#!/usr/bin/env python # (c) 2013, Jesse Keating , # Matt Martz # # This file is part of Ansible. # # Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Ansible. If not, see . """ Rackspace Cloud Inventory Authors: Jesse Keating , Matt Martz Description: Generates inventory that Ansible can understand by making API request to Rackspace Public Cloud API When run against a specific host, this script returns variables similar to: rax_os-ext-sts_task_state rax_addresses rax_links rax_image rax_os-ext-sts_vm_state rax_flavor rax_id rax_rax-bandwidth_bandwidth rax_user_id rax_os-dcf_diskconfig rax_accessipv4 rax_accessipv6 rax_progress rax_os-ext-sts_power_state rax_metadata rax_status rax_updated rax_hostid rax_name rax_created rax_tenant_id rax_loaded Configuration: rax.py can be configured using a rax.ini file or via environment variables. The rax.ini file should live in the same directory along side this script. The section header for configuration values related to this inventory plugin is [rax] [rax] creds_file = ~/.rackspace_cloud_credentials regions = IAD,ORD,DFW env = prod meta_prefix = meta access_network = public access_ip_version = 4 Each of these configurations also has a corresponding environment variable. An environment variable will override a configuration file value. creds_file: Environment Variable: RAX_CREDS_FILE An optional configuration that points to a pyrax-compatible credentials file. If not supplied, rax.py will look for a credentials file at ~/.rackspace_cloud_credentials. It uses the Rackspace Python SDK, and therefore requires a file formatted per the SDK's specifications. https://github.com/rackspace/pyrax/blob/master/docs/getting_started.md regions: Environment Variable: RAX_REGION An optional environment variable to narrow inventory search scope. If used, needs a value like ORD, DFW, SYD (a Rackspace datacenter) and optionally accepts a comma-separated list. environment: Environment Variable: RAX_ENV A configuration that will use an environment as configured in ~/.pyrax.cfg, see https://github.com/rackspace/pyrax/blob/master/docs/getting_started.md meta_prefix: Environment Variable: RAX_META_PREFIX Default: meta A configuration that changes the prefix used for meta key/value groups. For compatibility with ec2.py set to "tag" access_network: Environment Variable: RAX_ACCESS_NETWORK Default: public A configuration that will tell the inventory script to use a specific server network to determine the ansible_ssh_host value. If no address is found, ansible_ssh_host will not be set. Accepts a comma-separated list of network names, the first found wins. access_ip_version: Environment Variable: RAX_ACCESS_IP_VERSION Default: 4 A configuration related to "access_network" that will attempt to determine the ansible_ssh_host value for either IPv4 or IPv6. If no address is found, ansible_ssh_host will not be set. Acceptable values are: 4 or 6. Values other than 4 or 6 will be ignored, and 4 will be used. Accepts a comma-separated list, the first found wins. Examples: List server instances $ RAX_CREDS_FILE=~/.raxpub rax.py --list List servers in ORD datacenter only $ RAX_CREDS_FILE=~/.raxpub RAX_REGION=ORD rax.py --list List servers in ORD and DFW datacenters $ RAX_CREDS_FILE=~/.raxpub RAX_REGION=ORD,DFW rax.py --list Get server details for server named "server.example.com" $ RAX_CREDS_FILE=~/.raxpub rax.py --host server.example.com Use the instance private IP to connect (instead of public IP) $ RAX_CREDS_FILE=~/.raxpub RAX_ACCESS_NETWORK=private rax.py --list """ import os import re import sys import argparse import warnings import collections import ConfigParser from ansible.constants import get_config, mk_boolean try: import json except ImportError: import simplejson as json try: import pyrax from pyrax.utils import slugify except ImportError: print('pyrax is required for this module') sys.exit(1) from time import time NON_CALLABLES = (basestring, bool, dict, int, list, type(None)) def load_config_file(): p = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() config_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), 'rax.ini') try: p.read(config_file) except ConfigParser.Error: return None else: return p p = load_config_file() def rax_slugify(value): return 'rax_%s' % (re.sub('[^\w-]', '_', value).lower().lstrip('_')) def to_dict(obj): instance = {} for key in dir(obj): value = getattr(obj, key) if isinstance(value, NON_CALLABLES) and not key.startswith('_'): key = rax_slugify(key) instance[key] = value return instance def host(regions, hostname): hostvars = {} for region in regions: # Connect to the region cs = pyrax.connect_to_cloudservers(region=region) for server in cs.servers.list(): if server.name == hostname: for key, value in to_dict(server).items(): hostvars[key] = value # And finally, add an IP address hostvars['ansible_ssh_host'] = server.accessIPv4 print(json.dumps(hostvars, sort_keys=True, indent=4)) def _list_into_cache(regions): groups = collections.defaultdict(list) hostvars = collections.defaultdict(dict) images = {} cbs_attachments = collections.defaultdict(dict) prefix = get_config(p, 'rax', 'meta_prefix', 'RAX_META_PREFIX', 'meta') networks = get_config(p, 'rax', 'access_network', 'RAX_ACCESS_NETWORK', 'public', islist=True) try: ip_versions = map(int, get_config(p, 'rax', 'access_ip_version', 'RAX_ACCESS_IP_VERSION', 4, islist=True)) except: ip_versions = [4] else: ip_versions = [v for v in ip_versions if v in [4, 6]] if not ip_versions: ip_versions = [4] # Go through all the regions looking for servers for region in regions: # Connect to the region cs = pyrax.connect_to_cloudservers(region=region) if cs is None: warnings.warn( 'Connecting to Rackspace region "%s" has caused Pyrax to ' 'return a NoneType. Is this a valid region?' % region, RuntimeWarning) continue for server in cs.servers.list(): # Create a group on region groups[region].append(server.name) # Check if group metadata key in servers' metadata group = server.metadata.get('group') if group: groups[group].append(server.name) for extra_group in server.metadata.get('groups', '').split(','): if extra_group: groups[extra_group].append(server.name) # Add host metadata for key, value in to_dict(server).items(): hostvars[server.name][key] = value hostvars[server.name]['rax_region'] = region for key, value in server.metadata.iteritems(): groups['%s_%s_%s' % (prefix, key, value)].append(server.name) groups['instance-%s' % server.id].append(server.name) groups['flavor-%s' % server.flavor['id']].append(server.name) # Handle boot from volume if not server.image: if not cbs_attachments[region]: cbs = pyrax.connect_to_cloud_blockstorage(region) for vol in cbs.list(): if mk_boolean(vol.bootable): for attachment in vol.attachments: metadata = vol.volume_image_metadata server_id = attachment['server_id'] cbs_attachments[region][server_id] = { 'id': metadata['image_id'], 'name': slugify(metadata['image_name']) } image = cbs_attachments[region].get(server.id) if image: server.image = {'id': image['id']} hostvars[server.name]['rax_image'] = server.image hostvars[server.name]['rax_boot_source'] = 'volume' images[image['id']] = image['name'] else: hostvars[server.name]['rax_boot_source'] = 'local' try: imagegroup = 'image-%s' % images[server.image['id']] groups[imagegroup].append(server.name) groups['image-%s' % server.image['id']].append(server.name) except KeyError: try: image = cs.images.get(server.image['id']) except cs.exceptions.NotFound: groups['image-%s' % server.image['id']].append(server.name) else: images[image.id] = image.human_id groups['image-%s' % image.human_id].append(server.name) groups['image-%s' % server.image['id']].append(server.name) # And finally, add an IP address ansible_ssh_host = None # use accessIPv[46] instead of looping address for 'public' for network_name in networks: if ansible_ssh_host: break if network_name == 'public': for version_name in ip_versions: if ansible_ssh_host: break if version_name == 6 and server.accessIPv6: ansible_ssh_host = server.accessIPv6 elif server.accessIPv4: ansible_ssh_host = server.accessIPv4 if not ansible_ssh_host: addresses = server.addresses.get(network_name, []) for address in addresses: for version_name in ip_versions: if ansible_ssh_host: break if address.get('version') == version_name: ansible_ssh_host = address.get('addr') break if ansible_ssh_host: hostvars[server.name]['ansible_ssh_host'] = ansible_ssh_host if hostvars: groups['_meta'] = {'hostvars': hostvars} with open(get_cache_file_path(regions), 'w') as cache_file: json.dump(groups, cache_file) def get_cache_file_path(regions): regions_str = '.'.join([reg.strip().lower() for reg in regions]) ansible_tmp_path = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), '.ansible', 'tmp') if not os.path.exists(ansible_tmp_path): os.makedirs(ansible_tmp_path) return os.path.join(ansible_tmp_path, 'ansible-rax-%s-%s.cache' % ( pyrax.identity.username, regions_str)) def _list(regions, refresh_cache=True): if (not os.path.exists(get_cache_file_path(regions)) or refresh_cache or (time() - os.stat(get_cache_file_path(regions))[-1]) > 600): # Cache file doesn't exist or older than 10m or refresh cache requested _list_into_cache(regions) with open(get_cache_file_path(regions), 'r') as cache_file: groups = json.load(cache_file) print(json.dumps(groups, sort_keys=True, indent=4)) def parse_args(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Ansible Rackspace Cloud ' 'inventory module') group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True) group.add_argument('--list', action='store_true', help='List active servers') group.add_argument('--host', help='List details about the specific host') parser.add_argument('--refresh-cache', action='store_true', default=False, help=('Force refresh of cache, making API requests to' 'RackSpace (default: False - use cache files)')) return parser.parse_args() def setup(): default_creds_file = os.path.expanduser('~/.rackspace_cloud_credentials') env = get_config(p, 'rax', 'environment', 'RAX_ENV', None) if env: pyrax.set_environment(env) keyring_username = pyrax.get_setting('keyring_username') # Attempt to grab credentials from environment first creds_file = get_config(p, 'rax', 'creds_file', 'RAX_CREDS_FILE', None) if creds_file is not None: creds_file = os.path.expanduser(creds_file) else: # But if that fails, use the default location of # ~/.rackspace_cloud_credentials if os.path.isfile(default_creds_file): creds_file = default_creds_file elif not keyring_username: sys.stderr.write('No value in environment variable %s and/or no ' 'credentials file at %s\n' % ('RAX_CREDS_FILE', default_creds_file)) sys.exit(1) identity_type = pyrax.get_setting('identity_type') pyrax.set_setting('identity_type', identity_type or 'rackspace') region = pyrax.get_setting('region') try: if keyring_username: pyrax.keyring_auth(keyring_username, region=region) else: pyrax.set_credential_file(creds_file, region=region) except Exception, e: sys.stderr.write("%s: %s\n" % (e, e.message)) sys.exit(1) regions = [] if region: regions.append(region) else: region_list = get_config(p, 'rax', 'regions', 'RAX_REGION', 'all', islist=True) for region in region_list: region = region.strip().upper() if region == 'ALL': regions = pyrax.regions break elif region not in pyrax.regions: sys.stderr.write('Unsupported region %s' % region) sys.exit(1) elif region not in regions: regions.append(region) return regions def main(): args = parse_args() regions = setup() if args.list: _list(regions, refresh_cache=args.refresh_cache) elif args.host: host(regions, args.host) sys.exit(0) if __name__ == '__main__': main()