#!/usr/bin/python # # This is a free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This Ansible library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this library. If not, see . DOCUMENTATION = ''' --- module: ec2_customer_gateway short_description: Manage an AWS customer gateway description: - Manage an AWS customer gateway version_added: "2.2" author: Michael Baydoun (@MichaelBaydoun) requirements: [ botocore, boto3 ] notes: - You cannot create more than one customer gateway with the same IP address. If you run an identical request more than one time, the first request creates the customer gateway, and subsequent requests return information about the existing customer gateway. The subsequent requests do not create new customer gateway resources. options: bgp_asn: description: - Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) Autonomous System Number (ASN), required when state=present. required: false default: null ip_address: description: - Internet-routable IP address for customers gateway, must be a static address. required: true name: description: - Name of the customer gateway. required: true state: description: - Create or terminate the Customer Gateway. required: false default: present choices: [ 'present', 'absent' ] extends_documentation_fragment: - aws - ec2 ''' EXAMPLES = ''' # Create Customer Gateway - ec2_customer_gateway: bgp_asn: 12345 ip_address: name: IndianapolisOffice region: us-east-1 register: cgw # Delete Customer Gateway - ec2_customer_gateway: ip_address: name: IndianapolisOffice state: absent region: us-east-1 register: cgw ''' RETURN = ''' gateway.customer_gateways: description: details about the gateway that was created. returned: success type: complex contains: bgp_asn: description: The Border Gateway Autonomous System Number. returned: when exists and gateway is available. sample: 65123 type: string customer_gateway_id: description: gateway id assigned by amazon. returned: when exists and gateway is available. sample: cgw-cb6386a2 type: string ip_address: description: ip address of your gateway device. returned: when exists and gateway is available. sample: type: string state: description: state of gateway. returned: when gateway exists and is available. state: available type: string tags: description: any tags on the gateway. returned: when gateway exists and is available, and when tags exist. state: available type: string type: description: encryption type. returned: when gateway exists and is available. sample: ipsec.1 type: string ''' try: from botocore.exceptions import ClientError HAS_BOTOCORE = True except ImportError: HAS_BOTOCORE = False try: import boto3 HAS_BOTO3 = True except ImportError: HAS_BOTO3 = False class Ec2CustomerGatewayManager: def __init__(self, module): self.module = module try: region, ec2_url, aws_connect_kwargs = get_aws_connection_info(module, boto3=True) if not region: module.fail_json(msg="Region must be specified as a parameter, in EC2_REGION or AWS_REGION environment variables or in boto configuration file") self.ec2 = boto3_conn(module, conn_type='client', resource='ec2', region=region, endpoint=ec2_url, **aws_connect_kwargs) except ClientError, e: module.fail_json(msg=e.message) def ensure_cgw_absent(self, gw_id): response = self.ec2.delete_customer_gateway( DryRun=False, CustomerGatewayId=gw_id ) return response def ensure_cgw_present(self, bgp_asn, ip_address): response = self.ec2.create_customer_gateway( DryRun=False, Type='ipsec.1', PublicIp=ip_address, BgpAsn=bgp_asn, ) return response def tag_cgw_name(self, gw_id, name): response = self.ec2.create_tags( DryRun=False, Resources=[ gw_id, ], Tags=[ { 'Key': 'Name', 'Value': name }, ] ) return response def describe_gateways(self, ip_address): response = self.ec2.describe_customer_gateways( DryRun=False, Filters=[ { 'Name': 'state', 'Values': [ 'available', ] }, { 'Name': 'ip-address', 'Values': [ ip_address, ] } ] ) return response def main(): argument_spec = ec2_argument_spec() argument_spec.update( dict( bgp_asn = dict(required=False, type='int'), ip_address = dict(required=True), name = dict(required=True), state = dict(default='present', choices=['present', 'absent']), ) ) module = AnsibleModule(argument_spec=argument_spec, supports_check_mode=True) if not HAS_BOTOCORE: module.fail_json(msg='botocore is required.') if not HAS_BOTO3: module.fail_json(msg='boto3 is required.') gw_mgr = Ec2CustomerGatewayManager(module) bgp_asn = module.params.get('bgp_asn') ip_address = module.params.get('ip_address') name = module.params.get('name') existing = gw_mgr.describe_gateways(module.params['ip_address']) results = dict(changed=False) if module.params['state'] == 'present': if existing['CustomerGateways']: results['gateway']=existing if existing['CustomerGateways'][0]['Tags']: tag_array = existing['CustomerGateways'][0]['Tags'] for key, value in enumerate(tag_array): if value['Key'] == 'Name': current_name = value['Value'] if current_name != name: results['name'] = gw_mgr.tag_cgw_name( results['gateway']['CustomerGateways'][0]['CustomerGatewayId'], module.params['name'], ) results['changed'] = True else: if not module.check_mode: results['gateway'] = gw_mgr.ensure_cgw_present( module.params['bgp_asn'], module.params['ip_address'], ) results['name'] = gw_mgr.tag_cgw_name( results['gateway']['CustomerGateway']['CustomerGatewayId'], module.params['name'], ) results['changed'] = True elif module.params['state'] == 'absent': if existing['CustomerGateways']: results['gateway']=existing if not module.check_mode: results['gateway'] = gw_mgr.ensure_cgw_absent( existing['CustomerGateways'][0]['CustomerGatewayId'] ) results['changed'] = True pretty_results = camel_dict_to_snake_dict(results) module.exit_json(**pretty_results) # import module methods from ansible.module_utils.basic import * from ansible.module_utils.ec2 import * if __name__ == '__main__': main()