#!/usr/bin/python DOCUMENTATION = ''' --- module: ec2_eip short_description: associate an EC2 elastic IP with an instance. description: - This module associates AWS EC2 elastic IP addresses with instances version_added: 1.4 options: instance_id: description: - The EC2 instance id required: false public_ip: description: - The elastic IP address to associate with the instance. - If absent, allocate a new address required: false state: description: - If present, associate the IP with the instance. - If absent, disassociate the IP with the instance. required: false choices: ['present', 'absent'] default: present ec2_url: description: - URL to use to connect to EC2-compatible cloud (by default the module will use EC2 endpoints) required: false default: null aliases: [ EC2_URL ] ec2_access_key: description: - EC2 access key. If not specified then the EC2_ACCESS_KEY environment variable is used. required: false default: null aliases: [ EC2_ACCESS_KEY ] ec2_secret_key: description: - EC2 secret key. If not specified then the EC2_SECRET_KEY environment variable is used. required: false default: null aliases: [ EC2_SECRET_KEY ] region: description: - the EC2 region to use required: false default: null aliases: [ ec2_region ] in_vpc: description: - allocate an EIP inside a VPC or not required: false default: false version_added: "1.4" requirements: [ "boto" ] author: Lorin Hochstein notes: - This module will return C(public_ip) on success, which will contain the public IP address associated with the instance. - There may be a delay between the time the Elastic IP is assigned and when the cloud instance is reachable via the new address. Use wait_for and pause to delay further playbook execution until the instance is reachable, if necessary. ''' EXAMPLES = ''' - name: associate an elastic IP with an instance ec2_eip: instance_id=i-1212f003 ip= - name: disassociate an elastic IP from an instance ec2_eip: instance_id=i-1212f003 ip= state=absent - name: allocate a new elastic IP and associate it with an instance ec2_eip: instance_id=i-1212f003 - name: allocate a new elastic IP without associating it to anything ec2_eip: register: eip - name: output the IP debug: msg="Allocated IP is {{ eip.public_ip }}" - name: provision new instances with ec2 ec2: keypair=mykey instance_type=c1.medium image=emi-40603AD1 wait=yes group=webserver count=3 register: ec2 - name: associate new elastic IPs with each of the instances ec2_eip: "instance_id={{ item }}" with_items: ec2.instance_ids - name: allocate a new elastic IP inside a VPC in us-west-2 ec2_eip: region=us-west-2 in_vpc=yes register: eip - name: output the IP debug: msg="Allocated IP inside a VPC is {{ eip.public_ip }}" ''' try: import boto.ec2 except ImportError: boto_found = False else: boto_found = True def connect(ec2_url, ec2_secret_key, ec2_access_key, region): """ Return an ec2 connection""" # allow environment variables to be used if ansible vars aren't set if not ec2_url and 'EC2_URL' in os.environ: ec2_url = os.environ['EC2_URL'] if not ec2_secret_key and 'EC2_SECRET_KEY' in os.environ: ec2_secret_key = os.environ['EC2_SECRET_KEY'] if not ec2_access_key and 'EC2_ACCESS_KEY' in os.environ: ec2_access_key = os.environ['EC2_ACCESS_KEY'] # If we have a region specified, connect to its endpoint. if region: try: ec2 = boto.ec2.connect_to_region(region, aws_access_key_id=ec2_access_key, aws_secret_access_key=ec2_secret_key) except boto.exception.NoAuthHandlerFound, e: module.fail_json(msg = str(" %s %s %s " % (region, ec2_access_key, ec2_secret_key))) # Otherwise, no region so we fallback to the old connection method else: try: if ec2_url: # if we have an URL set, connect to the specified endpoint ec2 = boto.connect_ec2_endpoint(ec2_url, ec2_access_key, ec2_secret_key) else: # otherwise it's Amazon. ec2 = boto.connect_ec2(ec2_access_key, ec2_secret_key) except boto.exception.NoAuthHandlerFound, e: module.fail_json(msg = str(e)) return ec2 def associate_ip_and_instance(ec2, address, instance_id, module): if ip_is_associated_with_instance(ec2, address.public_ip, instance_id, module): module.exit_json(changed=False, public_ip=address.public_ip) # If we're in check mode, nothing else to do if module.check_mode: module.exit_json(changed=True) try: if address.domain == "vpc": res = ec2.associate_address(instance_id, allocation_id=address.allocation_id) else: res = ec2.associate_address(instance_id, public_ip=address.public_ip) except boto.exception.EC2ResponseError, e: module.fail_json(msg=str(e)) if res: module.exit_json(changed=True, public_ip=address.public_ip) else: module.fail_json(msg="association failed") def disassociate_ip_and_instance(ec2, address, instance_id, module): if not ip_is_associated_with_instance(ec2, address.public_ip, instance_id, module): module.exit_json(changed=False, public_ip=address.public_ip) # If we're in check mode, nothing else to do if module.check_mode: module.exit_json(changed=True) try: if address.domain == "vpc": res = ec2.disassociate_address(association_id=address.association_id) else: res = ec2.disassociate_address(public_ip=address.public_ip) except boto.exception.EC2ResponseError, e: module.fail_json(msg=str(e)) if res: module.exit_json(changed=True) else: module.fail_json(msg="disassociation failed") def find_address(ec2, public_ip, module): """ Find an existing Elastic IP address """ try: addresses = ec2.get_all_addresses([public_ip]) except boto.exception.EC2ResponseError, e: module.fail_json(msg=str(e.message)) return addresses[0] def ip_is_associated_with_instance(ec2, public_ip, instance_id, module): """ Check if the elastic IP is currently associated with the instance """ address = find_address(ec2, public_ip, module) if address: return address.instance_id == instance_id else: return False def allocate_address(ec2, domain, module): """ Allocate a new elastic IP address and return it """ # If we're in check mode, nothing else to do if module.check_mode: module.exit_json(change=True) address = ec2.allocate_address(domain=domain) return address def release_address(ec2, public_ip, module): """ Release a previously allocated elastic IP address """ address = find_address(ec2, public_ip, module) # If we're in check mode, nothing else to do if module.check_mode: module.exit_json(change=True) res = address.release() if res: module.exit_json(changed=True) else: module.fail_json(msg="release failed") def find_instance(ec2, instance_id, module): """ Attempt to find the EC2 instance and return it """ try: reservations = ec2.get_all_reservations(instance_ids=[instance_id]) except boto.exception.EC2ResponseError, e: module.fail_json(msg=str(e)) if len(reservations) == 1: instances = reservations[0].instances if len(instances) == 1: return instances[0] module.fail_json(msg="could not find instance" + instance_id) def main(): module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec = dict( instance_id = dict(required=False), public_ip = dict(required=False, aliases= ['ip']), state = dict(required=False, default='present', choices=['present', 'absent']), ec2_url = dict(required=False, aliases=['EC2_URL']), ec2_secret_key = dict(required=False, aliases=['EC2_SECRET_KEY'], no_log=True), ec2_access_key = dict(required=False, aliases=['EC2_ACCESS_KEY']), region = dict(required=False, aliases=['ec2_region']), in_vpc = dict(required=False, choices=BOOLEANS, default=False), ), supports_check_mode=True ) if not boto_found: module.fail_json(msg="boto is required") # def get_ec2_creds(module): # return ec2_url, ec2_access_key, ec2_secret_key, region ec2_url, ec2_access_key, ec2_secret_key, region = get_ec2_creds(module) ec2 = connect(ec2_url=ec2_url, ec2_access_key=ec2_access_key, ec2_secret_key=ec2_secret_key, region=region) instance_id = module.params.get('instance_id') public_ip = module.params.get('public_ip') state = module.params.get('state') in_vpc = module.params.get('in_vpc') domain = "vpc" if in_vpc else None if state == 'present': if public_ip is None: if instance_id is None: address = allocate_address(ec2, domain, module) module.exit_json(changed=True, public_ip=address.public_ip) else: # Determine if the instance is inside a VPC or not instance = find_instance(ec2, instance_id, module) if instance.vpc_id != None: domain = "vpc" address = allocate_address(ec2, domain, module) else: address = find_address(ec2, public_ip, module) associate_ip_and_instance(ec2, address, instance_id, module) else: if instance_id is None: release_address(ec2, public_ip, module) else: address = find_address(ec2, public_ip, module) disassociate_ip_and_instance(ec2, address, instance_id, module) # import module snippets from ansible.module_utils.basic import * from ansible.module_utils.ec2 import * if __name__ == '__main__': main()