* In some cases, it appears that Exception should have been used instead as there's no need to catch sys.exit KeyboardInterrupt and similar. * In a few cases, it appears that BaseException is used because a library we depend on calls sys.exit() contrary to good coding design. Comment those so that we know that those have been audited and found to be correct and change to use (Exception, SystemExit) instead.
1164 lines
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright: (c) 2015, Joseph Callen <jcallen () csc.com>
# Copyright: (c) 2018, Ansible Project
# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt)
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
__metaclass__ = type
import atexit
import os
import ssl
import time
from random import randint
# requests is required for exception handling of the ConnectionError
import requests
except ImportError:
from pyVim import connect
from pyVmomi import vim, vmodl
except ImportError:
from ansible.module_utils._text import to_text
from ansible.module_utils.six import integer_types, iteritems, string_types, raise_from
from ansible.module_utils.basic import env_fallback
class TaskError(Exception):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(TaskError, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def wait_for_task(task, max_backoff=64, timeout=3600):
"""Wait for given task using exponential back-off algorithm.
task: VMware task object
max_backoff: Maximum amount of sleep time in seconds
timeout: Timeout for the given task in seconds
Returns: Tuple with True and result for successful task
Raises: TaskError on failure
failure_counter = 0
start_time = time.time()
while True:
if time.time() - start_time >= timeout:
raise TaskError("Timeout")
if task.info.state == vim.TaskInfo.State.success:
return True, task.info.result
if task.info.state == vim.TaskInfo.State.error:
error_msg = task.info.error
host_thumbprint = None
error_msg = error_msg.msg
if hasattr(task.info.error, 'thumbprint'):
host_thumbprint = task.info.error.thumbprint
except AttributeError:
raise_from(TaskError(error_msg, host_thumbprint), task.info.error)
if task.info.state in [vim.TaskInfo.State.running, vim.TaskInfo.State.queued]:
sleep_time = min(2 ** failure_counter + randint(1, 1000) / 1000, max_backoff)
failure_counter += 1
def wait_for_vm_ip(content, vm, timeout=300):
facts = dict()
interval = 15
while timeout > 0:
_facts = gather_vm_facts(content, vm)
if _facts['ipv4'] or _facts['ipv6']:
facts = _facts
timeout -= interval
return facts
def find_obj(content, vimtype, name, first=True, folder=None):
container = content.viewManager.CreateContainerView(folder or content.rootFolder, recursive=True, type=vimtype)
# Get all objects matching type (and name if given)
obj_list = [obj for obj in container.view if not name or to_text(obj.name) == to_text(name)]
# Return first match or None
if first:
if obj_list:
return obj_list[0]
return None
# Return all matching objects or empty list
return obj_list
def find_dvspg_by_name(dv_switch, portgroup_name):
portgroups = dv_switch.portgroup
for pg in portgroups:
if pg.name == portgroup_name:
return pg
return None
def find_object_by_name(content, name, obj_type, folder=None, recurse=True):
if not isinstance(obj_type, list):
obj_type = [obj_type]
objects = get_all_objs(content, obj_type, folder=folder, recurse=recurse)
for obj in objects:
if obj.name == name:
return obj
return None
def find_cluster_by_name(content, cluster_name, datacenter=None):
if datacenter:
folder = datacenter.hostFolder
folder = content.rootFolder
return find_object_by_name(content, cluster_name, [vim.ClusterComputeResource], folder=folder)
def find_datacenter_by_name(content, datacenter_name):
return find_object_by_name(content, datacenter_name, [vim.Datacenter])
def get_parent_datacenter(obj):
""" Walk the parent tree to find the objects datacenter """
if isinstance(obj, vim.Datacenter):
return obj
datacenter = None
while True:
if not hasattr(obj, 'parent'):
obj = obj.parent
if isinstance(obj, vim.Datacenter):
datacenter = obj
return datacenter
def find_datastore_by_name(content, datastore_name):
return find_object_by_name(content, datastore_name, [vim.Datastore])
def find_dvs_by_name(content, switch_name):
return find_object_by_name(content, switch_name, [vim.DistributedVirtualSwitch])
def find_hostsystem_by_name(content, hostname):
return find_object_by_name(content, hostname, [vim.HostSystem])
def find_resource_pool_by_name(content, resource_pool_name):
return find_object_by_name(content, resource_pool_name, [vim.ResourcePool])
def find_network_by_name(content, network_name):
return find_object_by_name(content, network_name, [vim.Network])
def find_vm_by_id(content, vm_id, vm_id_type="vm_name", datacenter=None, cluster=None, folder=None, match_first=False):
""" UUID is unique to a VM, every other id returns the first match. """
si = content.searchIndex
vm = None
if vm_id_type == 'dns_name':
vm = si.FindByDnsName(datacenter=datacenter, dnsName=vm_id, vmSearch=True)
elif vm_id_type == 'uuid':
# Search By BIOS UUID rather than instance UUID
vm = si.FindByUuid(datacenter=datacenter, instanceUuid=False, uuid=vm_id, vmSearch=True)
elif vm_id_type == 'ip':
vm = si.FindByIp(datacenter=datacenter, ip=vm_id, vmSearch=True)
elif vm_id_type == 'vm_name':
folder = None
if cluster:
folder = cluster
elif datacenter:
folder = datacenter.hostFolder
vm = find_vm_by_name(content, vm_id, folder)
elif vm_id_type == 'inventory_path':
searchpath = folder
# get all objects for this path
f_obj = si.FindByInventoryPath(searchpath)
if f_obj:
if isinstance(f_obj, vim.Datacenter):
f_obj = f_obj.vmFolder
for c_obj in f_obj.childEntity:
if not isinstance(c_obj, vim.VirtualMachine):
if c_obj.name == vm_id:
vm = c_obj
if match_first:
return vm
def find_vm_by_name(content, vm_name, folder=None, recurse=True):
return find_object_by_name(content, vm_name, [vim.VirtualMachine], folder=folder, recurse=recurse)
def find_host_portgroup_by_name(host, portgroup_name):
for portgroup in host.config.network.portgroup:
if portgroup.spec.name == portgroup_name:
return portgroup
return None
def compile_folder_path_for_object(vobj):
""" make a /vm/foo/bar/baz like folder path for an object """
paths = []
if isinstance(vobj, vim.Folder):
thisobj = vobj
while hasattr(thisobj, 'parent'):
thisobj = thisobj.parent
moid = thisobj._moId
except AttributeError:
moid = None
if moid in ['group-d1', 'ha-folder-root']:
if isinstance(thisobj, vim.Folder):
return '/' + '/'.join(paths)
def _get_vm_prop(vm, attributes):
"""Safely get a property or return None"""
result = vm
for attribute in attributes:
result = getattr(result, attribute)
except (AttributeError, IndexError):
return None
return result
def gather_vm_facts(content, vm):
""" Gather facts from vim.VirtualMachine object. """
facts = {
'module_hw': True,
'hw_name': vm.config.name,
'hw_power_status': vm.summary.runtime.powerState,
'hw_guest_full_name': vm.summary.guest.guestFullName,
'hw_guest_id': vm.summary.guest.guestId,
'hw_product_uuid': vm.config.uuid,
'hw_processor_count': vm.config.hardware.numCPU,
'hw_cores_per_socket': vm.config.hardware.numCoresPerSocket,
'hw_memtotal_mb': vm.config.hardware.memoryMB,
'hw_interfaces': [],
'hw_datastores': [],
'hw_files': [],
'hw_esxi_host': None,
'hw_guest_ha_state': None,
'hw_is_template': vm.config.template,
'hw_folder': None,
'hw_version': vm.config.version,
'instance_uuid': vm.config.instanceUuid,
'guest_tools_status': _get_vm_prop(vm, ('guest', 'toolsRunningStatus')),
'guest_tools_version': _get_vm_prop(vm, ('guest', 'toolsVersion')),
'guest_question': vm.summary.runtime.question,
'guest_consolidation_needed': vm.summary.runtime.consolidationNeeded,
'ipv4': None,
'ipv6': None,
'annotation': vm.config.annotation,
'customvalues': {},
'snapshots': [],
'current_snapshot': None,
'vnc': {},
# facts that may or may not exist
if vm.summary.runtime.host:
host = vm.summary.runtime.host
facts['hw_esxi_host'] = host.summary.config.name
except vim.fault.NoPermission:
# User does not have read permission for the host system,
# proceed without this value. This value does not contribute or hamper
# provisioning or power management operations.
if vm.summary.runtime.dasVmProtection:
facts['hw_guest_ha_state'] = vm.summary.runtime.dasVmProtection.dasProtected
datastores = vm.datastore
for ds in datastores:
files = vm.config.files
layout = vm.layout
if files:
facts['hw_files'] = [files.vmPathName]
for item in layout.snapshot:
for snap in item.snapshotFile:
facts['hw_files'].append(files.snapshotDirectory + snap)
for item in layout.configFile:
facts['hw_files'].append(os.path.dirname(files.vmPathName) + '/' + item)
for item in vm.layout.logFile:
facts['hw_files'].append(files.logDirectory + item)
for item in vm.layout.disk:
for disk in item.diskFile:
except Exception:
facts['hw_folder'] = PyVmomi.get_vm_path(content, vm)
cfm = content.customFieldsManager
# Resolve custom values
for value_obj in vm.summary.customValue:
kn = value_obj.key
if cfm is not None and cfm.field:
for f in cfm.field:
if f.key == value_obj.key:
kn = f.name
# Exit the loop immediately, we found it
facts['customvalues'][kn] = value_obj.value
net_dict = {}
vmnet = _get_vm_prop(vm, ('guest', 'net'))
if vmnet:
for device in vmnet:
net_dict[device.macAddress] = list(device.ipAddress)
if vm.guest.ipAddress:
if ':' in vm.guest.ipAddress:
facts['ipv6'] = vm.guest.ipAddress
facts['ipv4'] = vm.guest.ipAddress
ethernet_idx = 0
for entry in vm.config.hardware.device:
if not hasattr(entry, 'macAddress'):
if entry.macAddress:
mac_addr = entry.macAddress
mac_addr_dash = mac_addr.replace(':', '-')
mac_addr = mac_addr_dash = None
if (hasattr(entry, 'backing') and hasattr(entry.backing, 'port') and
hasattr(entry.backing.port, 'portKey') and hasattr(entry.backing.port, 'portgroupKey')):
port_group_key = entry.backing.port.portgroupKey
port_key = entry.backing.port.portKey
port_group_key = None
port_key = None
factname = 'hw_eth' + str(ethernet_idx)
facts[factname] = {
'addresstype': entry.addressType,
'label': entry.deviceInfo.label,
'macaddress': mac_addr,
'ipaddresses': net_dict.get(entry.macAddress, None),
'macaddress_dash': mac_addr_dash,
'summary': entry.deviceInfo.summary,
'portgroup_portkey': port_key,
'portgroup_key': port_group_key,
facts['hw_interfaces'].append('eth' + str(ethernet_idx))
ethernet_idx += 1
snapshot_facts = list_snapshots(vm)
if 'snapshots' in snapshot_facts:
facts['snapshots'] = snapshot_facts['snapshots']
facts['current_snapshot'] = snapshot_facts['current_snapshot']
facts['vnc'] = get_vnc_extraconfig(vm)
return facts
def deserialize_snapshot_obj(obj):
return {'id': obj.id,
'name': obj.name,
'description': obj.description,
'creation_time': obj.createTime,
'state': obj.state}
def list_snapshots_recursively(snapshots):
snapshot_data = []
for snapshot in snapshots:
snapshot_data = snapshot_data + list_snapshots_recursively(snapshot.childSnapshotList)
return snapshot_data
def get_current_snap_obj(snapshots, snapob):
snap_obj = []
for snapshot in snapshots:
if snapshot.snapshot == snapob:
snap_obj = snap_obj + get_current_snap_obj(snapshot.childSnapshotList, snapob)
return snap_obj
def list_snapshots(vm):
result = {}
snapshot = _get_vm_prop(vm, ('snapshot',))
if not snapshot:
return result
if vm.snapshot is None:
return result
result['snapshots'] = list_snapshots_recursively(vm.snapshot.rootSnapshotList)
current_snapref = vm.snapshot.currentSnapshot
current_snap_obj = get_current_snap_obj(vm.snapshot.rootSnapshotList, current_snapref)
if current_snap_obj:
result['current_snapshot'] = deserialize_snapshot_obj(current_snap_obj[0])
result['current_snapshot'] = dict()
return result
def get_vnc_extraconfig(vm):
result = {}
for opts in vm.config.extraConfig:
for optkeyname in ['enabled', 'ip', 'port', 'password']:
if opts.key.lower() == "remotedisplay.vnc." + optkeyname:
result[optkeyname] = opts.value
return result
def vmware_argument_spec():
return dict(
fallback=(env_fallback, ['VMWARE_HOST']),
aliases=['user', 'admin'],
fallback=(env_fallback, ['VMWARE_USER'])),
aliases=['pass', 'pwd'],
fallback=(env_fallback, ['VMWARE_PASSWORD'])),
fallback=(env_fallback, ['VMWARE_PORT'])),
fallback=(env_fallback, ['VMWARE_VALIDATE_CERTS'])),
def connect_to_api(module, disconnect_atexit=True):
hostname = module.params['hostname']
username = module.params['username']
password = module.params['password']
port = module.params.get('port', 443)
validate_certs = module.params['validate_certs']
if not hostname:
module.fail_json(msg="Hostname parameter is missing."
" Please specify this parameter in task or"
" export environment variable like 'export VMWARE_HOST=ESXI_HOSTNAME'")
if not username:
module.fail_json(msg="Username parameter is missing."
" Please specify this parameter in task or"
" export environment variable like 'export VMWARE_USER=ESXI_USERNAME'")
if not password:
module.fail_json(msg="Password parameter is missing."
" Please specify this parameter in task or"
" export environment variable like 'export VMWARE_PASSWORD=ESXI_PASSWORD'")
if validate_certs and not hasattr(ssl, 'SSLContext'):
module.fail_json(msg='pyVim does not support changing verification mode with python < 2.7.9. Either update '
'python or use validate_certs=false.')
ssl_context = None
if not validate_certs and hasattr(ssl, 'SSLContext'):
ssl_context = ssl.SSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23)
ssl_context.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_NONE
service_instance = None
connect_args = dict(
if ssl_context:
service_instance = connect.SmartConnect(**connect_args)
except vim.fault.InvalidLogin as invalid_login:
module.fail_json(msg="Unable to log on to vCenter or ESXi API at %s:%s as %s: %s" % (hostname, port, username, invalid_login.msg))
except vim.fault.NoPermission as no_permission:
module.fail_json(msg="User %s does not have required permission"
" to log on to vCenter or ESXi API at %s:%s : %s" % (username, hostname, port, no_permission.msg))
except (requests.ConnectionError, ssl.SSLError) as generic_req_exc:
module.fail_json(msg="Unable to connect to vCenter or ESXi API at %s on TCP/%s: %s" % (hostname, port, generic_req_exc))
except vmodl.fault.InvalidRequest as invalid_request:
# Request is malformed
module.fail_json(msg="Failed to get a response from server %s:%s as "
"request is malformed: %s" % (hostname, port, invalid_request.msg))
except Exception as generic_exc:
module.fail_json(msg="Unknown error while connecting to vCenter or ESXi API at %s:%s : %s" % (hostname, port, generic_exc))
if service_instance is None:
module.fail_json(msg="Unknown error while connecting to vCenter or ESXi API at %s:%s" % (hostname, port))
# Disabling atexit should be used in special cases only.
# Such as IP change of the ESXi host which removes the connection anyway.
# Also removal significantly speeds up the return of the module
if disconnect_atexit:
atexit.register(connect.Disconnect, service_instance)
return service_instance.RetrieveContent()
def get_all_objs(content, vimtype, folder=None, recurse=True):
if not folder:
folder = content.rootFolder
obj = {}
container = content.viewManager.CreateContainerView(folder, vimtype, recurse)
for managed_object_ref in container.view:
obj.update({managed_object_ref: managed_object_ref.name})
return obj
def run_command_in_guest(content, vm, username, password, program_path, program_args, program_cwd, program_env):
result = {'failed': False}
tools_status = vm.guest.toolsStatus
if (tools_status == 'toolsNotInstalled' or
tools_status == 'toolsNotRunning'):
result['failed'] = True
result['msg'] = "VMwareTools is not installed or is not running in the guest"
return result
# https://github.com/vmware/pyvmomi/blob/master/docs/vim/vm/guest/NamePasswordAuthentication.rst
creds = vim.vm.guest.NamePasswordAuthentication(
username=username, password=password
# https://github.com/vmware/pyvmomi/blob/master/docs/vim/vm/guest/ProcessManager.rst
pm = content.guestOperationsManager.processManager
# https://www.vmware.com/support/developer/converter-sdk/conv51_apireference/vim.vm.guest.ProcessManager.ProgramSpec.html
ps = vim.vm.guest.ProcessManager.ProgramSpec(
# programPath=program,
# arguments=args
res = pm.StartProgramInGuest(vm, creds, ps)
result['pid'] = res
pdata = pm.ListProcessesInGuest(vm, creds, [res])
# wait for pid to finish
while not pdata[0].endTime:
pdata = pm.ListProcessesInGuest(vm, creds, [res])
result['owner'] = pdata[0].owner
result['startTime'] = pdata[0].startTime.isoformat()
result['endTime'] = pdata[0].endTime.isoformat()
result['exitCode'] = pdata[0].exitCode
if result['exitCode'] != 0:
result['failed'] = True
result['msg'] = "program exited non-zero"
result['msg'] = "program completed successfully"
except Exception as e:
result['msg'] = str(e)
result['failed'] = True
return result
def serialize_spec(clonespec):
"""Serialize a clonespec or a relocation spec"""
data = {}
attrs = dir(clonespec)
attrs = [x for x in attrs if not x.startswith('_')]
for x in attrs:
xo = getattr(clonespec, x)
if callable(xo):
xt = type(xo)
if xo is None:
data[x] = None
elif isinstance(xo, vim.vm.ConfigSpec):
data[x] = serialize_spec(xo)
elif isinstance(xo, vim.vm.RelocateSpec):
data[x] = serialize_spec(xo)
elif isinstance(xo, vim.vm.device.VirtualDisk):
data[x] = serialize_spec(xo)
elif isinstance(xo, vim.vm.device.VirtualDeviceSpec.FileOperation):
data[x] = to_text(xo)
elif isinstance(xo, vim.Description):
data[x] = {
'dynamicProperty': serialize_spec(xo.dynamicProperty),
'dynamicType': serialize_spec(xo.dynamicType),
'label': serialize_spec(xo.label),
'summary': serialize_spec(xo.summary),
elif hasattr(xo, 'name'):
data[x] = to_text(xo) + ':' + to_text(xo.name)
elif isinstance(xo, vim.vm.ProfileSpec):
elif issubclass(xt, list):
data[x] = []
for xe in xo:
elif issubclass(xt, string_types + integer_types + (float, bool)):
if issubclass(xt, integer_types):
data[x] = int(xo)
data[x] = to_text(xo)
elif issubclass(xt, bool):
data[x] = xo
elif issubclass(xt, dict):
data[to_text(x)] = {}
for k, v in xo.items():
k = to_text(k)
data[x][k] = serialize_spec(v)
data[x] = str(xt)
return data
def find_host_by_cluster_datacenter(module, content, datacenter_name, cluster_name, host_name):
dc = find_datacenter_by_name(content, datacenter_name)
if dc is None:
module.fail_json(msg="Unable to find datacenter with name %s" % datacenter_name)
cluster = find_cluster_by_name(content, cluster_name, datacenter=dc)
if cluster is None:
module.fail_json(msg="Unable to find cluster with name %s" % cluster_name)
for host in cluster.host:
if host.name == host_name:
return host, cluster
return None, cluster
def set_vm_power_state(content, vm, state, force, timeout=0):
Set the power status for a VM determined by the current and
requested states. force is forceful
facts = gather_vm_facts(content, vm)
expected_state = state.replace('_', '').replace('-', '').lower()
current_state = facts['hw_power_status'].lower()
result = dict(
# Need Force
if not force and current_state not in ['poweredon', 'poweredoff']:
result['failed'] = True
result['msg'] = "Virtual Machine is in %s power state. Force is required!" % current_state
return result
# State is not already true
if current_state != expected_state:
task = None
if expected_state == 'poweredoff':
task = vm.PowerOff()
elif expected_state == 'poweredon':
task = vm.PowerOn()
elif expected_state == 'restarted':
if current_state in ('poweredon', 'poweringon', 'resetting', 'poweredoff'):
task = vm.Reset()
result['failed'] = True
result['msg'] = "Cannot restart virtual machine in the current state %s" % current_state
elif expected_state == 'suspended':
if current_state in ('poweredon', 'poweringon'):
task = vm.Suspend()
result['failed'] = True
result['msg'] = 'Cannot suspend virtual machine in the current state %s' % current_state
elif expected_state in ['shutdownguest', 'rebootguest']:
if current_state == 'poweredon':
if vm.guest.toolsRunningStatus == 'guestToolsRunning':
if expected_state == 'shutdownguest':
task = vm.ShutdownGuest()
if timeout > 0:
result.update(wait_for_poweroff(vm, timeout))
task = vm.RebootGuest()
# Set result['changed'] immediately because
# shutdown and reboot return None.
result['changed'] = True
result['failed'] = True
result['msg'] = "VMware tools should be installed for guest shutdown/reboot"
result['failed'] = True
result['msg'] = "Virtual machine %s must be in poweredon state for guest shutdown/reboot" % vm.name
result['failed'] = True
result['msg'] = "Unsupported expected state provided: %s" % expected_state
except Exception as e:
result['failed'] = True
result['msg'] = to_text(e)
if task:
if task.info.state == 'error':
result['failed'] = True
result['msg'] = task.info.error.msg
result['changed'] = True
# need to get new metadata if changed
result['instance'] = gather_vm_facts(content, vm)
return result
def wait_for_poweroff(vm, timeout=300):
result = dict()
interval = 15
while timeout > 0:
if vm.runtime.powerState.lower() == 'poweredoff':
timeout -= interval
result['failed'] = True
result['msg'] = 'Timeout while waiting for VM power off.'
return result
class PyVmomi(object):
def __init__(self, module):
module.fail_json(msg="Unable to find 'requests' Python library which is required."
" Please install using 'pip install requests'")
module.fail_json(msg='PyVmomi Python module required. Install using "pip install PyVmomi"')
self.module = module
self.params = module.params
self.si = None
self.current_vm_obj = None
self.content = connect_to_api(self.module)
def is_vcenter(self):
Check if given hostname is vCenter or ESXi host
Returns: True if given connection is with vCenter server
False if given connection is with ESXi server
api_type = None
api_type = self.content.about.apiType
except (vmodl.RuntimeFault, vim.fault.VimFault) as exc:
self.module.fail_json(msg="Failed to get status of vCenter server : %s" % exc.msg)
if api_type == 'VirtualCenter':
return True
elif api_type == 'HostAgent':
return False
def get_managed_objects_properties(self, vim_type, properties=None):
Function to look up a Managed Object Reference in vCenter / ESXi Environment
:param vim_type: Type of vim object e.g, for datacenter - vim.Datacenter
:param properties: List of properties related to vim object e.g. Name
:return: local content object
# Get Root Folder
root_folder = self.content.rootFolder
if properties is None:
properties = ['name']
# Create Container View with default root folder
mor = self.content.viewManager.CreateContainerView(root_folder, [vim_type], True)
# Create Traversal spec
traversal_spec = vmodl.query.PropertyCollector.TraversalSpec(
# Create Property Spec
property_spec = vmodl.query.PropertyCollector.PropertySpec(
type=vim_type, # Type of object to retrieved
# Create Object Spec
object_spec = vmodl.query.PropertyCollector.ObjectSpec(
# Create Filter Spec
filter_spec = vmodl.query.PropertyCollector.FilterSpec(
return self.content.propertyCollector.RetrieveContents([filter_spec])
# Virtual Machine related functions
def get_vm(self):
Function to find unique virtual machine either by UUID or Name.
Returns: virtual machine object if found, else None.
vm_obj = None
user_desired_path = None
if self.params['uuid']:
vm_obj = find_vm_by_id(self.content, vm_id=self.params['uuid'], vm_id_type="uuid")
elif self.params['name']:
objects = self.get_managed_objects_properties(vim_type=vim.VirtualMachine, properties=['name'])
vms = []
for temp_vm_object in objects:
if len(temp_vm_object.propSet) != 1:
for temp_vm_object_property in temp_vm_object.propSet:
if temp_vm_object_property.val == self.params['name']:
# get_managed_objects_properties may return multiple virtual machine,
# following code tries to find user desired one depending upon the folder specified.
if len(vms) > 1:
# We have found multiple virtual machines, decide depending upon folder value
if self.params['folder'] is None:
self.module.fail_json(msg="Multiple virtual machines with same name [%s] found, "
"Folder value is a required parameter to find uniqueness "
"of the virtual machine" % self.params['name'],
details="Please see documentation of the vmware_guest module "
"for folder parameter.")
# Get folder path where virtual machine is located
# User provided folder where user thinks virtual machine is present
user_folder = self.params['folder']
# User defined datacenter
user_defined_dc = self.params['datacenter']
# User defined datacenter's object
datacenter_obj = find_datacenter_by_name(self.content, self.params['datacenter'])
# Get Path for Datacenter
dcpath = compile_folder_path_for_object(vobj=datacenter_obj)
# Nested folder does not return trailing /
if not dcpath.endswith('/'):
dcpath += '/'
if user_folder in [None, '', '/']:
# User provided blank value or
# User provided only root value, we fail
self.module.fail_json(msg="vmware_guest found multiple virtual machines with same "
"name [%s], please specify folder path other than blank "
"or '/'" % self.params['name'])
elif user_folder.startswith('/vm/'):
# User provided nested folder under VMware default vm folder i.e. folder = /vm/india/finance
user_desired_path = "%s%s%s" % (dcpath, user_defined_dc, user_folder)
# User defined datacenter is not nested i.e. dcpath = '/' , or
# User defined datacenter is nested i.e. dcpath = '/F0/DC0' or
# User provided folder starts with / and datacenter i.e. folder = /ha-datacenter/ or
# User defined folder starts with datacenter without '/' i.e.
# folder = DC0/vm/india/finance or
# folder = DC0/vm
user_desired_path = user_folder
for vm in vms:
# Check if user has provided same path as virtual machine
actual_vm_folder_path = self.get_vm_path(content=self.content, vm_name=vm)
if not actual_vm_folder_path.startswith("%s%s" % (dcpath, user_defined_dc)):
if user_desired_path in actual_vm_folder_path:
vm_obj = vm
elif vms:
# Unique virtual machine found.
vm_obj = vms[0]
if vm_obj:
self.current_vm_obj = vm_obj
return vm_obj
def gather_facts(self, vm):
Function to gather facts of virtual machine.
vm: Name of virtual machine.
Returns: Facts dictionary of the given virtual machine.
return gather_vm_facts(self.content, vm)
def get_vm_path(content, vm_name):
Function to find the path of virtual machine.
content: VMware content object
vm_name: virtual machine managed object
Returns: Folder of virtual machine if exists, else None
folder_name = None
folder = vm_name.parent
if folder:
folder_name = folder.name
fp = folder.parent
# climb back up the tree to find our path, stop before the root folder
while fp is not None and fp.name is not None and fp != content.rootFolder:
folder_name = fp.name + '/' + folder_name
fp = fp.parent
except Exception:
folder_name = '/' + folder_name
return folder_name
def get_vm_or_template(self, template_name=None):
Find the virtual machine or virtual machine template using name
used for cloning purpose.
template_name: Name of virtual machine or virtual machine template
Returns: virtual machine or virtual machine template object
template_obj = None
if not template_name:
return template_obj
if "/" in template_name:
vm_obj_path = os.path.dirname(template_name)
vm_obj_name = os.path.basename(template_name)
template_obj = find_vm_by_id(self.content, vm_obj_name, vm_id_type="inventory_path", folder=vm_obj_path)
if template_obj:
return template_obj
template_obj = find_vm_by_id(self.content, vm_id=template_name, vm_id_type="uuid")
if template_obj:
return template_obj
objects = self.get_managed_objects_properties(vim_type=vim.VirtualMachine, properties=['name'])
templates = []
for temp_vm_object in objects:
if len(temp_vm_object.propSet) != 1:
for temp_vm_object_property in temp_vm_object.propSet:
if temp_vm_object_property.val == template_name:
if len(templates) > 1:
# We have found multiple virtual machine templates
self.module.fail_json(msg="Multiple virtual machines or templates with same name [%s] found." % template_name)
elif templates:
template_obj = templates[0]
return template_obj
# Cluster related functions
def find_cluster_by_name(self, cluster_name, datacenter_name=None):
Find Cluster by name in given datacenter
cluster_name: Name of cluster name to find
datacenter_name: (optional) Name of datacenter
Returns: True if found
return find_cluster_by_name(self.content, cluster_name, datacenter=datacenter_name)
def get_all_hosts_by_cluster(self, cluster_name):
Get all hosts from cluster by cluster name
cluster_name: Name of cluster
Returns: List of hosts
cluster_obj = self.find_cluster_by_name(cluster_name=cluster_name)
if cluster_obj:
return [host for host in cluster_obj.host]
return []
# Hosts related functions
def find_hostsystem_by_name(self, host_name):
Find Host by name
host_name: Name of ESXi host
Returns: True if found
return find_hostsystem_by_name(self.content, hostname=host_name)
def get_all_host_objs(self, cluster_name=None, esxi_host_name=None):
Function to get all host system managed object
cluster_name: Name of Cluster
esxi_host_name: Name of ESXi server
Returns: A list of all host system managed objects, else empty list
host_obj_list = []
if not self.is_vcenter():
hosts = get_all_objs(self.content, [vim.HostSystem]).keys()
if hosts:
if cluster_name:
cluster_obj = self.find_cluster_by_name(cluster_name=cluster_name)
if cluster_obj:
host_obj_list = [host for host in cluster_obj.host]
self.module.fail_json(changed=False, msg="Cluster '%s' not found" % cluster_name)
elif esxi_host_name:
if isinstance(esxi_host_name, str):
esxi_host_name = [esxi_host_name]
for host in esxi_host_name:
esxi_host_obj = self.find_hostsystem_by_name(host_name=host)
if esxi_host_obj:
host_obj_list = [esxi_host_obj]
self.module.fail_json(changed=False, msg="ESXi '%s' not found" % host)
return host_obj_list
# Network related functions
def find_host_portgroup_by_name(host, portgroup_name):
Find Portgroup on given host
host: Host config object
portgroup_name: Name of portgroup
Returns: True if found else False
for portgroup in host.config.network.portgroup:
if portgroup.spec.name == portgroup_name:
return portgroup
return False
def get_all_port_groups_by_host(self, host_system):
Function to get all Port Group by host
host_system: Name of Host System
Returns: List of Port Group Spec
pgs_list = []
for pg in host_system.config.network.portgroup:
return pgs_list
# Datacenter
def find_datacenter_by_name(self, datacenter_name):
Function to get datacenter managed object by name
datacenter_name: Name of datacenter
Returns: datacenter managed object if found else None
return find_datacenter_by_name(self.content, datacenter_name=datacenter_name)
def find_datastore_by_name(self, datastore_name):
Function to get datastore managed object by name
datastore_name: Name of datastore
Returns: datastore managed object if found else None
return find_datastore_by_name(self.content, datastore_name=datastore_name)
# Datastore cluster
def find_datastore_cluster_by_name(self, datastore_cluster_name):
Function to get datastore cluster managed object by name
datastore_cluster_name: Name of datastore cluster
Returns: Datastore cluster managed object if found else None
data_store_clusters = get_all_objs(self.content, [vim.StoragePod])
for dsc in data_store_clusters:
if dsc.name == datastore_cluster_name:
return dsc
return None