ansible.constants was calling expanduser (by way of shell_expand_path) on the entire configured value for the library and *_plugins configuration values, but these values have always been interpreted as multiple directories separated by os.pathsep. Thus, if you supplied multiple directories for one of these values, typically only the first (at least on *nix) would have e.g. "~" expanded to HOME. Now PluginLoader does expansion on each individual path in each of these variables.
425 lines
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425 lines
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import unittest
import os
import os.path
import tempfile
from nose.plugins.skip import SkipTest
import ansible.utils
import ansible.utils.template as template2
class TestUtils(unittest.TestCase):
### varReplace function tests
def test_varReplace_simple(self):
template = 'hello $who'
vars = {
'who': 'world',
res = template2.legacy_varReplace(None, template, vars)
assert res == 'hello world'
def test_varReplace_trailing_dollar(self):
template = '$what $who $'
vars = dict(what='hello', who='world')
res = template2.legacy_varReplace(None, template, vars)
assert res == 'hello world $'
def test_varReplace_multiple(self):
template = '$what $who'
vars = {
'what': 'hello',
'who': 'world',
res = template2.legacy_varReplace(None, template, vars)
assert res == 'hello world'
def test_varReplace_caps(self):
template = 'hello $whoVar'
vars = {
'whoVar': 'world',
res = template2.legacy_varReplace(None, template, vars)
print res
assert res == 'hello world'
def test_varReplace_middle(self):
template = 'hello $who!'
vars = {
'who': 'world',
res = template2.legacy_varReplace(None, template, vars)
assert res == 'hello world!'
def test_varReplace_alternative(self):
template = 'hello ${who}'
vars = {
'who': 'world',
res = template2.legacy_varReplace(None, template, vars)
assert res == 'hello world'
def test_varReplace_almost_alternative(self):
template = 'hello $who}'
vars = {
'who': 'world',
res = template2.legacy_varReplace(None, template, vars)
assert res == 'hello world}'
def test_varReplace_almost_alternative2(self):
template = 'hello ${who'
vars = {
'who': 'world',
res = template2.legacy_varReplace(None, template, vars)
assert res == template
def test_varReplace_alternative_greed(self):
template = 'hello ${who} }'
vars = {
'who': 'world',
res = template2.legacy_varReplace(None, template, vars)
assert res == 'hello world }'
def test_varReplace_notcomplex(self):
template = 'hello $mydata.who'
vars = {
'data': {
'who': 'world',
res = template2.legacy_varReplace(None, template, vars)
print res
assert res == template
def test_varReplace_nested(self):
template = 'hello ${data.who}'
vars = {
'data': {
'who': 'world'
res = template2.legacy_varReplace(None, template, vars)
assert res == 'hello world'
def test_varReplace_nested_int(self):
template = '$what ${data.who}'
vars = {
'data': {
'who': 2
'what': 'hello',
res = template2.legacy_varReplace(None, template, vars)
assert res == 'hello 2'
def test_varReplace_unicode(self):
template = 'hello $who'
vars = {
'who': u'wórld',
res = template2.legacy_varReplace(None, template, vars)
assert res == u'hello wórld'
def test_varReplace_list(self):
template = 'hello ${data[1]}'
vars = {
'data': [ 'no-one', 'world' ]
res = template2.legacy_varReplace(None, template, vars)
assert res == 'hello world'
def test_varReplace_invalid_list(self):
template = 'hello ${data[1}'
vars = {
'data': [ 'no-one', 'world' ]
res = template2.legacy_varReplace(None, template, vars)
assert res == template
def test_varReplace_list_oob(self):
template = 'hello ${data[2]}'
vars = {
'data': [ 'no-one', 'world' ]
res = template2.legacy_varReplace(None, template, vars)
assert res == template
def test_varReplace_list_nolist(self):
template = 'hello ${data[1]}'
vars = {
'data': { 'no-one': 0, 'world': 1 }
res = template2.legacy_varReplace(None, template, vars)
assert res == template
def test_varReplace_nested_list(self):
template = 'hello ${data[1].msg[0]}'
vars = {
'data': [ 'no-one', {'msg': [ 'world'] } ]
res = template2.legacy_varReplace(None, template, vars)
assert res == 'hello world'
def test_varReplace_consecutive_vars(self):
vars = {
'foo': 'foo',
'bar': 'bar',
template = '${foo}${bar}'
res = template2.legacy_varReplace(None, template, vars)
assert res == 'foobar'
def test_varReplace_escape_dot(self):
vars = {
'hostvars': {
'': {
'foo': 'bar',
template = '${hostvars.{}.foo}'
res = template2.legacy_varReplace(None, template, vars)
assert res == 'bar'
def test_varReplace_list_join(self):
vars = {
'list': [
template = 'yum pkg=${list} state=installed'
res = template2.legacy_varReplace(None, template, vars, expand_lists=True)
assert res == 'yum pkg=foo,bar,baz state=installed'
def test_varReplace_escaped_var(self):
vars = {
'foo': 'bar',
template = 'action \$foo'
res = template2.legacy_varReplace(None, template, vars)
assert res == 'action $foo'
def test_varReplace_var_part(self):
vars = {
'foo': {
'bar': 'result',
'key': 'bar',
template = 'test ${foo.$key}'
res = template2.legacy_varReplace(None, template, vars)
assert res == 'test result'
def test_varReplace_var_partial_part(self):
vars = {
'foo': {
'barbaz': 'result',
'key': 'bar',
template = 'test ${foo.${key}baz}'
res = template2.legacy_varReplace(None, template, vars)
assert res == 'test result'
def test_varReplace_var_complex_var(self):
vars = {
'x': '$y',
'y': {
'foo': 'result',
template = '${}'
res = template2.template(None, template, vars)
assert res == 'result'
def test_template_varReplace_iterated(self):
template = 'hello $who'
vars = {
'who': 'oh great $person',
'person': 'one',
res = template2.template(None, template, vars)
assert res == u'hello oh great one'
def test_varReplace_include(self):
template = 'hello $FILE(world) $LOOKUP(file, $filename)'
res = template2.template("test", template, {'filename': 'world'}, expand_lists=True)
assert res == u'hello world world'
def test_varReplace_include_script(self):
template = 'hello $PIPE(echo world) $LOOKUP(pipe, echo world)'
res = template2.template("test", template, {}, expand_lists=True)
assert res == u'hello world world'
### template_ds function tests
def test_template_ds_basic(self):
vars = {
'data': {
'var': [
'types': [
'alphas': '$alphas',
'alphas': [
template = '${data.var}'
res = template2.template(None, template, vars)
assert sorted(res) == sorted(vars['data']['var'])
template = '${data.types}'
res = template2.template(None, template, vars)
assert sorted(res) == sorted(vars['data']['types'])
template = '${data.alphas}'
res = template2.template(None, template, vars)
assert sorted(res) == sorted(vars['alphas'])
template = '${data.nonexisting}'
res = template2.template(None, template, vars)
assert res == template
### Template function tests
def test_template_basic(self):
vars = {
'who': 'world',
res = template2.template_from_file("test", "template-basic", vars)
assert res == 'hello world'
def test_template_whitespace(self):
vars = {
'who': 'world',
res = template2.template_from_file("test", "template-whitespace", vars)
assert res == 'hello world\n'
def test_template_unicode(self):
vars = {
'who': u'wórld',
res = template2.template_from_file("test", "template-basic", vars)
assert res == u'hello wórld'
### key-value parsing
def test_parse_kv_basic(self):
assert (ansible.utils.parse_kv('a=simple b="with space" c="this=that"') ==
{'a': 'simple', 'b': 'with space', 'c': 'this=that'})
### plugins
def test_loaders_expanduser_each_dir(self):
# Test that PluginLoader will call expanduser on each path
# when it splits its "config" argument.
home_dir = os.path.expanduser("~")
if home_dir == "~":
raise SkipTest("your platform doesn't expand ~ in paths")
elif not os.path.isdir(home_dir):
raise SkipTest("~ expands to non-directory %r" % (home_dir,))
elif not os.path.isabs(home_dir):
raise SkipTest("~ expands to non-absolute path %r" % (home_dir,))
# Unfortunately we have to create temporary directories in
# your home directory; the directories have to exist for
# PluginLoader to accept them.
abs_dirs, tilde_dirs = [], []
for _ in range(2):
temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="ansible", dir=home_dir)
# Convert mkdtemp's absolute path to one starting with "~".
tilde_dir = os.path.join("~", os.path.relpath(temp_dir,
loader = ansible.utils.plugins.PluginLoader(
loader_paths = loader.print_paths().split(os.pathsep)
for abs_dir in abs_dirs:
assert abs_dir in loader_paths, \
"%r not in %r" % (abs_dir, loader_paths)
for a_dir in abs_dirs:
except os.error: