Ryan Petrello 872a7b4a7a add some Tower module integration tests (and fix a bug or two) (#37421)
* add additional test coverage for tower modules

* add test coverage for the tower_credential module

* add test coverage for the tower_user module

* fix a bug in py3 for tower_credential when ssh_key_data is specified

* add test coverage for tower_host, tower_label, and tower_project

* add test coverage for tower_inventory and tower_job_template

* add more test coverage for tower modules

- tower_job_launch
- tower_job_list
- tower_job_wait
- tower_job_cancel

* add a check mode/version assertion for tower module integration tests

* add test coverage for the tower_role module

* add test coverage for the tower_group module

* add more integration test edge cases for various tower modules

* give the job_wait module more time before failing

* randomize passwords in the tower_user and tower_group tests
2018-03-16 13:28:19 -04:00

54 lines
1.5 KiB

- name: Create an SCM Credential
name: SCM Credential for JT
organization: Default
kind: scm
- name: Create a Demo Project
name: Job Template Test Project
organization: Default
state: present
scm_type: git
scm_credential: SCM Credential for JT
register: result
- name: Update the project (to clone the git repo)
url: "https://{{ lookup('env', 'TOWER_HOST') }}/api/v2/projects/{{ }}/update/"
method: POST
user: "{{ lookup('env', 'TOWER_USERNAME') }}"
password: "{{ lookup('env', 'TOWER_PASSWORD') }}"
validate_certs: false
status_code: 202
force_basic_auth: true
- name: Wait for the project to be status=successful
url: "https://{{ lookup('env', 'TOWER_HOST') }}/api/v2/projects/{{ }}/"
method: GET
user: "{{ lookup('env', 'TOWER_USERNAME') }}"
password: "{{ lookup('env', 'TOWER_PASSWORD') }}"
validate_certs: false
force_basic_auth: true
return_content: true
register: result
until: result.json.status == "successful"
retries: 15
delay: 1
- name: Create a Job Template
name: hello-world
project: Job Template Test Project
inventory: Demo Inventory
playbook: hello_world.yml
machine_credential: Demo Credential
job_type: run
state: present
register: result
- assert:
- "result is changed"