Andrii Radyk f2b255ffa3 Add zypper refresh support in zypper module (#2411)
* added zypper refresh support

* removed trailing symbols
* added forced zypper refresh support similar to update_cache for apt module

* removed unnecessary blocks and cleaned up the logic for refresh

* added update_cache as alias for refresh to be similar to apt/yum module

* update zypper module according to comments
2016-07-13 08:28:05 +02:00

408 lines
14 KiB

#!/usr/bin/python -tt
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# (c) 2013, Patrick Callahan <>
# based on
# openbsd_pkg
# (c) 2013
# Patrik Lundin <>
# yum
# (c) 2012, Red Hat, Inc
# Written by Seth Vidal <skvidal at>
# This file is part of Ansible
# Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Ansible. If not, see <>.
from xml.dom.minidom import parseString as parseXML
module: zypper
- "Patrick Callahan (@dirtyharrycallahan)"
- "Alexander Gubin (@alxgu)"
- "Thomas O'Donnell (@andytom)"
- "Robin Roth (@robinro)"
- "Andrii Radyk (@AnderEnder)"
version_added: "1.2"
short_description: Manage packages on SUSE and openSUSE
- Manage packages on SUSE and openSUSE using the zypper and rpm tools.
- package name or package specifier with version C(name) or C(name-1.0). You can also pass a url or a local path to a rpm file. When using state=latest, this can be '*', which updates all installed packages.
required: true
aliases: [ 'pkg' ]
- C(present) will make sure the package is installed.
C(latest) will make sure the latest version of the package is installed.
C(absent) will make sure the specified package is not installed.
required: false
choices: [ present, latest, absent ]
default: "present"
- The type of package to be operated on.
required: false
choices: [ package, patch, pattern, product, srcpackage, application ]
default: "package"
version_added: "2.0"
- Whether to disable to GPG signature checking of the package
signature being installed. Has an effect only if state is
I(present) or I(latest).
required: false
default: "no"
choices: [ "yes", "no" ]
version_added: "1.8"
- Corresponds to the C(--no-recommends) option for I(zypper). Default behavior (C(yes)) modifies zypper's default behavior; C(no) does install recommended packages.
required: false
default: "yes"
choices: [ "yes", "no" ]
version_added: "2.2"
- Adds C(--force) option to I(zypper). Allows to downgrade packages and change vendor or architecture.
required: false
default: "no"
choices: [ "yes", "no" ]
version_added: "2.2"
- Run the equivalent of C(zypper refresh) before the operation.
required: false
default: "no"
choices: [ "yes", "no" ]
aliases: [ "refresh" ]
# informational: requirements for nodes
- "zypper >= 1.0 # included in openSuSE >= 11.1 or SuSE Linux Enterprise Server/Desktop >= 11.0"
- rpm
# Install "nmap"
- zypper: name=nmap state=present
# Install apache2 with recommended packages
- zypper: name=apache2 state=present disable_recommends=no
# Apply a given patch
- zypper: name=openSUSE-2016-128 state=present type=patch
# Remove the "nmap" package
- zypper: name=nmap state=absent
# Install the nginx rpm from a remote repo
- zypper: name= state=present
# Install local rpm file
- zypper: name=/tmp/fancy-software.rpm state=present
# Update all packages
- zypper: name=* state=latest
# Apply all available patches
- zypper: name=* state=latest type=patch
# Refresh repositories and update package "openssl"
- zypper: name=openssl state=present update_cache=yes
def get_want_state(m, names, remove=False):
packages_install = []
packages_remove = []
urls = []
for name in names:
if '://' in name or name.endswith('.rpm'):
elif name.startswith('-') or name.startswith('~'):
elif name.startswith('+'):
if remove:
return packages_install, packages_remove, urls
def get_installed_state(m, packages):
"get installed state of packages"
cmd = get_cmd(m, 'search')
cmd.extend(['--match-exact', '--details', '--installed-only'])
return parse_zypper_xml(m, cmd, fail_not_found=False)[0]
def parse_zypper_xml(m, cmd, fail_not_found=True, packages=None):
rc, stdout, stderr = m.run_command(cmd, check_rc=False)
dom = parseXML(stdout)
if rc == 104:
# exit code 104 is ZYPPER_EXIT_INF_CAP_NOT_FOUND (no packages found)
if fail_not_found:
errmsg = dom.getElementsByTagName('message')[-1].childNodes[0].data
m.fail_json(msg=errmsg, rc=rc, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr, cmd=cmd)
return {}, rc, stdout, stderr
elif rc in [0, 106, 103]:
# zypper exit codes
# 0: success
# 106: signature verification failed
# 103: zypper was upgraded, run same command again
if packages is None:
firstrun = True
packages = {}
solvable_list = dom.getElementsByTagName('solvable')
for solvable in solvable_list:
name = solvable.getAttribute('name')
packages[name] = {}
packages[name]['version'] = solvable.getAttribute('edition')
packages[name]['oldversion'] = solvable.getAttribute('edition-old')
status = solvable.getAttribute('status')
packages[name]['installed'] = status == "installed"
packages[name]['group'] = solvable.parentNode.nodeName
if rc == 103 and firstrun:
# if this was the first run and it failed with 103
# run zypper again with the same command to complete update
return parse_zypper_xml(m, cmd, fail_not_found=fail_not_found, packages=packages)
return packages, rc, stdout, stderr
m.fail_json(msg='Zypper run command failed with return code %s.'%rc, rc=rc, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr, cmd=cmd)
def get_cmd(m, subcommand):
"puts together the basic zypper command arguments with those passed to the module"
is_install = subcommand in ['install', 'update', 'patch']
is_refresh = subcommand == 'refresh'
cmd = ['/usr/bin/zypper', '--quiet', '--non-interactive', '--xmlout']
# add global options before zypper command
if (is_install or is_refresh) and m.params['disable_gpg_check']:
if subcommand != 'patch' and not is_refresh:
cmd.extend(['--type', m.params['type']])
if m.check_mode and subcommand != 'search':
if is_install:
if m.params['disable_recommends']:
if m.params['force']:
return cmd
def set_diff(m, retvals, result):
packages = {'installed': [], 'removed': [], 'upgraded': []}
for p in result:
group = result[p]['group']
if group == 'to-upgrade':
versions = ' (' + result[p]['oldversion'] + ' => ' + result[p]['version'] + ')'
packages['upgraded'].append(p + versions)
elif group == 'to-install':
elif group == 'to-remove':
output = ''
for state in packages:
if packages[state]:
output += state + ': ' + ', '.join(packages[state]) + '\n'
if 'diff' not in retvals:
retvals['diff'] = {}
if 'prepared' not in retvals['diff']:
retvals['diff']['prepared'] = output
retvals['diff']['prepared'] += '\n' + output
def package_present(m, name, want_latest):
"install and update (if want_latest) the packages in name_install, while removing the packages in name_remove"
retvals = {'rc': 0, 'stdout': '', 'stderr': '', 'changed': False, 'failed': False}
name_install, name_remove, urls = get_want_state(m, name)
if not want_latest:
# for state=present: filter out already installed packages
prerun_state = get_installed_state(m, name_install + name_remove)
# generate lists of packages to install or remove
name_install = [p for p in name_install if p not in prerun_state]
name_remove = [p for p in name_remove if p in prerun_state]
if not name_install and not name_remove and not urls:
# nothing to install/remove and nothing to update
return retvals
# zypper install also updates packages
cmd = get_cmd(m, 'install')
# allow for + or - prefixes in install/remove lists
# do this in one zypper run to allow for dependency-resolution
# for example "-exim postfix" runs without removing packages depending on mailserver
cmd.extend(['-%s' % p for p in name_remove])
retvals['cmd'] = cmd
result, retvals['rc'], retvals['stdout'], retvals['stderr'] = parse_zypper_xml(m, cmd)
if retvals['rc'] == 0:
# installed all packages successfully
# checking the output is not straight-forward because zypper rewrites 'capabilities'
# could run get_installed_state and recheck, but this takes time
if result:
retvals['changed'] = True
retvals['failed'] = True
# return retvals
if m._diff:
set_diff(m, retvals, result)
return retvals
def package_update_all(m, do_patch):
"run update or patch on all available packages"
retvals = {'rc': 0, 'stdout': '', 'stderr': '', 'changed': False, 'failed': False}
if do_patch:
cmdname = 'patch'
cmdname = 'update'
cmd = get_cmd(m, cmdname)
retvals['cmd'] = cmd
result, retvals['rc'], retvals['stdout'], retvals['stderr'] = parse_zypper_xml(m, cmd)
if retvals['rc'] == 0:
if result:
retvals['changed'] = True
retvals['failed'] = True
if m._diff:
set_diff(m, retvals, result)
return retvals
def package_absent(m, name):
"remove the packages in name"
retvals = {'rc': 0, 'stdout': '', 'stderr': '', 'changed': False, 'failed': False}
# Get package state
name_install, name_remove, urls = get_want_state(m, name, remove=True)
if name_install:
m.fail_json(msg="Can not combine '+' prefix with state=remove/absent.")
if urls:
m.fail_json(msg="Can not remove via URL.")
if m.params['type'] == 'patch':
m.fail_json(msg="Can not remove patches.")
prerun_state = get_installed_state(m, name_remove)
name_remove = [p for p in name_remove if p in prerun_state]
if not name_remove:
return retvals
cmd = get_cmd(m, 'remove')
retvals['cmd'] = cmd
result, retvals['rc'], retvals['stdout'], retvals['stderr'] = parse_zypper_xml(m, cmd)
if retvals['rc'] == 0:
# removed packages successfully
if result:
retvals['changed'] = True
retvals['failed'] = True
if m._diff:
set_diff(m, retvals, result)
return retvals
def repo_refresh(m):
"update the repositories"
retvals = {'rc': 0, 'stdout': '', 'stderr': '', 'changed': False, 'failed': False}
cmd = get_cmd(m, 'refresh')
retvals['cmd'] = cmd
result, retvals['rc'], retvals['stdout'], retvals['stderr'] = parse_zypper_xml(m, cmd)
return retvals
# ===========================================
# Main control flow
def main():
module = AnsibleModule(
argument_spec = dict(
name = dict(required=True, aliases=['pkg'], type='list'),
state = dict(required=False, default='present', choices=['absent', 'installed', 'latest', 'present', 'removed']),
type = dict(required=False, default='package', choices=['package', 'patch', 'pattern', 'product', 'srcpackage', 'application']),
disable_gpg_check = dict(required=False, default='no', type='bool'),
disable_recommends = dict(required=False, default='yes', type='bool'),
force = dict(required=False, default='no', type='bool'),
update_cache = dict(required=False, aliases=['refresh'], default='no', type='bool'),
supports_check_mode = True
name = module.params['name']
state = module.params['state']
update_cache = module.params['update_cache']
# Refresh repositories
if update_cache:
retvals = repo_refresh(module)
if retvals['rc'] != 0:
module.fail_json(msg="Zypper refresh run failed.", **retvals)
# Perform requested action
if name == ['*'] and state == 'latest':
if module.params['type'] == 'package':
retvals = package_update_all(module, False)
elif module.params['type'] == 'patch':
retvals = package_update_all(module, True)
if state in ['absent', 'removed']:
retvals = package_absent(module, name)
elif state in ['installed', 'present', 'latest']:
retvals = package_present(module, name, state == 'latest')
failed = retvals['failed']
del retvals['failed']
if failed:
module.fail_json(msg="Zypper run failed.", **retvals)
if not retvals['changed']:
del retvals['stdout']
del retvals['stderr']
module.exit_json(name=name, state=state, update_cache=update_cache, **retvals)
# import module snippets
from ansible.module_utils.basic import *