This adds a parse_address(pattern) utility function that returns (host,port), and uses it wherever where we accept IPv4 and IPv6 addresses and hostnames (or host patterns): the inventory parser the the add_host action plugin. It also introduces a more extensive set of unit tests that supersedes the old add_host unit tests (which didn't actually test add_host, but only the parsing function).
56 lines
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56 lines
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import unittest
from ansible.parsing.utils.addresses import parse_address
class TestParseAddress(unittest.TestCase):
tests = {
# IPv4 addresses
'': ['', None],
'': ['', 23],
# IPv6 addresses
'::': ['::', None],
'::1': ['::1', None],
'[::1]:442': ['::1', 442],
'abcd:ef98:7654:3210:abcd:ef98:7654:3210': ['abcd:ef98:7654:3210:abcd:ef98:7654:3210', None],
'[abcd:ef98:7654:3210:abcd:ef98:7654:3210]:42': ['abcd:ef98:7654:3210:abcd:ef98:7654:3210', 42],
# Hostnames
'some-host': ['some-host', None],
'some-host:80': ['some-host', 80],
'some.host.com:492': ['some.host.com', 492],
'[some.host.com]:493': ['some.host.com', 493],
# Various errors
'': [None, None],
'some..host': [None, None],
'some.': [None, None],
'[example.com]': [None, None],
range_tests = {
'192.0.2.[3:10]': ['192.0.2.[3:10]', None],
'192.0.2.[3:10]:23': ['192.0.2.[3:10]', 23],
'abcd:ef98::7654:[1:9]': ['abcd:ef98::7654:[1:9]', None],
'[abcd:ef98::7654:[6:32]]:2222': ['abcd:ef98::7654:[6:32]', 2222],
'foo[a:b]:42': ['foo[a:b]', 42],
'foo[a-b]:32': [None, None],
'foo[x-y]': [None, None],
def test_without_ranges(self):
for t in self.tests:
test = self.tests[t]
(host, port) = parse_address(t)
assert host == test[0]
assert port == test[1]
def test_with_ranges(self):
for t in self.range_tests:
test = self.range_tests[t]
(host, port) = parse_address(t, allow_ranges=True)
assert host == test[0]
assert port == test[1]