--- name: ✨ Feature request description: Suggest an idea for this project body: - type: markdown attributes: value: > **Thank you for wanting to suggest a feature for ansible-core!** 💡 Before you go ahead with your request, please first consider if it would be useful for majority of the ansible-core users. As a general rule of thumb, any feature that is only of interest to a small sub group should be [implemented in a third-party Ansible Collection][contribute to collections] or maybe even just your project alone. Be mindful of the fact that the essential ansible-core features have a broad impact. If unsure, consider filing a [new proposal] instead outlining your use-cases, the research and implementation considerations. Then, start a discussion on one of the public [IRC meetings] we have just for this.
❗ Every change breaks someone's workflow. [![❗ Every change breaks someone's workflow. ](https://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/workflow.png) ](https://xkcd.com/1172/)
⚠ Verify first that your idea is not [already requested on GitHub][issue search]. Also test if the devel branch does not already implement this. **Tip:** If you are seeking community support, please consider [starting a mailing list thread or chatting in IRC][ML||IRC]. [contribute to collections]: https://docs.ansible.com/ansible-core/devel/community/contributing_maintained_collections.html?utm_medium=github&utm_source=issue_form--feature_request.yml [IRC meetings]: https://docs.ansible.com/ansible-core/devel/community/communication.html?utm_medium=github&utm_source=issue_form--feature_request.yml#irc-meetings [issue search]: ../search?q=is%3Aissue&type=issues [ML||IRC]: https://docs.ansible.com/ansible-core/devel/community/communication.html?utm_medium=github&utm_source=issue_form--feature_request.yml#mailing-list-information [new proposal]: ../../proposals/issues/new - type: textarea attributes: label: Summary description: > Describe the new feature/improvement you would like briefly below. What's the problem this feature will solve? What are you trying to do, that you are unable to achieve with ansible-core as it currently stands? * Provide examples of real-world use cases that this would enable and how it solves the problem you described. * How do you solve this now? * Have you tried to work around the problem using other tools? * Could there be a different approach to solving this issue? *Know **exactly** what you want?* Consider filing a [new proposal] instead outlining your research and implementation considerations. [new proposal]: ../../proposals/issues/new placeholder: >- I am trying to do X with ansible-core from the devel branch on GitHub and I think that implementing a feature Y would be very helpful for me and every other user of ansible-core because of Z. validations: required: true - type: dropdown attributes: label: Issue Type description: > Please select the single available option in the drop-down.
Why? We would do it by ourselves but unfortunatelly, the curent edition of GitHub Issue Forms Alpha does not support this yet 🤷 _We will make it easier in the future, once GitHub supports dropdown defaults. Promise!_
# FIXME: Once GitHub allows defining the default choice, update this options: - Feature Idea validations: required: true - type: input attributes: label: Component Name description: > Write the short name of the module, plugin, task or feature below, *use your best guess if unsure*. Be aware that a lot of content that used to reside in this repository previously, is now hosted under [individual collection projects][collections org]. If this is the case, please make sure to file an issue under the appropriate project there instead. [collections org]: ../../ansible-collections placeholder: dnf, apt, yum, pip, user etc. validations: required: true - type: textarea attributes: label: Additional Information description: | Describe how the feature would be used, why it is needed and what it would solve. **HINT:** You can paste https://gist.github.com links for larger files. value: | ```yaml (paste below) ``` placeholder: >- I asked on https://stackoverflow.com/.... and the community advised me to do X, Y and Z. validations: required: true - type: markdown attributes: value: > *One last thing...* *Please, complete **all** sections as described, this form is [processed automatically by a robot][ansibot help].* Thank you for your collaboration! [ansibot help]: /ansible/ansibullbot/blob/master/ISSUE_HELP.md#for-issue-submitters - type: checkboxes attributes: label: Code of Conduct description: | Read the [Ansible Code of Conduct][CoC] first. [CoC]: https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/community/code_of_conduct.html?utm_medium=github&utm_source=issue_form--feature_request.yml options: - label: I agree to follow the Ansible Code of Conduct required: true ...