Module Development ================== Ansible modules are reusable units of magic that can be used by the Ansible API, or by the `ansible` or `ansible-playbook` programs. Modules can be written in any language and are found in the path specified by `ANSIBLE_LIBRARY_PATH` or the ``--module-path`` command line option. .. contents:: :depth: 2 :backlinks: top Tutorial ```````` Let's build a module to get and set the system time. For starters, let's build a module that just outputs the current time. We are going to use Python here but any language is possible. Only File I/O and outputing to standard out are required. So, bash, C++, clojure, Python, Ruby, whatever you want is fine. Now Python Ansible modules contain some extremely powerful shortcuts (that all the core modules use) but first we are going to build a module the very hard way. The reason we do this is because modules written in any language OTHER than Python are going to have to do exactly this. We'll show the easy way later. So, here's an example. You would never really need to build a module to set the system time, the 'command' module could already be used to do this. Though we're going to make one. Reading the modules that come with ansible (linked above) is a great way to learn how to write modules. Keep in mind, though, that some modules in ansible's source tree are internalisms, so look at `service` or `yum`, and don't stare too close into things like `async_wrapper` or you'll turn to stone. Nobody ever executes async_wrapper directly. Ok, let's get going with an example. We'll use Python. For starters, save this as a file named `time`:: #!/usr/bin/python import datetime import json date = str( print json.dumps({ "time" : date }) Testing Modules ``````````````` There's a useful test script in the source checkout for ansible:: git clone chmod +x ansible/hacking/test-module Let's run the script you just wrote with that:: ansible/hacking/test-module -m ./time You should see output that looks something like this:: {u'time': u'2012-03-14 22:13:48.539183'} If you did not, you might have a typo in your module, so recheck it and try again. Reading Input ````````````` Let's modify the module to allow setting the current time. We'll do this by seeing if a key value pair in the form `time=` is passed in to the module. Ansible internally saves arguments to an arguments file. So we must read the file and parse it. The arguments file is just a string, so any form of arguments are legal. Here we'll do some basic parsing to treat the input as key=value. The example usage we are trying to achieve to set the time is:: time time="March 14 22:10" If no time parameter is set, we'll just leave the time as is and return the current time. .. note: This is obviously an unrealistic idea for a module. You'd most likely just use the shell module. However, it probably makes a decent tutorial. Let's look at the code. Read the comments as we'll explain as we go. Note that this is highly verbose because it's intended as an educational example. You can write modules a lot shorter than this:: #!/usr/bin/python # import some python modules that we'll use. These are all # available in Python's core import datetime import sys import json import os import shlex # read the argument string from the arguments file args_file = sys.argv[1] args_data = file(args_file).read() # for this module, we're going to do key=value style arguments # this is up to each module to decide what it wants, but all # core modules besides 'command' and 'shell' take key=value # so this is highly recommended arguments = shlex.split(args_data) for arg in arguments: # ignore any arguments without an equals in it if arg.find("=") != -1: (key, value) = arg.split("=") # if setting the time, the key 'time' # will contain the value we want to set the time to if key == "time": # now we'll affect the change. Many modules # will strive to be 'idempotent', meaning they # will only make changes when the desired state # expressed to the module does not match # the current state. Look at 'service' # or 'yum' in the main git tree for an example # of how that might look. rc = os.system("date -s \"%s\"" % value) # always handle all possible errors # # when returning a failure, include 'failed' # in the return data, and explain the failure # in 'msg'. Both of these conventions are # required however additional keys and values # can be added. if rc != 0: print json.dumps({ "failed" : True, "msg" : "failed setting the time" }) sys.exit(1) # when things do not fail, we do not # have any restrictions on what kinds of # data are returned, but it's always a # good idea to include whether or not # a change was made, as that will allow # notifiers to be used in playbooks. date = str( print json.dumps({ "time" : date, "changed" : True }) sys.exit(0) # if no parameters are sent, the module may or # may not error out, this one will just # return the time date = str( print json.dumps({ "time" : date }) Let's test that module:: ansible/hacking/test-module -m ./time -a time=\"March 14 12:23\" This should return something like:: {"changed": True, "time": "2012-03-14 12:23:00.000307"} Module Provided 'Facts' ``````````````````````` The 'setup' module that ships with Ansible provides many variables about a system that can be used in playbooks and templates. However, it's possible to also add your own facts without modifying the system module. To do this, just have the module return a `ansible_facts` key, like so, along with other return data:: { "changed" : True, "rc" : 5, "ansible_facts" : { "leptons" : 5000 "colors" : { "red" : "FF0000", "white" : "FFFFFF" } } } These 'facts' will be available to all statements called after that module (but not before) in the playbook. A good idea might be make a module called 'site_facts' and always call it at the top of each playbook, though we're always open to improving the selection of core facts in Ansible as well. Common Module Boilerplate ````````````````````````` As mentioned, if you are writing a module in Python, there are some very powerful shortcuts you can use. Modules are still transferred as one file, but an arguments file is no longer needed, so these are not only shorter in terms of code, they are actually FASTER in terms of execution time. Rather than mention these here, the best way to learn is to read some of the `source of the modules `_ that come with Ansible. The 'group' and 'user' modules are reasonably non-trival and showcase what this looks like. Key parts include always ending the module file with:: # include magic from lib/ansible/ #<> main() And instantiating the module class like:: module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec = dict( state = dict(default='present', choices=['present', 'absent']), name = dict(required=True), enabled = dict(required=True, choices=BOOLEANS), something = dict(aliases=['whatever']) ) ) The AnsibleModule provides lots of common code for handling returns, parses your arguments for you, and allows you to check inputs. Successful returns are made like this:: module.exit_json(changed=True, something_else=12345) And failures are just as simple (where 'msg' is a required parameter to explain the error):: module.fail_json(msg="Something fatal happened") There are also other useful functions in the module class, such as module.md5(path). See lib/ansible/ in the source checkout for implementation details. Again, modules developed this way are best tested with the hacking/test-module script in the git source checkout. Because of the magic involved, this is really the only way the scripts can function outside of Ansible. If submitting a module to ansible's core code, which we encourage, use of the AnsibleModule class is required. Common Pitfalls ``````````````` You should also never do this in a module:: print "some status message" Because the output is supposed to be valid JSON. Except that's not quite true, but we'll get to that later. Modules must not output anything on standard error, because the system will merge standard out with standard error and prevent the JSON from parsing. Capturing standard error and returning it as a variable in the JSON on standard out is fine, and is, in fact, how the command module is implemented. If a module returns stderr or otherwise fails to produce valid JSON, the actual output will still be shown in Ansible, but the command will not succeed. Always use the hacking/test-module script when developing modules and it will warn you about these kind of things. Conventions/Recomendations `````````````````````````` As a reminder from the example code above, here are some basic conventions and guidelines: * If the module is addressing an object, the parameter for that object should be called 'name' whenever possible, or accept 'name' as an alias. * If you have a company module that returns facts specific to your installations, a good name for this module is `site_facts`. * Modules accepting boolean status should generally accept 'yes', 'no', 'true', 'false', or anything else a user may likely throw at them. The AnsibleModule common code supports this with "choices=BOOLEANS" and a module.boolean(value) casting function. * Include a minimum of dependencies if possible. If there are dependencies, document them at the top of the module file, and have the module raise JSON error messages when the import fails. * Modules must be self contained in one file to be auto-transferred by ansible. * If packaging modules in an RPM, they only need to be installed on the control machine and should be dropped into /usr/share/ansible. This is entirely optional and up to you. * Modules should return JSON or key=value results all on one line. JSON is best if you can do JSON. All return types must be hashes (dictionaries) although they can be nested. Lists or simple scalar values are not supported, though they can be trivially contained inside a dictionary. * In the event of failure, a key of 'failed' should be included, along with a string explanation in 'msg'. Modules that raise tracebacks (stacktraces) are generally considered 'poor' modules, though Ansible can deal with these returns and will automatically convert anything unparseable into a failed result. If you are using the AnsibleModule common Python code, the 'failed' element will be included for you automatically when you call 'fail_json'. * Return codes from modules are not actually not signficant, but continue on with 0=success and non-zero=failure for reasons of future proofing. * As results from many hosts will be aggregrated at once, modules should return only relevant output. Returning the entire contents of a log file is generally bad form. Shorthand Vs JSON ````````````````` To make it easier to write modules in bash and in cases where a JSON module might not be available, it is acceptable for a module to return key=value output all on one line, like this. The Ansible parser will know what to do:: somekey=1 somevalue=2 rc=3 favcolor=red If you're writing a module in Python or Ruby or whatever, though, returning JSON is probably the simplest way to go. Documenting Your Module ``````````````````````` All modules included in the CORE distribution must have a ``DOCUMENTATION`` string. This string MUST be a valid YAML document which conforms to the schema defined below. You may find it easier to start writing your ``DOCUMENTATION`` string in an editor with YAML syntax highlighting before you include it in your Python file. Example +++++++ Here's a correctly formatted YAML document we could use for a ``DOCUMENTATION`` string: .. literalinclude:: ../DOCUMENTATION.yaml This is available in the 'examples/' directory of the of the Ansible github repository. You can copy it into your module and use it as a starting point when writing your own docs. Include it in your module file like this:: #!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright header.... DOCUMENTATION = ''' --- module: modulename short_description: This is a sentence describing the module # ... snip ... examples: - code: modulename opt1=arg1 opt2=arg2 description: Optional words describing this example ''' Building & Testing ++++++++++++++++++ Put your completed module file into the 'library' directory and then run the command: ``make webdocs``. The new 'modules.html' file will be built and appear in the 'docsite/' directory. You can also test-build your docs one-by-one using the ```` script: .. code-block:: bash $ ./hacking/ -t man -M library/ -m git > ansible-git.1 $ man ./ansible-git.1 This will build a manpage for the git module, and look in the 'library/' directory for the module source. To see all the other output formats available: .. code-block:: bash $ ./hacking/ -t --help .. tip:: If you're having a problem with the syntax of your YAML you can validate it on the `YAML Lint `_ website. Sharing Your Module ``````````````````` If you think your module is generally useful to others, a good place to share it is in `Ansible Resources `_. This is maintained as a simple repo with pointers to other github projects. Contrib modules here can be implemented in a variety of languages. We would like to build up as many of these as possible in as many languages as possible. `Ansible Mailing List `_ Getting Your Module Into Core ````````````````````````````` High-quality modules with minimal dependencies can be included in the core, but core modules (just due to the programming preferences of the developers) will need to be implemented in Python and use the AnsibleModule common code, and should generally use consistent arguments with the rest of the program. Stop by the mailing list to inquire about requirements. .. seealso:: :doc:`modules` Learn about available modules `Ansible Resources `_ User contributed playbooks, modules, and articles `Github modules directory `_ Browse source of core modules `Mailing List `_ Questions? Help? Ideas? Stop by the list on Google Groups ` `_ #ansible IRC chat channel