As AnsibleModule._log_invocation is currently implemented, any parameter with a name that matches PASSWORD_MATCH triggers the no_log warning as a precaution against parameters that may contain sensitive data, but have not been marked as sensitive by the module author. This patch would allow module authors to explicitly mark the aforementioned parameters as not sensitive thereby bypassing an erroneous warning message, while still catching parameters which have not been marked at all by the author. Adds tests for various no_log states including True, False, and None (as extracted by AnsibleModule._log_invocation) when applied to an argument with a name that matches PASSWORD_MATCH. Fixes: #49465 #64656
632 lines
28 KiB
632 lines
28 KiB
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# (c) 2012-2014, Michael DeHaan <michael.dehaan@gmail.com>
# (c) 2016 Toshio Kuratomi <tkuratomi@ansible.com>
# Copyright: Ansible Project
# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt)
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
__metaclass__ = type
import json
import os
import pytest
from units.compat.mock import MagicMock
from ansible.module_utils import basic
from ansible.module_utils.six import integer_types
from ansible.module_utils.six.moves import builtins
MOCK_VALIDATOR_FAIL = MagicMock(side_effect=TypeError("bad conversion"))
# Data is argspec, argument, expected
# Simple type=int
({'arg': {'type': 'int'}}, {'arg': 42}, 42),
# Simple type=int with a large value (will be of type long under Python 2)
({'arg': {'type': 'int'}}, {'arg': 18765432109876543210}, 18765432109876543210),
# Simple type=list, elements=int
({'arg': {'type': 'list', 'elements': 'int'}}, {'arg': [42, 32]}, [42, 32]),
# Type=int with conversion from string
({'arg': {'type': 'int'}}, {'arg': '42'}, 42),
# Type=list elements=int with conversion from string
({'arg': {'type': 'list', 'elements': 'int'}}, {'arg': ['42', '32']}, [42, 32]),
# Simple type=float
({'arg': {'type': 'float'}}, {'arg': 42.0}, 42.0),
# Simple type=list, elements=float
({'arg': {'type': 'list', 'elements': 'float'}}, {'arg': [42.1, 32.2]}, [42.1, 32.2]),
# Type=float conversion from int
({'arg': {'type': 'float'}}, {'arg': 42}, 42.0),
# type=list, elements=float conversion from int
({'arg': {'type': 'list', 'elements': 'float'}}, {'arg': [42, 32]}, [42.0, 32.0]),
# Type=float conversion from string
({'arg': {'type': 'float'}}, {'arg': '42.0'}, 42.0),
# type=list, elements=float conversion from string
({'arg': {'type': 'list', 'elements': 'float'}}, {'arg': ['42.1', '32.2']}, [42.1, 32.2]),
# Type=float conversion from string without decimal point
({'arg': {'type': 'float'}}, {'arg': '42'}, 42.0),
# Type=list elements=float conversion from string without decimal point
({'arg': {'type': 'list', 'elements': 'float'}}, {'arg': ['42', '32.2']}, [42.0, 32.2]),
# Simple type=bool
({'arg': {'type': 'bool'}}, {'arg': True}, True),
# Simple type=list elements=bool
({'arg': {'type': 'list', 'elements': 'bool'}}, {'arg': [True, 'true', 1, 'yes', False, 'false', 'no', 0]},
[True, True, True, True, False, False, False, False]),
# Type=int with conversion from string
({'arg': {'type': 'bool'}}, {'arg': 'yes'}, True),
# Type=str converts to string
({'arg': {'type': 'str'}}, {'arg': 42}, '42'),
# Type=list elements=str simple converts to string
({'arg': {'type': 'list', 'elements': 'str'}}, {'arg': ['42', '32']}, ['42', '32']),
# Type is implicit, converts to string
({'arg': {'type': 'str'}}, {'arg': 42}, '42'),
# Type=list elements=str implicit converts to string
({'arg': {'type': 'list', 'elements': 'str'}}, {'arg': [42, 32]}, ['42', '32']),
# parameter is required
({'arg': {'required': True}}, {'arg': 42}, '42'),
# Type is int; unable to convert this string
({'arg': {'type': 'int'}}, {'arg': "wolf"}, "is of type {0} and we were unable to convert to int: {0} cannot be converted to an int".format(type('bad'))),
# Type is list elements is int; unable to convert this string
({'arg': {'type': 'list', 'elements': 'int'}}, {'arg': [1, "bad"]}, "is of type {0} and we were unable to convert to int: {0} cannot be converted to "
"an int".format(type('int'))),
# Type is int; unable to convert float
({'arg': {'type': 'int'}}, {'arg': 42.1}, "'float'> cannot be converted to an int"),
# Type is list, elements is int; unable to convert float
({'arg': {'type': 'list', 'elements': 'int'}}, {'arg': [42.1, 32, 2]}, "'float'> cannot be converted to an int"),
# type is a callable that fails to convert
({'arg': {'type': MOCK_VALIDATOR_FAIL}}, {'arg': "bad"}, "bad conversion"),
# type is a list, elements is callable that fails to convert
({'arg': {'type': 'list', 'elements': MOCK_VALIDATOR_FAIL}}, {'arg': [1, "bad"]}, "bad conversion"),
# unknown parameter
({'arg': {'type': 'int'}}, {'other': 'bad', '_ansible_module_name': 'ansible_unittest'},
'Unsupported parameters for (ansible_unittest) module: other Supported parameters include: arg'),
# parameter is required
({'arg': {'required': True}}, {}, 'missing required arguments: arg'),
def complex_argspec():
arg_spec = dict(
foo=dict(required=True, aliases=['dup']),
baz=dict(fallback=(basic.env_fallback, ['BAZ'])),
bar3=dict(type='list', elements='path'),
zardoz=dict(choices=['one', 'two']),
zardoz2=dict(type='list', choices=['one', 'two', 'three']),
zardoz3=dict(type='str', aliases=['zodraz'], deprecated_aliases=[dict(name='zodraz', version='9.99')]),
mut_ex = (('bar', 'bam'), ('bing', 'bang', 'bong'))
req_to = (('bam', 'baz'),)
kwargs = dict(
return kwargs
def options_argspec_list():
options_spec = dict(
foo=dict(required=True, aliases=['dup']),
bar1=dict(type='list', elements='str'),
bar2=dict(type='list', elements='int'),
bar3=dict(type='list', elements='float'),
bar4=dict(type='list', elements='path'),
baz=dict(fallback=(basic.env_fallback, ['BAZ'])),
arg_spec = dict(
['bam', 'bam1'],
['foo', 'hello', ['bam']],
['foo', 'bam2', ['bam2']]
['bar', 'bam']
['bam1', 'baz']
'bam4': ('bam1', 'bam3'),
kwargs = dict(
return kwargs
def options_argspec_dict(options_argspec_list):
# should test ok, for options in dict format.
kwargs = options_argspec_list
kwargs['argument_spec']['foobar']['type'] = 'dict'
kwargs['argument_spec']['foobar']['elements'] = None
return kwargs
# Tests for one aspect of arg_spec
@pytest.mark.parametrize('argspec, expected, stdin', [(s[0], s[2], s[1]) for s in VALID_SPECS],
def test_validator_basic_types(argspec, expected, stdin):
am = basic.AnsibleModule(argspec)
if 'type' in argspec['arg']:
if argspec['arg']['type'] == 'int':
type_ = integer_types
type_ = getattr(builtins, argspec['arg']['type'])
type_ = str
assert isinstance(am.params['arg'], type_)
assert am.params['arg'] == expected
@pytest.mark.parametrize('stdin', [{'arg': 42}, {'arg': 18765432109876543210}], indirect=['stdin'])
def test_validator_function(mocker, stdin):
# Type is a callable
MOCK_VALIDATOR_SUCCESS = mocker.MagicMock(return_value=27)
argspec = {'arg': {'type': MOCK_VALIDATOR_SUCCESS}}
am = basic.AnsibleModule(argspec)
assert isinstance(am.params['arg'], integer_types)
assert am.params['arg'] == 27
@pytest.mark.parametrize('argspec, expected, stdin', [(s[0], s[2], s[1]) for s in INVALID_SPECS],
def test_validator_fail(stdin, capfd, argspec, expected):
with pytest.raises(SystemExit):
out, err = capfd.readouterr()
assert not err
assert expected in json.loads(out)['msg']
assert json.loads(out)['failed']
class TestComplexArgSpecs:
"""Test with a more complex arg_spec"""
@pytest.mark.parametrize('stdin', [{'foo': 'hello'}, {'dup': 'hello'}], indirect=['stdin'])
def test_complex_required(self, stdin, complex_argspec):
"""Test that the complex argspec works if we give it its required param as either the canonical or aliased name"""
am = basic.AnsibleModule(**complex_argspec)
assert isinstance(am.params['foo'], str)
assert am.params['foo'] == 'hello'
@pytest.mark.parametrize('stdin', [{'foo': 'hello1', 'dup': 'hello2'}], indirect=['stdin'])
def test_complex_duplicate_warning(self, stdin, complex_argspec):
"""Test that the complex argspec issues a warning if we specify an option both with its canonical name and its alias"""
am = basic.AnsibleModule(**complex_argspec)
assert isinstance(am.params['foo'], str)
assert 'Both option foo and its alias dup are set.' in am._warnings
assert am.params['foo'] == 'hello2'
@pytest.mark.parametrize('stdin', [{'foo': 'hello', 'bam': 'test'}], indirect=['stdin'])
def test_complex_type_fallback(self, mocker, stdin, complex_argspec):
"""Test that the complex argspec works if we get a required parameter via fallback"""
environ = os.environ.copy()
environ['BAZ'] = 'test data'
mocker.patch('ansible.module_utils.basic.os.environ', environ)
am = basic.AnsibleModule(**complex_argspec)
assert isinstance(am.params['baz'], str)
assert am.params['baz'] == 'test data'
@pytest.mark.parametrize('stdin', [{'foo': 'hello', 'bar': 'bad', 'bam': 'bad2', 'bing': 'a', 'bang': 'b', 'bong': 'c'}], indirect=['stdin'])
def test_fail_mutually_exclusive(self, capfd, stdin, complex_argspec):
"""Fail because of mutually exclusive parameters"""
with pytest.raises(SystemExit):
am = basic.AnsibleModule(**complex_argspec)
out, err = capfd.readouterr()
results = json.loads(out)
assert results['failed']
assert results['msg'] == "parameters are mutually exclusive: bar|bam, bing|bang|bong"
@pytest.mark.parametrize('stdin', [{'foo': 'hello', 'bam': 'bad2'}], indirect=['stdin'])
def test_fail_required_together(self, capfd, stdin, complex_argspec):
"""Fail because only one of a required_together pair of parameters was specified"""
with pytest.raises(SystemExit):
am = basic.AnsibleModule(**complex_argspec)
out, err = capfd.readouterr()
results = json.loads(out)
assert results['failed']
assert results['msg'] == "parameters are required together: bam, baz"
@pytest.mark.parametrize('stdin', [{'foo': 'hello', 'bar': 'hi'}], indirect=['stdin'])
def test_fail_required_together_and_default(self, capfd, stdin, complex_argspec):
"""Fail because one of a required_together pair of parameters has a default and the other was not specified"""
complex_argspec['argument_spec']['baz'] = {'default': 42}
with pytest.raises(SystemExit):
am = basic.AnsibleModule(**complex_argspec)
out, err = capfd.readouterr()
results = json.loads(out)
assert results['failed']
assert results['msg'] == "parameters are required together: bam, baz"
@pytest.mark.parametrize('stdin', [{'foo': 'hello'}], indirect=['stdin'])
def test_fail_required_together_and_fallback(self, capfd, mocker, stdin, complex_argspec):
"""Fail because one of a required_together pair of parameters has a fallback and the other was not specified"""
environ = os.environ.copy()
environ['BAZ'] = 'test data'
mocker.patch('ansible.module_utils.basic.os.environ', environ)
with pytest.raises(SystemExit):
am = basic.AnsibleModule(**complex_argspec)
out, err = capfd.readouterr()
results = json.loads(out)
assert results['failed']
assert results['msg'] == "parameters are required together: bam, baz"
@pytest.mark.parametrize('stdin', [{'foo': 'hello', 'zardoz2': ['one', 'four', 'five']}], indirect=['stdin'])
def test_fail_list_with_choices(self, capfd, mocker, stdin, complex_argspec):
"""Fail because one of the items is not in the choice"""
with pytest.raises(SystemExit):
out, err = capfd.readouterr()
results = json.loads(out)
assert results['failed']
assert results['msg'] == "value of zardoz2 must be one or more of: one, two, three. Got no match for: four, five"
@pytest.mark.parametrize('stdin', [{'foo': 'hello', 'zardoz2': ['one', 'three']}], indirect=['stdin'])
def test_list_with_choices(self, capfd, mocker, stdin, complex_argspec):
"""Test choices with list"""
am = basic.AnsibleModule(**complex_argspec)
assert isinstance(am.params['zardoz2'], list)
assert am.params['zardoz2'] == ['one', 'three']
@pytest.mark.parametrize('stdin', [{'foo': 'hello', 'bar3': ['~/test', 'test/']}], indirect=['stdin'])
def test_list_with_elements_path(self, capfd, mocker, stdin, complex_argspec):
"""Test choices with list"""
am = basic.AnsibleModule(**complex_argspec)
assert isinstance(am.params['bar3'], list)
assert am.params['bar3'][0].startswith('/')
assert am.params['bar3'][1] == 'test/'
@pytest.mark.parametrize('stdin', [{'foo': 'hello', 'zodraz': 'one'}], indirect=['stdin'])
def test_deprecated_alias(self, capfd, mocker, stdin, complex_argspec):
"""Test a deprecated alias"""
am = basic.AnsibleModule(**complex_argspec)
assert "Alias 'zodraz' is deprecated." in am._deprecations[0]['msg']
assert am._deprecations[0]['version'] == '9.99'
class TestComplexOptions:
"""Test arg spec options"""
# (Parameters, expected value of module.params['foobar'])
({'foobar': [{"foo": "hello", "bam": "good"}, {"foo": "test", "bar": "good"}]},
[{'foo': 'hello', 'bam': 'good', 'bam2': 'test', 'bar': None, 'baz': None, 'bam1': None, 'bam3': None, 'bam4': None,
'bar1': None, 'bar2': None, 'bar3': None, 'bar4': None},
{'foo': 'test', 'bam': None, 'bam2': 'test', 'bar': 'good', 'baz': None, 'bam1': None, 'bam3': None, 'bam4': None,
'bar1': None, 'bar2': None, 'bar3': None, 'bar4': None}]
# Alias for required param
({'foobar': [{"dup": "test", "bar": "good"}]},
[{'foo': 'test', 'dup': 'test', 'bam': None, 'bam2': 'test', 'bar': 'good', 'baz': None, 'bam1': None, 'bam3': None, 'bam4': None,
'bar1': None, 'bar2': None, 'bar3': None, 'bar4': None}]
# Required_if utilizing default value of the requirement
({'foobar': [{"foo": "bam2", "bar": "required_one_of"}]},
[{'bam': None, 'bam1': None, 'bam2': 'test', 'bam3': None, 'bam4': None, 'bar': 'required_one_of', 'baz': None, 'foo': 'bam2',
'bar1': None, 'bar2': None, 'bar3': None, 'bar4': None}]
# Check that a bool option is converted
({"foobar": [{"foo": "required", "bam": "good", "bam3": "yes"}]},
[{'bam': 'good', 'bam1': None, 'bam2': 'test', 'bam3': True, 'bam4': None, 'bar': None, 'baz': None, 'foo': 'required',
'bar1': None, 'bar2': None, 'bar3': None, 'bar4': None}]
# Check required_by options
({"foobar": [{"foo": "required", "bar": "good", "baz": "good", "bam4": "required_by", "bam1": "ok", "bam3": "yes"}]},
[{'bar': 'good', 'baz': 'good', 'bam1': 'ok', 'bam2': 'test', 'bam3': True, 'bam4': 'required_by', 'bam': None, 'foo': 'required',
'bar1': None, 'bar2': None, 'bar3': None, 'bar4': None}]
# Check for elements in sub-options
({"foobar": [{"foo": "good", "bam": "required_one_of", "bar1": [1, "good", "yes"], "bar2": ['1', 1], "bar3":['1.3', 1.3, 1]}]},
[{'foo': 'good', 'bam1': None, 'bam2': 'test', 'bam3': None, 'bam4': None, 'bar': None, 'baz': None, 'bam': 'required_one_of',
'bar1': ["1", "good", "yes"], 'bar2': [1, 1], 'bar3': [1.3, 1.3, 1.0], 'bar4': None}]
# (Parameters, expected value of module.params['foobar'])
({'foobar': {"foo": "hello", "bam": "good"}},
{'foo': 'hello', 'bam': 'good', 'bam2': 'test', 'bar': None, 'baz': None, 'bam1': None, 'bam3': None, 'bam4': None,
'bar1': None, 'bar2': None, 'bar3': None, 'bar4': None}
# Alias for required param
({'foobar': {"dup": "test", "bar": "good"}},
{'foo': 'test', 'dup': 'test', 'bam': None, 'bam2': 'test', 'bar': 'good', 'baz': None, 'bam1': None, 'bam3': None, 'bam4': None,
'bar1': None, 'bar2': None, 'bar3': None, 'bar4': None}
# Required_if utilizing default value of the requirement
({'foobar': {"foo": "bam2", "bar": "required_one_of"}},
{'bam': None, 'bam1': None, 'bam2': 'test', 'bam3': None, 'bam4': None, 'bar': 'required_one_of', 'baz': None, 'foo': 'bam2',
'bar1': None, 'bar2': None, 'bar3': None, 'bar4': None}
# Check that a bool option is converted
({"foobar": {"foo": "required", "bam": "good", "bam3": "yes"}},
{'bam': 'good', 'bam1': None, 'bam2': 'test', 'bam3': True, 'bam4': None, 'bar': None, 'baz': None, 'foo': 'required',
'bar1': None, 'bar2': None, 'bar3': None, 'bar4': None}
# Check required_by options
({"foobar": {"foo": "required", "bar": "good", "baz": "good", "bam4": "required_by", "bam1": "ok", "bam3": "yes"}},
{'bar': 'good', 'baz': 'good', 'bam1': 'ok', 'bam2': 'test', 'bam3': True, 'bam4': 'required_by', 'bam': None,
'foo': 'required', 'bar1': None, 'bar3': None, 'bar2': None, 'bar4': None}
# Check for elements in sub-options
({"foobar": {"foo": "good", "bam": "required_one_of", "bar1": [1, "good", "yes"],
"bar2": ['1', 1], "bar3": ['1.3', 1.3, 1]}},
{'foo': 'good', 'bam1': None, 'bam2': 'test', 'bam3': None, 'bam4': None, 'bar': None,
'baz': None, 'bam': 'required_one_of',
'bar1': ["1", "good", "yes"], 'bar2': [1, 1], 'bar3': [1.3, 1.3, 1.0], 'bar4': None}
# (Parameters, failure message)
# Missing required option
({'foobar': [{}]}, 'missing required arguments: foo found in foobar'),
# Invalid option
({'foobar': [{"foo": "hello", "bam": "good", "invalid": "bad"}]}, 'module: invalid found in foobar. Supported parameters include'),
# Mutually exclusive options found
({'foobar': [{"foo": "test", "bam": "bad", "bam1": "bad", "baz": "req_to"}]},
'parameters are mutually exclusive: bam|bam1 found in foobar'),
# required_if fails
({'foobar': [{"foo": "hello", "bar": "bad"}]},
'foo is hello but all of the following are missing: bam found in foobar'),
# Missing required_one_of option
({'foobar': [{"foo": "test"}]},
'one of the following is required: bar, bam found in foobar'),
# Missing required_together option
({'foobar': [{"foo": "test", "bar": "required_one_of", "bam1": "bad"}]},
'parameters are required together: bam1, baz found in foobar'),
# Missing required_by options
({'foobar': [{"foo": "test", "bar": "required_one_of", "bam4": "required_by"}]},
"missing parameter(s) required by 'bam4': bam1, bam3"),
# (Parameters, failure message)
# Missing required option
({'foobar': {}}, 'missing required arguments: foo found in foobar'),
# Invalid option
({'foobar': {"foo": "hello", "bam": "good", "invalid": "bad"}},
'module: invalid found in foobar. Supported parameters include'),
# Mutually exclusive options found
({'foobar': {"foo": "test", "bam": "bad", "bam1": "bad", "baz": "req_to"}},
'parameters are mutually exclusive: bam|bam1 found in foobar'),
# required_if fails
({'foobar': {"foo": "hello", "bar": "bad"}},
'foo is hello but all of the following are missing: bam found in foobar'),
# Missing required_one_of option
({'foobar': {"foo": "test"}},
'one of the following is required: bar, bam found in foobar'),
# Missing required_together option
({'foobar': {"foo": "test", "bar": "required_one_of", "bam1": "bad"}},
'parameters are required together: bam1, baz found in foobar'),
# Missing required_by options
({'foobar': {"foo": "test", "bar": "required_one_of", "bam4": "required_by"}},
"missing parameter(s) required by 'bam4': bam1, bam3"),
@pytest.mark.parametrize('stdin, expected', OPTIONS_PARAMS_DICT, indirect=['stdin'])
def test_options_type_dict(self, stdin, options_argspec_dict, expected):
"""Test that a basic creation with required and required_if works"""
# should test ok, tests basic foo requirement and required_if
am = basic.AnsibleModule(**options_argspec_dict)
assert isinstance(am.params['foobar'], dict)
assert am.params['foobar'] == expected
@pytest.mark.parametrize('stdin, expected', OPTIONS_PARAMS_LIST, indirect=['stdin'])
def test_options_type_list(self, stdin, options_argspec_list, expected):
"""Test that a basic creation with required and required_if works"""
# should test ok, tests basic foo requirement and required_if
am = basic.AnsibleModule(**options_argspec_list)
assert isinstance(am.params['foobar'], list)
assert am.params['foobar'] == expected
@pytest.mark.parametrize('stdin, expected', FAILING_PARAMS_DICT, indirect=['stdin'])
def test_fail_validate_options_dict(self, capfd, stdin, options_argspec_dict, expected):
"""Fail because one of a required_together pair of parameters has a default and the other was not specified"""
with pytest.raises(SystemExit):
am = basic.AnsibleModule(**options_argspec_dict)
out, err = capfd.readouterr()
results = json.loads(out)
assert results['failed']
assert expected in results['msg']
@pytest.mark.parametrize('stdin, expected', FAILING_PARAMS_LIST, indirect=['stdin'])
def test_fail_validate_options_list(self, capfd, stdin, options_argspec_list, expected):
"""Fail because one of a required_together pair of parameters has a default and the other was not specified"""
with pytest.raises(SystemExit):
am = basic.AnsibleModule(**options_argspec_list)
out, err = capfd.readouterr()
results = json.loads(out)
assert results['failed']
assert expected in results['msg']
@pytest.mark.parametrize('stdin', [{'foobar': {'foo': 'required', 'bam1': 'test', 'bar': 'case'}}], indirect=['stdin'])
def test_fallback_in_option(self, mocker, stdin, options_argspec_dict):
"""Test that the complex argspec works if we get a required parameter via fallback"""
environ = os.environ.copy()
environ['BAZ'] = 'test data'
mocker.patch('ansible.module_utils.basic.os.environ', environ)
am = basic.AnsibleModule(**options_argspec_dict)
assert isinstance(am.params['foobar']['baz'], str)
assert am.params['foobar']['baz'] == 'test data'
[{'foobar': {'foo': 'required', 'bam1': 'test', 'baz': 'data', 'bar': 'case', 'bar4': '~/test'}}],
def test_elements_path_in_option(self, mocker, stdin, options_argspec_dict):
"""Test that the complex argspec works with elements path type"""
am = basic.AnsibleModule(**options_argspec_dict)
assert isinstance(am.params['foobar']['bar4'][0], str)
assert am.params['foobar']['bar4'][0].startswith('/')
@pytest.mark.parametrize('stdin,spec,expected', [
{'one': {'type': 'dict', 'apply_defaults': True, 'options': {'two': {'default': True, 'type': 'bool'}}}},
{'two': True}),
{'one': {'type': 'dict', 'options': {'two': {'default': True, 'type': 'bool'}}}},
], indirect=['stdin'])
def test_subspec_not_required_defaults(self, stdin, spec, expected):
# Check that top level not required, processed subspec defaults
am = basic.AnsibleModule(spec)
assert am.params['one'] == expected
class TestLoadFileCommonArguments:
@pytest.mark.parametrize('stdin', [{}], indirect=['stdin'])
def test_smoketest_load_file_common_args(self, am):
"""With no file arguments, an empty dict is returned"""
am.selinux_mls_enabled = MagicMock()
am.selinux_mls_enabled.return_value = True
am.selinux_default_context = MagicMock()
am.selinux_default_context.return_value = 'unconfined_u:object_r:default_t:s0'.split(':', 3)
assert am.load_file_common_arguments(params={}) == {}
@pytest.mark.parametrize('stdin', [{}], indirect=['stdin'])
def test_load_file_common_args(self, am, mocker):
am.selinux_mls_enabled = MagicMock()
am.selinux_mls_enabled.return_value = True
am.selinux_default_context = MagicMock()
am.selinux_default_context.return_value = 'unconfined_u:object_r:default_t:s0'.split(':', 3)
base_params = dict(
extended_params = base_params.copy()
final_params = base_params.copy()
secontext=['unconfined_u', 'object_r', 'default_t', 's0'],
# with the proper params specified, the returned dictionary should represent
# only those params which have something to do with the file arguments, excluding
# other params and updated as required with proper values which may have been
# massaged by the method
mocker.patch('os.path.islink', return_value=True)
mocker.patch('os.path.realpath', return_value='/path/to/real_file')
res = am.load_file_common_arguments(params=extended_params)
assert res == final_params
@pytest.mark.parametrize("stdin", [{"arg_pass": "testing"}], indirect=["stdin"])
def test_no_log_true(stdin, capfd):
"""Explicitly mask an argument (no_log=True)."""
arg_spec = {
"arg_pass": {"no_log": True}
am = basic.AnsibleModule(arg_spec)
# no_log=True is picked up by both am._log_invocation and list_no_log_values
# (called by am._handle_no_log_values). As a result, we can check for the
# value in am.no_log_values.
assert "testing" in am.no_log_values
@pytest.mark.parametrize("stdin", [{"arg_pass": "testing"}], indirect=["stdin"])
def test_no_log_false(stdin, capfd):
"""Explicitly log and display an argument (no_log=False)."""
arg_spec = {
"arg_pass": {"no_log": False}
am = basic.AnsibleModule(arg_spec)
assert "testing" not in am.no_log_values and not am._warnings
@pytest.mark.parametrize("stdin", [{"arg_pass": "testing"}], indirect=["stdin"])
def test_no_log_none(stdin, capfd):
"""Allow Ansible to make the decision by matching the argument name
against PASSWORD_MATCH."""
arg_spec = {
"arg_pass": {}
am = basic.AnsibleModule(arg_spec)
# Omitting no_log is only picked up by _log_invocation, so the value never
# makes it into am.no_log_values. Instead we can check for the warning
# emitted by am._log_invocation.
assert len(am._warnings) > 0