#!/usr/bin/python -tt # (c) 2012, Flowroute LLC # Written by Matthew Williams # Based on yum module written by Seth Vidal # # This module is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this software. If not, see . # try: import json except ImportError: import simplejson as json import os import sys import shlex import subprocess import syslog import traceback APT_PATH = "/usr/bin/apt-get" APT = "DEBIAN_PRIORITY=critical %s" % APT_PATH def exit_json(rc=0, **kwargs): print json.dumps(kwargs) sys.exit(rc) def fail_json(**kwargs): kwargs['failed'] = True exit_json(rc=1, **kwargs) try: import apt, apt_pkg except ImportError: fail_json(msg="could not import apt, please install the python-apt package on this host") def run_apt(command): try: cmd = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) out, err = cmd.communicate() except (OSError, IOError), e: rc = 1 err = str(e) out = '' except: rc = 1 err = traceback.format_exc() out = '' else: rc = cmd.returncode return rc, out, err def package_split(pkgspec): parts = pkgspec.split('=') if len(parts) > 1: return parts[0], parts[1] else: return parts[0], None def package_status(pkgname, version, cache): try: pkg = cache[pkgname] except KeyError: fail_json(msg="No package matching '%s' is available" % pkgname) if version: try : return pkg.is_installed and pkg.installed.version == version, False except AttributeError: #assume older version of python-apt is installed return pkg.isInstalled and pkg.installedVersion == version, False else: try : return pkg.is_installed, pkg.is_upgradable except AttributeError: #assume older version of python-apt is installed return pkg.isInstalled, pkg.isUpgradable def install(pkgspec, cache, upgrade=False, default_release=None, install_recommends=True): name, version = package_split(pkgspec) installed, upgradable = package_status(name, version, cache) if not installed or (upgrade and upgradable): cmd = "%s --option Dpkg::Options::=--force-confold -q -y install '%s'" % (APT, pkgspec) if default_release: cmd += " -t '%s'" % (default_release,) if not install_recommends: cmd += " --no-install-recommends" rc, out, err = run_apt(cmd) if rc: fail_json(msg="'apt-get install %s' failed: %s" % (pkgspec, err)) return True else: return False def remove(pkgspec, cache, purge=False): name, version = package_split(pkgspec) installed, upgradable = package_status(name, version, cache) if not installed: return False else: purge = '--purge' if purge else '' cmd = "%s -q -y %s remove '%s'" % (APT, purge, name) rc, out, err = run_apt(cmd) if rc: fail_json(msg="'apt-get remove %s' failed: %s" % (name, err)) return True # =========================================== if not os.path.exists(APT_PATH): fail_json(msg="Cannot find apt-get") argfile = sys.argv[1] args = open(argfile, 'r').read() items = shlex.split(args) syslog.openlog('ansible-%s' % os.path.basename(__file__)) syslog.syslog(syslog.LOG_NOTICE, 'Invoked with %s' % args) if not len(items): fail_json(msg='the module requires arguments -a') sys.exit(1) params = {} for x in items: (k, v) = x.split("=", 1) params[k] = v state = params.get('state', 'installed') package = params.get('pkg', params.get('package', params.get('name', None))) update_cache = params.get('update-cache', 'no') purge = params.get('purge', 'no') default_release = params.get('default-release', None) install_recommends = params.get('install-recommends', 'yes') if state not in ['installed', 'latest', 'removed']: fail_json(msg='invalid state') if update_cache not in ['yes', 'no']: fail_json(msg='invalid value for update_cache (requires yes or no -- default is no') if purge not in ['yes', 'no']: fail_json(msg='invalid value for purge (requires yes or no -- default is no)') if package is None and update_cache != 'yes': fail_json(msg='pkg=name and/or update-cache=yes is required') if install_recommends not in ['yes', 'no']: fail_json(msg='invalid value for install-recommends (requires yes or no -- default is yes)') cache = apt.Cache() if default_release: apt_pkg.config['APT::Default-Release'] = default_release # reopen cache w/ modified config cache.open() if update_cache == 'yes': cache.update() cache.open() if package == None: exit_json(changed=False) if package.count('=') > 1: fail_json(msg='invalid package spec') if state == 'latest': if '=' in package: fail_json(msg='version number inconsistent with state=latest') changed = install(package, cache, upgrade=True, default_release=default_release, install_recommends = install_recommends == 'yes') elif state == 'installed': changed = install(package, cache, default_release=default_release, install_recommends = install_recommends == 'yes') elif state == 'removed': changed = remove(package, cache, purge == 'yes') exit_json(changed=changed)