered in inventory. Default is all of them. packet_valid_device_states = [ 'active', 'inactive', 'queued', 'provisioning' ] self.packet_device_states = [] if config.has_option(ini_section, 'device_states'): for device_state in config.get(ini_section, 'device_states').split(','): device_state = device_state.strip() if device_state not in packet_valid_device_states: continue self.packet_device_states.append(device_state) else: self.packet_device_states = packet_valid_device_states # Cache related cache_dir = os.path.expanduser(config.get(ini_section, 'cache_path')) if not os.path.exists(cache_dir): os.makedirs(cache_dir) self.cache_path_cache = cache_dir + "/ansible-packet.cache" self.cache_path_index = cache_dir + "/ansible-packet.index" self.cache_max_age = config.getint(ini_section, 'cache_max_age') # Configure nested groups instead of flat namespace. if config.has_option(ini_section, 'nested_groups'): self.nested_groups = config.getboolean(ini_section, 'nested_groups') else: self.nested_groups = False # Replace dash or not in group names if config.has_option(ini_section, 'replace_dash_in_groups'): self.replace_dash_in_groups = config.getboolean(ini_section, 'replace_dash_in_groups') else: self.replace_dash_in_groups = True # Configure which groups should be created. group_by_options = [ 'group_by_device_id', 'group_by_hostname', 'group_by_facility', 'group_by_project', 'group_by_operating_system', 'group_by_plan_type', 'group_by_tags', 'group_by_tag_none', ] for option in group_by_options: if config.has_option(ini_section, option): setattr(self, option, config.getboolean(ini_section, option)) else: setattr(self, option, True) # Do we need to just include hosts that match a pattern? try: pattern_include = config.get(ini_section, 'pattern_include') if pattern_include and len(pattern_include) > 0: self.pattern_include = re.compile(pattern_include) else: self.pattern_include = None except configparser.NoOptionError: self.pattern_include = None # Do we need to exclude hosts that match a pattern? try: pattern_exclude = config.get(ini_section, 'pattern_exclude') if pattern_exclude and len(pattern_exclude) > 0: self.pattern_exclude = re.compile(pattern_exclude) else: self.pattern_exclude = None except configparser.NoOptionError: self.pattern_exclude = None # Projects self.projects = [] configProjects = config.get(ini_section, 'projects') configProjects_exclude = config.get(ini_section, 'projects_exclude') if (configProjects == 'all'): for projectInfo in self.get_projects(): if projectInfo.name not in configProjects_exclude: self.projects.append(projectInfo.name) else: self.projects = configProjects.split(",") def parse_cli_args(self): ''' Command line argument processing ''' parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Produce an Ansible Inventory file based on Packet') parser.add_argument('--list', action='store_true', default=True, help='List Devices (default: True)') parser.add_argument('--host', action='store', help='Get all the variables about a specific device') parser.add_argument('--refresh-cache', action='store_true', default=False, help='Force refresh of cache by making API requests to Packet (default: False - use cache files)') self.args = parser.parse_args() def do_api_calls_update_cache(self): ''' Do API calls to each region, and save data in cache files ''' for projectInfo in self.get_projects(): if projectInfo.name in self.projects: self.get_devices_by_project(projectInfo) self.write_to_cache(self.inventory, self.cache_path_cache) self.write_to_cache(self.index, self.cache_path_index) def connect(self): ''' create connection to api server''' token = os.environ.get('PACKET_API_TOKEN') if token is None: raise Exception("Error reading token from environment (PACKET_API_TOKEN)!") manager = packet.Manager(auth_token=token) return manager def get_projects(self): '''Makes a Packet API call to get the list of projects''' params = { 'per_page': self.items_per_page } try: manager = self.connect() projects = manager.list_projects(params=params) return projects except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc() self.fail_with_error(e, 'getting Packet projects') def get_devices_by_project(self, project): ''' Makes an Packet API call to the list of devices in a particular project ''' params = { 'per_page': self.items_per_page } try: manager = self.connect() devices = manager.list_devices(project_id=project.id, params=params) for device in devices: self.add_device(device, project) except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc() self.fail_with_error(e, 'getting Packet devices') def fail_with_error(self, err_msg, err_operation=None): '''log an error to std err for ansible-playbook to consume and exit''' if err_operation: err_msg = 'ERROR: "{err_msg}", while: {err_operation}\n'.format( err_msg=err_msg, err_operation=err_operation) sys.stderr.write(err_msg) sys.exit(1) def get_device(self, device_id): manager = self.connect() device = manager.get_device(device_id) return device def add_device(self, device, project): ''' Adds a device to the inventory and index, as long as it is addressable ''' # Only return devices with desired device states if device.state not in self.packet_device_states: return # Select the best destination address. Only include management # addresses as non-management (elastic) addresses need manual # host configuration to be routable. # See https://help.packet.net/article/54-elastic-ips. dest = None for ip_address in device.ip_addresses: if ip_address['public'] is True and \ ip_address['address_family'] == 4 and \ ip_address['management'] is True: dest = ip_address['address'] if not dest: # Skip devices we cannot address (e.g. private VPC subnet) return # if we only want to include hosts that match a pattern, skip those that don't if self.pattern_include and not self.pattern_include.match(device.hostname): return # if we need to exclude hosts that match a pattern, skip those if self.pattern_exclude and self.pattern_exclude.match(device.hostname): return # Add to index self.index[dest] = [project.id, device.id] # Inventory: Group by device ID (always a group of 1) if self.group_by_device_id: self.inventory[device.id] = [dest] if self.nested_groups: self.push_group(self.inventory, 'devices', device.id) # Inventory: Group by device name (hopefully a group of 1) if self.group_by_hostname: self.push(self.inventory, device.hostname, dest) if self.nested_groups: self.push_group(self.inventory, 'hostnames', project.name) # Inventory: Group by project if self.group_by_project: self.push(self.inventory, project.name, dest) if self.nested_groups: self.push_group(self.inventory, 'projects', project.name) # Inventory: Group by facility if self.group_by_facility: self.push(self.inventory, device.facility['code'], dest) if self.nested_groups: if self.group_by_facility: self.push_group(self.inventory, project.name, device.facility['code']) # Inventory: Group by OS if self.group_by_operating_system: self.push(self.inventory, device.operating_system['slug'], dest) if self.nested_groups: self.push_group(self.inventory, 'operating_systems', device.operating_system.slug) # Inventory: Group by plan type if self.group_by_plan_type: self.push(self.inventory, device.plan['slug'], dest) if self.nested_groups: self.push_group(self.inventory, 'plans', device.plan['slug']) # Inventory: Group by tag keys if self.group_by_tags: for k in device.tags: key = self.to_safe("tag_" + k) self.push(self.inventory, key, dest) if self.nested_groups: self.push_group(self.inventory, 'tags', self.to_safe("tag_" + k)) # Global Tag: devices without tags if self.group_by_tag_none and len(device.tags) == 0: self.push(self.inventory, 'tag_none', dest) if self.nested_groups: self.push_group(self.inventory, 'tags', 'tag_none') # Global Tag: tag all Packet devices self.push(self.inventory, 'packet', dest) self.inventory["_meta"]["hostvars"][dest] = self.get_host_info_dict_from_device(device) def get_host_info_dict_from_device(self, device): device_vars = {} for key in vars(device): value = getattr(device, key) key = self.to_safe('packet_' + key) # Handle complex types if key == 'packet_state': device_vars[key] = device.state or '' elif key == 'packet_hostname': device_vars[key] = value elif isinstance(value, (int, bool)): device_vars[key] = value elif isinstance(value, six.string_types): device_vars[key] = value.strip() elif value is None: device_vars[key] = '' elif key == 'packet_facility': device_vars[key] = value['code'] elif key == 'packet_operating_system': device_vars[key] = value['slug'] elif key == 'packet_plan': device_vars[key] = value['slug'] elif key == 'packet_tags': for k in value: key = self.to_safe('packet_tag_' + k) device_vars[key] = k else: pass # print key # print type(value) # print value return device_vars def get_host_info(self): ''' Get variables about a specific host ''' if len(self.index) == 0: # Need to load index from cache self.load_index_from_cache() if self.args.host not in self.index: # try updating the cache self.do_api_calls_update_cache() if self.args.host not in self.index: # host might not exist anymore return self.json_format_dict({}, True) (project_id, device_id) = self.index[self.args.host] device = self.get_device(device_id) return self.json_format_dict(self.get_host_info_dict_from_device(device), True) def push(self, my_dict, key, element): ''' Push an element onto an array that may not have been defined in the dict ''' group_info = my_dict.setdefault(key, []) if isinstance(group_info, dict): host_list = group_info.setdefault('hosts', []) host_list.append(element) else: group_info.append(element) def push_group(self, my_dict, key, element): ''' Push a group as a child of another group. ''' parent_group = my_dict.setdefault(key, {}) if not isinstance(parent_group, dict): parent_group = my_dict[key] = {'hosts': parent_group} child_groups = parent_group.setdefault('children', []) if element not in child_groups: child_groups.append(element) def get_inventory_from_cache(self): ''' Reads the inventory from the cache file and returns it as a JSON object ''' cache = open(self.cache_path_cache, 'r') json_inventory = cache.read() return json_inventory def load_index_from_cache(self): ''' Reads the index from the cache file sets self.index ''' cache = open(self.cache_path_index, 'r') json_index = cache.read() self.index = json.loads(json_index) def write_to_cache(self, data, filename): ''' Writes data in JSON format to a file ''' json_data = self.json_format_dict(data, True) cache = open(filename, 'w') cache.write(json_data) cache.close() def uncammelize(self, key): temp = re.sub('(.)([A-Z][a-z]+)', r'\1_\2', key) return re.sub('([a-z0-9])([A-Z])', r'\1_\2', temp).lower() def to_safe(self, word): ''' Converts 'bad' characters in a string to underscores so they can be used as Ansible groups ''' regex = r"[^A-Za-z0-9\_" if not self.replace_dash_in_groups: regex += r"\-" return re.sub(regex + "]", "_", word) def json_format_dict(self, data, pretty=False): ''' Converts a dict to a JSON object and dumps it as a formatted string ''' if pretty: return json.dumps(data, sort_keys=True, indent=2) else: return json.dumps(data) # Run the script PacketInventory()