# test code for the uri module # (c) 2014, Leonid Evdokimov # This file is part of Ansible # # Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Ansible. If not, see . - name: set role facts set_fact: http_port: 15260 files_dir: '{{ output_dir|expanduser }}/files' checkout_dir: '{{ output_dir }}/git' - name: create a directory to serve files from file: dest: "{{ files_dir }}" state: directory - copy: src: "{{ item }}" dest: "{{files_dir}}/{{ item }}" with_sequence: start=0 end=4 format=pass%d.json - copy: src: "{{ item }}" dest: "{{files_dir}}/{{ item }}" with_sequence: start=0 end=30 format=fail%d.json - copy: src: "testserver.py" dest: "{{ output_dir }}/testserver.py" - name: start SimpleHTTPServer shell: cd {{ files_dir }} && {{ ansible_python.executable }} {{ output_dir}}/testserver.py {{ http_port }} async: 120 # this test set can take ~1m to run on FreeBSD (via Shippable) poll: 0 - wait_for: port={{ http_port }} - name: checksum pass_json stat: path={{ files_dir }}/{{ item }}.json get_checksum=yes register: pass_checksum with_sequence: start=0 end=4 format=pass%d - name: fetch pass_json uri: return_content=yes url=http://localhost:{{ http_port }}/{{ item }}.json register: pass with_sequence: start=0 end=4 format=pass%d - name: check pass_json assert: that: - '"json" in item.1' - item.0.stat.checksum == item.1.content | checksum with_together: - "{{pass_checksum.results}}" - "{{pass.results}}" - name: checksum fail_json stat: path={{ files_dir }}/{{ item }}.json get_checksum=yes register: fail_checksum with_sequence: start=0 end=30 format=fail%d - name: fetch fail_json uri: return_content=yes url=http://localhost:{{ http_port }}/{{ item }}.json register: fail with_sequence: start=0 end=30 format=fail%d - name: check fail_json assert: that: - item.0.stat.checksum == item.1.content | checksum - '"json" not in item.1' with_together: - "{{fail_checksum.results}}" - "{{fail.results}}" - name: test https fetch to a site with mismatched hostname and certificate uri: url: "https://{{ badssl_host }}/" dest: "{{ output_dir }}/shouldnotexist.html" ignore_errors: True register: result - stat: path: "{{ output_dir }}/shouldnotexist.html" register: stat_result - name: Assert that the file was not downloaded assert: that: - "result.failed == true" - "'Failed to validate the SSL certificate' in result.msg or ( result.msg is match('hostname .* doesn.t match .*'))" - "stat_result.stat.exists == false" - name: Clean up any cruft from the results directory file: name: "{{ output_dir }}/kreitz.html" state: absent - name: test https fetch to a site with mismatched hostname and certificate and validate_certs=no uri: url: "https://{{ badssl_host }}/" dest: "{{ output_dir }}/kreitz.html" validate_certs: no register: result - stat: path: "{{ output_dir }}/kreitz.html" register: stat_result - name: Assert that the file was downloaded assert: that: - "stat_result.stat.exists == true" - "result.changed == true" - name: test redirect without follow_redirects uri: url: 'http://{{ httpbin_host }}/redirect/2' follow_redirects: 'none' status_code: 302 register: result - name: Assert location header assert: that: - 'result.location|default("") == "http://{{ httpbin_host }}/relative-redirect/1"' - name: Check SSL with redirect uri: url: 'https://{{ httpbin_host }}/redirect/2' register: result - name: Assert SSL with redirect assert: that: - 'result.url|default("") == "https://{{ httpbin_host }}/get"' - name: redirect to bad SSL site uri: url: 'http://{{ badssl_host }}' register: result ignore_errors: true - name: Ensure bad SSL site reidrect fails assert: that: - result is failed - 'badssl_host in result.msg' - name: test basic auth uri: url: 'http://{{ httpbin_host }}/basic-auth/user/passwd' user: user password: passwd - name: test basic forced auth uri: url: 'http://{{ httpbin_host }}/hidden-basic-auth/user/passwd' force_basic_auth: true user: user password: passwd - name: test digest auth uri: url: 'http://{{ httpbin_host }}/digest-auth/auth/user/passwd' user: user password: passwd headers: Cookie: "fake=fake_value" - name: test PUT uri: url: 'http://{{ httpbin_host }}/put' method: PUT body: 'foo=bar' - name: test OPTIONS uri: url: 'http://{{ httpbin_host }}/' method: OPTIONS register: result - name: Assert we got an allow header assert: that: - 'result.allow.split(", ")|sort == ["GET", "HEAD", "OPTIONS"]' # Ubuntu12.04 doesn't have python-urllib3, this makes handling required dependencies a pain across all variations # We'll use this to just skip 12.04 on those tests. We should be sufficiently covered with other OSes and versions - name: Set fact if running on Ubuntu 12.04 set_fact: is_ubuntu_precise: "{{ ansible_distribution == 'Ubuntu' and ansible_distribution_release == 'precise' }}" - name: Test that SNI succeeds on python versions that have SNI uri: url: 'https://{{ sni_host }}/' return_content: true when: ansible_python.has_sslcontext register: result - name: Assert SNI verification succeeds on new python assert: that: - result is successful - 'sni_host in result.content' when: ansible_python.has_sslcontext - name: Verify SNI verification fails on old python without urllib3 contrib uri: url: 'https://{{ sni_host }}' ignore_errors: true when: not ansible_python.has_sslcontext register: result - name: Assert SNI verification fails on old python assert: that: - result is failed when: result is not skipped - name: install OS packages that are needed for SNI on old python package: name: "{{ item }}" with_items: "{{ uri_os_packages[ansible_os_family].step1 | default([]) }}" when: not ansible_python.has_sslcontext and not is_ubuntu_precise|bool - name: install python modules for Older Python SNI verification pip: name: "{{ item }}" with_items: - ndg-httpsclient when: not ansible_python.has_sslcontext and not is_ubuntu_precise|bool - name: Verify SNI verification succeeds on old python with urllib3 contrib uri: url: 'https://{{ sni_host }}' return_content: true when: not ansible_python.has_sslcontext and not is_ubuntu_precise|bool register: result - name: Assert SNI verification succeeds on old python assert: that: - result is successful - 'sni_host in result.content' when: not ansible_python.has_sslcontext and not is_ubuntu_precise|bool - name: Uninstall ndg-httpsclient pip: name: "{{ item }}" state: absent with_items: - ndg-httpsclient when: not ansible_python.has_sslcontext and not is_ubuntu_precise|bool - name: uninstall OS packages that are needed for SNI on old python package: name: "{{ item }}" state: absent with_items: "{{ uri_os_packages[ansible_os_family].step1 | default([]) }}" when: not ansible_python.has_sslcontext and not is_ubuntu_precise|bool - name: install OS packages that are needed for building cryptography package: name: "{{ item }}" with_items: "{{ uri_os_packages[ansible_os_family].step2 | default([]) }}" when: not ansible_python.has_sslcontext and not is_ubuntu_precise|bool - name: install urllib3 and pyopenssl via pip pip: name: "{{ item }}" state: latest extra_args: "-c {{ role_path }}/files/constraints.txt" with_items: - urllib3 - PyOpenSSL when: not ansible_python.has_sslcontext and not is_ubuntu_precise|bool - name: Verify SNI verification succeeds on old python with pip urllib3 contrib uri: url: 'https://{{ sni_host }}' return_content: true when: not ansible_python.has_sslcontext and not is_ubuntu_precise|bool register: result - name: Assert SNI verification succeeds on old python with pip urllib3 contrib assert: that: - result is successful - 'sni_host in result.content' when: not ansible_python.has_sslcontext and not is_ubuntu_precise|bool - name: Uninstall urllib3 and PyOpenSSL pip: name: "{{ item }}" state: absent with_items: - urllib3 - PyOpenSSL when: not ansible_python.has_sslcontext and not is_ubuntu_precise|bool - name: validate the status_codes are correct uri: url: "https://{{ httpbin_host }}/status/202" status_code: 202 method: POST body: foo - name: Validate body_format json does not override content-type in 2.3 or newer uri: url: "https://{{ httpbin_host }}/post" method: POST body: foo: bar body_format: json headers: 'Content-Type': 'text/json' return_content: true register: result failed_when: result.json.headers['Content-Type'] != 'text/json' - name: Test client cert auth, no certs uri: url: "https://ansible.http.tests/ssl_client_verify" status_code: 200 return_content: true register: result failed_when: result.content != "ansible.http.tests:NONE" when: has_httptester - name: Test client cert auth, with certs uri: url: "https://ansible.http.tests/ssl_client_verify" client_cert: "{{ output_dir }}/client.pem" client_key: "{{ output_dir }}/client.key" return_content: true register: result failed_when: result.content != "ansible.http.tests:SUCCESS" when: has_httptester - name: Test client cert auth, with no validation uri: url: "https://fail.ansible.http.tests/ssl_client_verify" client_cert: "{{ output_dir }}/client.pem" client_key: "{{ output_dir }}/client.key" return_content: true validate_certs: no register: result failed_when: result.content != "ansible.http.tests:SUCCESS" when: has_httptester - name: Test client cert auth, with validation and ssl mismatch uri: url: "https://fail.ansible.http.tests/ssl_client_verify" client_cert: "{{ output_dir }}/client.pem" client_key: "{{ output_dir }}/client.key" return_content: true validate_certs: yes register: result failed_when: result is not failed when: has_httptester - name: Write out netrc template template: src: netrc.j2 dest: "{{ output_dir }}/netrc" - debug: msg: "{{ lookup('file', output_dir ~ '/netrc') }}" - name: Test netrc with port uri: url: "https://{{ httpbin_host }}:443/basic-auth/user/passwd" environment: NETRC: "{{ output_dir|expanduser }}/netrc" - name: Test follow_redirects=none include_tasks: redirect-none.yml - name: Test follow_redirects=safe include_tasks: redirect-safe.yml - name: Test follow_redirects=urllib2 include_tasks: redirect-urllib2.yml - name: Test follow_redirects=all include_tasks: redirect-all.yml