- debug:
msg: "START ce_lacp presented integration tests on connection={{ ansible_connection }}"
- name: present the provided configuration with the exisiting running configuration
ce_lacp: &present
mode: Dynamic
trunk_id: 10
preempt_enable: True
state_flapping: True
port_id_extension_enable: True
unexpected_mac_disable: True
system_id: 1111-2222-3333
timeout_type: Fast
fast_timeout: 12
mixed_rate_link_enable: True
preempt_delay: 12
collector_delay: 12
max_active_linknumber: 2
select: Prority
priority: 23
global_priority: 123
register: result
- name: Assert the configuration is reflected on host
- "result['changed'] == true"
- name: Get lacp config by ce_netconf.
rpc: get
cfg_xml: "
register: result_ifs_presentd
- name: Get global lacp config by ce_netconf.
rpc: get
cfg_xml: "
register: result_global_presentd
- name: present the provided configuration with the existing running configuration (IDEMPOTENT)
ce_lacp: *present
register: result_re_presentd
- name: Assert that the previous task was idempotent
- "result_re_presentd.changed == false"
- "'Dynamic' == result_ifs_presentd.end_state.result"
- "'true' == result_ifs_presentd.end_state.result"
- "'Fast' == result_ifs_presentd.end_state.result"
- "'12' == result_ifs_presentd.end_state.result"
- "'Prority' == result_ifs_presentd.end_state.result"
- "'12' == result_ifs_presentd.end_state.result"
- "'2' == result_ifs_presentd.end_state.result"
- "'12' in result_ifs_presentd.end_state.result"
- "'true' in result_ifs_presentd.end_state.result"
- "'true' in result_ifs_presentd.end_state.result"
- "'true' in result_ifs_presentd.end_state.result"
- "'true' in result_ifs_presentd.end_state.result"
- "'true' in result_ifs_presentd.end_state.result"
- "'1111-2222-3333' in result_global_presentd.end_state.result"
- "'123' in result_global_presentd.end_state.result"
# after present, it should be deleted
- include_tasks: delete.yaml
- debug:
msg: "END ce_lacp presentd integration tests on connection={{ ansible_connection }}"