* Relocate code to fix type dependencies. * Fix missing and unused imports. * Fix type hints. * Suppress PyCharm false positives. * Avoid shadowing `file` built-in. * Use json.JSONEncoder directly instead of super(). This matches the recommended usage and avoids a PyCharm warning. * Remove redundant regex escape. * Remove redundant find_python call. * Use tarfile.open directly. * Add changelog fragment.
279 lines
11 KiB
Executable file
279 lines
11 KiB
Executable file
#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Schema validation of ansible-core's ansible_builtin_runtime.yml and collection's meta/runtime.yml"""
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
__metaclass__ = type
import datetime
import os
import re
import sys
from distutils.version import StrictVersion, LooseVersion
from functools import partial
import yaml
from voluptuous import All, Any, MultipleInvalid, PREVENT_EXTRA
from voluptuous import Required, Schema, Invalid
from voluptuous.humanize import humanize_error
from ansible.module_utils.six import string_types
from ansible.utils.version import SemanticVersion
def isodate(value, check_deprecation_date=False, is_tombstone=False):
"""Validate a datetime.date or ISO 8601 date string."""
# datetime.date objects come from YAML dates, these are ok
if isinstance(value, datetime.date):
removal_date = value
# make sure we have a string
msg = 'Expected ISO 8601 date string (YYYY-MM-DD), or YAML date'
if not isinstance(value, string_types):
raise Invalid(msg)
# From Python 3.7 in, there is datetime.date.fromisoformat(). For older versions,
# we have to do things manually.
if not re.match('^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}$', value):
raise Invalid(msg)
removal_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(value, '%Y-%m-%d').date()
except ValueError:
raise Invalid(msg)
# Make sure date is correct
today = datetime.date.today()
if is_tombstone:
# For a tombstone, the removal date must be in the past
if today < removal_date:
raise Invalid(
'The tombstone removal_date (%s) must not be after today (%s)' % (removal_date, today))
# For a deprecation, the removal date must be in the future. Only test this if
# check_deprecation_date is truish, to avoid checks to suddenly start to fail.
if check_deprecation_date and today > removal_date:
raise Invalid(
'The deprecation removal_date (%s) must be after today (%s)' % (removal_date, today))
return value
def removal_version(value, is_ansible, current_version=None, is_tombstone=False):
"""Validate a removal version string."""
msg = (
'Removal version must be a string' if is_ansible else
'Removal version must be a semantic version (https://semver.org/)'
if not isinstance(value, string_types):
raise Invalid(msg)
if is_ansible:
version = StrictVersion()
version = LooseVersion(value) # We're storing Ansible's version as a LooseVersion
version = SemanticVersion()
if version.major != 0 and (version.minor != 0 or version.patch != 0):
raise Invalid('removal_version (%r) must be a major release, not a minor or patch release '
'(see specification at https://semver.org/)' % (value, ))
if current_version is not None:
if is_tombstone:
# For a tombstone, the removal version must not be in the future
if version > current_version:
raise Invalid('The tombstone removal_version (%r) must not be after the '
'current version (%s)' % (value, current_version))
# For a deprecation, the removal version must be in the future
if version <= current_version:
raise Invalid('The deprecation removal_version (%r) must be after the '
'current version (%s)' % (value, current_version))
except ValueError:
raise Invalid(msg)
return value
def any_value(value):
"""Accepts anything."""
return value
def get_ansible_version():
"""Return current ansible-core version"""
from ansible.release import __version__
return LooseVersion('.'.join(__version__.split('.')[:3]))
def get_collection_version():
"""Return current collection version, or None if it is not available"""
import importlib.util
collection_detail_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__))),
collection_detail_spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location('collection_detail', collection_detail_path)
collection_detail = importlib.util.module_from_spec(collection_detail_spec)
sys.modules['collection_detail'] = collection_detail
# noinspection PyBroadException
result = collection_detail.read_manifest_json('.') or collection_detail.read_galaxy_yml('.')
return SemanticVersion(result['version'])
except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except
# We do not care why it fails, in case we cannot get the version
# just return None to indicate "we don't know".
return None
def validate_metadata_file(path, is_ansible, check_deprecation_dates=False):
"""Validate explicit runtime metadata file"""
with open(path, 'r') as f_path:
routing = yaml.safe_load(f_path)
except yaml.error.MarkedYAMLError as ex:
print('%s:%d:%d: YAML load failed: %s' % (path, ex.context_mark.line +
1, ex.context_mark.column + 1, re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', str(ex))))
except Exception as ex: # pylint: disable=broad-except
print('%s:%d:%d: YAML load failed: %s' %
(path, 0, 0, re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', str(ex))))
if is_ansible:
current_version = get_ansible_version()
current_version = get_collection_version()
# Updates to schema MUST also be reflected in the documentation
# ~https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/devel/dev_guide/developing_collections.html
# plugin_routing schema
avoid_additional_data = Schema(
Required('removal_version'): any_value,
'warning_text': any_value,
Required('removal_date'): any_value,
'warning_text': any_value,
deprecation_schema = All(
# The first schema validates the input, and the second makes sure no extra keys are specified
'removal_version': partial(removal_version, is_ansible=is_ansible,
'removal_date': partial(isodate, check_deprecation_date=check_deprecation_dates),
'warning_text': Any(*string_types),
tombstoning_schema = All(
# The first schema validates the input, and the second makes sure no extra keys are specified
'removal_version': partial(removal_version, is_ansible=is_ansible,
current_version=current_version, is_tombstone=True),
'removal_date': partial(isodate, is_tombstone=True),
'warning_text': Any(*string_types),
plugin_routing_schema = Any(
('deprecation'): Any(deprecation_schema),
('tombstone'): Any(tombstoning_schema),
('redirect'): Any(*string_types),
}, extra=PREVENT_EXTRA),
list_dict_plugin_routing_schema = [{str_type: plugin_routing_schema}
for str_type in string_types]
plugin_schema = Schema({
('action'): Any(None, *list_dict_plugin_routing_schema),
('become'): Any(None, *list_dict_plugin_routing_schema),
('cache'): Any(None, *list_dict_plugin_routing_schema),
('callback'): Any(None, *list_dict_plugin_routing_schema),
('cliconf'): Any(None, *list_dict_plugin_routing_schema),
('connection'): Any(None, *list_dict_plugin_routing_schema),
('doc_fragments'): Any(None, *list_dict_plugin_routing_schema),
('filter'): Any(None, *list_dict_plugin_routing_schema),
('httpapi'): Any(None, *list_dict_plugin_routing_schema),
('inventory'): Any(None, *list_dict_plugin_routing_schema),
('lookup'): Any(None, *list_dict_plugin_routing_schema),
('module_utils'): Any(None, *list_dict_plugin_routing_schema),
('modules'): Any(None, *list_dict_plugin_routing_schema),
('netconf'): Any(None, *list_dict_plugin_routing_schema),
('shell'): Any(None, *list_dict_plugin_routing_schema),
('strategy'): Any(None, *list_dict_plugin_routing_schema),
('terminal'): Any(None, *list_dict_plugin_routing_schema),
('test'): Any(None, *list_dict_plugin_routing_schema),
('vars'): Any(None, *list_dict_plugin_routing_schema),
# import_redirection schema
import_redirection_schema = Any(
('redirect'): Any(*string_types),
# import_redirect doesn't currently support deprecation
list_dict_import_redirection_schema = [{str_type: import_redirection_schema}
for str_type in string_types]
# top level schema
schema = Schema({
# All of these are optional
('plugin_routing'): Any(plugin_schema),
('import_redirection'): Any(None, *list_dict_import_redirection_schema),
# requires_ansible: In the future we should validate this with SpecifierSet
('requires_ansible'): Any(*string_types),
('action_groups'): dict,
# Ensure schema is valid
except MultipleInvalid as ex:
for error in ex.errors:
# No way to get line/column numbers
print('%s:%d:%d: %s' % (path, 0, 0, humanize_error(routing, error)))
def main():
"""Validate runtime metadata"""
paths = sys.argv[1:] or sys.stdin.read().splitlines()
collection_legacy_file = 'meta/routing.yml'
collection_runtime_file = 'meta/runtime.yml'
# This is currently disabled, because if it is enabled this test can start failing
# at a random date. For this to be properly activated, we (a) need to be able to return
# codes for this test, and (b) make this error optional.
check_deprecation_dates = False
for path in paths:
if path == collection_legacy_file:
print('%s:%d:%d: %s' % (path, 0, 0, ("Should be called '%s'" % collection_runtime_file)))
is_ansible=path not in (collection_legacy_file, collection_runtime_file),
if __name__ == '__main__':