Using the Python API ==================== The Python API is very powerful, and is how the ansible CLI and ansible-playbook are implemented. It's pretty simple:: import ansible.runner runner = ansible.runner.Runner( module_name='ping', module_args='', pattern='web*', forks=10 ) datastructure = The run method returns results per host, grouped by whether they could be contacted or not. Return types are module specific, as expressed in the 'ansible-modules' documentation.:: { "dark" : { "" : "failure message" } "contacted" : { "" : 1 } } A module can return any type of JSON data it wants, so Ansible can be used as a framework to rapidly build powerful applications and scripts. Detailed API Example ```````````````````` The following script prints out the uptime information for all hosts:: #!/usr/bin/python import ansible.runner import sys # construct the ansible runner and execute on all hosts results = ansible.runner.Runner( pattern='*', forks=10, module_name='command', module_args=['/usr/bin/uptime'], ).run() if results is None: print "No hosts found" sys.exit(1) print "UP ***********" for (hostname, result) in results['contacted'].items(): if not 'failed' in result: print "%s >>> %s" % (hostname, result['stdout']) print "FAILED *******" for (hostname, result) in results['contacted'].items(): if 'failed' in result: print "%s >>> %s" % (hostname, result['msg']) print "DOWN *********" for (hostname, result) in results['dark'].items(): print "%s >>> %s" % (hostname, result) Advanced programmers may also wish to read the source to ansible itself, for it uses the Runner() API (with all available options) to implement the command line tools ``ansible`` and ``ansible-playbook``.