#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # This file is part of Ansible # # Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Ansible. If not, see . DOCUMENTATION = ''' --- module: digital_ocean short_description: Create/delete a droplet/SSH_key in DigitalOcean description: - Create/delete a droplet in DigitalOcean and optionally waits for it to be 'running', or deploy an SSH key. version_added: "1.3" options: command: description: - Which target you want to operate on. default: droplet choices: ['droplet', 'ssh', 'domain'] state: description: - Indicate desired state of the target. default: present choices: ['present', 'active', 'absent', 'deleted'] client_id: description: - Digital Ocean manager id. api_key: description: - Digital Ocean api key. id: description: - Numeric, the droplet id you want to operate on. name: description: - String, this is the name of the droplet - must be formatted by hostname rules, or the name of a SSH key, or the name of a domain. unique_name: description: - Bool, require unique hostnames. By default, digital ocean allows multiple hosts with the same name. Setting this to "yes" allows only one host per name. Useful for idempotence. version_added: "1.4" default: "no" choices: [ "yes", "no" ] size_id: description: - Numeric, this is the id of the size you would like the droplet created at. image_id: description: - Numeric, this is the id of the image you would like the droplet created with. region_id: description: - "Numeric, this is the id of the region you would like your server" ssh_key_ids: description: - Optional, comma separated list of ssh_key_ids that you would like to be added to the server wait: description: - Wait for the droplet to be in state 'running' before returning. If wait is "no" an ip_address may not be returned. default: "yes" choices: [ "yes", "no" ] wait_timeout: description: - How long before wait gives up, in seconds. default: 300 ssh_pub_key: description: - The public SSH key you want to add to your account. ip: description: - The IP address to point a domain at. notes: - Two environment variables can be used, DO_CLIENT_ID and DO_API_KEY. ''' EXAMPLES = ''' # Ensure a SSH key is present # If a key matches this name, will return the ssh key id and changed = False # If no existing key matches this name, a new key is created, the ssh key id is returned and changed = False - digital_ocean: > state=present command=ssh name=my_ssh_key ssh_pub_key='ssh-rsa AAAA...' client_id=XXX api_key=XXX # Create a new Droplet # Will return the droplet details including the droplet id (used for idempotence) - digital_ocean: > state=present command=droplet name=my_new_droplet client_id=XXX api_key=XXX size_id=1 region_id=2 image_id=3 wait_timeout=500 register: my_droplet - debug: msg="ID is {{ my_droplet.droplet.id }}" - debug: msg="IP is {{ my_droplet.droplet.ip_address }}" # Ensure a droplet is present # If droplet id already exist, will return the droplet details and changed = False # If no droplet matches the id, a new droplet will be created and the droplet details (including the new id) are returned, changed = True. - digital_ocean: > state=present command=droplet id=123 name=my_new_droplet client_id=XXX api_key=XXX size_id=1 region_id=2 image_id=3 wait_timeout=500 # Create a droplet with ssh key # The ssh key id can be passed as argument at the creation of a droplet (see ssh_key_ids). # Several keys can be added to ssh_key_ids as id1,id2,id3 # The keys are used to connect as root to the droplet. - digital_ocean: > state=present ssh_key_ids=id1,id2 name=my_new_droplet client_id=XXX api_key=XXX size_id=1 region_id=2 image_id=3 # Create a domain record - digital_ocean: > state=present command=domain name=my.digitalocean.domain ip= # Create a droplet and a corresponding domain record - digital_cean: > state=present command=droplet name=test_droplet size_id=1 region_id=2 image_id=3 register: test_droplet - digital_ocean: > state=present command=domain name={{ test_droplet.name }}.my.domain ip={{ test_droplet.ip_address }} ''' import sys import os import time try: from dopy.manager import DoError, DoManager except ImportError as e: print "failed=True msg='dopy required for this module'" sys.exit(1) class TimeoutError(DoError): def __init__(self, msg, id): super(TimeoutError, self).__init__(msg) self.id = id class JsonfyMixIn(object): def to_json(self): return self.__dict__ class Droplet(JsonfyMixIn): manager = None def __init__(self, droplet_json): self.status = 'new' self.__dict__.update(droplet_json) def is_powered_on(self): return self.status == 'active' def update_attr(self, attrs=None): if attrs: for k, v in attrs.iteritems(): setattr(self, k, v) else: json = self.manager.show_droplet(self.id) if json['ip_address']: self.update_attr(json) def power_on(self): assert self.status == 'off', 'Can only power on a closed one.' json = self.manager.power_on_droplet(self.id) self.update_attr(json) def ensure_powered_on(self, wait=True, wait_timeout=300): if self.is_powered_on(): return if self.status == 'off': # powered off self.power_on() if wait: end_time = time.time() + wait_timeout while time.time() < end_time: time.sleep(min(20, end_time - time.time())) self.update_attr() if self.is_powered_on(): if not self.ip_address: raise TimeoutError('No ip is found.', self.id) return raise TimeoutError('Wait for droplet running timeout', self.id) def destroy(self): return self.manager.destroy_droplet(self.id) @classmethod def setup(cls, client_id, api_key): cls.manager = DoManager(client_id, api_key) @classmethod def add(cls, name, size_id, image_id, region_id, ssh_key_ids=None): json = cls.manager.new_droplet(name, size_id, image_id, region_id, ssh_key_ids) droplet = cls(json) return droplet @classmethod def find(cls, id=None, name=None): if not id and not name: return False droplets = cls.list_all() # Check first by id. digital ocean requires that it be unique for droplet in droplets: if droplet.id == id: return droplet # Failing that, check by hostname. for droplet in droplets: if droplet.name == name: return droplet return False @classmethod def list_all(cls): json = cls.manager.all_active_droplets() return map(cls, json) class SSH(JsonfyMixIn): manager = None def __init__(self, ssh_key_json): self.__dict__.update(ssh_key_json) update_attr = __init__ def destroy(self): self.manager.destroy_ssh_key(self.id) return True @classmethod def setup(cls, client_id, api_key): cls.manager = DoManager(client_id, api_key) @classmethod def find(cls, name): if not name: return False keys = cls.list_all() for key in keys: if key.name == name: return key return False @classmethod def list_all(cls): json = cls.manager.all_ssh_keys() return map(cls, json) @classmethod def add(cls, name, key_pub): json = cls.manager.new_ssh_key(name, key_pub) return cls(json) class DomainRecord(JsonfyMixIn): manager = None def __init__(self, json): self.__dict__.update(json) update_attr = __init__ def update(self, data = None, record_type = None): json = self.manager.edit_domain_record(self.domain_id, self.id, record_type if record_type is not None else self.record_type, data if data is not None else self.data) self.__dict__.update(json) return self def destroy(self): json = self.manager.destroy_domain_record(self.domain_id, self.id) return json class Domain(JsonfyMixIn): manager = None def __init__(self, domain_json): self.__dict__.update(domain_json) def destroy(self): self.manager.destroy_domain(self.id) def records(self): json = self.manager.all_domain_records(self.id) return map(DomainRecord, json) @classmethod def add(cls, name, ip): json = cls.manager.new_domain(name, ip) return cls(json) @classmethod def setup(cls, client_id, api_key): cls.manager = DoManager(client_id, api_key) DomainRecord.manager = cls.manager @classmethod def list_all(cls): domains = cls.manager.all_domains() return map(cls, domains) @classmethod def find(cls, name=None, id=None): if name is None and id is None: return False domains = Domain.list_all() if id is not None: for domain in domains: if domain.id == id: return domain if name is not None: for domain in domains: if domain.name == name: return domain return False def core(module): def getkeyordie(k): v = module.params[k] if v is None: module.fail_json(msg='Unable to load %s' % k) return v try: # params['client_id'] will be None even if client_id is not passed in client_id = module.params['client_id'] or os.environ['DO_CLIENT_ID'] api_key = module.params['api_key'] or os.environ['DO_API_KEY'] except KeyError, e: module.fail_json(msg='Unable to load %s' % e.message) changed = True command = module.params['command'] state = module.params['state'] if command == 'droplet': Droplet.setup(client_id, api_key) if state in ('active', 'present'): # First, try to find a droplet by id. droplet = Droplet.find(id=module.params['id']) # If we couldn't find the droplet and the user is allowing unique # hostnames, then check to see if a droplet with the specified # hostname already exists. if not droplet and module.params['unique_name']: droplet = Droplet.find(name=getkeyordie('name')) # If both of those attempts failed, then create a new droplet. if not droplet: droplet = Droplet.add( name=getkeyordie('name'), size_id=getkeyordie('size_id'), image_id=getkeyordie('image_id'), region_id=getkeyordie('region_id'), ssh_key_ids=module.params['ssh_key_ids'] ) if droplet.is_powered_on(): changed = False droplet.ensure_powered_on( wait=getkeyordie('wait'), wait_timeout=getkeyordie('wait_timeout') ) module.exit_json(changed=changed, droplet=droplet.to_json()) elif state in ('absent', 'deleted'): # First, try to find a droplet by id. droplet = None if 'id' in module.params: droplet = Droplet.find(id=module.params['id']) # If we couldn't find the droplet and the user is allowing unique # hostnames, then check to see if a droplet with the specified # hostname already exists. if not droplet and module.params['unique_name'] and 'name' in module.params: droplet = Droplet.find(name=module.params['name']) if not droplet: module.exit_json(changed=False, msg='The droplet is not found.') event_json = droplet.destroy() module.exit_json(changed=True, event_id=event_json['event_id']) elif command == 'ssh': SSH.setup(client_id, api_key) name = getkeyordie('name') if state in ('active', 'present'): key = SSH.find(name) if key: module.exit_json(changed=False, ssh_key=key.to_json()) key = SSH.add(name, getkeyordie('ssh_pub_key')) module.exit_json(changed=True, ssh_key=key.to_json()) elif state in ('absent', 'deleted'): key = SSH.find(name) if not key: module.exit_json(changed=False, msg='SSH key with the name of %s is not found.' % name) key.destroy() module.exit_json(changed=True) elif command == 'domain': Domain.setup(client_id, api_key) if state in ('present', 'active'): domain = Domain.find(id=module.params["id"]) if not domain: domain = Domain.find(name=getkeyordie("name")) if not domain: domain = Domain.add(getkeyordie("name"), getkeyordie("ip")) module.exit_json(changed=True, domain=domain.to_json()) else: records = domain.records() at_record = None for record in records: if record.name == "@": at_record = record if not at_record.data == getkeyordie("ip"): record.update(data=getkeyordie("ip"), record_type='A') module.exit_json(changed=True, domain=Domain.find(id=record.domain_id).to_json()) module.exit_json(changed=False, domain=domain.to_json()) elif state in ('absent', 'deleted'): domain = None if "id" in module.params: domain = Domain.find(id=module.params["id"]) if not domain and "name" in module.params: domain = Domain.find(name=module.params["name"]) if not domain: module.exit_json(changed=False, msg="Domain not found.") event_json = domain.destroy() module.exit_json(changed=True, event=event_json) def main(): module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec = dict( command = dict(choices=['droplet', 'ssh', 'domain'], default='droplet'), state = dict(choices=['active', 'present', 'absent', 'deleted'], default='present'), client_id = dict(aliases=['CLIENT_ID'], no_log=True), api_key = dict(aliases=['API_KEY'], no_log=True), name = dict(type='str'), size_id = dict(type='int'), image_id = dict(type='int'), region_id = dict(type='int'), ssh_key_ids = dict(default=''), id = dict(aliases=['droplet_id'], type='int'), unique_name = dict(type='bool', choices=BOOLEANS, default='no'), wait = dict(type='bool', choices=BOOLEANS, default='yes'), wait_timeout = dict(default=300, type='int'), ssh_pub_key = dict(type='str'), ip = dict(type='str'), ), required_together = ( ['size_id', 'image_id', 'region_id'], ), mutually_exclusive = ( ['size_id', 'ssh_pub_key'], ['image_id', 'ssh_pub_key'], ['region_id', 'ssh_pub_key'], ), required_one_of = ( ['id', 'name'], ), ) try: core(module) except TimeoutError as e: module.fail_json(msg=str(e), id=e.id) except (DoError, Exception) as e: module.fail_json(msg=str(e)) # this is magic, see lib/ansible/module_common.py #<> main()