Matt Davis 1e2ce4c8ab support missing drive letters in PS path type (#29884)
* fixes #26623
* Test-Path (and thus `-type path` in Get-AnsibleParam) fail on a nonexistent drive letter, since it can't be mapped to a PSProvider.
* added support and basic smoke tests for
2017-09-12 09:51:48 -07:00

23 lines
992 B

# NB: these tests are just a placeholder until we have pester unit tests.
# They are being run as part of the Windows smoke tests. Please do not significantly
# increase the size of these tests, as the smoke tests need to remain fast.
# Any significant additions should be made to the (as yet nonexistent) PS module_utils unit tests.
- name: find a nonexistent drive letter
raw: foreach($c in [char[]]([char]'D'..[char]'Z')) { If (-not $(Get-PSDrive $c -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) { return $c } }
register: bogus_driveletter
- assert:
that: bogus_driveletter.stdout_lines[0] | length == 1
- name: test path shape validation
path: "{{ item.path }}"
failed_when: path_shapes | failed != (item.should_fail | default(false))
register: path_shapes
- path: C:\Windows
- path: HKLM:\Software
- path: '{{ bogus_driveletter.stdout_lines[0] }}:\goodpath'
- path: '{{ bogus_driveletter.stdout_lines[0] }}:\badpath*%@:\blar'
should_fail: true