--- - debug: msg="START iosxr_netconf cli/basic.yaml on connection={{ ansible_connection }}" - name: Disable NetConf service iosxr_netconf: &disable_netconf state: absent - block: - name: Enable Netconf service iosxr_netconf: netconf_port: 830 netconf_vrf: 'default' state: present register: result - assert: &true that: - 'result.changed == true' - name: Check idempotence of Enable Netconf service iosxr_netconf: netconf_port: 830 netconf_vrf: 'default' state: present register: result - assert: &false that: - 'result.changed == false' - name: Change Netconf port iosxr_netconf: netconf_port: 9000 state: present register: result - assert: *true - name: Check idempotent of change Netconf port iosxr_netconf: netconf_port: 9000 state: present register: result - assert: *false - name: Add Netconf vrf iosxr_netconf: netconf_port: 9000 netconf_vrf: 'new_default' state: present register: result - assert: *true - name: Check idempotent of add Netconf vrf iosxr_netconf: netconf_port: 9000 netconf_vrf: 'new_default' state: present register: result - assert: *false always: - name: Disable Netconf service iosxr_netconf: *disable_netconf - debug: msg="END iosxr_netconf cli/basic.yaml on connection={{ ansible_connection }}"