"""Galaxy (ansible-galaxy) plugin for integration tests.""" from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function) __metaclass__ = type import os import tempfile from . import ( CloudProvider, CloudEnvironment, CloudEnvironmentConfig, ) from ..docker_util import ( docker_cp_to, ) from ..containers import ( run_support_container, ) # We add BasicAuthentication, to make the tasks that deal with # direct API access easier to deal with across galaxy_ng and pulp SETTINGS = b''' CONTENT_ORIGIN = 'http://ansible-ci-pulp:80' ANSIBLE_API_HOSTNAME = 'http://ansible-ci-pulp:80' ANSIBLE_CONTENT_HOSTNAME = 'http://ansible-ci-pulp:80/pulp/content' TOKEN_AUTH_DISABLED = True GALAXY_REQUIRE_CONTENT_APPROVAL = False GALAXY_AUTHENTICATION_CLASSES = [ "rest_framework.authentication.SessionAuthentication", "rest_framework.authentication.TokenAuthentication", "rest_framework.authentication.BasicAuthentication", ] ''' SET_ADMIN_PASSWORD = b'''#!/usr/bin/execlineb -S0 foreground { redirfd -w 1 /dev/null redirfd -w 2 /dev/null export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE pulpcore.app.settings export PULP_CONTENT_ORIGIN localhost s6-setuidgid postgres if { /usr/local/bin/django-admin reset-admin-password --password password } if { /usr/local/bin/pulpcore-manager create-group system:partner-engineers --users admin } } ''' # There are 2 overrides here: # 1. Change the gunicorn bind address from to now that Galaxy NG does not allow us to access the # Pulp API through it. # 2. Grant access allowing us to DELETE a namespace in Galaxy NG. This is as CI deletes and recreates repos and # distributions in Pulp which now breaks the namespace in Galaxy NG. Recreating it is the "simple" fix to get it # working again. # These may not be needed in the future, especially if 1 becomes configurable by an env var but for now they must be # done. OVERRIDES = b'''#!/usr/bin/execlineb -S0 foreground { sed -i "0,/\\"\\"/s//\\"\\"/" /etc/services.d/pulpcore-api/run } # This sed calls changes the first occurrence to "allow" which is conveniently the delete operation for a namespace. # https://github.com/ansible/galaxy_ng/blob/master/galaxy_ng/app/access_control/statements/standalone.py#L9-L11. backtick NG_PREFIX { python -c "import galaxy_ng; print(galaxy_ng.__path__[0], end='')" } importas ng_prefix NG_PREFIX foreground { sed -i "0,/\\"effect\\": \\"deny\\"/s//\\"effect\\": \\"allow\\"/" ${ng_prefix}/app/access_control/statements/standalone.py }''' class GalaxyProvider(CloudProvider): """Galaxy plugin. Sets up pulp (ansible-galaxy) servers for tests. The pulp source itself resides at: https://github.com/pulp/pulp-oci-images """ def __init__(self, args): """ :type args: TestConfig """ super(GalaxyProvider, self).__init__(args) # Cannot use the latest container image as either galaxy_ng 4.2.0rc2 or pulp 0.5.0 has sporatic issues with # dropping published collections in CI. Try running the tests multiple times when updating. Will also need to # comment out the cache tests in 'test/integration/targets/ansible-galaxy-collection/tasks/install.yml' when # the newer update is available. self.pulp = os.environ.get( 'ANSIBLE_PULP_CONTAINER', 'docker.io/pulp/pulp-galaxy-ng@sha256:b79a7be64eff86d8f58db9ca83ed4967bd8b4e45c99addb17a91d11926480cf1' ) self.uses_docker = True def setup(self): """Setup cloud resource before delegation and reg cleanup callback.""" super(GalaxyProvider, self).setup() galaxy_port = 80 pulp_host = 'ansible-ci-pulp' pulp_port = 24817 ports = [ galaxy_port, pulp_port, ] # Create the container, don't run it, we need to inject configs before it starts descriptor = run_support_container( self.args, self.platform, self.pulp, pulp_host, ports, start=False, allow_existing=True, cleanup=None, ) if not descriptor.running: pulp_id = descriptor.container_id injected_files = { '/etc/pulp/settings.py': SETTINGS, '/etc/cont-init.d/111-postgres': SET_ADMIN_PASSWORD, '/etc/cont-init.d/000-ansible-test-overrides': OVERRIDES, } for path, content in injected_files.items(): with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as temp_fd: temp_fd.write(content) temp_fd.flush() docker_cp_to(self.args, pulp_id, temp_fd.name, path) descriptor.start(self.args) descriptor.register(self.args) self._set_cloud_config('PULP_HOST', pulp_host) self._set_cloud_config('PULP_PORT', str(pulp_port)) self._set_cloud_config('GALAXY_PORT', str(galaxy_port)) self._set_cloud_config('PULP_USER', 'admin') self._set_cloud_config('PULP_PASSWORD', 'password') class GalaxyEnvironment(CloudEnvironment): """Galaxy environment plugin. Updates integration test environment after delegation. """ def get_environment_config(self): """ :rtype: CloudEnvironmentConfig """ pulp_user = self._get_cloud_config('PULP_USER') pulp_password = self._get_cloud_config('PULP_PASSWORD') pulp_host = self._get_cloud_config('PULP_HOST') galaxy_port = self._get_cloud_config('GALAXY_PORT') pulp_port = self._get_cloud_config('PULP_PORT') return CloudEnvironmentConfig( ansible_vars=dict( pulp_user=pulp_user, pulp_password=pulp_password, pulp_api='http://%s:%s' % (pulp_host, pulp_port), pulp_server='http://%s:%s/pulp_ansible/galaxy/' % (pulp_host, pulp_port), galaxy_ng_server='http://%s:%s/api/galaxy/' % (pulp_host, galaxy_port), ), env_vars=dict( PULP_USER=pulp_user, PULP_PASSWORD=pulp_password, PULP_SERVER='http://%s:%s/pulp_ansible/galaxy/api/' % (pulp_host, pulp_port), GALAXY_NG_SERVER='http://%s:%s/api/galaxy/' % (pulp_host, galaxy_port), ), )