- become constants inherit existing sudo/su ones - become command line options, marked sudo/su as deprecated and moved sudo/su passwords to runas group - changed method signatures as privlege escalation is collapsed to become - added tests for su and become, diabled su for lack of support in local.py - updated playbook,play and task objects to become - added become to runner - added whoami test for become/sudo/su - added home override dir for plugins - removed useless method from ask pass - forced become pass to always be string also uses to_bytes - fixed fakerunner for tests - corrected reference in synchronize action plugin - added pfexec (needs testing) - removed unused sudo/su in runner init - removed deprecated info - updated pe tests to allow to run under sudo and not need root - normalized become options into a funciton to avoid duplication and inconsistencies - pushed suppored list to connection classs property - updated all connection plugins to latest 'become' pe - includes fixes from feedback (including typos) - added draft docs - stub of become_exe, leaving for future v2 fixes
389 lines
12 KiB
389 lines
12 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env python
import os
import shutil
from tempfile import mkstemp
from tempfile import mkdtemp
from ansible.playbook.play import Play
import ansible
import unittest
from nose.plugins.skip import SkipTest
class FakeCallBacks(object):
def __init__(self):
def on_vars_prompt(self):
def on_import_for_host(self, host, filename):
class FakeInventory(object):
def __init__(self):
self.hosts = {}
def basedir(self):
return "."
def src(self):
return "fakeinventory"
def get_variables(self, host, vault_password=None):
if host in self.hosts:
return self.hosts[host]
return {}
class FakePlayBook(object):
def __init__(self):
self.extra_vars = {}
self.remote_user = None
self.remote_port = None
self.sudo = None
self.sudo_user = None
self.su = None
self.su_user = None
self.become = None
self.become_method = None
self.become_user = None
self.transport = None
self.only_tags = None
self.skip_tags = None
self.VARS_CACHE = {}
self.SETUP_CACHE = {}
self.inventory = FakeInventory()
self.callbacks = FakeCallBacks()
self.VARS_CACHE['localhost'] = {}
class TestMe(unittest.TestCase):
def test_play_constructor(self):
# __init__(self, playbook, ds, basedir, vault_password=None)
playbook = FakePlayBook()
ds = { "hosts": "localhost"}
basedir = "."
play = Play(playbook, ds, basedir)
def test_vars_file(self):
# make a vars file
fd, temp_path = mkstemp()
f = open(temp_path, "wb")
f.write("foo: bar\n")
# create a play with a vars_file
playbook = FakePlayBook()
ds = { "hosts": "localhost",
"vars_files": [temp_path]}
basedir = "."
play = Play(playbook, ds, basedir)
# make sure the variable was loaded
assert 'foo' in play.vars_file_vars, "vars_file was not loaded into play.vars_file_vars"
assert play.vars_file_vars['foo'] == 'bar', "foo was not set to bar in play.vars_file_vars"
def test_vars_file_nonlist_error(self):
# make a vars file
fd, temp_path = mkstemp()
f = open(temp_path, "wb")
f.write("foo: bar\n")
# create a play with a string for vars_files
playbook = FakePlayBook()
ds = { "hosts": "localhost",
"vars_files": temp_path}
basedir = "."
error_hit = False
play = Play(playbook, ds, basedir)
error_hit = True
assert error_hit == True, "no error was thrown when vars_files was not a list"
def test_multiple_vars_files(self):
# make a vars file
fd, temp_path = mkstemp()
f = open(temp_path, "wb")
f.write("foo: bar\n")
# make a second vars file
fd, temp_path2 = mkstemp()
f = open(temp_path2, "wb")
f.write("baz: bang\n")
# create a play with two vars_files
playbook = FakePlayBook()
ds = { "hosts": "localhost",
"vars_files": [temp_path, temp_path2]}
basedir = "."
play = Play(playbook, ds, basedir)
# make sure the variables were loaded
assert 'foo' in play.vars_file_vars, "vars_file was not loaded into play.vars_file_vars"
assert play.vars_file_vars['foo'] == 'bar', "foo was not set to bar in play.vars_file_vars"
assert 'baz' in play.vars_file_vars, "vars_file2 was not loaded into play.vars_file_vars"
assert play.vars_file_vars['baz'] == 'bang', "baz was not set to bang in play.vars_file_vars"
def test_vars_files_first_found(self):
# make a vars file
fd, temp_path = mkstemp()
f = open(temp_path, "wb")
f.write("foo: bar\n")
# get a random file path
fd, temp_path2 = mkstemp()
# make sure this file doesn't exist
# create a play
playbook = FakePlayBook()
ds = { "hosts": "localhost",
"vars_files": [[temp_path2, temp_path]]}
basedir = "."
play = Play(playbook, ds, basedir)
# make sure the variable was loaded
assert 'foo' in play.vars_file_vars, "vars_file was not loaded into play.vars_file_vars"
assert play.vars_file_vars['foo'] == 'bar', "foo was not set to bar in play.vars_file_vars"
def test_vars_files_multiple_found(self):
# make a vars file
fd, temp_path = mkstemp()
f = open(temp_path, "wb")
f.write("foo: bar\n")
# make a second vars file
fd, temp_path2 = mkstemp()
f = open(temp_path2, "wb")
f.write("baz: bang\n")
# create a play
playbook = FakePlayBook()
ds = { "hosts": "localhost",
"vars_files": [[temp_path, temp_path2]]}
basedir = "."
play = Play(playbook, ds, basedir)
# make sure the variables were loaded
assert 'foo' in play.vars_file_vars, "vars_file was not loaded into play.vars_file_vars"
assert play.vars_file_vars['foo'] == 'bar', "foo was not set to bar in play.vars_file_vars"
assert 'baz' not in play.vars_file_vars, "vars_file2 was loaded after vars_file1 was loaded"
def test_vars_files_assert_all_found(self):
# make a vars file
fd, temp_path = mkstemp()
f = open(temp_path, "wb")
f.write("foo: bar\n")
# make a second vars file
fd, temp_path2 = mkstemp()
# make sure it doesn't exist
# create a play
playbook = FakePlayBook()
ds = { "hosts": "localhost",
"vars_files": [temp_path, temp_path2]}
basedir = "."
error_hit = False
error_msg = None
play = Play(playbook, ds, basedir)
except ansible.errors.AnsibleError, e:
error_hit = True
error_msg = e
assert error_hit == True, "no error was thrown for missing vars_file"
# On the first run vars_files are loaded into play.vars_file_vars by host == None
# * only files with vars from host==None will work here
# On the secondary run(s), a host is given and the vars_files are loaded into VARS_CACHE
# * this only occurs if host is not None, filename2 has vars in the name, and filename3 does not
# filename -- the original string
# filename2 -- filename templated with play vars
# filename3 -- filename2 template with inject (hostvars + setup_cache + vars_cache)
# filename4 -- path_dwim(filename3)
def test_vars_files_for_host(self):
# host != None
# vars in filename2
# no vars in filename3
# make a vars file
fd, temp_path = mkstemp()
f = open(temp_path, "wb")
f.write("foo: bar\n")
# build play attributes
playbook = FakePlayBook()
ds = { "hosts": "localhost",
"vars_files": ["{{ temp_path }}"]}
basedir = "."
playbook.VARS_CACHE['localhost']['temp_path'] = temp_path
# create play and do first run
play = Play(playbook, ds, basedir)
# the second run is started by calling update_vars_files
assert 'foo' in play.playbook.VARS_CACHE['localhost'], "vars_file vars were not loaded into vars_cache"
assert play.playbook.VARS_CACHE['localhost']['foo'] == 'bar', "foo does not equal bar"
def test_vars_files_two_vars_in_name(self):
# self.vars_file_vars = ds['vars']
# self.vars_file_vars += _get_vars() ... aka extra_vars
# make a temp dir
temp_dir = mkdtemp()
# make a temp file
fd, temp_file = mkstemp(dir=temp_dir)
f = open(temp_file, "wb")
f.write("foo: bar\n")
# build play attributes
playbook = FakePlayBook()
ds = { "hosts": "localhost",
"vars": { "temp_dir": os.path.dirname(temp_file),
"temp_file": os.path.basename(temp_file) },
"vars_files": ["{{ temp_dir + '/' + temp_file }}"]}
basedir = "."
# create play and do first run
play = Play(playbook, ds, basedir)
# cleanup
assert 'foo' in play.vars_file_vars, "double var templated vars_files filename not loaded"
def test_vars_files_two_vars_different_scope(self):
# Use a play var and an inventory var to create the filename
# self.playbook.inventory.get_variables(host)
# {'group_names': ['ungrouped'], 'inventory_hostname': 'localhost',
# 'ansible_ssh_user': 'root', 'inventory_hostname_short': 'localhost'}
# make a temp dir
temp_dir = mkdtemp()
# make a temp file
fd, temp_file = mkstemp(dir=temp_dir)
f = open(temp_file, "wb")
f.write("foo: bar\n")
# build play attributes
playbook = FakePlayBook()
playbook.inventory.hosts['localhost'] = {'inventory_hostname': os.path.basename(temp_file)}
ds = { "hosts": "localhost",
"vars": { "temp_dir": os.path.dirname(temp_file)},
"vars_files": ["{{ temp_dir + '/' + inventory_hostname }}"]}
basedir = "."
# create play and do first run
play = Play(playbook, ds, basedir)
# do the host run
# cleanup
assert 'foo' not in play.vars_file_vars, \
"mixed scope vars_file loaded into play vars"
assert 'foo' in play.playbook.VARS_CACHE['localhost'], \
"differently scoped templated vars_files filename not loaded"
assert play.playbook.VARS_CACHE['localhost']['foo'] == 'bar', \
"foo is not bar"
def test_vars_files_two_vars_different_scope_first_found(self):
# Use a play var and an inventory var to create the filename
# make a temp dir
temp_dir = mkdtemp()
# make a temp file
fd, temp_file = mkstemp(dir=temp_dir)
f = open(temp_file, "wb")
f.write("foo: bar\n")
# build play attributes
playbook = FakePlayBook()
playbook.inventory.hosts['localhost'] = {'inventory_hostname': os.path.basename(temp_file)}
ds = { "hosts": "localhost",
"vars": { "temp_dir": os.path.dirname(temp_file)},
"vars_files": [["{{ temp_dir + '/' + inventory_hostname }}"]]}
basedir = "."
# create play and do first run
play = Play(playbook, ds, basedir)
# do the host run
# cleanup
assert 'foo' not in play.vars_file_vars, \
"mixed scope vars_file loaded into play vars"
assert 'foo' in play.playbook.VARS_CACHE['localhost'], \
"differently scoped templated vars_files filename not loaded"
assert play.playbook.VARS_CACHE['localhost']['foo'] == 'bar', \
"foo is not bar"