- name: test with_subelements set_fact: "{{ '_'+ item.0.id + item.1 }}={{ item.1 }}" with_subelements: - "{{element_data}}" - the_list - name: verify with_subelements results assert: that: - "_xf == 'f'" - "_xd == 'd'" - "_ye == 'e'" - "_yf == 'f'" - name: test with_subelements in subkeys set_fact: "{{ '_'+ item.0.id + item.1 }}={{ item.1 }}" with_subelements: - "{{element_data}}" - the.sub.key.list - name: verify with_subelements in subkeys results assert: that: - "_xq == 'q'" - "_xr == 'r'" - "_yi == 'i'" - "_yo == 'o'" - name: test with_subelements with missing key or subkey set_fact: "{{ '_'+ item.0.id + item.1 }}={{ item.1 }}" with_subelements: - "{{element_data_missing}}" - the.sub.key.list - skip_missing: yes register: _subelements_missing_subkeys - debug: var=_subelements_missing_subkeys - debug: var=_subelements_missing_subkeys.results|length - name: verify with_subelements in subkeys results assert: that: - _subelements_missing_subkeys.skipped is not defined - _subelements_missing_subkeys.results|length == 2 - "_xk == 'k'" - "_xl == 'l'" # Example from the DOCUMENTATION block - set_fact: users: - name: alice authorized: - /tmp/alice/onekey.pub - /tmp/alice/twokey.pub mysql: password: mysql-password hosts: - "%" - "" - "::1" - "localhost" privs: - "*.*:SELECT" - "DB1.*:ALL" groups: - wheel - name: bob authorized: - /tmp/bob/id_rsa.pub mysql: password: other-mysql-password hosts: - "db1" privs: - "*.*:SELECT" - "DB2.*:ALL" - name: carol skipped: true authorized: - /tmp/carol/id_rsa.pub mysql: password: third-mysql-password hosts: - "db9" privs: - "*.*:SELECT" - "DB9.*:ALL" - name: Ensure it errors properly with non-dict set_fact: err: "{{ lookup('subelements', 9001, 'groups', wantlist=true) }}" ignore_errors: true register: err1 - assert: that: - err1 is failed - "'expects a dictionary' in err1.msg" - name: Ensure it errors properly when pointing to non-list set_fact: err: "{{ lookup('subelements', users, 'mysql.password', wantlist=true) }}" ignore_errors: true register: err2 - assert: that: - err2 is failed - "'should point to a list' in err2.msg" - name: Ensure it properly skips missing keys set_fact: err: "{{ lookup('subelements', users, 'mysql.hosts.doesnotexist', wantlist=true) }}" ignore_errors: true register: err3 - assert: that: - err3 is failed - "'should point to a dictionary' in err3.msg" - name: Ensure it properly skips missing keys set_fact: err: "{{ lookup('subelements', users, 'mysql.monkey', wantlist=true) }}" ignore_errors: true register: err4 - assert: that: - err4 is failed - >- "could not find 'monkey' key in iterated item" in err4.msg - assert: that: - "'{{ item.0.name }}' != 'carol'" with_subelements: - "{{ users }}" - mysql.privs - name: Ensure it errors properly when optional arg is nonsensical set_fact: err: neverset with_subelements: - "{{ users }}" - mysql.privs - wolves ignore_errors: true register: err5 - assert: that: - err5 is failed - "'the optional third item must be a dict' in err5.msg" - name: Ensure it errors properly when given way too many args set_fact: err: neverset with_subelements: - "{{ users }}" - mysql.privs - wolves - foo - bar - baz - bye now ignore_errors: true register: err6 - assert: that: - err6 is failed - "'expects a list of two or three' in err6.msg" - name: Ensure it errors properly when second arg is invalid type set_fact: err: neverset with_subelements: - "{{ users }}" - true ignore_errors: true register: err7 - assert: that: - err7 is failed - "'second a string' in err7.msg" - name: Ensure it errors properly when first arg is invalid type set_fact: err: neverset with_subelements: - true - "{{ users }}" ignore_errors: true register: err8 - assert: that: - err8 is failed - "'first a dict or a list' in err8.msg" - set_fact: empty_subelements: "{{ lookup('subelements', {'skipped': true}, 'mysql.hosts', wantlist=true) }}" - assert: that: - empty_subelements == [] - set_fact: some_dict: key: "{{ users[0] }}" another: "{{ users[1] }}" - name: Ensure it works when we give a dict instead of a list set_fact: "user_{{ item.0.name }}={{ item.1 }}" with_subelements: - "{{ some_dict }}" - mysql.hosts - assert: that: - "'{{ user_alice }}' == 'localhost'" - "'{{ user_bob }}' == 'db1'"