The test currently only expects the literal `ansible` followed by a semver in the first output line of `ansible --version`. When running from within a git checkout, additional information like the currently checkout branch are attached, which lets the test fail. This commit allows arbitrary information to follow the semver.
116 lines
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116 lines
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# Copyright: (c) 2018, Abhijeet Kasurde <>
# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
__metaclass__ = type
import pytest
import re
from ansible import context
from ansible.cli.adhoc import AdHocCLI, display
from ansible.errors import AnsibleOptionsError
def test_parse():
""" Test adhoc parse"""
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='A non-empty list for args is required'):
adhoc_cli = AdHocCLI([])
adhoc_cli = AdHocCLI(['ansibletest'])
with pytest.raises(SystemExit):
def test_with_command():
""" Test simple adhoc command"""
module_name = 'command'
adhoc_cli = AdHocCLI(args=['ansible', '-m', module_name, '-vv', 'localhost'])
assert context.CLIARGS['module_name'] == module_name
assert display.verbosity == 2
def test_simple_command():
""" Test valid command and its run"""
adhoc_cli = AdHocCLI(['/bin/ansible', '-m', 'command', 'localhost', '-a', 'echo "hi"'])
ret =
assert ret == 0
def test_no_argument():
""" Test no argument command"""
adhoc_cli = AdHocCLI(['/bin/ansible', '-m', 'command', 'localhost'])
with pytest.raises(AnsibleOptionsError) as exec_info:
assert 'No argument passed to command module' == str(exec_info.value)
def test_did_you_mean_playbook():
""" Test adhoc with yml file as argument parameter"""
adhoc_cli = AdHocCLI(['/bin/ansible', '-m', 'command', 'localhost.yml'])
with pytest.raises(AnsibleOptionsError) as exec_info:
assert 'No argument passed to command module (did you mean to run ansible-playbook?)' == str(exec_info.value)
def test_play_ds_positive():
""" Test _play_ds"""
adhoc_cli = AdHocCLI(args=['/bin/ansible', 'localhost', '-m', 'command'])
ret = adhoc_cli._play_ds('command', 10, 2)
assert ret['name'] == 'Ansible Ad-Hoc'
assert ret['tasks'] == [{'action': {'module': 'command', 'args': {}}, 'async_val': 10, 'poll': 2, 'timeout': 0}]
def test_play_ds_with_include_role():
""" Test include_role command with poll"""
adhoc_cli = AdHocCLI(args=['/bin/ansible', 'localhost', '-m', 'include_role'])
ret = adhoc_cli._play_ds('include_role', None, 2)
assert ret['name'] == 'Ansible Ad-Hoc'
assert ret['gather_facts'] == 'no'
def test_run_import_playbook():
""" Test import_playbook which is not allowed with ad-hoc command"""
import_playbook = 'import_playbook'
adhoc_cli = AdHocCLI(args=['/bin/ansible', '-m', import_playbook, 'localhost'])
with pytest.raises(AnsibleOptionsError) as exec_info:
assert context.CLIARGS['module_name'] == import_playbook
assert "'%s' is not a valid action for ad-hoc commands" % import_playbook == str(exec_info.value)
def test_run_no_extra_vars():
adhoc_cli = AdHocCLI(args=['/bin/ansible', 'localhost', '-e'])
with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as exec_info:
assert exec_info.value.code == 2
def test_ansible_version(capsys, mocker):
adhoc_cli = AdHocCLI(args=['/bin/ansible', '--version'])
with pytest.raises(SystemExit):
version = capsys.readouterr()
version_lines = version.out.splitlines()
except AttributeError:
# Python 2.6 does return a named tuple, so get the first item
version_lines = version[0].splitlines()
assert len(version_lines) == 9, 'Incorrect number of lines in "ansible --version" output'
assert re.match('ansible [0-9.a-z]+(?: .*)?$', version_lines[0]), 'Incorrect ansible version line in "ansible --version" output'
assert re.match(' config file = .*$', version_lines[1]), 'Incorrect config file line in "ansible --version" output'
assert re.match(' configured module search path = .*$', version_lines[2]), 'Incorrect module search path in "ansible --version" output'
assert re.match(' ansible python module location = .*$', version_lines[3]), 'Incorrect python module location in "ansible --version" output'
assert re.match(' ansible collection location = .*$', version_lines[4]), 'Incorrect collection location in "ansible --version" output'
assert re.match(' executable location = .*$', version_lines[5]), 'Incorrect executable locaction in "ansible --version" output'
assert re.match(' python version = .*$', version_lines[6]), 'Incorrect python version in "ansible --version" output'
assert re.match(' jinja version = .*$', version_lines[7]), 'Incorrect jinja version in "ansible --version" output'
assert re.match(' libyaml = .*$', version_lines[8]), 'Missing libyaml in "ansible --version" output'