ansible(1) ========= :doctype:manpage :man source: Ansible :man version: %VERSION% :man manual: System administration commands NAME ---- ansible-pull - set up a remote copy of ansible on each managed node SYNOPSIS -------- ansible-pull -d DEST -U URL [options] [ ] DESCRIPTION ----------- *Ansible* is an extra-simple tool/framework/API for doing \'remote things' over SSH. Use ansible-pull to set up a remote copy of ansible on each managed node, each set to run via cron and update playbook source via a source repository. This inverts the default *push* architecture of ansible into a *pull* architecture, which has near-limitless scaling potential. The setup playbook can be tuned to change the cron frequency, logging locations, and parameters to ansible-pull. This is useful both for extreme scale-out as well as periodic remediation. Usage of the 'fetch' module to retrieve logs from ansible-pull runs would be an excellent way to gather and analyze remote logs from ansible-pull. OPTIONAL ARGUMENT ----------------- *filename.yml*:: The name of one the YAML format files to run as an ansible playbook. This can be a relative path within the checkout. If not provided, ansible-pull will look for a playbook based on the host's fully-qualified domain name, on the host hostname and finally a playbook named *local.yml*. OPTIONS ------- *--accept-host-key*:: Adds the hostkey for the repo URL if not already added. *-K*, *--ask-sudo-pass*:: Ask for sudo password. *-C* 'CHECKOUT', *--checkout=*'CHECKOUT':: Branch/Tag/Commit to checkout. If not provided, uses default behavior of module used to check out playbook repository. *-d* 'DEST', *--directory=*'DEST':: Directory to checkout repository into. If not provided, a subdirectory of ~/.ansible/pull/ will be used. *-e* 'EXTRA_VARS', *--extra-vars=*'EXTRA_VARS*:: Set additional variables as key=value or YAML/JSON *-f*, *--force*:: Force running of playbook even if unable to update playbook repository. This can be useful, for example, to enforce run-time state when a network connection may not always be up or possible. *-h*, *--help*:: Show the help message and exit. *-i* 'PATH', *--inventory=*'PATH':: The 'PATH' to the inventory hosts file. This can be a relative path within the checkout. *--key-file=*'KEYFILE':: Pass '-i ' to the SSH arguments used by git. *-m* 'NAME', *--module-name=*'NAME':: Module used to checkout playbook repository. Defaults to git. *-o*, *--only-if-changed*:: Only run the playbook if the repository has been updated. *--purge*:: Purge the checkout after the playbook is run. *-s* 'SLEEP', *--sleep=*'SLEEP':: Sleep for random interval (between 0 and SLEEP number of seconds) before starting. This is a useful way ot disperse git requests. *--ssh-common-args=*''-o ProxyCommand="ssh -W %h:%p ..." ...'':: Add the specified arguments to any sftp/scp/ssh command-line. Useful to set a ProxyCommand to use a jump host, but any arguments that are accepted by all three programs may be specified. *--sftp-extra-args=*''-f ...'':: Add the specified arguments to any sftp command-line. *--scp-extra-args=*''-l ...'':: Add the specified arguments to any scp command-line. *--ssh-extra-args=*''-R ...'':: Add the specified arguments to any ssh command-line. *-t* 'TAGS', *--tags=*'TAGS':: Only run plays and tasks tagged with these values. *-U* 'URL', *--url=*'URL':: URL of the playbook repository to checkout. *--vault-password-file=*'VAULT_PASSWORD_FILE':: Vault password file. *-v*, *--verbose*:: Pass -vvv to ansible-playbook. AUTHOR ------ Ansible was originally written by Michael DeHaan. See the AUTHORS file for a complete list of contributors. COPYRIGHT --------- Copyright © 2012, Michael DeHaan Ansible is released under the terms of the GPLv3 License. SEE ALSO -------- *ansible*(1), *ansible-playbook*(1), *ansible-doc*(1) Extensive documentation is available in the documentation site: . IRC and mailing list info can be found in file, available in: