#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # (c) 2012, Flowroute LLC # Written by Matthew Williams # Based on yum module written by Seth Vidal # # This module is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this software. If not, see . # DOCUMENTATION = ''' --- module: apt short_description: Manages apt-packages description: - Manages I(apt) packages (such as for Debian/Ubuntu). version_added: "0.0.2" options: pkg: description: - A package name or package specifier with version, like C(foo) or C(foo=1.0). Shell like wildcards (fnmatch) like apt* are also supported. required: false default: null state: description: - Indicates the desired package state required: false default: present choices: [ "latest", "absent", "present" ] update_cache: description: - Run the equivalent of C(apt-get update) before the operation. Can be run as part of the package installation or as a separate step required: false default: no choices: [ "yes", "no" ] cache_valid_time: description: - If C(update_cache) is specified and the last run is less or equal than I(cache_valid_time) seconds ago, the C(update_cache) gets skipped. required: false default: no purge: description: - Will force purging of configuration files if the module state is set to I(absent). required: false default: no choices: [ "yes", "no" ] default_release: description: - Corresponds to the C(-t) option for I(apt) and sets pin priorities required: false default: null install_recommends: description: - Corresponds to the C(--no-install-recommends) option for I(apt), default behavior works as apt's default behavior, C(no) does not install recommended packages. Suggested packages are never installed. required: false default: yes choices: [ "yes", "no" ] force: description: - If C(yes), force installs/removes. required: false default: "no" choices: [ "yes", "no" ] upgrade: description: - 'If yes or safe, performs an aptitude safe-upgrade.' - 'If full, performs an aptitude full-upgrade.' - 'If dist, performs an apt-get dist-upgrade.' - 'Note: This does not upgrade a specific package, use state=latest for that.' version_added: "1.1" required: false default: "yes" choices: [ "yes", "safe", "full", "dist"] dpkg_options: description: - Add dpkg options to apt command. Defaults to '-o "Dpkg::Options::=--force-confdef" -o "Dpkg::Options::=--force-confold"' - Options should be supplied as comma separated list required: false default: 'force-confdef,force-confold' requirements: [ python-apt, aptitude ] author: Matthew Williams notes: - Three of the upgrade modes (C(full), C(safe) and its alias C(yes)) require C(aptitude), otherwise C(apt-get) suffices. ''' EXAMPLES = ''' # Update repositories cache and install "foo" package - apt: pkg=foo update_cache=yes # Remove "foo" package - apt: pkg=foo state=absent # Install the package "foo" - apt: pkg=foo state=present # Install the version '1.00' of package "foo" - apt: pkg=foo=1.00 state=present # Update the repository cache and update package "nginx" to latest version using default release squeeze-backport - apt: pkg=nginx state=latest default_release=squeeze-backports update_cache=yes # Install latest version of "openjdk-6-jdk" ignoring "install-recommends" - apt: pkg=openjdk-6-jdk state=latest install_recommends=no # Update all packages to the latest version - apt: upgrade=dist # Run the equivalent of "apt-get update" as a separate step - apt: update_cache=yes # Only run "update_cache=yes" if the last one is more than more than 3600 seconds ago - apt: update_cache=yes cache_valid_time=3600 # Pass options to dpkg on run - apt: upgrade=dist update_cache=yes dpkg_options='force-confold,force-confdef' ''' import traceback # added to stave off future warnings about apt api import warnings warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', "apt API not stable yet", FutureWarning) import os import datetime import fnmatch # APT related constants APT_ENVVARS = "DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive DEBIAN_PRIORITY=critical" DPKG_OPTIONS = 'force-confdef,force-confold' APT_GET_ZERO = "0 upgraded, 0 newly installed" APTITUDE_ZERO = "0 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed" APT_LISTS_PATH = "/var/lib/apt/lists" APT_UPDATE_SUCCESS_STAMP_PATH = "/var/lib/apt/periodic/update-success-stamp" HAS_PYTHON_APT = True try: import apt import apt_pkg except: HAS_PYTHON_APT = False def package_split(pkgspec): parts = pkgspec.split('=') if len(parts) > 1: return parts[0], parts[1] else: return parts[0], None def package_status(m, pkgname, version, cache, state): try: # get the package from the cache, as well as the # the low-level apt_pkg.Package object which contains # state fields not directly acccesible from the # higher-level apt.package.Package object. pkg = cache[pkgname] ll_pkg = cache._cache[pkgname] # the low-level package object except KeyError: if state == 'install': if cache.get_providing_packages(pkgname): return False, True, False m.fail_json(msg="No package matching '%s' is available" % pkgname) else: return False, False, False try: has_files = len(pkg.installed_files) > 0 except UnicodeDecodeError: has_files = True except AttributeError: has_files = False # older python-apt cannot be used to determine non-purged if version: try : return ll_pkg.current_state == apt_pkg.CURSTATE_INSTALLED and \ fnmatch.fnmatch(pkg.installed.version, version), False, has_files except AttributeError: #assume older version of python-apt is installed return ll_pkg.current_state == apt_pkg.CURSTATE_INSTALLED and \ fnmatch.fnmatch(pkg.installedVersion, version), False, has_files else: try : return ll_pkg.current_state == apt_pkg.CURSTATE_INSTALLED, pkg.is_upgradable, has_files except AttributeError: #assume older version of python-apt is installed return ll_pkg.current_state == apt_pkg.CURSTATE_INSTALLED, pkg.isUpgradable, has_files def expand_dpkg_options(dpkg_options_compressed): options_list = dpkg_options_compressed.split(',') dpkg_options = "" for dpkg_option in options_list: dpkg_options = '%s -o "Dpkg::Options::=--%s"' \ % (dpkg_options, dpkg_option) return dpkg_options.strip() def expand_pkgspec_from_fnmatches(m, pkgspec, cache): new_pkgspec = [] for pkgname_or_fnmatch_pattern in pkgspec: # note that any of these chars is not allowed in a (debian) pkgname if [c for c in pkgname_or_fnmatch_pattern if c in "*?[]!"]: if "=" in pkgname_or_fnmatch_pattern: m.fail_json(msg="pkgname wildcard and version can not be mixed") # handle multiarch pkgnames, the idea is that "apt*" should # only select native packages. But "apt*:i386" should still work if not ":" in pkgname_or_fnmatch_pattern: matches = fnmatch.filter( [pkg.name for pkg in cache if not ":" in pkg.name], pkgname_or_fnmatch_pattern) else: matches = fnmatch.filter( [pkg.name for pkg in cache], pkgname_or_fnmatch_pattern) if len(matches) == 0: m.fail_json(msg="No package(s) matching '%s' available" % str(pkgname_or_fnmatch_pattern)) else: new_pkgspec.extend(matches) else: new_pkgspec.append(pkgname_or_fnmatch_pattern) return new_pkgspec def install(m, pkgspec, cache, upgrade=False, default_release=None, install_recommends=True, force=False, dpkg_options=expand_dpkg_options(DPKG_OPTIONS)): packages = "" pkgspec = expand_pkgspec_from_fnmatches(m, pkgspec, cache) for package in pkgspec: name, version = package_split(package) installed, upgradable, has_files = package_status(m, name, version, cache, state='install') if not installed or (upgrade and upgradable): packages += "'%s' " % package if len(packages) != 0: if force: force_yes = '--force-yes' else: force_yes = '' if m.check_mode: check_arg = '--simulate' else: check_arg = '' cmd = "%s %s -y %s %s %s install %s" % (APT_ENVVARS, APT_GET_CMD, dpkg_options, force_yes, check_arg, packages) if default_release: cmd += " -t '%s'" % (default_release,) if not install_recommends: cmd += " --no-install-recommends" rc, out, err = m.run_command(cmd) if rc: m.fail_json(msg="'apt-get install %s' failed: %s" % (packages, err), stdout=out, stderr=err) else: m.exit_json(changed=True, stdout=out, stderr=err) else: m.exit_json(changed=False) def remove(m, pkgspec, cache, purge=False, dpkg_options=expand_dpkg_options(DPKG_OPTIONS)): packages = "" pkgspec = expand_pkgspec_from_fnmatches(m, pkgspec, cache) for package in pkgspec: name, version = package_split(package) installed, upgradable, has_files = package_status(m, name, version, cache, state='remove') if installed or (has_files and purge): packages += "'%s' " % package if len(packages) == 0: m.exit_json(changed=False) else: if purge: purge = '--purge' else: purge = '' cmd = "%s %s -q -y %s %s remove %s" % (APT_ENVVARS, APT_GET_CMD, dpkg_options, purge, packages) if m.check_mode: m.exit_json(changed=True) rc, out, err = m.run_command(cmd) if rc: m.fail_json(msg="'apt-get remove %s' failed: %s" % (packages, err), stdout=out, stderr=err) m.exit_json(changed=True, stdout=out, stderr=err) def upgrade(m, mode="yes", force=False, dpkg_options=expand_dpkg_options(DPKG_OPTIONS)): if m.check_mode: check_arg = '--simulate' else: check_arg = '' apt_cmd = None if mode == "dist": # apt-get dist-upgrade apt_cmd = APT_GET_CMD upgrade_command = "dist-upgrade" elif mode == "full": # aptitude full-upgrade apt_cmd = APTITUDE_CMD upgrade_command = "full-upgrade" else: # aptitude safe-upgrade # mode=yes # default apt_cmd = APTITUDE_CMD upgrade_command = "safe-upgrade" if force: force_yes = '--force-yes' else: force_yes = '' apt_cmd_path = m.get_bin_path(apt_cmd, required=True) cmd = '%s %s -y %s %s %s %s' % (APT_ENVVARS, apt_cmd_path, dpkg_options, force_yes, check_arg, upgrade_command) rc, out, err = m.run_command(cmd) if rc: m.fail_json(msg="'%s %s' failed: %s" % (apt_cmd, upgrade_command, err), stdout=out) if (apt_cmd == APT_GET_CMD and APT_GET_ZERO in out) or (apt_cmd == APTITUDE_CMD and APTITUDE_ZERO in out): m.exit_json(changed=False, msg=out, stdout=out, stderr=err) m.exit_json(changed=True, msg=out, stdout=out, stderr=err) def main(): module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec = dict( state = dict(default='installed', choices=['installed', 'latest', 'removed', 'absent', 'present']), update_cache = dict(default=False, aliases=['update-cache'], type='bool'), cache_valid_time = dict(type='int'), purge = dict(default=False, type='bool'), package = dict(default=None, aliases=['pkg', 'name']), default_release = dict(default=None, aliases=['default-release']), install_recommends = dict(default='yes', aliases=['install-recommends'], type='bool'), force = dict(default='no', type='bool'), upgrade = dict(choices=['yes', 'safe', 'full', 'dist']), dpkg_options = dict(default=DPKG_OPTIONS) ), mutually_exclusive = [['package', 'upgrade']], required_one_of = [['package', 'upgrade', 'update_cache']], supports_check_mode = True ) if not HAS_PYTHON_APT: try: module.run_command('apt-get update && apt-get install python-apt -y -q') global apt, apt_pkg import apt import apt_pkg except: module.fail_json(msg="Could not import python modules: apt, apt_pkg. Please install python-apt package.") global APTITUDE_CMD APTITUDE_CMD = module.get_bin_path("aptitude", False) global APT_GET_CMD APT_GET_CMD = module.get_bin_path("apt-get") p = module.params if not APTITUDE_CMD and p.get('upgrade', None) in [ 'full', 'safe', 'yes' ]: module.fail_json(msg="Could not find aptitude. Please ensure it is installed.") install_recommends = p['install_recommends'] dpkg_options = expand_dpkg_options(p['dpkg_options']) try: cache = apt.Cache() if p['default_release']: apt_pkg.config['APT::Default-Release'] = p['default_release'] # reopen cache w/ modified config cache.open(progress=None) if p['update_cache']: # Default is: always update the cache cache_valid = False if p['cache_valid_time']: tdelta = datetime.timedelta(seconds=p['cache_valid_time']) try: mtime = os.stat(APT_UPDATE_SUCCESS_STAMP_PATH).st_mtime except: mtime = False if mtime is False: # Looks like the update-success-stamp is not available # Fallback: Checking the mtime of the lists try: mtime = os.stat(APT_LISTS_PATH).st_mtime except: mtime = False if mtime is False: # No mtime could be read - looks like lists are not there # We update the cache to be safe cache_valid = False else: mtimestamp = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(mtime) if mtimestamp + tdelta >= datetime.datetime.now(): # dont update the cache # the old cache is less than cache_valid_time seconds old - so still valid cache_valid = True if cache_valid is not True: cache.update() cache.open(progress=None) if not p['package'] and not p['upgrade']: module.exit_json(changed=False) force_yes = p['force'] if p['upgrade']: upgrade(module, p['upgrade'], force_yes, dpkg_options) packages = p['package'].split(',') latest = p['state'] == 'latest' for package in packages: if package.count('=') > 1: module.fail_json(msg="invalid package spec: %s" % package) if latest and '=' in package: module.fail_json(msg='version number inconsistent with state=latest: %s' % package) if p['state'] == 'latest': install(module, packages, cache, upgrade=True, default_release=p['default_release'], install_recommends=install_recommends, force=force_yes, dpkg_options=dpkg_options) elif p['state'] in [ 'installed', 'present' ]: install(module, packages, cache, default_release=p['default_release'], install_recommends=install_recommends,force=force_yes, dpkg_options=dpkg_options) elif p['state'] in [ 'removed', 'absent' ]: remove(module, packages, cache, p['purge'], dpkg_options) except apt.cache.LockFailedException: module.fail_json(msg="Failed to lock apt for exclusive operation") # import module snippets from ansible.module_utils.basic import * main()