Matt Clay a81dd4f06a
Update ansible-test default containers. (#69819)
* Move ansible-test completion code.

* Fix a few type hints.

* Change docker completion based on context.

Collections now use version 2.0 of the default-test-container.
This is an updated version of the earlier 1.x default-test-container with ansible-base and cloud specific requirements removed.

Testing of ansible-base now uses version 1.0 of a new ansible-base-test-container.
This container is similar to the earlier 1.x default-test-container, but with unnecessary duplication of requirements across Python versions removed.

Collections which have tests that depend on requirements no longer present in the default test container should specify them in their test requirements files:

* tests/integration/requirements.txt
* tests/unit/requirements.txt

* Bump test container versions

Co-authored-by: Jordan Borean <>
2020-06-09 15:40:56 -07:00

354 lines
13 KiB

"""Configuration classes."""
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
__metaclass__ = type
import os
import sys
from . import types as t
from .util import (
from .util_common import (
from .metadata import (
from .data import (
TIntegrationConfig = t.TypeVar('TIntegrationConfig', bound='IntegrationConfig')
except AttributeError:
TIntegrationConfig = None # pylint: disable=invalid-name
class ParsedRemote:
"""A parsed version of a "remote" string."""
def __init__(self, arch, platform, version): # type: (t.Optional[str], str, str) -> None
self.arch = arch
self.platform = platform
self.version = version
def parse(value): # type: (str) -> t.Optional['ParsedRemote']
"""Return a ParsedRemote from the given value or None if the syntax is invalid."""
parts = value.split('/')
if len(parts) == 2:
arch = None
platform, version = parts
elif len(parts) == 3:
arch, platform, version = parts
return None
return ParsedRemote(arch, platform, version)
class EnvironmentConfig(CommonConfig):
"""Configuration common to all commands which execute in an environment."""
def __init__(self, args, command):
:type args: any
:type command: str
super(EnvironmentConfig, self).__init__(args, command)
self.local = args.local is True
self.venv = args.venv
self.venv_system_site_packages = args.venv_system_site_packages
self.python = args.python if 'python' in args else None # type: str
self.docker = docker_qualify_image(args.docker) # type: str
self.docker_raw = args.docker # type: str
self.remote = args.remote # type: str
if self.remote:
self.parsed_remote = ParsedRemote.parse(self.remote)
if not self.parsed_remote or not self.parsed_remote.platform or not self.parsed_remote.version:
raise ApplicationError('Unrecognized remote "%s" syntax. Use "platform/version" or "arch/platform/version".' % self.remote)
self.parsed_remote = None
self.docker_privileged = args.docker_privileged if 'docker_privileged' in args else False # type: bool
self.docker_pull = args.docker_pull if 'docker_pull' in args else False # type: bool
self.docker_keep_git = args.docker_keep_git if 'docker_keep_git' in args else False # type: bool
self.docker_seccomp = args.docker_seccomp if 'docker_seccomp' in args else None # type: str
self.docker_memory = args.docker_memory if 'docker_memory' in args else None
self.docker_terminate = args.docker_terminate if 'docker_terminate' in args else None # type: str
if self.docker_seccomp is None:
self.docker_seccomp = get_docker_completion().get(self.docker_raw, {}).get('seccomp', 'default')
self.remote_stage = args.remote_stage # type: str
self.remote_provider = args.remote_provider # type: str
self.remote_aws_region = args.remote_aws_region # type: str
self.remote_terminate = args.remote_terminate # type: str
if self.remote_provider == 'default':
self.remote_provider = None
self.requirements = args.requirements # type: bool
if self.python == 'default':
self.python = None
actual_major_minor = '.'.join(str(i) for i in sys.version_info[:2])
self.python_version = self.python or actual_major_minor
self.python_interpreter = args.python_interpreter
self.pip_check = args.pip_check
self.delegate = self.docker or self.remote or self.venv
self.delegate_args = [] # type: t.List[str]
if self.delegate:
self.requirements = True
self.inject_httptester = args.inject_httptester if 'inject_httptester' in args else False # type: bool
self.httptester = docker_qualify_image(args.httptester if 'httptester' in args else '') # type: str
if self.get_delegated_completion().get('httptester', 'enabled') == 'disabled':
self.httptester = False
if self.get_delegated_completion().get('pip-check', 'enabled') == 'disabled':
self.pip_check = False
if args.check_python and args.check_python != actual_major_minor:
raise ApplicationError('Running under Python %s instead of Python %s as expected.' % (actual_major_minor, args.check_python))
if self.docker_keep_git:
def git_callback(files): # type: (t.List[t.Tuple[str, str]]) -> None
"""Add files from the content root .git directory to the payload file list."""
for dirpath, _dirnames, filenames in os.walk(os.path.join(data_context().content.root, '.git')):
paths = [os.path.join(dirpath, filename) for filename in filenames]
files.extend((path, os.path.relpath(path, data_context().content.root)) for path in paths)
def python_executable(self):
:rtype: str
return find_python(self.python_version)
def pip_command(self):
:rtype: list[str]
return generate_pip_command(self.python_executable)
def get_delegated_completion(self):
"""Returns a dictionary of settings specific to the selected delegation system, if any. Otherwise returns an empty dictionary.
:rtype: dict[str, str]
if self.docker:
return get_docker_completion().get(self.docker_raw, {})
if self.remote:
return get_remote_completion().get(self.remote, {})
return {}
class TestConfig(EnvironmentConfig):
"""Configuration common to all test commands."""
def __init__(self, args, command):
:type args: any
:type command: str
super(TestConfig, self).__init__(args, command)
self.coverage = args.coverage # type: bool
self.coverage_label = args.coverage_label # type: str
self.coverage_check = args.coverage_check # type: bool
self.coverage_config_base_path = None # type: t.Optional[str]
self.include = args.include or [] # type: t.List[str]
self.exclude = args.exclude or [] # type: t.List[str]
self.require = args.require or [] # type: t.List[str]
self.changed = args.changed # type: bool
self.tracked = args.tracked # type: bool
self.untracked = args.untracked # type: bool
self.committed = args.committed # type: bool
self.staged = args.staged # type: bool
self.unstaged = args.unstaged # type: bool
self.changed_from = args.changed_from # type: str
self.changed_path = args.changed_path # type: t.List[str]
self.base_branch = args.base_branch # type: str
self.lint = args.lint if 'lint' in args else False # type: bool
self.junit = args.junit if 'junit' in args else False # type: bool
self.failure_ok = args.failure_ok if 'failure_ok' in args else False # type: bool
self.metadata = Metadata.from_file(args.metadata) if args.metadata else Metadata()
self.metadata_path = None
if self.coverage_check:
self.coverage = True
def metadata_callback(files): # type: (t.List[t.Tuple[str, str]]) -> None
"""Add the metadata file to the payload file list."""
config = self
if self.metadata_path:
files.append((os.path.abspath(config.metadata_path), config.metadata_path))
class ShellConfig(EnvironmentConfig):
"""Configuration for the shell command."""
def __init__(self, args):
:type args: any
super(ShellConfig, self).__init__(args, 'shell')
self.raw = args.raw # type: bool
if self.raw:
self.httptester = False
class SanityConfig(TestConfig):
"""Configuration for the sanity command."""
def __init__(self, args):
:type args: any
super(SanityConfig, self).__init__(args, 'sanity')
self.test = args.test # type: t.List[str]
self.skip_test = args.skip_test # type: t.List[str]
self.list_tests = args.list_tests # type: bool
self.allow_disabled = args.allow_disabled # type: bool
self.enable_optional_errors = args.enable_optional_errors # type: bool
self.info_stderr = self.lint
class IntegrationConfig(TestConfig):
"""Configuration for the integration command."""
def __init__(self, args, command):
:type args: any
:type command: str
super(IntegrationConfig, self).__init__(args, command)
self.start_at = args.start_at # type: str
self.start_at_task = args.start_at_task # type: str
self.allow_destructive = args.allow_destructive # type: bool
self.allow_root = args.allow_root # type: bool
self.allow_disabled = args.allow_disabled # type: bool
self.allow_unstable = args.allow_unstable # type: bool
self.allow_unstable_changed = args.allow_unstable_changed # type: bool
self.allow_unsupported = args.allow_unsupported # type: bool
self.retry_on_error = args.retry_on_error # type: bool
self.continue_on_error = args.continue_on_error # type: bool
self.debug_strategy = args.debug_strategy # type: bool
self.changed_all_target = args.changed_all_target # type: str
self.changed_all_mode = args.changed_all_mode # type: str
self.list_targets = args.list_targets # type: bool
self.tags = args.tags
self.skip_tags = args.skip_tags
self.diff = args.diff
self.no_temp_workdir = args.no_temp_workdir
self.no_temp_unicode = args.no_temp_unicode
if self.get_delegated_completion().get('temp-unicode', 'enabled') == 'disabled':
self.no_temp_unicode = True
if self.list_targets:
self.explain = True
self.info_stderr = True
def get_ansible_config(self): # type: () -> str
"""Return the path to the Ansible config for the given config."""
ansible_config_relative_path = os.path.join(data_context().content.integration_path, '%s.cfg' % self.command)
ansible_config_path = os.path.join(data_context().content.root, ansible_config_relative_path)
if not os.path.exists(ansible_config_path):
# use the default empty configuration unless one has been provided
ansible_config_path = super(IntegrationConfig, self).get_ansible_config()
return ansible_config_path
class PosixIntegrationConfig(IntegrationConfig):
"""Configuration for the posix integration command."""
def __init__(self, args):
:type args: any
super(PosixIntegrationConfig, self).__init__(args, 'integration')
class WindowsIntegrationConfig(IntegrationConfig):
"""Configuration for the windows integration command."""
def __init__(self, args):
:type args: any
super(WindowsIntegrationConfig, self).__init__(args, 'windows-integration') = # type: t.List[str]
self.inventory = args.inventory # type: str
self.allow_destructive = True
class NetworkIntegrationConfig(IntegrationConfig):
"""Configuration for the network integration command."""
def __init__(self, args):
:type args: any
super(NetworkIntegrationConfig, self).__init__(args, 'network-integration')
self.platform = args.platform # type: t.List[str]
self.platform_collection = dict(args.platform_collection or []) # type: t.Dict[str, str]
self.platform_connection = dict(args.platform_connection or []) # type: t.Dict[str, str]
self.inventory = args.inventory # type: str
self.testcase = args.testcase # type: str
class UnitsConfig(TestConfig):
"""Configuration for the units command."""
def __init__(self, args):
:type args: any
super(UnitsConfig, self).__init__(args, 'units')
self.collect_only = args.collect_only # type: bool
self.num_workers = args.num_workers # type: int
self.requirements_mode = args.requirements_mode if 'requirements_mode' in args else ''
if self.requirements_mode == 'only':
self.requirements = True
elif self.requirements_mode == 'skip':
self.requirements = False