- name: Prepare random number set_fact: lab_name: "lab{{ resource_group | hash('md5') | truncate(7, True, '') }}{{ 1000 | random }}" vn_name: "vn{{ resource_group | hash('md5') | truncate(7, True, '') }}{{ 1000 | random }}" vm_name: "vn{{ resource_group | hash('md5') | truncate(7, True, '') }}{{ 1000 | random }}" artifacts_name: myartifacts github_token: "{{ lookup('env','GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN') }}" run_once: yes - name: Create instance of Lab -- check mode azure_rm_devtestlab: resource_group: "{{ resource_group }}" name: "{{ lab_name }}" location: eastus storage_type: standard premium_data_disks: no check_mode: yes register: output - name: Check if the change was correctly reported assert: that: - output.changed - name: Create instance of Lab azure_rm_devtestlab: resource_group: "{{ resource_group }}" name: "{{ lab_name }}" location: eastus storage_type: standard premium_data_disks: no register: output_lab - name: Check if the change was correctly reported assert: that: - output.changed - name: Create again instance of Lab azure_rm_devtestlab: resource_group: "{{ resource_group }}" name: "{{ lab_name }}" location: eastus storage_type: standard premium_data_disks: no register: output - name: Assert the state has not changed assert: that: - output.changed == false - name: Update lab - premium_data_disks azure_rm_devtestlab: resource_group: "{{ resource_group }}" name: "{{ lab_name }}" location: eastus storage_type: standard premium_data_disks: yes register: output - name: Assert the change was registered assert: that: - output.changed - name: List DevTest Lab in a resource group azure_rm_devtestlab_facts: resource_group: "{{ resource_group }}" register: output_lab - name: Assert that facts are returned assert: that: - output_lab.changed == False - output_lab.labs[0]['id'] != None - output_lab.labs[0]['resource_group'] != None - output_lab.labs[0]['name'] != None - output_lab.labs[0]['location'] != None - output_lab.labs[0]['storage_type'] != None - output_lab.labs[0]['premium_data_disks'] != None - output_lab.labs[0]['provisioning_state'] != None - output_lab.labs[0]['vault_name'] != None - name: Get DevTest Lab facts azure_rm_devtestlab_facts: resource_group: "{{ resource_group }}" name: "{{ lab_name }}" register: output_lab - name: Assert that facts are returned assert: that: - output_lab.changed == False - output_lab.labs[0]['id'] != None - output_lab.labs[0]['resource_group'] != None - output_lab.labs[0]['name'] != None - output_lab.labs[0]['location'] != None - output_lab.labs[0]['storage_type'] != None - output_lab.labs[0]['premium_data_disks'] != None - output_lab.labs[0]['provisioning_state'] != None - output_lab.labs[0]['artifacts_storage_account'] != None - output_lab.labs[0]['default_premium_storage_account'] != None - output_lab.labs[0]['default_storage_account'] != None - output_lab.labs[0]['premium_data_disk_storage_account'] != None - output_lab.labs[0]['vault_name'] != None # azure_rm_devtestlabpolicy - name: Create instance of DevTest Lab Policy azure_rm_devtestlabpolicy: resource_group: "{{ resource_group }}" lab_name: "{{ lab_name }}" policy_set_name: myDtlPolicySet name: myDtlPolicy fact_name: user_owned_lab_vm_count threshold: 5 register: output - debug: var: output - name: Assert if the change was correctly reported assert: that: - output.changed - name: Create instance of DevTest Lab Policy -- idempotent azure_rm_devtestlabpolicy: resource_group: "{{ resource_group }}" lab_name: "{{ lab_name }}" policy_set_name: myDtlPolicySet name: myDtlPolicy fact_name: user_owned_lab_vm_count threshold: 5 register: output - debug: var: output - name: Assert if the change was not reported assert: that: - not output.changed - name: Create instance of DevTest Lab Policy -- change value azure_rm_devtestlabpolicy: resource_group: "{{ resource_group }}" lab_name: "{{ lab_name }}" policy_set_name: myDtlPolicySet name: myDtlPolicy fact_name: user_owned_lab_vm_count threshold: 6 register: output - debug: var: output - name: Assert if the change was correctly reported assert: that: - output.changed - name: Delete instance of DevTest Lab Policy azure_rm_devtestlabpolicy: resource_group: "{{ resource_group }}" lab_name: "{{ lab_name }}" policy_set_name: myDtlPolicySet name: myDtlPolicy state: absent register: output - debug: var: output - name: Assert if the change was correctly reported assert: that: - output.changed # azure_rm_devtestlabschedule - name: Create instance of DevTest Lab Schedule azure_rm_devtestlabschedule: resource_group: "{{ resource_group }}" lab_name: "{{ lab_name }}" name: lab_vms_shutdown time: "1030" time_zone_id: "UTC+12" register: output - debug: var: output - name: Assert if the change was correctly reported assert: that: - output.changed - name: Update instance of DevTest Lab Schedule -- idempotent azure_rm_devtestlabschedule: resource_group: "{{ resource_group }}" lab_name: "{{ lab_name }}" name: lab_vms_shutdown time: "1030" time_zone_id: "UTC+12" register: output - debug: var: output - name: Assert if the change was correctly reported assert: that: - not output.changed - name: Update instance of DevTest Lab Schedule -- change time azure_rm_devtestlabschedule: resource_group: "{{ resource_group }}" lab_name: "{{ lab_name }}" name: lab_vms_shutdown time: "1130" time_zone_id: "UTC+12" register: output - debug: var: output - name: Assert if the change was correctly reported assert: that: - output.changed - name: Delete instance of DevTest Lab Schedule azure_rm_devtestlabschedule: resource_group: "{{ resource_group }}" lab_name: "{{ lab_name }}" name: lab_vms_shutdown state: absent register: output - debug: var: output - name: Assert if the change was correctly reported assert: that: - output.changed - name: Create instance of DevTest Labs virtual network azure_rm_devtestlabvirtualnetwork: resource_group: "{{ resource_group }}" lab_name: "{{ lab_name }}" name: "{{ vn_name }}" location: eastus description: My DevTest Lab register: output - name: Assert the change was registered assert: that: - output.changed - name: Update instance of DevTest Labs virtual network with same parameters azure_rm_devtestlabvirtualnetwork: resource_group: "{{ resource_group }}" lab_name: "{{ lab_name }}" name: "{{ vn_name }}" location: eastus description: My DevTest Lab register: output - name: Assert that nothing was changed assert: that: - output.changed == false - name: Update instance of DevTest Labs virtual network with changed description azure_rm_devtestlabvirtualnetwork: resource_group: "{{ resource_group }}" lab_name: "{{ lab_name }}" name: "{{ vn_name }}" location: eastus description: My DevTest Lab Updated register: output - name: Assert that nothing was changed assert: that: - output.changed - name: Get DevTest Lab Virtual Network facts azure_rm_devtestlabvirtualnetwork_facts: resource_group: "{{ resource_group }}" lab_name: "{{ lab_name }}" name: "{{ vn_name }}" register: output - name: Assert that facts are returned assert: that: - output.changed == False - output.virtualnetworks[0]['id'] != None - output.virtualnetworks[0]['resource_group'] != None - output.virtualnetworks[0]['lab_name'] != None - output.virtualnetworks[0]['name'] != None - output.virtualnetworks[0]['external_provider_resource_id'] != None - output.virtualnetworks[0]['description'] != None - output.virtualnetworks[0]['provisioning_state'] != None - name: List all Virtual Networks in DevTest Lab azure_rm_devtestlabvirtualnetwork_facts: resource_group: "{{ resource_group }}" lab_name: "{{ lab_name }}" register: output - name: Assert that facts are returned assert: that: - output.changed == False - output.virtualnetworks[0]['id'] != None - output.virtualnetworks[0]['resource_group'] != None - output.virtualnetworks[0]['lab_name'] != None - output.virtualnetworks[0]['name'] != None - output.virtualnetworks[0]['external_provider_resource_id'] != None - output.virtualnetworks[0]['description'] != None - output.virtualnetworks[0]['provisioning_state'] != None - name: Create instance of DevTest Labs artifacts source azure_rm_devtestlabartifactsource: resource_group: "{{ resource_group }}" lab_name: "{{ lab_name }}" name: "{{ artifacts_name }}" uri: https://github.com/Azure/azure_preview_modules.git source_type: github folder_path: /tasks security_token: "{{ github_token }}" register: output when: "github_token | length > 0" - name: Assert if the change was correctly reported assert: that: - output.changed when: "github_token | length > 0" - name: Update instance of DevTest Labs artifacts source with same parameters azure_rm_devtestlabartifactsource: resource_group: "{{ resource_group }}" lab_name: "{{ lab_name }}" name: "{{ artifacts_name }}" uri: https://github.com/Azure/azure_preview_modules.git source_type: github folder_path: /tasks security_token: "{{ github_token }}" register: output when: "github_token | length > 0" - name: Assert that nothing was changed assert: that: - output.changed == false when: "github_token | length > 0" - name: Update instance of DevTest Labs artifacts source, add display name, change folder azure_rm_devtestlabartifactsource: resource_group: "{{ resource_group }}" lab_name: "{{ lab_name }}" name: "{{ artifacts_name }}" uri: https://github.com/Azure/azure_preview_modules.git source_type: github folder_path: /library security_token: "{{ github_token }}" display_name: My Artifacts Source register: output when: "github_token | length > 0" - name: Assert that nothing was changed assert: that: - output.changed when: "github_token | length > 0" - name: set_fact: artifact_source: - source_name: "{{ artifacts_name }}" source_path: "/Artifacts/linux-install-mongodb" when: "github_token | length > 0" - name: set_fact: artifact_source: null when: "github_token | length == 0" - name: Create instance of DTL Virtual Machine azure_rm_devtestlabvirtualmachine: resource_group: "{{ resource_group }}" lab_name: "{{ lab_name }}" name: "{{ vm_name }}" notes: Virtual machine notes, just something.... os_type: linux vm_size: Standard_A2_v2 user_name: dtladmin password: ZSasfovobocu$$21! lab_subnet: virtual_network_name: "{{ vn_name }}" name: "{{ vn_name }}Subnet" disallow_public_ip_address: no image: offer: UbuntuServer publisher: Canonical sku: 16.04-LTS os_type: Linux version: latest artifacts: "{{ artifact_source }}" allow_claim: no expiration_date: "2029-02-22T01:49:12.117974Z" register: output when: "github_token | length > 0" - name: Assert that change was registered assert: that: - output.changed when: "github_token | length > 0" - name: Update instance of DTL Virtual Machine with same parameters azure_rm_devtestlabvirtualmachine: resource_group: "{{ resource_group }}" lab_name: "{{ lab_name }}" name: "{{ vm_name }}" notes: Virtual machine notes, just something.... os_type: linux vm_size: Standard_A2_v2 user_name: dtladmin password: ZSasfovobocu$$21! lab_subnet: virtual_network_name: "{{ vn_name }}" name: "{{ vn_name }}Subnet" disallow_public_ip_address: no image: offer: UbuntuServer publisher: Canonical sku: 16.04-LTS os_type: Linux version: latest artifacts: "{{ artifact_source }}" allow_claim: no expiration_date: "2029-02-22T01:49:12.117974Z" register: output when: "github_token | length > 0" - name: Assert that nothing has changed assert: that: - output.changed == false when: "github_token | length > 0" - name: Update instance of DTL Virtual Machine - change notes azure_rm_devtestlabvirtualmachine: resource_group: "{{ resource_group }}" lab_name: "{{ lab_name }}" name: "{{ vm_name }}" notes: Virtual machine notes, just something.... more text os_type: linux vm_size: Standard_A2_v2 user_name: dtladmin password: ZSasfovobocu$$21! lab_subnet: virtual_network_name: "{{ vn_name }}" name: "{{ vn_name }}Subnet" disallow_public_ip_address: no image: offer: UbuntuServer publisher: Canonical sku: 16.04-LTS os_type: Linux version: latest artifacts: "{{ artifact_source }}" allow_claim: no expiration_date: "2029-02-22T01:49:12.117974Z" register: output when: "github_token | length > 0" - name: Assert that change was registered assert: that: - output.changed when: "github_token | length > 0" - name: Get Facts of DTL Virtual Machine azure_rm_devtestlabvirtualmachine_facts: resource_group: "{{ resource_group }}" lab_name: "{{ lab_name }}" name: "{{ vm_name }}" register: output_vm - name: Assert that facts are returned assert: that: - output_vm.changed == False - output_vm.virtualmachines[0]['id'] != None - output_vm.virtualmachines[0]['resource_group'] != None - output_vm.virtualmachines[0]['lab_name'] != None - output_vm.virtualmachines[0]['name'] != None - output_vm.virtualmachines[0]['compute_vm_id'] != None - output_vm.virtualmachines[0]['compute_vm_resource_group'] != None - output_vm.virtualmachines[0]['compute_vm_name'] != None - output_vm.virtualmachines[0]['disallow_public_ip_address'] != None - output_vm.virtualmachines[0]['expiration_date'] != None - output_vm.virtualmachines[0]['fqdn'] != None - output_vm.virtualmachines[0]['id'] != None - output_vm.virtualmachines[0]['image'] != None - output_vm.virtualmachines[0]['notes'] != None - output_vm.virtualmachines[0]['os_type'] != None - output_vm.virtualmachines[0]['provisioning_state'] != None - output_vm.virtualmachines[0]['storage_type'] != None - output_vm.virtualmachines[0]['user_name'] != None - output_vm.virtualmachines[0]['vm_size'] != None when: "github_token | length > 0" - name: List Facts of DTL Virtual Machine azure_rm_devtestlabvirtualmachine_facts: resource_group: "{{ resource_group }}" lab_name: "{{ lab_name }}" register: output_vm - name: Assert that facts are returned assert: that: - output_vm.changed == False - output_vm.virtualmachines[0]['id'] != None - output_vm.virtualmachines[0]['resource_group'] != None - output_vm.virtualmachines[0]['lab_name'] != None - output_vm.virtualmachines[0]['name'] != None - output_vm.virtualmachines[0]['compute_vm_id'] != None - output_vm.virtualmachines[0]['disallow_public_ip_address'] != None - output_vm.virtualmachines[0]['expiration_date'] != None - output_vm.virtualmachines[0]['fqdn'] != None - output_vm.virtualmachines[0]['id'] != None - output_vm.virtualmachines[0]['image'] != None - output_vm.virtualmachines[0]['notes'] != None - output_vm.virtualmachines[0]['os_type'] != None - output_vm.virtualmachines[0]['provisioning_state'] != None - output_vm.virtualmachines[0]['storage_type'] != None - output_vm.virtualmachines[0]['user_name'] != None - output_vm.virtualmachines[0]['vm_size'] != None when: "github_token | length > 0" - name: List all artifact sources azure_rm_devtestlabartifactsource_facts: resource_group: "{{ resource_group }}" lab_name: "{{ lab_name }}" register: output - name: Assert that facts are returned assert: that: - output.changed == False - output.artifactsources[0]['id'] != None - output.artifactsources[0]['resource_group'] != None - output.artifactsources[0]['lab_name'] != None - output.artifactsources[0]['name'] != None - output.artifactsources[0]['display_name'] != None - output.artifactsources[0]['source_type'] != None - output.artifactsources[0]['is_enabled'] != None - output.artifactsources[0]['uri'] != None - output.artifactsources[0]['folder_path'] != None - output.artifactsources[0]['provisioning_state'] != None - output.artifactsources | length >= 2 - name: Get artifacts source facts azure_rm_devtestlabartifactsource_facts: resource_group: "{{ resource_group }}" lab_name: "{{ lab_name }}" name: public repo register: output - name: Assert that facts are returned assert: that: - output.changed == False - output.artifactsources[0]['id'] != None - output.artifactsources[0]['resource_group'] != None - output.artifactsources[0]['lab_name'] != None - output.artifactsources[0]['name'] != None - output.artifactsources[0]['display_name'] != None - output.artifactsources[0]['source_type'] != None - output.artifactsources[0]['is_enabled'] != None - output.artifactsources[0]['uri'] != None - output.artifactsources[0]['folder_path'] != None - output.artifactsources[0]['provisioning_state'] != None - name: Delete instance of DevTest Labs artifacts source azure_rm_devtestlabartifactsource: resource_group: "{{ resource_group }}" lab_name: "{{ lab_name }}" name: "{{ artifacts_name }}" state: absent register: output when: "github_token | length > 0" - name: Assert that change was correctly registered assert: that: - output.changed when: "github_token | length > 0" - name: List ARM Template facts azure_rm_devtestlabarmtemplate_facts: resource_group: "{{ resource_group }}" lab_name: "{{ lab_name }}" artifact_source_name: "public environment repo" register: output - name: Assert that facts are returned assert: that: - output.armtemplates[0]['id'] != None - output.armtemplates[0]['resource_group'] != None - output.armtemplates[0]['lab_name'] != None - output.armtemplates[0]['artifact_source_name'] != None - output.armtemplates[0]['name'] != None - output.armtemplates[0]['display_name'] != None - output.armtemplates[0]['description'] != None - output.armtemplates[0]['publisher'] != None - "output.armtemplates | length > 1" - name: Get ARM Template facts azure_rm_devtestlabarmtemplate_facts: resource_group: "{{ resource_group }}" lab_name: "{{ lab_name }}" artifact_source_name: "public environment repo" name: ServiceFabric-LabCluster register: output - name: Assert that facts are returned assert: that: - output.armtemplates[0]['id'] != None - output.armtemplates[0]['resource_group'] != None - output.armtemplates[0]['lab_name'] != None - output.armtemplates[0]['artifact_source_name'] != None - output.armtemplates[0]['name'] != None - output.armtemplates[0]['display_name'] != None - output.armtemplates[0]['description'] != None - output.armtemplates[0]['publisher'] != None - "output.armtemplates | length == 1" - name: Get Artifact facts azure_rm_devtestlabartifact_facts: resource_group: "{{ resource_group }}" lab_name: "{{ lab_name }}" artifact_source_name: "public repo" register: output - name: Assert that facts are returned assert: that: - output.changed == False - output.artifacts[0]['id'] != None - output.artifacts[0]['resource_group'] != None - output.artifacts[0]['lab_name'] != None - output.artifacts[0]['artifact_source_name'] != None - output.artifacts[0]['name'] != None - output.artifacts[0]['description'] != None - output.artifacts[0]['file_path'] != None - output.artifacts[0]['publisher'] != None - output.artifacts[0]['target_os_type'] != None - output.artifacts[0]['publisher'] != None - "output.artifacts | length > 1" - name: Get Artifact facts azure_rm_devtestlabartifact_facts: resource_group: "{{ resource_group }}" lab_name: "{{ lab_name }}" artifact_source_name: "public repo" name: windows-webdeploy register: output - name: Assert that facts are returned assert: that: - output.changed == False - output.artifacts[0]['id'] != None - output.artifacts[0]['resource_group'] != None - output.artifacts[0]['lab_name'] != None - output.artifacts[0]['artifact_source_name'] != None - output.artifacts[0]['name'] != None - output.artifacts[0]['description'] != None - output.artifacts[0]['file_path'] != None - output.artifacts[0]['publisher'] != None - output.artifacts[0]['target_os_type'] != None - output.artifacts[0]['publisher'] != None - "output.artifacts | length == 1" - name: Create instance of DevTest Lab Environment azure_rm_devtestlabenvironment: resource_group: "{{ resource_group }}" lab_name: "{{ lab_name }}" user_name: zim name: myEnvironment location: eastus deployment_template: "{{ output_lab.labs[0].id }}/artifactSources/public environment repo/armTemplates/WebApp" register: output - name: Assert if the change was correctly reported assert: that: - output.changed when: "github_token | length > 0" - name: Create instance of DevTest Lab Environment - idempotent azure_rm_devtestlabenvironment: resource_group: "{{ resource_group }}" lab_name: "{{ lab_name }}" user_name: zim name: myEnvironment location: eastus deployment_template: artifact_source_name: public environment repo name: WebApp register: output - name: Assert if the change was not detected assert: that: - not output.changed when: "github_token | length > 0" - name: Delete instance of DevTest Lab Environment azure_rm_devtestlabenvironment: resource_group: "{{ resource_group }}" lab_name: "{{ lab_name }}" user_name: zim name: myEnvironment state: absent register: output - name: Assert that change was detected assert: that: - output.changed when: "github_token | length > 0" - name: Create instance of DevTest Lab Image azure_rm_devtestlabcustomimage: resource_group: "{{ resource_group }}" lab_name: "{{ lab_name }}" name: myImage source_vm: "{{ output_vm.virtualmachines[0]['name'] }}" linux_os_state: non_deprovisioned register: output - name: Assert that change was detected assert: that: - output.changed when: "github_token | length > 0" - name: Create instance of DevTest Lab Image -- idempotent azure_rm_devtestlabcustomimage: resource_group: "{{ resource_group }}" lab_name: "{{ lab_name }}" name: myImage source_vm: "{{ output_vm.virtualmachines[0]['name'] }}" linux_os_state: non_deprovisioned register: output - name: Assert that change was detected assert: that: - not output.changed when: "github_token | length > 0" - name: Delete instance of Lab -- check mode azure_rm_devtestlab: resource_group: "{{ resource_group }}" state: absent name: "{{ lab_name }}" check_mode: yes register: output - name: Assert if the change was correctly reported in check mode assert: that: - output.changed - name: Delete instance of Lab azure_rm_devtestlab: resource_group: "{{ resource_group }}" name: "{{ lab_name }}" state: absent register: output - name: Assert the change was correctly reported assert: that: - output.changed - name: Delete unexisting instance of Lab azure_rm_devtestlab: resource_group: "{{ resource_group }}" name: "{{ lab_name }}unexisting" state: absent register: output - name: Assert thes state has not changed assert: that: - output.changed == false