Ansible Releases at a Glance

1.4    "Could This Be Magic?" - active development
1.3    "Top of the World" ----- 09-13-2013
1.2.3  "Hear About It Later" -- 08-21-2013
1.2.2  "Hear About It Later" -- 07-05-2013
1.2.1  "Hear About It Later" -- 07-04-2013
1.2    "Right Now" ------------ 06-10-2013
1.1    "Mean Street" ---------- 04-02-2013
1.0    "Eruption" ------------- 02-01-2013
0.9    "Dreams" --------------- 11-30-2012
0.8    "Cathedral" ------------ 10-19-2012
0.7    "Panama" --------------- 09-06-2012
0.6    "Cabo" ----------------- 08-06-2012
0.5    "Amsterdam" ------------ 07-04-2012
0.4    "Unchained" ------------ 05-23-2012
0.3    "Baluchitherium" ------- 04-23-2012
0.0.2  Untitled
0.0.1  Untitled