#!/usr/bin/python # This file is part of Ansible # # Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Ansible. If not, see . DOCUMENTATION = ''' module: ec2_vpc_nacl short_description: create and delete Network ACLs. description: - Read the AWS documentation for Network ACLS U(http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonVPC/latest/UserGuide/VPC_ACLs.html) version_added: "2.2" options: name: description: - Tagged name identifying a network ACL. required: true vpc_id: description: - VPC id of the requesting VPC. required: true subnets: description: - The list of subnets that should be associated with the network ACL. - Must be specified as a list - Each subnet can be specified as subnet ID, or its tagged name. required: false egress: description: - A list of rules for outgoing traffic. - Each rule must be specified as a list. required: false ingress: description: - List of rules for incoming traffic. - Each rule must be specified as a list. required: false tags: description: - Dictionary of tags to look for and apply when creating a network ACL. required: false state: description: - Creates or modifies an existing NACL - Deletes a NACL and reassociates subnets to the default NACL required: false choices: ['present', 'absent'] default: present author: Mike Mochan(@mmochan) extends_documentation_fragment: aws requirements: [ botocore, boto3, json ] ''' EXAMPLES = ''' # Complete example to create and delete a network ACL # that allows SSH, HTTP and ICMP in, and all traffic out. - name: "Create and associate production DMZ network ACL with DMZ subnets" ec2_vpc_nacl: vpc_id: vpc-12345678 name: prod-dmz-nacl region: ap-southeast-2 subnets: ['prod-dmz-1', 'prod-dmz-2'] tags: CostCode: CC1234 Project: phoenix Description: production DMZ ingress: [ # rule no, protocol, allow/deny, cidr, icmp_code, icmp_type, # port from, port to [100, 'tcp', 'allow', '', null, null, 22, 22], [200, 'tcp', 'allow', '', null, null, 80, 80], [300, 'icmp', 'allow', '', 0, 8], ] egress: [ [100, 'all', 'allow', '', null, null, null, null] ] state: 'present' - name: "Remove the ingress and egress rules - defaults to deny all" ec2_vpc_nacl: vpc_id: vpc-12345678 name: prod-dmz-nacl region: ap-southeast-2 subnets: - prod-dmz-1 - prod-dmz-2 tags: CostCode: CC1234 Project: phoenix Description: production DMZ state: present - name: "Remove the NACL subnet associations and tags" ec2_vpc_nacl: vpc_id: 'vpc-12345678' name: prod-dmz-nacl region: ap-southeast-2 state: present - name: "Delete nacl and subnet associations" ec2_vpc_nacl: vpc_id: vpc-12345678 name: prod-dmz-nacl state: absent ''' RETURN = ''' task: description: The result of the create, or delete action. returned: success type: dictionary ''' try: import json import botocore import boto3 HAS_BOTO3 = True except ImportError: HAS_BOTO3 = False # Common fields for the default rule that is contained within every VPC NACL. DEFAULT_RULE_FIELDS = { 'RuleNumber': 32767, 'RuleAction': 'deny', 'CidrBlock': '', 'Protocol': '-1' } DEFAULT_INGRESS = dict(DEFAULT_RULE_FIELDS.items() + [('Egress', False)]) DEFAULT_EGRESS = dict(DEFAULT_RULE_FIELDS.items() + [('Egress', True)]) # VPC-supported IANA protocol numbers # http://www.iana.org/assignments/protocol-numbers/protocol-numbers.xhtml PROTOCOL_NUMBERS = {'all': -1, 'icmp': 1, 'tcp': 6, 'udp': 17, } #Utility methods def icmp_present(entry): if len(entry) == 6 and entry[1] == 'icmp' or entry[1] == 1: return True def load_tags(module): tags = [] if module.params.get('tags'): for name, value in module.params.get('tags').iteritems(): tags.append({'Key': name, 'Value': str(value)}) tags.append({'Key': "Name", 'Value': module.params.get('name')}) else: tags.append({'Key': "Name", 'Value': module.params.get('name')}) return tags def subnets_removed(nacl_id, subnets, client, module): results = find_acl_by_id(nacl_id, client, module) associations = results['NetworkAcls'][0]['Associations'] subnet_ids = [assoc['SubnetId'] for assoc in associations] return [subnet for subnet in subnet_ids if subnet not in subnets] def subnets_added(nacl_id, subnets, client, module): results = find_acl_by_id(nacl_id, client, module) associations = results['NetworkAcls'][0]['Associations'] subnet_ids = [assoc['SubnetId'] for assoc in associations] return [subnet for subnet in subnets if subnet not in subnet_ids] def subnets_changed(nacl, client, module): changed = False response = {} vpc_id = module.params.get('vpc_id') nacl_id = nacl['NetworkAcls'][0]['NetworkAclId'] subnets = subnets_to_associate(nacl, client, module) if not subnets: default_nacl_id = find_default_vpc_nacl(vpc_id, client, module)[0] subnets = find_subnet_ids_by_nacl_id(nacl_id, client, module) if subnets: replace_network_acl_association(default_nacl_id, subnets, client, module) changed = True return changed changed = False return changed subs_added = subnets_added(nacl_id, subnets, client, module) if subs_added: replace_network_acl_association(nacl_id, subs_added, client, module) changed = True subs_removed = subnets_removed(nacl_id, subnets, client, module) if subs_removed: default_nacl_id = find_default_vpc_nacl(vpc_id, client, module)[0] replace_network_acl_association(default_nacl_id, subs_removed, client, module) changed = True return changed def nacls_changed(nacl, client, module): changed = False params = dict() params['egress'] = module.params.get('egress') params['ingress'] = module.params.get('ingress') nacl_id = nacl['NetworkAcls'][0]['NetworkAclId'] nacl = describe_network_acl(client, module) entries = nacl['NetworkAcls'][0]['Entries'] tmp_egress = [entry for entry in entries if entry['Egress'] is True and DEFAULT_EGRESS !=entry] tmp_ingress = [entry for entry in entries if entry['Egress'] is False] egress = [rule for rule in tmp_egress if DEFAULT_EGRESS != rule] ingress = [rule for rule in tmp_ingress if DEFAULT_INGRESS != rule] if rules_changed(egress, params['egress'], True, nacl_id, client, module): changed = True if rules_changed(ingress, params['ingress'], False, nacl_id, client, module): changed = True return changed def tags_changed(nacl_id, client, module): changed = False tags = dict() if module.params.get('tags'): tags = module.params.get('tags') tags['Name'] = module.params.get('name') nacl = find_acl_by_id(nacl_id, client, module) if nacl['NetworkAcls']: nacl_values = [t.values() for t in nacl['NetworkAcls'][0]['Tags']] nacl_tags = [item for sublist in nacl_values for item in sublist] tag_values = [[key, str(value)] for key, value in tags.iteritems()] tags = [item for sublist in tag_values for item in sublist] if sorted(nacl_tags) == sorted(tags): changed = False return changed else: delete_tags(nacl_id, client, module) create_tags(nacl_id, client, module) changed = True return changed return changed def rules_changed(aws_rules, param_rules, Egress, nacl_id, client, module): changed = False rules = list() for entry in param_rules: rules.append(process_rule_entry(entry, Egress)) if rules == aws_rules: return changed else: removed_rules = [x for x in aws_rules if x not in rules] if removed_rules: params = dict() for rule in removed_rules: params['NetworkAclId'] = nacl_id params['RuleNumber'] = rule['RuleNumber'] params['Egress'] = Egress delete_network_acl_entry(params, client, module) changed = True added_rules = [x for x in rules if x not in aws_rules] if added_rules: for rule in added_rules: rule['NetworkAclId'] = nacl_id create_network_acl_entry(rule, client, module) changed = True return changed def process_rule_entry(entry, Egress): params = dict() params['RuleNumber'] = entry[0] params['Protocol'] = str(PROTOCOL_NUMBERS[entry[1]]) params['RuleAction'] = entry[2] params['Egress'] = Egress params['CidrBlock'] = entry[3] if icmp_present(entry): params['IcmpTypeCode'] = {"Type": int(entry[4]), "Code": int(entry[5])} else: if entry[6] or entry[7]: params['PortRange'] = {"From": entry[6], 'To': entry[7]} return params def restore_default_associations(assoc_ids, default_nacl_id, client, module): if assoc_ids: params = dict() params['NetworkAclId'] = default_nacl_id[0] for assoc_id in assoc_ids: params['AssociationId'] = assoc_id restore_default_acl_association(params, client, module) return True def construct_acl_entries(nacl, client, module): for entry in module.params.get('ingress'): params = process_rule_entry(entry, Egress=False) params['NetworkAclId'] = nacl['NetworkAcl']['NetworkAclId'] create_network_acl_entry(params, client, module) for rule in module.params.get('egress'): params = process_rule_entry(rule, Egress=True) params['NetworkAclId'] = nacl['NetworkAcl']['NetworkAclId'] create_network_acl_entry(params, client, module) ## Module invocations def setup_network_acl(client, module): changed = False nacl = describe_network_acl(client, module) if not nacl['NetworkAcls']: nacl = create_network_acl(module.params.get('vpc_id'), client, module) nacl_id = nacl['NetworkAcl']['NetworkAclId'] create_tags(nacl_id, client, module) subnets = subnets_to_associate(nacl, client, module) replace_network_acl_association(nacl_id, subnets, client, module) construct_acl_entries(nacl, client, module) changed = True return(changed, nacl['NetworkAcl']['NetworkAclId']) else: changed = False nacl_id = nacl['NetworkAcls'][0]['NetworkAclId'] subnet_result = subnets_changed(nacl, client, module) nacl_result = nacls_changed(nacl, client, module) tag_result = tags_changed(nacl_id, client, module) if subnet_result is True or nacl_result is True or tag_result is True: changed = True return(changed, nacl_id) return (changed, nacl_id) def remove_network_acl(client, module): changed = False result = dict() vpc_id = module.params.get('vpc_id') nacl = describe_network_acl(client, module) if nacl['NetworkAcls']: nacl_id = nacl['NetworkAcls'][0]['NetworkAclId'] associations = nacl['NetworkAcls'][0]['Associations'] assoc_ids = [a['NetworkAclAssociationId'] for a in associations] default_nacl_id = find_default_vpc_nacl(vpc_id, client, module) if not default_nacl_id: result = {vpc_id: "Default NACL ID not found - Check the VPC ID"} return changed, result if restore_default_associations(assoc_ids, default_nacl_id, client, module): delete_network_acl(nacl_id, client, module) changed = True result[nacl_id] = "Successfully deleted" return changed, result if not assoc_ids: delete_network_acl(nacl_id, client, module) changed = True result[nacl_id] = "Successfully deleted" return changed, result return changed, result #Boto3 client methods def create_network_acl(vpc_id, client, module): try: nacl = client.create_network_acl(VpcId=vpc_id) except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as e: module.fail_json(msg=str(e)) return nacl def create_network_acl_entry(params, client, module): try: result = client.create_network_acl_entry(**params) except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as e: module.fail_json(msg=str(e)) return result def create_tags(nacl_id, client, module): try: delete_tags(nacl_id, client, module) client.create_tags(Resources=[nacl_id], Tags=load_tags(module)) except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as e: module.fail_json(msg=str(e)) def delete_network_acl(nacl_id, client, module): try: client.delete_network_acl(NetworkAclId=nacl_id) except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as e: module.fail_json(msg=str(e)) def delete_network_acl_entry(params, client, module): try: client.delete_network_acl_entry(**params) except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as e: module.fail_json(msg=str(e)) def delete_tags(nacl_id, client, module): try: client.delete_tags(Resources=[nacl_id]) except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as e: module.fail_json(msg=str(e)) def describe_acl_associations(subnets, client, module): if not subnets: return [] try: results = client.describe_network_acls(Filters=[ {'Name': 'association.subnet-id', 'Values': subnets} ]) except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as e: module.fail_json(msg=str(e)) associations = results['NetworkAcls'][0]['Associations'] return [a['NetworkAclAssociationId'] for a in associations if a['SubnetId'] in subnets] def describe_network_acl(client, module): try: nacl = client.describe_network_acls(Filters=[ {'Name': 'tag:Name', 'Values': [module.params.get('name')]} ]) except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as e: module.fail_json(msg=str(e)) return nacl def find_acl_by_id(nacl_id, client, module): try: return client.describe_network_acls(NetworkAclIds=[nacl_id]) except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as e: module.fail_json(msg=str(e)) def find_default_vpc_nacl(vpc_id, client, module): try: response = client.describe_network_acls(Filters=[ {'Name': 'vpc-id', 'Values': [vpc_id]}]) except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as e: module.fail_json(msg=str(e)) nacls = response['NetworkAcls'] return [n['NetworkAclId'] for n in nacls if n['IsDefault'] == True] def find_subnet_ids_by_nacl_id(nacl_id, client, module): try: results = client.describe_network_acls(Filters=[ {'Name': 'association.network-acl-id', 'Values': [nacl_id]} ]) except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as e: module.fail_json(msg=str(e)) if results['NetworkAcls']: associations = results['NetworkAcls'][0]['Associations'] return [s['SubnetId'] for s in associations if s['SubnetId']] else: return [] def replace_network_acl_association(nacl_id, subnets, client, module): params = dict() params['NetworkAclId'] = nacl_id for association in describe_acl_associations(subnets, client, module): params['AssociationId'] = association try: client.replace_network_acl_association(**params) except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as e: module.fail_json(msg=str(e)) def replace_network_acl_entry(entries, Egress, nacl_id, client, module): params = dict() for entry in entries: params = entry params['NetworkAclId'] = nacl_id try: client.replace_network_acl_entry(**params) except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as e: module.fail_json(msg=str(e)) def restore_default_acl_association(params, client, module): try: client.replace_network_acl_association(**params) except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as e: module.fail_json(msg=str(e)) def subnets_to_associate(nacl, client, module): params = list(module.params.get('subnets')) if not params: return [] if params[0].startswith("subnet-"): try: subnets = client.describe_subnets(Filters=[ {'Name': 'subnet-id', 'Values': params}]) except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as e: module.fail_json(msg=str(e)) else: try: subnets = client.describe_subnets(Filters=[ {'Name': 'tag:Name', 'Values': params}]) except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as e: module.fail_json(msg=str(e)) return [s['SubnetId'] for s in subnets['Subnets'] if s['SubnetId']] def main(): argument_spec = ec2_argument_spec() argument_spec.update(dict( vpc_id=dict(required=True), name=dict(required=True), subnets=dict(required=False, type='list', default=list()), tags=dict(required=False, type='dict'), ingress=dict(required=False, type='list', default=list()), egress=dict(required=False, type='list', default=list(),), state=dict(default='present', choices=['present', 'absent']), ), ) module = AnsibleModule(argument_spec=argument_spec) if not HAS_BOTO3: module.fail_json(msg='json, botocore and boto3 are required.') state = module.params.get('state').lower() try: region, ec2_url, aws_connect_kwargs = get_aws_connection_info(module, boto3=True) client = boto3_conn(module, conn_type='client', resource='ec2', region=region, endpoint=ec2_url, **aws_connect_kwargs) except botocore.exceptions.NoCredentialsError, e: module.fail_json(msg="Can't authorize connection - "+str(e)) invocations = { "present": setup_network_acl, "absent": remove_network_acl } (changed, results) = invocations[state](client, module) module.exit_json(changed=changed, nacl_id=results) # import module snippets from ansible.module_utils.basic import * from ansible.module_utils.ec2 import * if __name__ == '__main__': main()