# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright: (c) 2015, Matt Martz # Copyright: (c) 2015, Rackspace US, Inc. # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) import re from voluptuous import ALLOW_EXTRA, PREVENT_EXTRA, All, Any, Length, Invalid, Required, Schema, Self from ansible.module_utils.six import string_types from ansible.module_utils.common.collections import is_iterable list_string_types = list(string_types) any_string_types = Any(*string_types) # Valid DOCUMENTATION.author lines # Based on Ansibulbot's extract_github_id() # author: First Last (@name) [optional anything] # "Ansible Core Team" - Used by the Bot # "Michael DeHaan" - nop # "Name (!UNKNOWN)" - For the few untraceable authors author_line = re.compile(r'^\w.*(\(@([\w-]+)\)|!UNKNOWN)(?![\w.])|^Ansible Core Team$|^Michael DeHaan$') def sequence_of_sequences(min=None, max=None): return All( Any( None, [Length(min=min, max=max)], tuple([Length(min=min, max=max)]), ), Any( None, [Any(list, tuple)], tuple([Any(list, tuple)]), ), ) seealso_schema = Schema( [ Any( { Required('module'): Any(*string_types), 'description': Any(*string_types), }, { Required('ref'): Any(*string_types), Required('description'): Any(*string_types), }, { Required('name'): Any(*string_types), Required('link'): Any(*string_types), Required('description'): Any(*string_types), }, ), ] ) ansible_module_kwargs_schema = Schema( { 'argument_spec': dict, 'bypass_checks': bool, 'no_log': bool, 'check_invalid_arguments': Any(None, bool), 'mutually_exclusive': sequence_of_sequences(min=2), 'required_together': sequence_of_sequences(min=2), 'required_one_of': sequence_of_sequences(min=2), 'add_file_common_args': bool, 'supports_check_mode': bool, 'required_if': sequence_of_sequences(min=3), } ) suboption_schema = Schema( { Required('description'): Any(list_string_types, *string_types), 'required': bool, 'choices': list, 'aliases': Any(list_string_types), 'version_added': Any(float, *string_types), 'default': Any(None, float, int, bool, list, dict, *string_types), # Note: Types are strings, not literal bools, such as True or False 'type': Any(None, 'str', 'list', 'dict', 'bool', 'int', 'float', 'path', 'raw', 'jsonarg', 'json', 'bytes', 'bits'), # Recursive suboptions 'suboptions': Any(None, *list({str_type: Self} for str_type in string_types)), }, extra=PREVENT_EXTRA ) # This generates list of dicts with keys from string_types and suboption_schema value # for example in Python 3: {str: suboption_schema} list_dict_suboption_schema = [{str_type: suboption_schema} for str_type in string_types] option_schema = Schema( { Required('description'): Any(list_string_types, *string_types), 'required': bool, 'choices': list, 'aliases': Any(list_string_types), 'version_added': Any(float, *string_types), 'default': Any(None, float, int, bool, list, dict, *string_types), 'suboptions': Any(None, *list_dict_suboption_schema), # Note: Types are strings, not literal bools, such as True or False 'type': Any(None, 'str', 'list', 'dict', 'bool', 'int', 'float', 'path', 'raw', 'jsonarg', 'json', 'bytes', 'bits'), }, extra=PREVENT_EXTRA ) # This generates list of dicts with keys from string_types and option_schema value # for example in Python 3: {str: option_schema} list_dict_option_schema = [{str_type: option_schema} for str_type in string_types] def return_contains(v): schema = Schema( { Required('contains'): Any(dict, list, *string_types) }, extra=ALLOW_EXTRA ) if v.get('type') == 'complex': return schema(v) return v return_schema = Any( All( Schema( { any_string_types: { Required('description'): Any(list_string_types, *string_types), Required('returned'): Any(*string_types), Required('type'): Any('string', 'list', 'boolean', 'dict', 'complex', 'bool', 'float', 'int', 'dictionary', 'str'), 'version_added': Any(float, *string_types), 'sample': Any(None, list, dict, int, float, *string_types), 'example': Any(None, list, dict, int, float, *string_types), 'contains': object, } } ), Schema({any_string_types: return_contains}) ), Schema(type(None)), ) deprecation_schema = Schema( { # Only list branches that are deprecated or may have docs stubs in # Deprecation cycle changed at 2.4 (though not retroactively) # 2.3 -> removed_in: "2.5" + n for docs stub # 2.4 -> removed_in: "2.8" + n for docs stub Required('removed_in'): Any("2.2", "2.3", "2.4", "2.5", "2.6", "2.8", "2.9", "2.10", "2.11", "2.12"), Required('why'): Any(*string_types), Required('alternative'): Any(*string_types), 'removed': Any(True), }, extra=PREVENT_EXTRA ) def author(value): if not is_iterable(value): value = [value] for line in value: m = author_line.search(line) if not m: raise Invalid("Invalid author") def doc_schema(module_name): deprecated_module = False if module_name.startswith('_'): module_name = module_name[1:] deprecated_module = True doc_schema_dict = { Required('module'): module_name, Required('short_description'): Any(*string_types), Required('description'): Any(list_string_types, *string_types), Required('version_added'): Any(float, *string_types), Required('author'): All(Any(None, list_string_types, *string_types), author), 'notes': Any(None, list_string_types), 'seealso': Any(None, seealso_schema), 'requirements': list_string_types, 'todo': Any(None, list_string_types, *string_types), 'options': Any(None, *list_dict_option_schema), 'extends_documentation_fragment': Any(list_string_types, *string_types) } if deprecated_module: deprecation_required_scheme = { Required('deprecated'): Any(deprecation_schema), } doc_schema_dict.update(deprecation_required_scheme) return Schema( doc_schema_dict, extra=PREVENT_EXTRA ) def metadata_1_0_schema(deprecated): valid_status = Any('stableinterface', 'preview', 'deprecated', 'removed') if deprecated: valid_status = Any('deprecated') return Schema( { Required('status'): [valid_status], Required('metadata_version'): '1.0', Required('supported_by'): Any('core', 'community', 'curated') } ) def metadata_1_1_schema(): valid_status = Any('stableinterface', 'preview', 'deprecated', 'removed') return Schema( { Required('status'): [valid_status], Required('metadata_version'): '1.1', Required('supported_by'): Any('core', 'community', 'certified', 'network') } ) # Things to add soon #################### # 1) Recursively validate `type: complex` fields # This will improve documentation, though require fair amount of module tidyup # Possible Future Enhancements ############################## # 1) Don't allow empty options for choices, aliases, etc # 2) If type: bool ensure choices isn't set - perhaps use Exclusive # 3) both version_added should be quoted floats # Tool that takes JSON and generates RETURN skeleton (needs to support complex structures)