Matt Clay f735fd672a
Third batch of incidental integration tests. (#67830)
* Copy in incidental windows tests.

* Update incidental test aliases.

* Add support plugins.

* Update target references.

* Update sanity ignores.

* Update integration-aliases test.

* Add to CI.
2020-02-27 16:05:47 -08:00

257 lines
9.5 KiB

# Copyright: (c) 2018, Micah Hunsberger (@mhunsber)
# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
#AnsibleRequires -CSharpUtil Ansible.Basic
Set-StrictMode -Version 2
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
$spec = @{
options = @{
state = @{ type = "str"; choices = "absent", "present"; default = "present" }
aliases = @{ type = "list"; elements = "str" }
canonical_name = @{ type = "str" }
ip_address = @{ type = "str" }
action = @{ type = "str"; choices = "add", "remove", "set"; default = "set" }
required_if = @(,@( "state", "present", @("canonical_name", "ip_address")))
supports_check_mode = $true
$module = [Ansible.Basic.AnsibleModule]::Create($args, $spec)
$state = $module.Params.state
$aliases = $module.Params.aliases
$canonical_name = $module.Params.canonical_name
$ip_address = $module.Params.ip_address
$action = $module.Params.action
$tmp = [ipaddress]::None
if($ip_address -and -not [ipaddress]::TryParse($ip_address, [ref]$tmp)){
$module.FailJson("win_hosts: Argument ip_address needs to be a valid ip address, but was $ip_address")
$ip_address_type = $tmp.AddressFamily
$hosts_file = Get-Item -LiteralPath "$env:SystemRoot\System32\drivers\etc\hosts"
Function Get-CommentIndex($line) {
$c_index = $line.IndexOf('#')
if($c_index -lt 0) {
$c_index = $line.Length
return $c_index
Function Get-HostEntryParts($line) {
$success = $true
$c_index = Get-CommentIndex -line $line
$pure_line = $line.Substring(0,$c_index).Trim()
$bits = $pure_line -split "\s+"
if($bits.Length -lt 2){
return @{
success = $false
ip_address = ""
ip_type = ""
canonical_name = ""
aliases = @()
$ip_obj = [ipaddress]::None
if(-not [ipaddress]::TryParse($bits[0], [ref]$ip_obj) ){
$success = $false
$cname = $bits[1]
$als = New-Object string[] ($bits.Length - 2)
[array]::Copy($bits, 2, $als, 0, $als.Length)
return @{
success = $success
ip_address = $ip_obj.IPAddressToString
ip_type = $ip_obj.AddressFamily
canonical_name = $cname
aliases = $als
Function Find-HostName($line, $name) {
$c_idx = Get-CommentIndex -line $line
$re = New-Object regex ("\s+$($name.Replace('.',"\."))(\s|$)", [System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions]::IgnoreCase)
$match = $re.Match($line, 0, $c_idx)
return $match
Function Remove-HostEntry($list, $idx) {
$module.Result.changed = $true
Function Add-HostEntry($list, $cname, $aliases, $ip) {
$module.Result.changed = $true
$line = "$ip $cname $($aliases -join ' ')"
$list.Add($line) | Out-Null
Function Remove-HostnamesFromEntry($list, $idx, $aliases) {
$line = $list[$idx]
$line_removed = $false
foreach($name in $aliases){
$match = Find-HostName -line $line -name $name
$line = $line.Remove($match.Index + 1, $match.Length -1)
# was this the last alias? (check for space characters after trimming)
if($line.Substring(0,(Get-CommentIndex -line $line)).Trim() -inotmatch "\s") {
$line_removed = $true
# we're done
return @{
line_removed = $line_removed
if($line -ne $list[$idx]){
$module.Result.changed = $true
$list[$idx] = $line
return @{
line_removed = $line_removed
Function Add-AliasesToEntry($list, $idx, $aliases) {
$line = $list[$idx]
foreach($name in $aliases){
$match = Find-HostName -line $line -name $name
if(-not $match.Success) {
# just add the alias before the comment
$line = $line.Insert((Get-CommentIndex -line $line), " $name ")
if($line -ne $list[$idx]){
$module.Result.changed = $true
$list[$idx] = $line
$hosts_lines = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
Get-Content -LiteralPath $hosts_file.FullName | ForEach-Object { $hosts_lines.Add($_) } | Out-Null
$module.Diff.before = ($hosts_lines -join "`n") + "`n"
if ($state -eq 'absent') {
# go through and remove canonical_name and ip
for($idx = 0; $idx -lt $hosts_lines.Count; $idx++) {
$entry = $hosts_lines[$idx]
# skip comment lines
if(-not $entry.Trim().StartsWith('#')) {
$entry_parts = Get-HostEntryParts -line $entry
if($entry_parts.success) {
if(-not $ip_address -or $entry_parts.ip_address -eq $ip_address) {
if(-not $canonical_name -or $entry_parts.canonical_name -eq $canonical_name) {
if(Remove-HostEntry -list $hosts_lines -idx $idx){
# keep index correct if we removed the line
$idx = $idx - 1
if($state -eq 'present') {
$entry_idx = -1
$aliases_to_keep = @()
# go through lines, find the entry and determine what to remove based on action
for($idx = 0; $idx -lt $hosts_lines.Count; $idx++) {
$entry = $hosts_lines[$idx]
# skip comment lines
if(-not $entry.Trim().StartsWith('#')) {
$entry_parts = Get-HostEntryParts -line $entry
if($entry_parts.success) {
$aliases_to_remove = @()
if($entry_parts.ip_address -eq $ip_address) {
if($entry_parts.canonical_name -eq $canonical_name) {
$entry_idx = $idx
if($action -eq 'set') {
$aliases_to_remove = $entry_parts.aliases | Where-Object { $aliases -notcontains $_ }
} elseif($action -eq 'remove') {
$aliases_to_remove = $aliases
} else {
# this is the right ip_address, but not the cname we were looking for.
# we need to make sure none of aliases or canonical_name exist for this entry
# since the given canonical_name should be an A/AAAA record,
# and aliases should be cname records for the canonical_name.
$aliases_to_remove = $aliases + $canonical_name
} else {
# this is not the ip_address we are looking for
if ($ip_address_type -eq $entry_parts.ip_type) {
if ($entry_parts.canonical_name -eq $canonical_name) {
Remove-HostEntry -list $hosts_lines -idx $idx
$idx = $idx - 1
if ($action -ne "set") {
# keep old aliases intact
$aliases_to_keep += $entry_parts.aliases | Where-Object { ($aliases + $aliases_to_keep + $canonical_name) -notcontains $_ }
} elseif ($action -eq "remove") {
$aliases_to_remove = $canonical_name
} elseif ($aliases -contains $entry_parts.canonical_name) {
Remove-HostEntry -list $hosts_lines -idx $idx
$idx = $idx - 1
if ($action -eq "add") {
# keep old aliases intact
$aliases_to_keep += $entry_parts.aliases | Where-Object { ($aliases + $aliases_to_keep + $canonical_name) -notcontains $_ }
} else {
$aliases_to_remove = $aliases + $canonical_name
} else {
# TODO: Better ipv6 support. There is odd behavior for when an alias can be used for both ipv6 and ipv4
if($aliases_to_remove) {
if((Remove-HostnamesFromEntry -list $hosts_lines -idx $idx -aliases $aliases_to_remove).line_removed) {
$idx = $idx - 1
if($entry_idx -ge 0) {
$aliases_to_add = @()
$entry_parts = Get-HostEntryParts -line $hosts_lines[$entry_idx]
if($action -eq 'remove') {
$aliases_to_add = $aliases_to_keep | Where-Object { $entry_parts.aliases -notcontains $_ }
} else {
$aliases_to_add = ($aliases + $aliases_to_keep) | Where-Object { $entry_parts.aliases -notcontains $_ }
if($aliases_to_add) {
Add-AliasesToEntry -list $hosts_lines -idx $entry_idx -aliases $aliases_to_add
} else {
# add the entry at the end
if($action -eq 'remove') {
if($aliases_to_keep) {
Add-HostEntry -list $hosts_lines -ip $ip_address -cname $canonical_name -aliases $aliases_to_keep
} else {
Add-HostEntry -list $hosts_lines -ip $ip_address -cname $canonical_name
} else {
Add-HostEntry -list $hosts_lines -ip $ip_address -cname $canonical_name -aliases ($aliases + $aliases_to_keep)
$module.Diff.after = ($hosts_lines -join "`n") + "`n"
if( $module.Result.changed -and -not $module.CheckMode ) {
Set-Content -LiteralPath $hosts_file.FullName -Value $hosts_lines