* Fix netapp_e_volume wait-for-initialization to complete issue. * Add unit tests for wait_for operations in netapp_e_volume module.
776 lines
27 KiB
776 lines
27 KiB
# Test code for the netapp_e_iscsi_interface module
# (c) 2018, NetApp, Inc
# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt)
- name: NetApp Test ASUP module
msg: 'Please define netapp_e_api_username, netapp_e_api_password, netapp_e_api_host, and netapp_e_ssid.'
when: netapp_e_api_username is undefined or netapp_e_api_password is undefined
or netapp_e_api_host is undefined or netapp_e_ssid is undefined
credentials: &creds
api_url: "https://{{ netapp_e_api_host }}:8443/devmgr/v2"
api_username: "{{ netapp_e_api_username }}"
api_password: "{{ netapp_e_api_password }}"
ssid: "{{ netapp_e_ssid }}"
validate_certs: no
- set_fact:
credentials: *creds
# test setup
- name: Delete raid 0 storage pool
<<: *creds
state: absent
name: "{{ item }}"
- storage_pool
- storage_pool2
- storage_pool3
# Thick volume testing: create, delete, expand, change properties (read/write cache), expand and change properties,
- name: Create raid 0 storage pool
<<: *creds
state: present
name: storage_pool
criteria_min_usable_capacity: 5
criteria_size_unit: tb
erase_secured_drives: yes
raid_level: raid0
- name: Delete volume in raid 0 storage pool
<<: *creds
state: absent
name: volume
- name: Create volume in raid 0 storage pool
<<: *creds
state: present
name: volume
storage_pool_name: storage_pool
size: 100
size_unit: gb
register: results
- pause: seconds=15
- uri:
url: "{{ credentials.api_url }}/storage-systems/{{ credentials.ssid }}/volumes"
user: "{{ credentials.api_username }}"
password: "{{ credentials.api_password }}"
validate_certs: no
register: current
- assert:
that: "{{ results.changed and item.name == 'volume' and not item.thinProvisioned and
item.capacity == '107374182400' and item.segmentSize == 131072}}"
msg: "Failed to create volume"
loop: "{{ lookup('list', volume, wantList=True) }}"
volume: "{{ current | json_query('json[?name==`volume`]') }}"
- name: Re-execute volume creation in raid 0 storage pool
<<: *creds
state: present
name: volume
storage_pool_name: storage_pool
size: 100
size_unit: gb
register: results
- pause: seconds=15
- uri:
url: "{{ credentials.api_url }}/storage-systems/{{ credentials.ssid }}/volumes"
user: "{{ credentials.api_username }}"
password: "{{ credentials.api_password }}"
validate_certs: no
register: current
- assert:
that: "{{ not results.changed and item.name == 'volume' and not item.thinProvisioned and
item.capacity == '107374182400' and item.segmentSize == 131072}}"
msg: "Failed to create volume"
loop: "{{ lookup('list', volume, wantList=True) }}"
volume: "{{ current | json_query('json[?name==`volume`]') }}"
- name: Update volume size
<<: *creds
state: present
name: volume
storage_pool_name: storage_pool
size: 200
size_unit: gb
register: results
- pause: seconds=15
- uri:
url: "{{ credentials.api_url }}/storage-systems/{{ credentials.ssid }}/volumes"
user: "{{ credentials.api_username }}"
password: "{{ credentials.api_password }}"
validate_certs: no
register: current
- assert:
that: "{{ results.changed and item.name == 'volume' and not item.thinProvisioned and
item.capacity == '214748364800' and item.segmentSize == 131072}}"
msg: "Failed to create volume"
loop: "{{ lookup('list', volume, wantList=True) }}"
volume: "{{ current | json_query('json[?name==`volume`]') }}"
- pause: seconds=15
- name: Update volume properties
<<: *creds
state: present
name: volume
storage_pool_name: storage_pool
size: 200
size_unit: gb
write_cache_enable: true
read_cache_enable: false
register: results
- pause: seconds=15
- uri:
url: "{{ credentials.api_url }}/storage-systems/{{ credentials.ssid }}/volumes"
user: "{{ credentials.api_username }}"
password: "{{ credentials.api_password }}"
validate_certs: no
register: current
- assert:
that: "{{ results.changed and item.name == 'volume' and not item.thinProvisioned and
item.capacity == '214748364800' and item.segmentSize == 131072 and
not item.cacheSettings.readCacheEnable and item.cacheSettings.writeCacheEnable}}"
msg: "Failed to create volume"
loop: "{{ lookup('list', volume, wantList=True) }}"
volume: "{{ current | json_query('json[?name==`volume`]') }}"
- name: Update volume properties and expand storage capabilities
<<: *creds
state: present
name: volume
storage_pool_name: storage_pool
size: 300
size_unit: gb
write_cache_enable: false
read_cache_enable: true
register: results
- pause: seconds=15
- uri:
url: "{{ credentials.api_url }}/storage-systems/{{ credentials.ssid }}/volumes"
user: "{{ credentials.api_username }}"
password: "{{ credentials.api_password }}"
validate_certs: no
register: current
- assert:
that: "{{ results.changed and item.name == 'volume' and not item.thinProvisioned and
item.capacity == '322122547200' and item.segmentSize == 131072 and
item.cacheSettings.readCacheEnable and not item.cacheSettings.writeCacheEnable}}"
msg: "Failed to create volume"
loop: "{{ lookup('list', volume, wantList=True) }}"
volume: "{{ current | json_query('json[?name==`volume`]') }}"
# Workload tagging testing: create, utilize existing (name only, name with same attributes), modify attributes
- name: Add workload tag (change, new workload tag)
<<: *creds
state: present
name: volume
storage_pool_name: storage_pool
size: 300
size_unit: gb
write_cache_enable: false
read_cache_enable: true
workload_name: volume_tag
volume_tag_key: volume_tag_value
register: results
- pause: seconds=15
- name: Validate volume workload changes
url: "{{ credentials.api_url }}/storage-systems/{{ credentials.ssid }}/volumes"
user: "{{ credentials.api_username }}"
password: "{{ credentials.api_password }}"
validate_certs: no
register: current
- assert:
that: "{{ results.changed and item.name == 'volume' and not item.thinProvisioned and
item.capacity == '322122547200' and item.segmentSize == 131072 and
item.cacheSettings.readCacheEnable and not item.cacheSettings.writeCacheEnable and
{'key': 'volumeTypeId', 'value': 'volume'} in item.metadata }}"
msg: "Failed to modify volume metadata!"
loop: "{{ lookup('list', volume, wantList=True) }}"
volume: "{{ current | json_query('json[?name==`volume`]') }}"
- uri:
url: "{{ credentials.api_url }}/storage-systems/{{ credentials.ssid }}/workloads"
user: "{{ credentials.api_username }}"
password: "{{ credentials.api_password }}"
validate_certs: no
register: workload_tags
- assert:
that: "{{ item.name == 'volume_tag' and
{'key': 'volume_tag_key', 'value': 'volume_tag_value'} in item.workloadAttributes }}"
msg: "Workload tag failed to be created!"
loop: "{{ lookup('list', volume_tag_id, wantList=True) }}"
volume_tag_id: "{{ workload_tags | json_query('json[?name==`volume_tag`]') }}"
- name: Repeat add workload tag (no change)
<<: *creds
state: present
name: volume
storage_pool_name: storage_pool
size: 300
size_unit: gb
write_cache_enable: false
read_cache_enable: true
workload_name: volume_tag
volume_tag_key: volume_tag_value
register: results
- pause: seconds=15
- name: Validate volume workload changes
url: "{{ credentials.api_url }}/storage-systems/{{ credentials.ssid }}/volumes"
user: "{{ credentials.api_username }}"
password: "{{ credentials.api_password }}"
validate_certs: no
register: current
- assert:
that: "{{ not results.changed and item.name == 'volume' and not item.thinProvisioned and
item.capacity == '322122547200' and item.segmentSize == 131072 and
item.cacheSettings.readCacheEnable and not item.cacheSettings.writeCacheEnable and
{'key': 'volumeTypeId', 'value': 'volume'} in item.metadata }}"
msg: "Failed to not modify volume metadata!"
loop: "{{ lookup('list', volume, wantList=True) }}"
volume: "{{ current | json_query('json[?name==`volume`]') }}"
- uri:
url: "{{ credentials.api_url }}/storage-systems/{{ credentials.ssid }}/workloads"
user: "{{ credentials.api_username }}"
password: "{{ credentials.api_password }}"
validate_certs: no
register: workload_tags
- assert:
that: "{{ item.name == 'volume_tag' and
{'key': 'volume_tag_key', 'value': 'volume_tag_value'} in item.workloadAttributes }}"
msg: "Workload tag failed not to be changed"
loop: "{{ lookup('list', volume_tag_id, wantList=True) }}"
volume_tag_id: "{{ workload_tags | json_query('json[?name==`volume_tag`]') }}"
- name: Workload tag (no change, just using workload_name)
<<: *creds
state: present
name: volume
storage_pool_name: storage_pool
size: 300
size_unit: gb
write_cache_enable: false
read_cache_enable: true
workload_name: volume_tag
register: results
- pause: seconds=15
- name: Validate volume workload changes
url: "{{ credentials.api_url }}/storage-systems/{{ credentials.ssid }}/volumes"
user: "{{ credentials.api_username }}"
password: "{{ credentials.api_password }}"
validate_certs: no
register: current
- assert:
that: "{{ not results.changed and item.name == 'volume' and not item.thinProvisioned and
item.capacity == '322122547200' and item.segmentSize == 131072 and
item.cacheSettings.readCacheEnable and not item.cacheSettings.writeCacheEnable and
{'key': 'volumeTypeId', 'value': 'volume'} in item.metadata }}"
msg: "Failed to not modify volume metadata!"
loop: "{{ lookup('list', volume, wantList=True) }}"
volume: "{{ current | json_query('json[?name==`volume`]') }}"
- uri:
url: "{{ credentials.api_url }}/storage-systems/{{ credentials.ssid }}/workloads"
user: "{{ credentials.api_username }}"
password: "{{ credentials.api_password }}"
validate_certs: no
register: workload_tags
- assert:
that: "{{ item.name == 'volume_tag' and
{'key': 'volume_tag_key', 'value': 'volume_tag_value'} in item.workloadAttributes }}"
msg: "Workload tag failed to not be modified!"
loop: "{{ lookup('list', volume_tag_id, wantList=True) }}"
volume_tag_id: "{{ workload_tags | json_query('json[?name==`volume_tag`]') }}"
- name: Add workload tag (change, new attributes)
<<: *creds
state: present
name: volume
storage_pool_name: storage_pool
size: 300
size_unit: gb
write_cache_enable: false
read_cache_enable: true
workload_name: volume_tag
volume_tag_key2: volume_tag_value2
register: results
- pause: seconds=15
- name: Validate volume workload changes
url: "{{ credentials.api_url }}/storage-systems/{{ credentials.ssid }}/volumes"
user: "{{ credentials.api_username }}"
password: "{{ credentials.api_password }}"
validate_certs: no
register: current
- assert:
that: "{{ results.changed and item.name == 'volume' and not item.thinProvisioned and
item.capacity == '322122547200' and item.segmentSize == 131072 and
item.cacheSettings.readCacheEnable and not item.cacheSettings.writeCacheEnable and
{'key': 'volumeTypeId', 'value': 'volume'} in item.metadata }}"
msg: "Failed to not modify volume metadata!"
loop: "{{ lookup('list', volume, wantList=True) }}"
volume: "{{ current | json_query('json[?name==`volume`]') }}"
- uri:
url: "{{ credentials.api_url }}/storage-systems/{{ credentials.ssid }}/workloads"
user: "{{ credentials.api_username }}"
password: "{{ credentials.api_password }}"
validate_certs: no
register: workload_tags
- assert:
that: "{{ item.name == 'volume_tag' and
{'key': 'volume_tag_key2', 'value': 'volume_tag_value2'} in item.workloadAttributes }}"
msg: "Workload tag failed to be updated!"
loop: "{{ lookup('list', volume_tag_id, wantList=True) }}"
volume_tag_id: "{{ workload_tags | json_query('json[?name==`volume_tag`]') }}"
- name: Remove workload tag from volume (change)
<<: *creds
state: present
name: volume
storage_pool_name: storage_pool
size: 300
size_unit: gb
write_cache_enable: false
read_cache_enable: true
register: results
- pause: seconds=15
- name: Validate volume workload changes
url: "{{ credentials.api_url }}/storage-systems/{{ credentials.ssid }}/volumes"
user: "{{ credentials.api_username }}"
password: "{{ credentials.api_password }}"
validate_certs: no
register: current
- assert:
that: "{{ results.changed and item.name == 'volume' and not item.thinProvisioned and
item.capacity == '322122547200' and item.segmentSize == 131072 and
item.cacheSettings.readCacheEnable and not item.cacheSettings.writeCacheEnable and
item.metadata == []}}"
msg: "Failed to not modify volume metadata!"
loop: "{{ lookup('list', volume, wantList=True) }}"
volume: "{{ current | json_query('json[?name==`volume`]') }}"
- uri:
url: "{{ credentials.api_url }}/storage-systems/{{ credentials.ssid }}/workloads"
user: "{{ credentials.api_username }}"
password: "{{ credentials.api_password }}"
validate_certs: no
register: workload_tags
- assert:
that: "{{ item.name == 'volume_tag' and
{'key': 'volume_tag_key2', 'value': 'volume_tag_value2'} in item.workloadAttributes }}"
msg: "Workload tag failed to be updated!"
loop: "{{ lookup('list', volume_tag_id, wantList=True) }}"
volume_tag_id: "{{ workload_tags | json_query('json[?name==`volume_tag`]') }}"
- name: Delete workload tag
url: "{{ credentials.api_url }}/storage-systems/{{ credentials.ssid }}/workloads"
user: "{{ credentials.api_username }}"
password: "{{ credentials.api_password }}"
validate_certs: no
register: workload_tags
- uri:
url: "{{ credentials.api_url }}/storage-systems/{{ credentials.ssid }}/workloads/{{ item }}"
method: DELETE
status_code: 204
user: "{{ credentials.api_username }}"
password: "{{ credentials.api_password }}"
validate_certs: no
loop: "{{ lookup('list', volume_tag_id, wantList=True) }}"
volume_tag_id: "{{ workload_tags | json_query('json[?name==`volume_tag`].id') }}"
- name: Delete raid 0 storage pool
<<: *creds
state: absent
name: storage_pool
# *** Thin volume testing (May not work with simulator) ***
- name: Create dynamic disk pool
<<: *creds
state: present
name: storage_pool
criteria_min_usable_capacity: 2
criteria_size_unit: tb
- name: Create thin volume
<<: *creds
state: present
name: thin_volume
storage_pool_name: storage_pool
size: 131072
size_unit: gb
thin_provision: true
thin_volume_repo_size: 32
thin_volume_max_repo_size: 1024
register: results
- pause: seconds=15
- uri:
url: "{{ credentials.api_url }}/storage-systems/{{ credentials.ssid }}/thin-volumes"
user: "{{ credentials.api_username }}"
password: "{{ credentials.api_password }}"
validate_certs: no
register: current
- assert:
that: "{{ results.changed and item.name == 'thin_volume' and item.thinProvisioned and
item.capacity == '140737488355328' and item.initialProvisionedCapacity == '34359738368' and
item.provisionedCapacityQuota == '1099511627776' and item.expansionPolicy == 'automatic' }}"
msg: "Failed to create volume"
loop: "{{ lookup('list', volume, wantList=True) }}"
volume: "{{ current | json_query('json[?name==`thin_volume`]') }}"
- name: (Rerun) Create thin volume
<<: *creds
state: present
name: thin_volume
storage_pool_name: storage_pool
size: 131072
size_unit: gb
thin_provision: true
thin_volume_repo_size: 32
thin_volume_max_repo_size: 1024
register: results
- pause: seconds=15
- uri:
url: "{{ credentials.api_url }}/storage-systems/{{ credentials.ssid }}/thin-volumes"
user: "{{ credentials.api_username }}"
password: "{{ credentials.api_password }}"
validate_certs: no
register: current
- assert:
that: "{{ not results.changed and item.name == 'thin_volume' and item.thinProvisioned and
item.capacity == '140737488355328' and item.initialProvisionedCapacity == '34359738368' and
item.provisionedCapacityQuota == '1099511627776' and item.expansionPolicy == 'automatic' }}"
msg: "Failed to create volume"
loop: "{{ lookup('list', volume, wantList=True) }}"
volume: "{{ current | json_query('json[?name==`thin_volume`]') }}"
- name: Expand thin volume's virtual size
<<: *creds
state: present
name: thin_volume
storage_pool_name: storage_pool
size: 262144
size_unit: gb
thin_provision: true
thin_volume_repo_size: 32
thin_volume_max_repo_size: 1024
register: results
- pause: seconds=15
- uri:
url: "{{ credentials.api_url }}/storage-systems/{{ credentials.ssid }}/thin-volumes"
user: "{{ credentials.api_username }}"
password: "{{ credentials.api_password }}"
validate_certs: no
register: current
- assert:
that: "{{ results.changed and item.name == 'thin_volume' and item.thinProvisioned and
item.capacity == '281474976710656' and item.initialProvisionedCapacity == '34359738368' and
item.provisionedCapacityQuota == '1099511627776' and item.expansionPolicy == 'automatic' }}"
msg: "Failed to create volume"
loop: "{{ lookup('list', volume, wantList=True) }}"
volume: "{{ current | json_query('json[?name==`thin_volume`]') }}"
- name: Expand thin volume's maximum repository size
<<: *creds
state: present
name: thin_volume
storage_pool_name: storage_pool
size: 262144
size_unit: gb
thin_provision: true
thin_volume_repo_size: 32
thin_volume_max_repo_size: 2048
register: results
- pause: seconds=15
- uri:
url: "{{ credentials.api_url }}/storage-systems/{{ credentials.ssid }}/thin-volumes"
user: "{{ credentials.api_username }}"
password: "{{ credentials.api_password }}"
validate_certs: no
register: current
- assert:
that: "{{ results.changed and item.name == 'thin_volume' and item.thinProvisioned and
item.capacity == '281474976710656' and item.initialProvisionedCapacity == '34359738368' and
item.provisionedCapacityQuota == '2199023255552' and item.expansionPolicy == 'automatic' }}"
msg: "Failed to create volume"
loop: "{{ lookup('list', volume, wantList=True) }}"
volume: "{{ current | json_query('json[?name==`thin_volume`]') }}"
- name: Create dynamic disk pool
<<: *creds
state: present
name: storage_pool2
criteria_min_usable_capacity: 2
criteria_size_unit: tb
- pause: seconds=15
- name: Create second thin volume with manual expansion policy
<<: *creds
state: present
name: thin_volume2
storage_pool_name: storage_pool2
size_unit: gb
size: 131072
thin_provision: true
thin_volume_repo_size: 32
thin_volume_max_repo_size: 32
thin_volume_expansion_policy: manual
register: results
- pause: seconds=15
- uri:
url: "{{ credentials.api_url }}/storage-systems/{{ credentials.ssid }}/thin-volumes"
user: "{{ credentials.api_username }}"
password: "{{ credentials.api_password }}"
validate_certs: no
register: current
- assert:
that: "{{ results.changed and item.name == 'thin_volume2' and item.thinProvisioned and
item.capacity == '140737488355328' and item.initialProvisionedCapacity == '34359738368' and
item.currentProvisionedCapacity == '34359738368' and item.expansionPolicy == 'manual' }}"
msg: "Failed to create volume"
loop: "{{ lookup('list', volume, wantList=True) }}"
volume: "{{ current | json_query('json[?name==`thin_volume2`]') }}"
- name: Create second thin volume with manual expansion policy
<<: *creds
state: present
name: thin_volume2
storage_pool_name: storage_pool2
size_unit: gb
size: 131072
thin_provision: true
thin_volume_repo_size: 288
thin_volume_max_repo_size: 288
thin_volume_expansion_policy: manual
register: results
- pause: seconds=15
- uri:
url: "{{ credentials.api_url }}/storage-systems/{{ credentials.ssid }}/thin-volumes"
user: "{{ credentials.api_username }}"
password: "{{ credentials.api_password }}"
validate_certs: no
register: current
- assert:
that: "{{ results.changed and item.name == 'thin_volume2' and item.thinProvisioned and
item.capacity == '140737488355328' and item.initialProvisionedCapacity == '34359738368' and
item.currentProvisionedCapacity == '309237645312' and item.expansionPolicy == 'manual' }}"
msg: "Failed to create volume"
loop: "{{ lookup('list', volume, wantList=True) }}"
volume: "{{ current | json_query('json[?name==`thin_volume2`]') }}"
- name: Modify second thin volume to use automatic expansion policy
<<: *creds
state: present
name: thin_volume2
storage_pool_name: storage_pool2
size_unit: gb
size: 131072
thin_provision: true
thin_volume_repo_size: 288
thin_volume_max_repo_size: 288
thin_volume_expansion_policy: automatic
register: results
- pause: seconds=15
- uri:
url: "{{ credentials.api_url }}/storage-systems/{{ credentials.ssid }}/thin-volumes"
user: "{{ credentials.api_username }}"
password: "{{ credentials.api_password }}"
validate_certs: no
register: current
- assert:
that: "{{ results.changed and item.name == 'thin_volume2' and item.thinProvisioned and
item.capacity == '140737488355328' and item.initialProvisionedCapacity == '34359738368' and
item.currentProvisionedCapacity == '309237645312' and item.expansionPolicy == 'automatic' }}"
msg: "Failed to create volume"
loop: "{{ lookup('list', volume, wantList=True) }}"
volume: "{{ current | json_query('json[?name==`thin_volume2`]') }}"
- name: Delete raid 0 storage pool
<<: *creds
state: absent
name: "{{ item }}"
- storage_pool
- storage_pool2
- name: Create raid 0 storage pool
<<: *creds
state: present
name: storage_pool
criteria_min_usable_capacity: 5
criteria_size_unit: tb
erase_secured_drives: yes
raid_level: raid0
# Thick volume expansion testing: wait and don't wait for operation to complete
- name: Create raid 6 storage pool
<<: *creds
state: present
name: storage_pool3
criteria_min_usable_capacity: 5
criteria_size_unit: tb
erase_secured_drives: yes
raid_level: raid6
- name: Delete volume in raid 6 storage pool
<<: *creds
state: absent
name: volume
- name: Create volume in raid 0 storage pool for expansion testing
<<: *creds
state: present
name: volume
storage_pool_name: storage_pool3
size: 1
size_unit: gb
register: results
- pause: seconds=10
- uri:
url: "{{ credentials.api_url }}/storage-systems/{{ credentials.ssid }}/volumes"
user: "{{ credentials.api_username }}"
password: "{{ credentials.api_password }}"
validate_certs: no
register: current
- assert:
that: "{{ results.changed and item.name == 'volume' and not item.thinProvisioned and
item.capacity == '1073741824' and item.segmentSize == 131072}}"
msg: "Failed to create volume"
loop: "{{ lookup('list', volume, wantList=True) }}"
volume: "{{ current | json_query('json[?name==`volume`]') }}"
- name: Modify volume in raid 0 storage pool and wait for expansion testing
<<: *creds
state: present
name: volume
storage_pool_name: storage_pool3
size: 10
size_unit: gb
wait_for_initialization: True
register: results
- pause: seconds=10
- uri:
url: "{{ credentials.api_url }}/storage-systems/{{ credentials.ssid }}/volumes"
user: "{{ credentials.api_username }}"
password: "{{ credentials.api_password }}"
validate_certs: no
register: current
- uri:
url: "{{ credentials.api_url }}/storage-systems/{{ credentials.ssid }}/volumes/{{ volume[0]['id'] }}/expand"
user: "{{ credentials.api_username }}"
password: "{{ credentials.api_password }}"
validate_certs: no
register: expansion_state
volume: "{{ current | json_query('json[?name==`volume`]') }}"
- assert:
that: "{{ results.changed and item.name == 'volume' and not item.thinProvisioned and
item.capacity == '10737418240' and item.segmentSize == 131072 and
expansion_state['json']['action'] == 'none'}}"
msg: "Volume expansion test failed."
loop: "{{ lookup('list', volume, wantList=True) }}"
volume: "{{ current | json_query('json[?name==`volume`]') }}"
- name: Modify volume in raid 0 storage pool and don't wait for expansion testing
<<: *creds
state: present
name: volume
storage_pool_name: storage_pool3
size: 100
size_unit: gb
wait_for_initialization: False
register: results
- pause: seconds=10
- uri:
url: "{{ credentials.api_url }}/storage-systems/{{ credentials.ssid }}/volumes"
user: "{{ credentials.api_username }}"
password: "{{ credentials.api_password }}"
validate_certs: no
register: current
- uri:
url: "{{ credentials.api_url }}/storage-systems/{{ credentials.ssid }}/volumes/{{ volume[0]['id'] }}/expand"
user: "{{ credentials.api_username }}"
password: "{{ credentials.api_password }}"
validate_certs: no
register: expansion_state
volume: "{{ current | json_query('json[?name==`volume`]') }}"
- assert:
that: "{{ results.changed and item.name == 'volume' and not item.thinProvisioned and
item.capacity == '107374182400' and item.segmentSize == 131072 and expansion_state['json']['action'] != 'none'}}"
msg: "Failed to create volume"
loop: "{{ lookup('list', volume, wantList=True) }}"
volume: "{{ current | json_query('json[?name==`volume`]') }}"
- name: Delete raid 0 storage pool
<<: *creds
state: absent
name: "{{ item }}"
- storage_pool3 |