#!/usr/bin/env python

# Requirements
#   - pyvmomi >=

#   * more jq examples
#   * optional folder heirarchy 

$ jq '._meta.hostvars[].config' data.json | head
  "alternateguestname": "",
  "instanceuuid": "5035a5cd-b8e8-d717-e133-2d383eb0d675",
  "memoryhotaddenabled": false,
  "guestfullname": "Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 (64-bit)",
  "changeversion": "2016-05-16T18:43:14.977925Z",
  "uuid": "4235fc97-5ddb-7a17-193b-9a3ac97dc7b4",
  "cpuhotremoveenabled": false,
  "vpmcenabled": false,
  "firmware": "bios",

from __future__ import print_function

import argparse
import atexit
import datetime
import getpass
import jinja2
import os
import six
import ssl
import sys
import uuid

from collections import defaultdict
from six.moves import configparser
from time import time

    from pyVmomi import vim
    from pyVim.connect import SmartConnect, Disconnect
    HAS_PYVMOMI = True
except ImportError:

    import json
except ImportError:
    import simplejson as json

hasvcr = False
    import vcr
    hasvcr = True
except ImportError:

class VMWareInventory(object):

    __name__ = 'VMWareInventory'

    instances = []
    debug = False
    load_dumpfile = None
    write_dumpfile = None
    maxlevel = 1
    lowerkeys = True
    config = None
    cache_max_age = None
    cache_path_cache = None
    cache_path_index = None
    server = None
    port = None
    username = None
    password = None
    host_filters = []
    groupby_patterns = []

    bad_types = ['Array']
    if (sys.version_info > (3, 0)):
        safe_types = [int, bool, str, float, None]
        safe_types = [int, long, bool, str, float, None]
    iter_types = [dict, list]
    skip_keys = ['dynamicproperty', 'dynamictype', 'managedby', 'childtype']

    def _empty_inventory(self):
        return {"_meta" : {"hostvars" : {}}}

    def __init__(self, load=True):
        self.inventory = self._empty_inventory()

        if load:
            # Read settings and parse CLI arguments

            # Check the cache
            cache_valid = self.is_cache_valid()

            # Handle Cache
            if self.args.refresh_cache or not cache_valid:
                self.inventory = self.get_inventory_from_cache()

    def debugl(self, text):
        if self.args.debug:

    def show(self):
        # Data to print
        data_to_print = None
        if self.args.host:
            data_to_print = self.get_host_info(self.args.host)
        elif self.args.list:
            # Display list of instances for inventory
            data_to_print = self.inventory
        return json.dumps(data_to_print, indent=2)

    def is_cache_valid(self):

        ''' Determines if the cache files have expired, or if it is still valid '''

        valid = False

        if os.path.isfile(self.cache_path_cache):
            mod_time = os.path.getmtime(self.cache_path_cache)
            current_time = time()
            if (mod_time + self.cache_max_age) > current_time:
                valid = True

        return valid

    def do_api_calls_update_cache(self):

        ''' Get instances and cache the data '''

        instances = self.get_instances()
        self.instances = instances
        self.inventory = self.instances_to_inventory(instances)
        self.write_to_cache(self.inventory, self.cache_path_cache)

    def write_to_cache(self, data, cache_path):

        ''' Dump inventory to json file '''

        with open(self.cache_path_cache, 'wb') as f:

    def get_inventory_from_cache(self):

        ''' Read in jsonified inventory '''

        jdata = None
        with open(self.cache_path_cache, 'rb') as f:
            jdata = f.read()
        return json.loads(jdata)

    def read_settings(self):

        ''' Reads the settings from the vmware_inventory.ini file '''

        scriptbasename = __file__
        scriptbasename = os.path.basename(scriptbasename)
        scriptbasename = scriptbasename.replace('.py', '')

        defaults = {'vmware': {
            'server': '',
            'port': 443,
            'username': '',
            'password': '',
            'ini_path': os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '%s.ini' % scriptbasename),
            'cache_name': 'ansible-vmware',
            'cache_path': '~/.ansible/tmp',
            'cache_max_age': 3600,
                        'max_object_level': 1,
                        'alias_pattern': '{{ config.name + "_" + config.uuid }}',
                        'host_pattern': '{{ guest.ipaddress }}',
                        'host_filters': '{{ guest.gueststate == "running" }}',
                        'groupby_patterns': '{{ guest.guestid }},{{ "templates" if config.template else "guests"}}',
                        'lower_var_keys': True }

        if six.PY3:
            config = configparser.ConfigParser()
            config = configparser.SafeConfigParser()

        # where is the config?
        vmware_ini_path = os.environ.get('VMWARE_INI_PATH', defaults['vmware']['ini_path'])
        vmware_ini_path = os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars(vmware_ini_path))

        # apply defaults
        for k,v in defaults['vmware'].iteritems():
            if not config.has_option('vmware', k):
                    config.set('vmware', k, str(v))

        # where is the cache?
        self.cache_dir = os.path.expanduser(config.get('vmware', 'cache_path'))
        if self.cache_dir and not os.path.exists(self.cache_dir):

        # set the cache filename and max age
        cache_name = config.get('vmware', 'cache_name')
        self.cache_path_cache = self.cache_dir + "/%s.cache" % cache_name
        self.cache_max_age = int(config.getint('vmware', 'cache_max_age'))

        # mark the connection info 
        self.server =  os.environ.get('VMWARE_SERVER', config.get('vmware', 'server'))
        self.port = int(os.environ.get('VMWARE_PORT', config.get('vmware', 'port')))
        self.username = os.environ.get('VMWARE_USERNAME', config.get('vmware', 'username'))
        self.password = os.environ.get('VMWARE_PASSWORD', config.get('vmware', 'password'))

        # behavior control
        self.maxlevel = int(config.get('vmware', 'max_object_level'))
        self.lowerkeys = config.get('vmware', 'lower_var_keys')
        if type(self.lowerkeys) != bool:
            if str(self.lowerkeys).lower() in ['yes', 'true', '1']:
                self.lowerkeys = True
                self.lowerkeys = False

        self.host_filters = list(config.get('vmware', 'host_filters').split(','))
        self.groupby_patterns = list(config.get('vmware', 'groupby_patterns').split(','))

        # save the config
        self.config = config    

    def parse_cli_args(self):

        ''' Command line argument processing '''

        parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Produce an Ansible Inventory file based on PyVmomi')
        parser.add_argument('--debug', action='store_true', default=False,
                           help='show debug info')
        parser.add_argument('--list', action='store_true', default=True,
                           help='List instances (default: True)')
        parser.add_argument('--host', action='store',
                           help='Get all the variables about a specific instance')
        parser.add_argument('--refresh-cache', action='store_true', default=False,
                           help='Force refresh of cache by making API requests to VSphere (default: False - use cache files)')
        parser.add_argument('--max-instances', default=None, type=int,
                           help='maximum number of instances to retrieve')
        self.args = parser.parse_args()

    def get_instances(self):

        ''' Get a list of vm instances with pyvmomi '''

        instances = []        

        kwargs = {'host': self.server,
                      'user': self.username,
                      'pwd': self.password,
                      'port': int(self.port) }

        if hasattr(ssl, 'SSLContext'):
            # older ssl libs do not have an SSLContext method:
                #     context = ssl.SSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1)
            #     AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'SSLContext'
            # older pyvmomi version also do not have an sslcontext kwarg:
            # https://github.com/vmware/pyvmomi/commit/92c1de5056be7c5390ac2a28eb08ad939a4b7cdd
            context = ssl.SSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1)
            context.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_NONE
            kwargs['sslContext'] = context

        instances = self._get_instances(kwargs)
        self.debugl("### INSTANCES RETRIEVED")
        return instances

    def _get_instances(self, inkwargs):

        ''' Make API calls '''

        instances = []
        si = SmartConnect(**inkwargs)
        if not si:
            print("Could not connect to the specified host using specified "
                "username and password")
            return -1
        atexit.register(Disconnect, si)
        content = si.RetrieveContent()
        for child in content.rootFolder.childEntity:
            instances += self._get_instances_from_children(child)
        if self.args.max_instances:
            if len(instances) >= (self.args.max_instances+1):
                instances = instances[0:(self.args.max_instances+1)]
        instance_tuples = []    
        for instance in sorted(instances):    
            ifacts = self.facts_from_vobj(instance)
            instance_tuples.append((instance, ifacts))
        return instance_tuples

    def _get_instances_from_children(self, child):
        instances = []

        if hasattr(child, 'childEntity'):
            self.debugl("CHILDREN: %s" % str(child.childEntity))
            instances += self._get_instances_from_children(child.childEntity)
        elif hasattr(child, 'vmFolder'):
            self.debugl("FOLDER: %s" % str(child))
            instances += self._get_instances_from_children(child.vmFolder)
        elif hasattr(child, 'index'):
            self.debugl("LIST: %s" % str(child))
            for x in sorted(child):
                self.debugl("LIST_ITEM: %s" % x)
                instances += self._get_instances_from_children(x)
        elif hasattr(child, 'guest'):
            self.debugl("GUEST: %s" % str(child))
        elif hasattr(child, 'vm'):    
            # resource pools
            self.debugl("RESOURCEPOOL: %s" % child.vm)
            if child.vm:
                instances += self._get_instances_from_children(child.vm)
            self.debugl("ELSE ...")
            except Exception as e:
        return instances

    def instances_to_inventory(self, instances):

        ''' Convert a list of vm objects into a json compliant inventory '''

        inventory = self._empty_inventory()
        inventory['all'] = {}
        inventory['all']['hosts'] = []
        last_idata = None
        total = len(instances)
        for idx,instance in enumerate(instances):
            # make a unique id for this object to avoid vmware's
            # numerous uuid's which aren't all unique.
            thisid = str(uuid.uuid4())
            idata = instance[1]

            # Put it in the inventory
            inventory['_meta']['hostvars'][thisid] = idata.copy()
            inventory['_meta']['hostvars'][thisid]['ansible_uuid'] = thisid

        # Make a map of the uuid to the name the user wants
        name_mapping = self.create_template_mapping(inventory, 
                            self.config.get('vmware', 'alias_pattern'))

        # Make a map of the uuid to the ssh hostname the user wants
        host_mapping = self.create_template_mapping(inventory,
                            self.config.get('vmware', 'host_pattern'))

        # Reset the inventory keys
        for k,v in name_mapping.iteritems():

            # set ansible_host (2.x)
            inventory['_meta']['hostvars'][k]['ansible_host'] = host_mapping[k]
            # 1.9.x backwards compliance
            inventory['_meta']['hostvars'][k]['ansible_ssh_host'] = host_mapping[k]

            if k == v:

            # add new key
            inventory['_meta']['hostvars'][v] = inventory['_meta']['hostvars'][k]

            # cleanup old key
            inventory['_meta']['hostvars'].pop(k, None)

        for i in inventory['all']['hosts']:
        # Apply host filters
        for hf in self.host_filters:
            if not hf:
            self.debugl('FILTER: %s' % hf)
            filter_map = self.create_template_mapping(inventory, hf, dtype='boolean')
            for k,v in filter_map.iteritems():
                if not v:
                    # delete this host
                    inventory['_meta']['hostvars'].pop(k, None)

        for i in inventory['all']['hosts']:

        # Create groups
        for gbp in self.groupby_patterns:
            groupby_map = self.create_template_mapping(inventory, gbp)
            for k,v in groupby_map.iteritems():
                if v not in inventory:
                    inventory[v] = {}
                    inventory[v]['hosts'] = []
                if k not in inventory[v]['hosts']:

        return inventory

    def create_template_mapping(self, inventory, pattern, dtype='string'):

        ''' Return a hash of uuid to templated string from pattern '''

        mapping = {}
        for k,v in inventory['_meta']['hostvars'].iteritems():
            t = jinja2.Template(pattern)
            newkey = None
                newkey = t.render(v)
                newkey = newkey.strip()
            except Exception as e:
                #import epdb; epdb.st()
            if not newkey:
            elif dtype == 'integer':
                newkey = int(newkey)
            elif dtype == 'boolean':
                if newkey.lower() == 'false':
                    newkey = False
                elif newkey.lower() == 'true':
                    newkey = True    
            elif dtype == 'string':
            mapping[k] = newkey
        return mapping

    def facts_from_vobj(self, vobj, level=0):

        ''' Traverse a VM object and return a json compliant data structure '''

        # pyvmomi objects are not yet serializable, but may be one day ...
        # https://github.com/vmware/pyvmomi/issues/21

        rdata = {}

        # Do not serialize self
        if hasattr(vobj, '__name__'):
            if vobj.__name__ == 'VMWareInventory':
                return rdata

        # Exit early if maxlevel is reached
        if level > self.maxlevel:
            return rdata

        # Objects usually have a dict property
        if hasattr(vobj, '__dict__') and not level == 0:

            keys = sorted(vobj.__dict__.keys())
            for k in keys:
                v = vobj.__dict__[k]
                # Skip private methods
                if k.startswith('_'):

                if k.lower() in self.skip_keys:

                if self.lowerkeys:
                    k = k.lower()

                rdata[k] = self._process_object_types(v, level=level)


            methods = dir(vobj)
            methods = [str(x) for x in methods if not x.startswith('_')]
            methods = [x for x in methods if not x in self.bad_types]
            methods = sorted(methods)

            for method in methods:

                if method in rdata:

                # Attempt to get the method, skip on fail
                    methodToCall = getattr(vobj, method)
                except Exception as e:

                # Skip callable methods
                if callable(methodToCall):

                if self.lowerkeys:
                    method = method.lower()

                rdata[method] = self._process_object_types(methodToCall, level=level)

        return rdata

    def _process_object_types(self, vobj, level=0):

        rdata = {}

        self.debugl("PROCESSING: %s" % str(vobj))

        if type(vobj) in self.safe_types:
                rdata = vobj
            except Exception as e:

        elif hasattr(vobj, 'append'):
            rdata = []
            for vi in sorted(vobj):
                if type(vi) in self.safe_types:
                    if (level+1 <= self.maxlevel):
                        vid = self.facts_from_vobj(vi, level=(level+1))
                        if vid:

        elif hasattr(vobj, '__dict__'):
            if (level+1 <= self.maxlevel):
                md = None
                md = self.facts_from_vobj(vobj, level=(level+1))
                if md:
                    rdata = md
        elif not vobj or type(vobj) in self.safe_types:
            rdata = vobj
        elif type(vobj) == datetime.datetime:
            rdata = str(vobj)
            self.debugl("unknown datatype: %s" % type(vobj))

        if not rdata:
            rdata = None
        return rdata

    def get_host_info(self, host):
        ''' Return hostvars for a single host '''

        return self.inventory['_meta']['hostvars'][host]

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Run the script