# will use linear strategy by default - hosts: - "{{hosts|default('all')}}" #- ubuntu1404 #- awxlocal connection: ssh #gather_facts: false #strategy: free #serial: 3 vars: play_var: foo test_dict: a: 1 b: 2 vars_files: - testing/vars.yml tasks: - block: - debug: var=ansible_nodename when: ansible_nodename == "ubuntu1404" - block: - debug: msg="in block for {{inventory_hostname}} ({{ansible_nodename}}), group_var is {{group_var}}, host var is {{host_var}}" notify: foo - debug: msg="test dictionary is {{test_dict}}" when: asdf is defined - command: hostname register: hostname_result - debug: msg="registered result is {{hostname_result.stdout}}" - command: whoami sudo: true sudo_user: testing - assemble: src=./testing/ dest=/tmp/output.txt remote_src=no - copy: content="hello world\n" dest=/tmp/copy_content.out mode=600 - command: /bin/false retries: "{{num_retries|default(5)}}" delay: 1 - debug: msg="you shouldn't see me" rescue: - debug: msg="this is the rescue" - command: /bin/false - debug: msg="you should not see this rescue message" always: - debug: msg="this is the always block, it should always be seen" - command: /bin/false - debug: msg="you should not see this always message" #- debug: msg="linear task 01" #- debug: msg="linear task 02" #- debug: msg="linear task 03" # with_items: # - a # - b # - c handlers: - name: foo debug: msg="this is the foo handler" - name: bar debug: msg="this is the bar handler, you should not see this" #- hosts: all # connection: local # strategy: free # tasks: # - ping: # - command: /bin/false # - debug: msg="free task 01" # - debug: msg="free task 02" # - debug: msg="free task 03"