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'\" t
.\" Title: ansible-modules
.\" Author: [see the "AUTHOR" section]
.\" Generator: DocBook XSL Stylesheets v1.75.2 <>
.\" Date: 02/26/2012
.\" Manual: System administration commands
.\" Source: Ansible-modules 0.0.1
.\" Language: English
.TH "ANSIBLE\-MODULES" "5" "02/26/2012" "Ansible\-modules 0\&.0\&.1" "System administration commands"
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ansible-modules \- stock modules shipped with ansible
Ansible ships with a number of modules that can be executed directly on remote hosts or through ansible playbooks\&.
Most modules other than command are idempotent, meaning they will seek to avoid changes unless a change needs to be made\&. When using ansible playbooks, these modules can trigger change events\&. Unless otherwise noted, all modules support change hooks\&.
The command module takes the command name followed by a list of arguments, space delimited\&. This is the only module that does not use key=value style parameters\&.
Example usage:
"/sbin/shutdown \-t now"
This module does not support change hooks\&.
Returns the return code from the program as well as timing information\&.
Async command running and command execution time limits are in plan\&. These will probably be special keyvalue parameters expressed on the end of the command line, like ANSTIMEOUT=1 and ANS_ASYNC=1 or similar\&.
The copy module takes a list of source files
.RS 4
Local absolute path to a file to copy to the remote server
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Remote absolute path where the file should end up
This module also returns md5sum information about the resultant file\&.
Runs the discovery program \fIfacter\fR on the remote system, returning JSON data that can be useful for inventory purposes\&.
Requires that \fIfacter\fR and \fIruby\-json\fR be installed on the remote end\&.
This module is information only \- it takes no parameters & does not support change hooks, nor does it make any changes on the system\&.
Ensures the ownership and permissions of files are as desired\&.
Use copy or template first if you need to make sure a file is on the box\&.
In plan\&.
Deploys software from git checkouts\&.
This module is in plan\&.
Similar to the facter module, this returns JSON inventory data\&. Ohai data is a bit more verbose and nested than facter\&.
Requires that \fIohai\fR be installed on the remote end\&.
This module is information only \- it takes no parameters & does not support change hooks, nor does it make any changes on the system\&.
A trivial test module, this module always returns the integer \fI1\fR on successful contact\&.
This module does not support change hooks\&.
This module is information only \- it takes no parameters & does not support change hooks, nor does it make any changes on the system\&.
Controls services on remote machines\&.
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Values are
\fIstopped\fR, or
\fIrestarted\fR\&. Started/stopped are idempotent actions that will not run commands unless neccessary\&.
will always bounce the service
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The name of the service
Writes a JSON file containing key/value data, for use in templating\&. Call this once before using the template modules, usually as the very first step in your playbook\&.
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Optionally overrides the default JSON file location of /etc/ansible/setup\&. If used, also supply the metadata parameter to
\fItemplate\fR\&. Change if running as a non\-root remote user who does not have permissions on /etc/ansible\&.
Templates a file out to a remote server\&. Call the setup module prior to usage\&.
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path of a Jinja2 formatted template on the local server
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location to render the template on the remote server
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location of a JSON file to use to supply template data\&. Default is /etc/ansible/setup which is the same as the default for the setup module\&. Change if running as a non\-root remote user who does not have permissions on /etc/ansible\&.
This module also returns md5sum information about the resultant file\&.
This module is in plan\&.
This module is in plan\&.
To write your own modules, simply follow the convention of those already available in /usr/share/ansible\&. Modules must return JSON but can be written in any language\&. To support change hooks, modules should return hashes, with a changed: True/False element at the top level\&. Modules can also choose to indicate a failure scenario by returning a top level \fIfailure\fR element with a True value\&.
Ansible was originally written by Michael DeHaan\&. See the AUTHORS file for a complete list of contributors\&.
ansible\-playbook(1) \- pending
Ansible home page: https://github\&.com/mpdehaan/ansible/