--- - name: ensure test dir is present win_file: path: '{{ test_credential_dir }}' state: directory - name: copy the pfx certificate win_copy: src: cert.pfx dest: '{{ test_credential_dir }}\cert.pfx' - name: import the pfx into the personal store win_certificate_store: path: '{{ test_credential_dir }}\cert.pfx' state: present store_location: CurrentUser store_name: My password: '{{ key_password }}' vars: &become_vars ansible_become: True ansible_become_method: runas ansible_become_user: '{{ ansible_user }}' ansible_become_pass: '{{ ansible_password }}' - name: ensure test credentials are removed before testing win_credential: name: '{{ test_hostname }}' type: '{{ item }}' state: absent vars: *become_vars with_items: - domain_password - domain_certificate - generic_password - generic_certificate - block: - name: run tests include_tasks: tests.yml always: - name: remove the pfx from the personal store win_certificate_store: state: absent thumbprint: '{{ cert_thumbprint }}' store_location: CurrentUser store_name: My - name: remove test credentials win_credential: name: '{{ test_hostname }}' type: '{{ item }}' state: absent vars: *become_vars with_items: - domain_password - domain_certificate - generic_password - generic_certificate - name: remove test dir win_file: path: '{{ test_credential_dir }}' state: absent