2021-05-17 10:00:06 -07:00

38 lines
1 KiB

Gets the lines to hit from a sourcefile for coverage stubs.
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromRemainingArguments)]
$stubInfo = @(foreach ($sourcePath in $Path) {
# Default is to just no lines for missing files
[Collections.Generic.HashSet[int]]$lines = @()
if (Test-Path -LiteralPath $sourcePath) {
$code = [ScriptBlock]::Create([IO.File]::ReadAllText($sourcePath))
# We set our breakpoints with this predicate so our stubs should match
# that logic.
$predicate = {
$args[0] -is [System.Management.Automation.Language.CommandBaseAst]
$cmds = $code.Ast.FindAll($predicate, $true)
# We only care about unique lines not multiple commands on 1 line.
$lines = @(foreach ($cmd in $cmds) {
Path = $sourcePath
Lines = $lines
ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $stubInfo -Depth 2 -Compress