all: non_destructive destructive check_mode test_hash non_destructive: ansible-playbook non_destructive.yml -i inventory -e @integration_config.yml -v $(TEST_FLAGS) destructive: ansible-playbook destructive.yml -i inventory -e @integration_config.yml -v $(TEST_FLAGS) check_mode: ansible-playbook check_mode.yml -i inventory -e @integration_config.yml -v --check $(TEST_FLAGS) test_hash: ANSIBLE_HASH_BEHAVIOUR=replace ansible-playbook test_hash.yml -i inventory -v -e '{"test_hash":{"extra_args":"this is an extra arg"}}' ANSIBLE_HASH_BEHAVIOUR=merge ansible-playbook test_hash.yml -i inventory -v -e '{"test_hash":{"extra_args":"this is an extra arg"}}' cloud: amazon rackspace credentials.yml: @echo "No credentials.yml file found. A file named 'credentials.yml' is needed to provide credentials needed to run cloud tests." @exit 1 amazon: credentials.yml ansible-playbook amazon.yml -i inventory -e @integration_config.yml -e @credentials.yml -v $(TEST_FLAGS) @# FIXME - Cleanup won't run if the previous tests fail python -y rackspace: credentials.yml ansible-playbook rackspace.yml -i inventory -e @integration_config.yml -e @credentials.yml -v $(TEST_FLAGS)