#!/usr/bin/python # # This file is part of Ansible # # Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Ansible. If not, see . # DOCUMENTATION = ''' --- module: nxos_vxlan_vtep_vni version_added: "2.2" short_description: Creates a Virtual Network Identifier member (VNI) description: - Creates a Virtual Network Identifier member (VNI) for an NVE overlay interface. author: Gabriele Gerbino (@GGabriele) extends_documentation_fragment: nxos notes: - default, where supported, restores params default value options: interface: description: - Interface name for the VXLAN Network Virtualization Endpoint required: true vni: description: - ID of the Virtual Network Identifier. required: true assoc_vrf: description: - This attribute is used to identify and separate processing VNIs that are associated with a VRF and used for routing. The VRF and VNI specified with this command must match the configuration of the VNI under the VRF. required: false choices: ['true','false'] default: null ingress_replication: description: - Specifies mechanism for host reachability advertisement. required: false choices: ['bgp','static'] default: null multicast_group: description: - The multicast group (range) of the VNI. Valid values are string and keyword 'default'. required: false default: null peer_list: description: - Set the ingress-replication static peer list. Valid values are an array, a space-separated string of ip addresses, or the keyword 'default'. required: false default: null suppress_arp: description: - Suppress arp under layer 2 VNI. required: false choices: ['true','false'] default: null state: description: - Determines whether the config should be present or not on the device. required: false default: present choices: ['present','absent'] m_facts: description: - Used to print module facts required: false default: false choices: ['true','false'] ''' EXAMPLES = ''' - nxos_vxlan_vtep_vni: interface=nve1 vni=6000 ingress_replication=default username: "{{ un }}" password: "{{ pwd }}" host: "{{ inventory_hostname }}" ''' RETURN = ''' proposed: description: k/v pairs of parameters passed into module returned: when C(m_facts)=true type: dict sample: {"ingress_replication": "default", "interface": "nve1", "vni": "6000"} existing: description: k/v pairs of existing configuration returned: when C(m_facts)=true type: dict sample: {} end_state: description: k/v pairs of configuration after module execution returned: when C(m_facts)=true type: dict sample: {"assoc_vrf": false, "ingress_replication": "", "interface": "nve1", "multicast_group": "", "peer_list": [], "suppress_arp": false, "vni": "6000"} updates: description: commands sent to the device returned: always type: list sample: ["interface nve1", "member vni 6000"] changed: description: check to see if a change was made on the device returned: always type: boolean sample: true ''' # COMMON CODE FOR MIGRATION import re import time import collections import itertools import shlex from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule, env_fallback, get_exception from ansible.module_utils.basic import BOOLEANS_TRUE, BOOLEANS_FALSE from ansible.module_utils.shell import Shell, ShellError, HAS_PARAMIKO from ansible.module_utils.netcfg import parse from ansible.module_utils.urls import fetch_url DEFAULT_COMMENT_TOKENS = ['#', '!'] class ConfigLine(object): def __init__(self, text): self.text = text self.children = list() self.parents = list() self.raw = None @property def line(self): line = ['set'] line.extend([p.text for p in self.parents]) line.append(self.text) return ' '.join(line) def __str__(self): return self.raw def __eq__(self, other): if self.text == other.text: return self.parents == other.parents def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) def ignore_line(text, tokens=None): for item in (tokens or DEFAULT_COMMENT_TOKENS): if text.startswith(item): return True def get_next(iterable): item, next_item = itertools.tee(iterable, 2) next_item = itertools.islice(next_item, 1, None) return itertools.izip_longest(item, next_item) def parse(lines, indent, comment_tokens=None): toplevel = re.compile(r'\S') childline = re.compile(r'^\s*(.+)$') ancestors = list() config = list() for line in str(lines).split('\n'): text = str(re.sub(r'([{};])', '', line)).strip() cfg = ConfigLine(text) cfg.raw = line if not text or ignore_line(text, comment_tokens): continue # handle top level commands if toplevel.match(line): ancestors = [cfg] # handle sub level commands else: match = childline.match(line) line_indent = match.start(1) level = int(line_indent / indent) parent_level = level - 1 cfg.parents = ancestors[:level] if level > len(ancestors): config.append(cfg) continue for i in range(level, len(ancestors)): ancestors.pop() ancestors.append(cfg) ancestors[parent_level].children.append(cfg) config.append(cfg) return config class CustomNetworkConfig(object): def __init__(self, indent=None, contents=None, device_os=None): self.indent = indent or 1 self._config = list() self._device_os = device_os if contents: self.load(contents) @property def items(self): return self._config @property def lines(self): lines = list() for item, next_item in get_next(self.items): if next_item is None: lines.append(item.line) elif not next_item.line.startswith(item.line): lines.append(item.line) return lines def __str__(self): text = '' for item in self.items: if not item.parents: expand = self.get_section(item.text) text += '%s\n' % self.get_section(item.text) return str(text).strip() def load(self, contents): self._config = parse(contents, indent=self.indent) def load_from_file(self, filename): self.load(open(filename).read()) def get(self, path): if isinstance(path, basestring): path = [path] for item in self._config: if item.text == path[-1]: parents = [p.text for p in item.parents] if parents == path[:-1]: return item def search(self, regexp, path=None): regex = re.compile(r'^%s' % regexp, re.M) if path: parent = self.get(path) if not parent or not parent.children: return children = [c.text for c in parent.children] data = '\n'.join(children) else: data = str(self) match = regex.search(data) if match: if match.groups(): values = match.groupdict().values() groups = list(set(match.groups()).difference(values)) return (groups, match.groupdict()) else: return match.group() def findall(self, regexp): regexp = r'%s' % regexp return re.findall(regexp, str(self)) def expand(self, obj, items): block = [item.raw for item in obj.parents] block.append(obj.raw) current_level = items for b in block: if b not in current_level: current_level[b] = collections.OrderedDict() current_level = current_level[b] for c in obj.children: if c.raw not in current_level: current_level[c.raw] = collections.OrderedDict() def to_lines(self, section): lines = list() for entry in section[1:]: line = ['set'] line.extend([p.text for p in entry.parents]) line.append(entry.text) lines.append(' '.join(line)) return lines def to_block(self, section): return '\n'.join([item.raw for item in section]) def get_section(self, path): try: section = self.get_section_objects(path) if self._device_os == 'junos': return self.to_lines(section) return self.to_block(section) except ValueError: return list() def get_section_objects(self, path): if not isinstance(path, list): path = [path] obj = self.get_object(path) if not obj: raise ValueError('path does not exist in config') return self.expand_section(obj) def expand_section(self, configobj, S=None): if S is None: S = list() S.append(configobj) for child in configobj.children: if child in S: continue self.expand_section(child, S) return S def flatten(self, data, obj=None): if obj is None: obj = list() for k, v in data.items(): obj.append(k) self.flatten(v, obj) return obj def get_object(self, path): for item in self.items: if item.text == path[-1]: parents = [p.text for p in item.parents] if parents == path[:-1]: return item def get_children(self, path): obj = self.get_object(path) if obj: return obj.children def difference(self, other, path=None, match='line', replace='line'): updates = list() config = self.items if path: config = self.get_children(path) or list() if match == 'line': for item in config: if item not in other.items: updates.append(item) elif match == 'strict': if path: current = other.get_children(path) or list() else: current = other.items for index, item in enumerate(config): try: if item != current[index]: updates.append(item) except IndexError: updates.append(item) elif match == 'exact': if path: current = other.get_children(path) or list() else: current = other.items if len(current) != len(config): updates.extend(config) else: for ours, theirs in itertools.izip(config, current): if ours != theirs: updates.extend(config) break if self._device_os == 'junos': return updates diffs = collections.OrderedDict() for update in updates: if replace == 'block' and update.parents: update = update.parents[-1] self.expand(update, diffs) return self.flatten(diffs) def replace(self, replace, text=None, regex=None, parents=None, add_if_missing=False, ignore_whitespace=False): match = None parents = parents or list() if text is None and regex is None: raise ValueError('missing required arguments') if not regex: regex = ['^%s$' % text] patterns = [re.compile(r, re.I) for r in to_list(regex)] for item in self.items: for regexp in patterns: if ignore_whitespace is True: string = item.text else: string = item.raw if regexp.search(item.text): if item.text != replace: if parents == [p.text for p in item.parents]: match = item break if match: match.text = replace indent = len(match.raw) - len(match.raw.lstrip()) match.raw = replace.rjust(len(replace) + indent) elif add_if_missing: self.add(replace, parents=parents) def add(self, lines, parents=None): """Adds one or lines of configuration """ ancestors = list() offset = 0 obj = None ## global config command if not parents: for line in to_list(lines): item = ConfigLine(line) item.raw = line if item not in self.items: self.items.append(item) else: for index, p in enumerate(parents): try: i = index + 1 obj = self.get_section_objects(parents[:i])[0] ancestors.append(obj) except ValueError: # add parent to config offset = index * self.indent obj = ConfigLine(p) obj.raw = p.rjust(len(p) + offset) if ancestors: obj.parents = list(ancestors) ancestors[-1].children.append(obj) self.items.append(obj) ancestors.append(obj) # add child objects for line in to_list(lines): # check if child already exists for child in ancestors[-1].children: if child.text == line: break else: offset = len(parents) * self.indent item = ConfigLine(line) item.raw = line.rjust(len(line) + offset) item.parents = ancestors ancestors[-1].children.append(item) self.items.append(item) def argument_spec(): return dict( # config options running_config=dict(aliases=['config']), save_config=dict(type='bool', default=False, aliases=['save']) ) nxos_argument_spec = argument_spec() NET_PASSWD_RE = re.compile(r"[\r\n]?password: $", re.I) NET_COMMON_ARGS = dict( host=dict(required=True), port=dict(type='int'), username=dict(fallback=(env_fallback, ['ANSIBLE_NET_USERNAME'])), password=dict(no_log=True, fallback=(env_fallback, ['ANSIBLE_NET_PASSWORD'])), ssh_keyfile=dict(fallback=(env_fallback, ['ANSIBLE_NET_SSH_KEYFILE']), type='path'), transport=dict(default='cli', choices=['cli', 'nxapi']), use_ssl=dict(default=False, type='bool'), validate_certs=dict(default=True, type='bool'), provider=dict(type='dict'), timeout=dict(default=10, type='int') ) NXAPI_COMMAND_TYPES = ['cli_show', 'cli_show_ascii', 'cli_conf', 'bash'] NXAPI_ENCODINGS = ['json', 'xml'] CLI_PROMPTS_RE = [ re.compile(r'[\r\n]?[a-zA-Z]{1}[a-zA-Z0-9-]*[>|#|%](?:\s*)$'), re.compile(r'[\r\n]?[a-zA-Z]{1}[a-zA-Z0-9-]*\(.+\)#(?:\s*)$') ] CLI_ERRORS_RE = [ re.compile(r"% ?Error"), re.compile(r"^% \w+", re.M), re.compile(r"% ?Bad secret"), re.compile(r"invalid input", re.I), re.compile(r"(?:incomplete|ambiguous) command", re.I), re.compile(r"connection timed out", re.I), re.compile(r"[^\r\n]+ not found", re.I), re.compile(r"'[^']' +returned error code: ?\d+"), re.compile(r"syntax error"), re.compile(r"unknown command") ] def to_list(val): if isinstance(val, (list, tuple)): return list(val) elif val is not None: return [val] else: return list() class Nxapi(object): def __init__(self, module): self.module = module # sets the module_utils/urls.py req parameters self.module.params['url_username'] = module.params['username'] self.module.params['url_password'] = module.params['password'] self.url = None self._nxapi_auth = None def _get_body(self, commands, command_type, encoding, version='1.0', chunk='0', sid=None): """Encodes a NXAPI JSON request message """ if isinstance(commands, (list, set, tuple)): commands = ' ;'.join(commands) if encoding not in NXAPI_ENCODINGS: msg = 'invalid encoding, received %s, exceped one of %s' % \ (encoding, ','.join(NXAPI_ENCODINGS)) self.module_fail_json(msg=msg) msg = { 'version': version, 'type': command_type, 'chunk': chunk, 'sid': sid, 'input': commands, 'output_format': encoding } return dict(ins_api=msg) def connect(self): host = self.module.params['host'] port = self.module.params['port'] if self.module.params['use_ssl']: proto = 'https' if not port: port = 443 else: proto = 'http' if not port: port = 80 self.url = '%s://%s:%s/ins' % (proto, host, port) def send(self, commands, command_type='cli_show_ascii', encoding='json'): """Send commands to the device. """ clist = to_list(commands) if command_type not in NXAPI_COMMAND_TYPES: msg = 'invalid command_type, received %s, exceped one of %s' % \ (command_type, ','.join(NXAPI_COMMAND_TYPES)) self.module_fail_json(msg=msg) data = self._get_body(clist, command_type, encoding) data = self.module.jsonify(data) headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'} if self._nxapi_auth: headers['Cookie'] = self._nxapi_auth response, headers = fetch_url(self.module, self.url, data=data, headers=headers, method='POST') self._nxapi_auth = headers.get('set-cookie') if headers['status'] != 200: self.module.fail_json(**headers) response = self.module.from_json(response.read()) result = list() output = response['ins_api']['outputs']['output'] for item in to_list(output): if item['code'] != '200': self.module.fail_json(**item) else: result.append(item['body']) return result class Cli(object): def __init__(self, module): self.module = module self.shell = None def connect(self, **kwargs): host = self.module.params['host'] port = self.module.params['port'] or 22 username = self.module.params['username'] password = self.module.params['password'] timeout = self.module.params['timeout'] key_filename = self.module.params['ssh_keyfile'] allow_agent = (key_filename is not None) or (key_filename is None and password is None) try: self.shell = Shell(kickstart=False, prompts_re=CLI_PROMPTS_RE, errors_re=CLI_ERRORS_RE) self.shell.open(host, port=port, username=username, password=password, key_filename=key_filename, allow_agent=allow_agent, timeout=timeout) except ShellError: e = get_exception() msg = 'failed to connect to %s:%s - %s' % (host, port, str(e)) self.module.fail_json(msg=msg) def send(self, commands, encoding='text'): try: return self.shell.send(commands) except ShellError: e = get_exception() self.module.fail_json(msg=e.message, commands=commands) class NetworkModule(AnsibleModule): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(NetworkModule, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.connection = None self._config = None self._connected = False @property def connected(self): return self._connected @property def config(self): if not self._config: self._config = self.get_config() return self._config def _load_params(self): super(NetworkModule, self)._load_params() provider = self.params.get('provider') or dict() for key, value in provider.items(): if key in NET_COMMON_ARGS: if self.params.get(key) is None and value is not None: self.params[key] = value def connect(self): cls = globals().get(str(self.params['transport']).capitalize()) try: self.connection = cls(self) except TypeError: e = get_exception() self.fail_json(msg=e.message) self.connection.connect() if self.params['transport'] == 'cli': self.connection.send('terminal length 0') self._connected = True def configure(self, commands): commands = to_list(commands) if self.params['transport'] == 'cli': return self.configure_cli(commands) else: return self.execute(commands, command_type='cli_conf') def configure_cli(self, commands): commands = to_list(commands) commands.insert(0, 'configure') responses = self.execute(commands) responses.pop(0) return responses def execute(self, commands, **kwargs): if not self.connected: self.connect() return self.connection.send(commands, **kwargs) def disconnect(self): self.connection.close() self._connected = False def parse_config(self, cfg): return parse(cfg, indent=2) def get_config(self): cmd = 'show running-config' if self.params.get('include_defaults'): cmd += ' all' response = self.execute(cmd) return response[0] def get_module(**kwargs): """Return instance of NetworkModule """ argument_spec = NET_COMMON_ARGS.copy() if kwargs.get('argument_spec'): argument_spec.update(kwargs['argument_spec']) kwargs['argument_spec'] = argument_spec module = NetworkModule(**kwargs) if module.params['transport'] == 'cli' and not HAS_PARAMIKO: module.fail_json(msg='paramiko is required but does not appear to be installed') return module def custom_get_config(module, include_defaults=False): config = module.params['running_config'] if not config: cmd = 'show running-config' if module.params['include_defaults']: cmd += ' all' if module.params['transport'] == 'nxapi': config = module.execute([cmd], command_type='cli_show_ascii')[0] else: config = module.execute([cmd])[0] return CustomNetworkConfig(indent=2, contents=config) def load_config(module, candidate): config = custom_get_config(module) commands = candidate.difference(config) commands = [str(c).strip() for c in commands] save_config = module.params['save_config'] result = dict(changed=False) if commands: if not module.check_mode: module.configure(commands) if save_config: module.config.save_config() result['changed'] = True result['updates'] = commands return result # END OF COMMON CODE BOOL_PARAMS = ['suppress_arp'] PARAM_TO_COMMAND_KEYMAP = { 'assoc_vrf': 'associate-vrf', 'interface': 'interface', 'vni': 'member vni', 'ingress_replication': 'ingress-replication protocol', 'multicast_group': 'mcast-group', 'peer_list': 'peer-ip', 'suppress_arp': 'suppress-arp' } PARAM_TO_DEFAULT_KEYMAP = {} WARNINGS = [] def invoke(name, *args, **kwargs): func = globals().get(name) if func: return func(*args, **kwargs) def get_value(arg, config, module): if arg in BOOL_PARAMS: REGEX = re.compile(r'\s+{0}\s*$'.format(PARAM_TO_COMMAND_KEYMAP[arg]), re.M) value = False try: if REGEX.search(config): value = True except TypeError: value = False else: REGEX = re.compile(r'(?:{0}\s)(?P.*)$'.format(PARAM_TO_COMMAND_KEYMAP[arg]), re.M) value = '' if PARAM_TO_COMMAND_KEYMAP[arg] in config: value = REGEX.search(config).group('value') return value def check_interface(module, netcfg): config = str(netcfg) REGEX = re.compile(r'(?:interface nve)(?P.*)$', re.M) value = '' if 'interface nve' in config: value = 'nve{0}'.format(REGEX.search(config).group('value')) return value def get_custom_value(arg, config, module): splitted_config = config.splitlines() if arg == 'assoc_vrf': value = False if 'associate-vrf' in config: value = True elif arg == 'peer_list': value = [] REGEX = re.compile(r'(?:peer-ip\s)(?P.*)$', re.M) for line in splitted_config: peer_value = '' if PARAM_TO_COMMAND_KEYMAP[arg] in line: peer_value = REGEX.search(line).group('peer_value') if peer_value: value.append(peer_value) return value def get_existing(module, args): existing = {} netcfg = custom_get_config(module) custom = [ 'assoc_vrf', 'peer_list' ] interface_exist = check_interface(module, netcfg) if interface_exist: parents = ['interface {0}'.format(interface_exist)] temp_config = netcfg.get_section(parents) if 'associate-vrf' in temp_config: parents.append('member vni {0} associate-vrf'.format( module.params['vni'])) config = netcfg.get_section(parents) elif 'member vni' in temp_config: parents.append('member vni {0}'.format(module.params['vni'])) config = netcfg.get_section(parents) else: config = {} if config: for arg in args: if arg not in ['interface', 'vni']: if arg in custom: existing[arg] = get_custom_value(arg, config, module) else: existing[arg] = get_value(arg, config, module) existing['interface'] = interface_exist existing['vni'] = module.params['vni'] return existing, interface_exist def apply_key_map(key_map, table): new_dict = {} for key, value in table.items(): new_key = key_map.get(key) if new_key: value = table.get(key) if value: new_dict[new_key] = value else: new_dict[new_key] = value return new_dict def state_present(module, existing, proposed, candidate): commands = list() proposed_commands = apply_key_map(PARAM_TO_COMMAND_KEYMAP, proposed) existing_commands = apply_key_map(PARAM_TO_COMMAND_KEYMAP, existing) for key, value in proposed_commands.iteritems(): if key == 'associate-vrf': command = 'member vni {0} {1}'.format(module.params['vni'], key) if value: commands.append(command) else: commands.append('no {0}'.format(command)) elif key == 'peer-ip' and value != 'default': for peer in value: commands.append('{0} {1}'.format(key, peer)) elif value is True: commands.append(key) elif value is False: commands.append('no {0}'.format(key)) elif value == 'default': if existing_commands.get(key): existing_value = existing_commands.get(key) if key == 'peer-ip': for peer in existing_value: commands.append('no {0} {1}'.format(key, peer)) else: commands.append('no {0} {1}'.format(key, existing_value)) else: if key.replace(' ', '_').replace('-', '_') in BOOL_PARAMS: commands.append('no {0}'.format(key.lower())) else: command = '{0} {1}'.format(key, value.lower()) commands.append(command) if commands: vni_command = 'member vni {0}'.format(module.params['vni']) ingress_replication_command = 'ingress-replication protocol static' interface_command = 'interface {0}'.format(module.params['interface']) if ingress_replication_command in commands: static_level_cmds = [cmd for cmd in commands if 'peer' in cmd] parents = [interface_command, vni_command, ingress_replication_command] candidate.add(static_level_cmds, parents=parents) commands = [cmd for cmd in commands if 'peer' not in cmd] if vni_command in commands: parents = [interface_command] commands.remove(vni_command) if module.params['assoc_vrf'] is None: parents.append(vni_command) candidate.add(commands, parents=parents) def state_absent(module, existing, proposed, candidate): if existing['assoc_vrf']: commands = ['no member vni {0} associate-vrf'.format( module.params['vni'])] else: commands = ['no member vni {0}'.format(module.params['vni'])] parents = ['interface {0}'.format(module.params['interface'])] candidate.add(commands, parents=parents) def main(): argument_spec = dict( interface=dict(required=True, type='str'), vni=dict(required=True, type='str'), assoc_vrf=dict(required=False, type='bool'), multicast_group=dict(required=False, type='str'), peer_list=dict(required=False, type='list'), suppress_arp=dict(required=False, type='bool'), ingress_replication=dict(required=False, type='str', choices=['bgp', 'static', 'default']), m_facts=dict(required=False, default=False, type='bool'), state=dict(choices=['present', 'absent'], default='present', required=False), include_defaults=dict(default=True) ) argument_spec.update(nxos_argument_spec) module = get_module(argument_spec=argument_spec, supports_check_mode=True) if module.params['assoc_vrf']: mutually_exclusive_params = ['multicast_group', 'suppress_arp', 'ingress_replication'] for param in mutually_exclusive_params: if module.params[param]: module.fail_json(msg='assoc_vrf cannot be used with ' '{0} param'.format(param)) if module.params['peer_list']: if module.params['ingress_replication'] != 'static': module.fail_json(msg='ingress_replication=static is required ' 'when using peer_list param') else: peer_list = module.params['peer_list'] if peer_list[0] == 'default': module.params['peer_list'] = 'default' else: stripped_peer_list = map(str.strip, peer_list) module.params['peer_list'] = stripped_peer_list state = module.params['state'] args = [ 'assoc_vrf', 'interface', 'vni', 'ingress_replication', 'multicast_group', 'peer_list', 'suppress_arp' ] existing, interface_exist = invoke('get_existing', module, args) end_state = existing proposed_args = dict((k, v) for k, v in module.params.iteritems() if v is not None and k in args) proposed = {} for key, value in proposed_args.iteritems(): if key != 'interface': if str(value).lower() == 'default': value = PARAM_TO_DEFAULT_KEYMAP.get(key) if value is None: value = 'default' if existing.get(key) or (not existing.get(key) and value): proposed[key] = value result = {} if state == 'present' or (state == 'absent' and existing): if not interface_exist: WARNINGS.append("The proposed NVE interface does not exist. " "Use nxos_interface to create it first.") elif interface_exist != module.params['interface']: module.fail_json(msg='Only 1 NVE interface is allowed on ' 'the switch.') elif (existing and state == 'absent' and existing['vni'] != module.params['vni']): module.fail_json(msg="ERROR: VNI delete failed: Could not find" " vni node for {0}".format( module.params['vni']), existing_vni=existing['vni']) else: candidate = CustomNetworkConfig(indent=3) invoke('state_%s' % state, module, existing, proposed, candidate) try: response = load_config(module, candidate) result.update(response) except ShellError: exc = get_exception() module.fail_json(msg=str(exc)) else: result['updates'] = [] result['connected'] = module.connected if module.params['m_facts']: end_state, interface_exist = invoke('get_existing', module, args) result['end_state'] = end_state result['existing'] = existing result['proposed'] = proposed_args if WARNINGS: result['warnings'] = WARNINGS module.exit_json(**result) if __name__ == '__main__': main()