# test code for the mongodb_shard module # (c) 2019, Rhys Campbell # This file is part of Ansible # # Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Ansible. If not, see . # ============================================================ - name: Ensure tests home exists file: path: "{{ remote_tmp_dir }}/tests" state: directory - include_tasks: mongod_teardown.yml - set_fact: current_replicaset: "{{ mongodb_replicaset1 }}" - set_fact: mongodb_nodes: [ 3001, 3002, 3003 ] - include_tasks: mongod_replicaset.yml - set_fact: current_replicaset: "{{ mongodb_replicaset2 }}" - set_fact: mongodb_nodes: [ 3004, 3005, 3006 ] - include_tasks: mongod_replicaset.yml - name: Launch cfg server command: mongod --configsvr --port 4000 --dbpath {{ remote_tmp_dir }}/config --logpath {{ remote_tmp_dir }}/config.log --smallfiles --replSet "{{ configsrv_replicaset }}" --fork - name: Create replicaset1 with module mongodb_replicaset: login_user: admin login_password: secret login_host: "localhost" login_port: 3001 login_database: "admin" replica_set: "{{ mongodb_replicaset1 }}" members: - "localhost:3001" - "localhost:3002" - "localhost:3003" - name: Create replicaset2 with module mongodb_replicaset: login_user: admin login_password: secret login_host: "localhost" login_port: 3004 login_database: "admin" replica_set: "{{ mongodb_replicaset2 }}" members: - "localhost:3004" - "localhost:3005" - "localhost:3006" - name: Create config srv replicaset with module mongodb_replicaset: login_user: admin login_password: secret login_host: "localhost" login_port: 4000 login_database: "admin" replica_set: "{{ configsrv_replicaset }}" validate: no members: - "localhost:4000" - name: Get config server replset mongo_output command: mongo admin --port 4000 --eval "rs.status();" register: cfg_replset_output - name: Assert that replset is a config server assert: that: - "'\"configsvr\" : true' in cfg_replset_output.stdout" - "'\"set\" : \"{{ configsrv_replicaset }}\"' in cfg_replset_output.stdout" - name: Launch mongos command: mongos --configdb "{{ configsrv_replicaset }}/localhost:4000" --logpath "{{ remote_tmp_dir }}/tests/mongos.log" --port 27017 --fork - name: Ensure is_primary script exists on host copy: src: js/is_primary.js dest: "{{ remote_tmp_dir }}/tests/is_primary.js" - name: Ensure host reaches primary before proceeding 3001 command: mongo admin --port 3001 "{{ remote_tmp_dir }}/tests/is_primary.js" - name: Ensure host reaches primary before proceeding 3004 command: mongo admin --port 3004 "{{ remote_tmp_dir }}/tests/is_primary.js" - name: Add shard 1 mongodb_shard: login_user: admin login_password: admin shard: "{{ mongodb_replicaset1 }}/localhost:3001" state: present - name: Add shard 2 mongodb_shard: login_user: admin login_password: admin shard: "{{ mongodb_replicaset2 }}/localhost:3004" state: present - name: Get replicaset info command: mongo admin --eval "sh.status()" --port 27017 register: mongo_output - name: Assert shard name is in mongo_output assert: that: - "mongo_output.changed == true" - "'{{ mongodb_replicaset1 }}/localhost:3001,localhost:3002,localhost:3003' in mongo_output.stdout" - "'{{ mongodb_replicaset2 }}/localhost:3004,localhost:3005,localhost:3006' in mongo_output.stdout" - "'balancer' in mongo_output.stdout" - name: Remove shard 2 mongodb_shard: login_user: admin login_password: admin shard: "{{ mongodb_replicaset2 }}" state: absent - name: Get replicaset info command: mongo admin --eval "sh.status()" --port 27017 register: mongo_output - name: Assert shard 2 is draining assert: that: - "mongo_output.changed == true" - "'{{ mongodb_replicaset1 }}/localhost:3001,localhost:3002,localhost:3003' in mongo_output.stdout" - "'\"draining\" : true' in mongo_output.stdout" - "'balancer' in mongo_output.stdout" - name: Run remove command again to finalize shard removal mongodb_shard: login_user: admin login_password: admin shard: "{{ mongodb_replicaset2 }}" state: absent - name: Get replicaset info command: mongo admin --eval "sh.status()" --port 27017 register: mongo_output - name: Assert shard 2 is not present assert: that: - "mongo_output.changed == true" - "'{{ mongodb_replicaset1 }}/localhost:3001,localhost:3002,localhost:3003' in mongo_output.stdout" - "'{{ mongodb_replicaset2 }}/localhost:3004,localhost:3005,localhost:3006' not in mongo_output.stdout" - "'balancer' in mongo_output.stdout" # Repeat of above with auth enabled - include_tasks: mongod_teardown.yml - set_fact: current_replicaset: "{{ mongodb_replicaset1 }}" - set_fact: mongodb_nodes: [ 3001, 3002, 3003 ] - include_tasks: mongod_replicaset.yml - set_fact: current_replicaset: "{{ mongodb_replicaset2 }}" - set_fact: mongodb_nodes: [ 3004, 3005, 3006 ] - include_tasks: mongod_replicaset.yml - name: Create replicaset1 with module mongodb_replicaset: login_user: admin login_password: secret login_host: "localhost" login_port: 3001 login_database: "admin" replica_set: "{{ mongodb_replicaset1 }}" members: - "localhost:3001" - "localhost:3002" - "localhost:3003" - name: Create replicaset2 with module mongodb_replicaset: login_user: admin login_password: secret login_host: "localhost" login_port: 3004 login_database: "admin" replica_set: "{{ mongodb_replicaset2 }}" members: - "localhost:3004" - "localhost:3005" - "localhost:3006" - name: Launch cfg server command: mongod --configsvr --port 4000 --dbpath {{ remote_tmp_dir }}/config --logpath {{ remote_tmp_dir }}/config.log --smallfiles --replSet "{{ configsrv_replicaset }}" --fork - name: Create config srv replicaset with module mongodb_replicaset: login_user: "{{ mongodb_admin_user }}" login_password: "{{ mongodb_admin_password }}" login_port: 4000 login_database: "admin" replica_set: "{{ configsrv_replicaset }}" validate: no members: - "localhost:4000" - name: Ensure host reaches primary before proceeding 3001 command: mongo admin --port 3001 "{{ remote_tmp_dir }}/tests/is_primary.js" - name: Ensure host reaches primary before proceeding 3004 command: mongo admin --port 3004 "{{ remote_tmp_dir }}/tests/is_primary.js" - name: Ensure host reaches primary before proceeding 4000 command: mongo admin --port 4000 "{{ remote_tmp_dir }}/tests/is_primary.js" - name: Add mongodb admin user to each shard 3.4+ mongodb_user: login_host: localhost login_port: "{{ item.port }}" replica_set: "{{ item.rs }}" database: admin name: "{{ mongodb_admin_user }}" password: "{{ mongodb_admin_password }}" roles: ["root"] state: present register: mongo_admin_user with_items: - { "port": 3001, "rs": "{{ mongodb_replicaset1 }}" } - { "port": 3004, "rs": "{{ mongodb_replicaset2 }}" } - { "port": 4000, "rs": "{{ configsrv_replicaset }}" } when: mongodb_version not in ["3.2", "4.0"] and test_mongo_auth == True - name: Add mongodb admin user to each shard 3.2 ^ 4.0 mongodb_user: login_host: localhost login_port: "{{ item.port }}" replica_set: "{{ item.rs }}" database: admin name: "{{ mongodb_admin_user }}" password: "{{ mongodb_admin_password }}" roles: ["root"] state: present register: mongo_admin_user with_items: - { "port": 3001, "rs": "{{ mongodb_replicaset1 }}" } - { "port": 3004, "rs": "{{ mongodb_replicaset2 }}" } when: mongodb_version not in ["3.2", "4.0"] and test_mongo_auth == True # mongodb_user throws an error when creating a user on 3.2 (also on 4.0 with Ubuntu 18.04) # 'majority' is the only valid write concern when writing to config server replica sets - name: Copy create_user_root_3.2.js.j2 template to host template: src: create_user_root_3.2.js.j2 dest: /root/create_user_root_3.2.js when: mongodb_version in ["3.2", "4.0"] - name: Copy script to host template: src: files/bash/ensure_primary.sh.j2 dest: /root/ensure_primary.sh - name: Execute script for 3001 script: /root/ensure_primary.sh 3001 0 # We do this here because sometimes 3004 instance seems to be demoted - name: Execute script for 3004 script: /root/ensure_primary.sh 3004 0 - name: Create admin user on 3.2 and 4.0 config replset shell: mongo admin --port {{ item }} /root/create_user_root_3.2.js with_items: - 4000 - 3001 - 3004 when: mongodb_version in ["3.2", "4.0"] - name: Murder all mongod processes shell: pkill -{{ kill_signal }} mongod || true; - name: Getting pids for mongod pids: name: mongod register: pids_of_mongod - name: Wait for all mongod processes to exit wait_for: path: "/proc/{{ item }}/status" state: absent with_items: "{{ pids_of_mongod }}" - set_fact: current_replicaset: "{{ mongodb_replicaset1 }}" - set_fact: mongodb_nodes: [ 3001, 3002, 3003 ] - set_fact: mongod_auth: true - include_tasks: mongod_replicaset.yml - set_fact: current_replicaset: "{{ mongodb_replicaset2 }}" - set_fact: mongodb_nodes: [ 3004, 3005, 3006 ] - set_fact: mongod_auth: true - include_tasks: mongod_replicaset.yml - name: Launch cfg server with auth command: mongod --configsvr --port 4000 --dbpath {{ remote_tmp_dir }}/config --logpath {{ remote_tmp_dir }}/config.log --smallfiles --replSet "{{ configsrv_replicaset }}" --fork --auth --keyFile {{ remote_tmp_dir }}/my.key - name: Execute script for 3001 script: /root/ensure_primary.sh 3001 1 - name: Execute script for 3004 script: /root/ensure_primary.sh 3004 1 - name: Ensure host reaches primary before proceeding 3001 command: mongo admin --port 3001 -u {{ mongodb_admin_user }} -p {{ mongodb_admin_password }} "{{ remote_tmp_dir }}/tests/is_primary.js" - name: Ensure host reaches primary before proceeding 3004 command: mongo admin --port 3004 -u {{ mongodb_admin_user }} -p {{ mongodb_admin_password }} "{{ remote_tmp_dir }}/tests/is_primary.js" - name: Launch mongos command: mongos --configdb "{{ configsrv_replicaset }}/localhost:4000" --logpath "{{ remote_tmp_dir }}/mongos.log" --port 27017 --fork --keyFile {{ remote_tmp_dir }}/my.key - name: Wait for mongos to become active wait_for: host: localhost port: 4000 delay: 1 - name: Add shard 1 mongodb_shard: login_user: "{{ mongodb_admin_user }}" login_password: "{{ mongodb_admin_password }}" shard: "{{ mongodb_replicaset1 }}/localhost:3001" state: present - name: Add shard 2 mongodb_shard: login_user: "{{ mongodb_admin_user }}" login_password: "{{ mongodb_admin_password }}" shard: "{{ mongodb_replicaset2 }}/localhost:3004" state: present - name: Test with bad password mongodb_shard: login_user: "{{ mongodb_admin_user }}" login_password: XXXXXXXXXXXX shard: "{{ mongodb_replicaset2 }}/localhost:3004" state: present register: mongodb_shard_bad_pw ignore_errors: True - name: Assert login failed assert: that: - "mongodb_shard_bad_pw.changed == False" - "'unable to connect to database: Authentication failed.' == mongodb_shard_bad_pw.msg" - name: Get replicaset info command: mongo admin --eval "sh.status()" --port 27017 -u "{{ mongodb_admin_user }}" -p "{{ mongodb_admin_password }}" register: mongo_output - name: Assert shard name is in mongo_output assert: that: - "mongo_output.changed == true" - "'{{ mongodb_replicaset1 }}/localhost:3001,localhost:3002,localhost:3003' in mongo_output.stdout" - "'{{ mongodb_replicaset2 }}/localhost:3004,localhost:3005,localhost:3006' in mongo_output.stdout" - "'balancer' in mongo_output.stdout" - name: Remove shard 2 mongodb_shard: login_user: "{{ mongodb_admin_user }}" login_password: "{{ mongodb_admin_password }}" shard: "{{ mongodb_replicaset2 }}" state: absent - name: Get replicaset info command: mongo admin --eval "sh.status()" --port 27017 -u "{{ mongodb_admin_user }}" -p "{{ mongodb_admin_password }}" register: mongo_output - name: Assert shard 2 is draining assert: that: - "mongo_output.changed == true" - "'{{ mongodb_replicaset1 }}/localhost:3001,localhost:3002,localhost:3003' in mongo_output.stdout" - "'\"draining\" : true' in mongo_output.stdout" - "'balancer' in mongo_output.stdout" - name: Run remove command again to finalize shard removal mongodb_shard: login_user: "{{ mongodb_admin_user }}" login_password: "{{ mongodb_admin_password }}" shard: "{{ mongodb_replicaset2 }}" state: absent - name: Get replicaset info command: mongo admin --eval "sh.status()" --port 27017 -u "{{ mongodb_admin_user }}" -p "{{ mongodb_admin_password }}" register: mongo_output - name: Assert shard 2 is not present assert: that: - "mongo_output.changed == true" - "'{{ mongodb_replicaset1 }}/localhost:3001,localhost:3002,localhost:3003' in mongo_output.stdout" - "'{{ mongodb_replicaset2 }}/localhost:3004,localhost:3005,localhost:3006' not in mongo_output.stdout" - "'balancer' in mongo_output.stdout" # TODO - Readd this test once we support serverSelectionTimeoutMS / connectTimeoutMS #- name: Run test with unknown host # mongodb_shard: # login_user: "{{ mongodb_admin_user }}" # login_password: "{{ mongodb_admin_password }}" # login_host: "idonotexist" # shard: "{{ mongodb_replicaset2 }}" # state: absent # ignore_errors: True # register: host_does_not_exist #- name: Assert that "Name or service not known" is in error # assert: # that: # - "host_does_not_exist.changed == False" # - "'unable to connect to database: idonotexist:27017: [Errno -2] Name or service not known' == host_does_not_exist.msg" # Final clean up to prevent "directory not empty" error - include_tasks: mongod_teardown.yml