* Fix setting the cache when refresh_cache or --flush-cache are used * Use jsonify function that handles datetime objects in jsonfile cache plugin * Don't access self._options directly * Add initial integration tests for aws_ec2 inventory plugin * Add CI alias * Fix and add a few more unit tests * Add integration tests for constructed * Fix typo * Use inventory config templates * Collect all instances that are not terminated by default * Create separate playbook for setting up the VPC, subnet, security group, and finding an image for the host Create a separate playbook for removing the resources * Allow easier grouping by region and add an example * use a unified json encode/decode that can handle unsafe and vault
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211 lines
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2017 Sloane Hertel <shertel@redhat.com>
# This file is part of Ansible
# Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Ansible. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# Make coding more python3-ish
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
__metaclass__ = type
import pytest
import datetime
# Just to test that we have the prerequisite for InventoryModule and instance_data_filter_to_boto_attr
boto3 = pytest.importorskip('boto3')
botocore = pytest.importorskip('botocore')
from ansible.errors import AnsibleError, AnsibleParserError
from ansible.plugins.inventory.aws_ec2 import InventoryModule
from ansible.plugins.inventory.aws_ec2 import instance_data_filter_to_boto_attr
instances = {
u'Instances': [
{u'Monitoring': {u'State': 'disabled'},
u'PublicDnsName': 'ec2-12-345-67-890.compute-1.amazonaws.com',
u'State': {u'Code': 16, u'Name': 'running'},
u'EbsOptimized': False,
u'LaunchTime': datetime.datetime(2017, 10, 31, 12, 59, 25),
u'PublicIpAddress': '12.345.67.890',
u'PrivateIpAddress': '',
u'ProductCodes': [],
u'VpcId': 'vpc-12345678',
u'StateTransitionReason': '',
u'InstanceId': 'i-00000000000000000',
u'EnaSupport': True,
u'ImageId': 'ami-12345678',
u'PrivateDnsName': 'ip-098-76-54-321.ec2.internal',
u'KeyName': 'testkey',
u'SecurityGroups': [{u'GroupName': 'default', u'GroupId': 'sg-12345678'}],
u'ClientToken': '',
u'SubnetId': 'subnet-12345678',
u'InstanceType': 't2.micro',
u'NetworkInterfaces': [
{u'Status': 'in-use',
u'MacAddress': '12:a0:50:42:3d:a4',
u'SourceDestCheck': True,
u'VpcId': 'vpc-12345678',
u'Description': '',
u'NetworkInterfaceId': 'eni-12345678',
u'PrivateIpAddresses': [
{u'PrivateDnsName': 'ip-098-76-54-321.ec2.internal',
u'PrivateIpAddress': '',
u'Primary': True,
{u'PublicIp': '12.345.67.890',
u'PublicDnsName': 'ec2-12-345-67-890.compute-1.amazonaws.com',
u'IpOwnerId': 'amazon'}}],
u'PrivateDnsName': 'ip-098-76-54-321.ec2.internal',
{u'Status': 'attached',
u'DeviceIndex': 0,
u'DeleteOnTermination': True,
u'AttachmentId': 'eni-attach-12345678',
u'AttachTime': datetime.datetime(2017, 10, 31, 12, 59, 25)},
u'Groups': [
{u'GroupName': 'default',
u'GroupId': 'sg-12345678'}],
u'Ipv6Addresses': [],
u'OwnerId': '123456789000',
u'PrivateIpAddress': '',
u'SubnetId': 'subnet-12345678',
{u'PublicIp': '12.345.67.890',
u'PublicDnsName': 'ec2-12-345-67-890.compute-1.amazonaws.com',
u'IpOwnerId': 'amazon'}}],
u'SourceDestCheck': True,
{u'Tenancy': 'default',
u'GroupName': '',
u'AvailabilityZone': 'us-east-1c'},
u'Hypervisor': 'xen',
u'BlockDeviceMappings': [
{u'DeviceName': '/dev/xvda',
{u'Status': 'attached',
u'DeleteOnTermination': True,
u'VolumeId': 'vol-01234567890000000',
u'AttachTime': datetime.datetime(2017, 10, 31, 12, 59, 26)}}],
u'Architecture': 'x86_64',
u'RootDeviceType': 'ebs',
u'RootDeviceName': '/dev/xvda',
u'VirtualizationType': 'hvm',
u'Tags': [{u'Value': 'test', u'Key': 'ansible'}, {u'Value': 'aws_ec2', u'Key': 'name'}],
u'AmiLaunchIndex': 0}],
u'ReservationId': 'r-01234567890000000',
u'Groups': [],
u'OwnerId': '123456789000'
def inventory():
return InventoryModule()
def test_compile_values(inventory):
found_value = instances['Instances'][0]
chain_of_keys = instance_data_filter_to_boto_attr['instance.group-id']
for attr in chain_of_keys:
found_value = inventory._compile_values(found_value, attr)
assert found_value == "sg-12345678"
def test_get_boto_attr_chain(inventory):
instance = instances['Instances'][0]
assert inventory._get_boto_attr_chain('network-interface.addresses.private-ip-address', instance) == ""
def test_boto3_conn(inventory):
inventory._options = {"boto_profile": "first_precedence",
"aws_access_key_id": "test_access_key",
"aws_secret_access_key": "test_secret_key",
"aws_security_token": "test_security_token"}
with pytest.raises(AnsibleError) as error_message:
for connection, region in inventory._boto3_conn(regions=['us-east-1']):
assert error_message == "Insufficient credentials found."
def test_get_hostname_default(inventory):
instance = instances['Instances'][0]
assert inventory._get_hostname(instance, hostnames=None) == "ec2-12-345-67-890.compute-1.amazonaws.com"
def test_get_hostname(inventory):
hostnames = ['ip-address', 'dns-name']
instance = instances['Instances'][0]
assert inventory._get_hostname(instance, hostnames) == "12.345.67.890"
def test_set_credentials(inventory):
inventory._options = {'aws_access_key_id': 'test_access_key',
'aws_secret_access_key': 'test_secret_key',
'aws_security_token': 'test_security_token',
'boto_profile': 'test_profile'}
assert inventory.boto_profile == "test_profile"
assert inventory.aws_access_key_id == "test_access_key"
assert inventory.aws_secret_access_key == "test_secret_key"
assert inventory.aws_security_token == "test_security_token"
def test_insufficient_credentials(inventory):
inventory._options = {
'aws_access_key_id': None,
'aws_secret_access_key': None,
'aws_security_token': None,
'boto_profile': None
with pytest.raises(AnsibleError) as error_message:
assert "Insufficient boto credentials found" in error_message
def test_validate_option(inventory):
assert ['us-east-1'] == inventory._validate_option('regions', list, 'us-east-1')
assert ['us-east-1'] == inventory._validate_option('regions', list, ['us-east-1'])
def test_illegal_option(inventory):
bad_filters = [{'tag:Environment': 'dev'}]
with pytest.raises(AnsibleParserError) as error_message:
inventory._validate_option('filters', dict, bad_filters)
assert "The option filters ([{'tag:Environment': 'dev'}]) must be a <class 'dict'>" == error_message
def test_empty_config_query_options(inventory):
regions, filters, hostnames, strict_permissions = inventory._get_query_options({})
assert regions == filters == hostnames == []
assert strict_permissions is True
def test_conig_query_options(inventory):
regions, filters, hostnames, strict_permissions = inventory._get_query_options(
{'regions': ['us-east-1', 'us-east-2'],
'filters': {'tag:Environment': ['dev', 'prod']},
'hostnames': 'ip-address',
'strict_permissions': False}
assert regions == ['us-east-1', 'us-east-2']
assert filters == [{'Name': 'tag:Environment', 'Values': ['dev', 'prod']}]
assert hostnames == ['ip-address']
assert strict_permissions is False
def test_verify_file_bad_config(inventory):
assert inventory.verify_file('not_aws_config.yml') is False