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Ansible Resources
User contributed playbooks, modules, and articles
Ansible Modules
- [Official "core" ansible modules][] - various
- [mercurial][] - bradobro
- [zypper (bash module example)][] - jp_mens
- [lineinfile][] - azemon
- [homebrew][] - swehack
Python modules using 0.6 and later can use the common "AnsibleModule" class to dramatically reduce the amount of boilerplate code required.
Selected Playbooks
- [Hadoop][] - jkleint
- [LAMP][] - [Four Kitchens][]
- [Ganglia][] - mpdehaan
- [Nginx][] - imcocoy
Blogs & Articles
- [][] - mpdehaan
- [ interview][] - mpdehaan
- [dzone][] - Mitch Pronschinske
- [Configuration Management With Ansible][] - jp_mens
- [Shell Scripts As Ansible Modules][] - jp_mens
- [Ansible Facts][] - jp_mens
- [Ansible Pull Mode][] - imcocoy
To make additions to this doucment, submit a pull request at
Modules and playbooks here may not be using the latest in Ansible features. When in doubt to the features of a particular version of Ansbile, always consult [][]
Ansible is (C) 2012, [Michael DeHaan][] and others and is available under the GPLv3 license. Content here is as specified by individual contributors.